After analyzing enrollment data, transportation information, and community feedback since beginning work in October 2022, the Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC) is making its recommendation to the Stanwood-Camano School Board to balance the uneven enrollment in our five elementary schools.
The committee — made up of a mix of community members and staff — is recommending the School Board adopt this Final Map. Only a few, small parcel-line adjustments were made from the most recent Draft Map after district staff analyzed exactly where the proposed new elementary boundaries overlapped property lines across the 103-square-mile school district.
The goal has always been to balance enrollment as best as possible to provide students with equitable access to resources — all while addressing as many needs as possible from our growing community. You can read about the process, see data and graphics, and find previous CFAC communications to the community HERE.
These recommended boundary changes will impact about 350 of our 2,025 elementary school students. So, why is it important enough to change where some children go to school? Simply put: Balanced is better.
It would allow all students in our district more equitable access to instruction and support
Common areas — lunchrooms, playgrounds, gyms — are less crowded, easier to access and safer to monitor
At overcrowded schools, the wear and tear on buildings is accelerated and cost more in repairs
Our district promise states, “Every student in the Stanwood-Camano School District is empowered to learn in an inclusive setting and is prepared for the future of their choice.” And every student is best served in classroom environments that are not overcrowded, common spaces that are easily accessible for all students, and resources that are equitably available to every student at every school.
As noted in previous CFAC communications, our middle schools and the high schools are not estimated to reach capacity — only the three elementary schools in the city of Stanwood are projected to reach or exceed capacity without adjusting boundaries.
Enrollment at our middle schools is currently balanced. If the middle school boundaries were shifted to match the proposed elementary school map, our middle school enrollment would become unbalanced. Because of this, CFAC did not make a recommendation to change middle school attendance areas.
The recommendation now goes to the Stanwood-Camano School Board, which is scheduled to discuss the proposal during its next regular meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 21.
Families requesting to transfer their elementary student or students to a different school can complete and submit the In-District Transfer forms on our Student Registration webpage beginning May 1. Families will typically receive a response accepting or denying the request within 10 school days until June 30. Families submitting requests after June 30 will be notified by August 10.