Week 5: Tech Edge Podcasts
EDCI318 Tech for Teaching & Learning-Spring 2018
Tech EDGE episodes on Youtube, Media Hub, iTunes U, Google+ & website.
Checklist of Requirements for your Tech Edge App review/reflection
- Requirements:
- Add a subpage under Reviews, like you did last week with your Lesrning form Educators page.
- Refer to the tutorials videos from previous week' if you need help/tutorials https://www.smore.com/v9aez
- Title the subpage- TechEdge .
- There will be an assignment spot in Canvas for you to add the URL of your subpage review/reflection.
- Choose episodes that interest you. Out of 300+ episodes, I am confident there are plenty that should be of interest to you, no matter what you plan to teach.
- Watch the complete episode(s).
- Choose at least Two (2) apps discussed that interest you and that you could use in your own classroom or as a teacher.
- Download and install the two (2) apps and teach yourself how to use them and figure out how they would be useful in your classroom
- Write your review about the Tech Edge Podcast(s) you watched and also the two (2) apps you explored deeply.
- You cannot write about something you have not actually used!! SO try the app, play with it, teach it to yourself. Assume you need to teach your students to use the app (both of them).
- Include the Youtube video for the Tech Edge Podcasts on your page. Use the Youtube tool in Weebly to add the actual episode you watched like you did last week for your iMovie trailer, page 20 of the Weebly tutorial.
- Include a cropped icon for each of the apps you are discussing as well as links to those apps. Most of the app icons can be found in google images or your can screenshot it and edit/crop in Photos on your iPad.
- Include an App description: what is the app for and what does it do.
- Include the Application in education details.....how you think each app could be used in the classroom (specifically your classroom).
- What are the strengths and limitations of the App, discuss what you think they are. Be specific an detailed, etc?
- Headline/title of the post the Post: Tech EDGE: Mobile Learning in the Classroom Podcasts
- Submit the Published Weebly URL for your sub-page under Reviews in Canvas.
- Your review/reflection page must include your own social media icons (and they must be active and work), add them like we did the last several weeks.
- TWEET your review and include the hashtag #edci318 and the #techedge
Check out some examples from past semesters before beginning
Grading Breakdown Checklist
Grading Breakdown
- 10 points- general review for Tech EDGE Mobile Learning in the Classroom Podcasts in general. This is a general review of the Podcasts Catalog overall. What did you discover while searching for the episodes you are reviewing.
- 10 points- for the including each podcast that you used so it plays on your page. Use the YOUTUBE URL tool in Weebly. Same process as adding your iMovie video last week.
- 10 points- for 1st app review, that includes the App icon, link to the app in the iTunes store details about the app, what it does and at least one idea about how you could use in your classroom.
- 10 Points-for 2nd app review, that includes the App icon, link to the app in the iTunes store details about the app, what it does and at least one idea about how you could use in your classroom
- 10 Points for tweeting this post with both hashtags #edci318 & #unltechedge
Make sure you have done everything so that you receive ALL the points.
Cyndi Kuhn
College of Education
Kansas State University
paper.li: iPads in the Classroom
Email: ded318@gmail.com
Website: cyndikuhn.info
Location: Gardner, KS, United States
Twitter: @cyndidannerkuhn