Week 5 Term 2 Panui
Wednesday - 24th May 2023
Contact Us
Email: office@witherlea.school.nz
Website: https://witherlea.school.nz
Location: 214-216 Weld Street, Witherlea, Blenheim 7201, New Zealand
Phone: 64 (03) 578 5568
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/witherleablenheim
Principal Message
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa. Greetings to you all.
A special welcome to our new teacher, Courtney Haley-Stewart who joins the team this week working in Room 5 - it's great to have you onboard! After weeks of preparations, Naomi Anderson is performing in Priscilla at the ASB Theatre this week - I know the staff are looking forward to getting along and supporting you!
We have had a spike in sickness in the school over the last week, and thanks to your diligence keeping children home, this seems to be settling down.
Coming up, the Fundamentals Programme enters its last week with the Pukeko’s and Rooms 4 and 5 scheduled for their four sessions starting on Monday. This has been an exceptionally well run programme which the students seem to have both enjoyed and got a lot out of in terms of skills. A massive thank you to the programme staff at the Stadium and to Dan and Amber for their coordination of the logistics for 17 classrooms. Feedback from the stadium staff has affirmed our students have displayed exemplary behaviour and manners during these sessions - well done Witherlea!
On Thursday 8 June we have our Years 3-6 Swimming Sports booked at the stadium and welcome spectators to come along and support students. We are encouraging all students to enter two events. Events will be run as timed finals (no heats) with certificates presented to place getters at the week 8 assembly. An overview of the programme with times is detailed below.
Kowhai Team - Year 3-4
Depart school by bus at 10.30am
11.00-12.30 Event Programme Order
- 1 width run (mixed)
- 1 width kick (mixed)
- 1 width freestyle (Y3 boys)
- 1 width freestyle (Y3 girls)
- 1 width freestyle (Y4 boys)
- 1 width freestyle (Y4 girls)
- 1 width backstroke (Y3 boys)
- 1 width backstroke (Y3 girls)
- 1 width backstroke (Y4 boys)
- 1 width backstroke (Y4 girls)
- 2 widths freestyle (Y3 boys)
- 2 widths freestyle (Y3 girls)
- 2 widths freestyle (Y4 boys)
- 2 widths freestyle (Y4 girls)
- Class Relays (8 x 1 width freestyle)
Depart stadium by bus at 12.45pm
Kauri Team - Year 5-6
Depart school by bus at 12.00pm
1.00-2.30pm Event Programme Order
1 width kick (mixed)
1 width freestyle (mixed)
25m freestyle (Y5 girls)
25m freestyle (Y5 boys)
25m freestyle (Y6 girls)
25m freestyle (Y6 boys)
25m backstroke (Y5 girls)
25m backstroke (Y5 boys)
25m backstroke (Y6 girls)
25m backstroke (Y6 boys)
25m breaststroke (Y5 girls)
25m breaststroke (Y5 boys)
25m breaststroke (Y6 girls)
25m breaststroke (Y6 boys)
Class Relays (8 x 1 width freestyle)
Depart stadium by bus at 2.45pm
All classes are starting their cross country training this week in preparation for the School Cross Country on Tuesday 20 June. For new parents to Witherlea, the course starts on the school playing field and extends out into Harling Park and the Wither Hills Farm Park for the senior course. We have booked the coffee cart and the Friends of Witherlea will provide some sustenance, so mark this one in your calendars! Programme details contained in the table below.
The student council has been leading an engagement process over the last couple of weeks with their classes to inform planning for the use of community raised funds for 2022/23. The board has a meeting on Monday to discuss this matter to ensure we have an agreed goal in mind for the proceeds of the Grocery Grab raffle scheduled for next term.
Please be aware, if using the grounds out of hours, that the slide and slide tower in the senior playground has been closed for repairs.
May we continue to enjoy this stunning autumn weather!
Ngā manaakitanaga
Symon Beattie
Welcome to Witherlea School
We wish to welcome these new students and their families and whānau to our school and community;
Hazel K, Trixie O, Andres S
Welcome to School Certificates are given out at our assembly on a Monday morning at 9am.
Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Fair Shoutouts
Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Fair Shoutouts
Congratulations to these students who have displayed one or all of our school behaviour expectations and are a model to others;
Harrison G - For always being kind to others. Harrison, you are caring and thoughtful and include others. I just love having you in the Pukeko Room.
Quinn L - For being an incredible role model to your classmates. You live and breathe our school motto!
Bailey B - For your outstanding kindness. You have reached out to new students in our class to make sure they feel welcome. Your attitude is admirable. Ka pai!
Harriet M - the way you live and breathe our school motto. You consistently make everyone feel welcome and included, you stand up for others and make our class a fun and happy place to be. What a super leader you are!
Joy X - being a respectful and reflective leader at Witherla. Your strong sense of determination and your quiet humility help to drive others and yourself to achieve, It is a pleasure to see you start to express your cultural identity and incorporate it into your learning.
Indy M - For always being a kind and helpful friend. You are always so positive in class and try your hardest on all activities. Keep up the great attitude Indy.
The awards are for recognition in displaying and modelling our school motto and values; Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Fair.
Parent Help Needed
Upcoming Important Dates
5th of June - Kings Birthday - School Closed
7th of June - Hot Dog Lunch
8th Of June - Year 3-6 Swimming Sports Stadium 2000
16th of June - Non uniform day (Westpac Helicopter)
23rd June - Reports go home
28th June - Matariki Hikoi and Hui29th June - Matariki Hikoi and Hui - Postponement
Are you and your whānau protected from measles?
Are you and your whānau protected from measles?
With people travelling overseas again, there’s a risk that someone with measles could unknowingly bring the disease back to Aotearoa.
Measles spreads easily and quickly, usually between people who are unimmunised or only partially immunised. It can be serious and life threatening. In the 2019 measles outbreak in Aotearoa more than 30% of the people infected had to be admitted to hospital.
The best protection against measles is the free MMR vaccine. It will protect you and your whānau, and prevent the virus from spreading.
You will be protected against measles if you:
• had 2 doses of the MMR vaccine
• had measles before
• were born before 1 Jan 1969.
If you’re unsure if you or your tamariki have had any or both doses of the MMR vaccine, check by calling your GP or hauora provider. Alternatively, check your Plunket Well Child Tamariki Ora book. If you’re still not sure, be safe and get immunised – there are no safety concerns with having an extra dose. MMR vaccines are free at your local health provider and many pharmacies.
As measles still occurs in many countries, if you’re travelling overseas these holidays it’s especially important to be immunised to prevent the risk of being unknowingly infected and causing an outbreak in Aotearoa on your return.
More information about the measles vaccination can be found here: