RPI Pulse Newsletter
September 19, 2021
A note from the principal's desk...
I hope that you had a great weekend and were able to enjoy some of this great weather! While many of us are excited for the fall temperatures that are quickly approaching, and all that comes with that, I know my family and I loved soaking up these last couple "summer-like" days!
We have been getting several requests for students to walk to the high school instead of riding the bus. We cannot allow this due to the large safety concern this creates. We need to ensure that kids are safe and supervised, so we will not be allowing students to walk to the high school. If this is new information to you, please know that we deal with this every year and it takes SEVERAL reminders to our kids. While I understand the desire, the safety issue this creates is worrisome!
Picture day was a big success! If your student was absent, please know that we are working to schedule a "make-up" day in the near future!
Please reach out if you have any questions!
Have a great week!
Yours in Rocket Pride,
Scott Panozzo, Principal
The Positivity Project
This week's character strength: Teamwork
This video, while poor in quality, has great content. The first part of this summarizes much of what kids at the intermediate often struggle with. Give it a watch...pretty powerful!
P2 for Families: Take a look at the P2 for Families Section of their website. https://posproject.org/p2-for-families/6-8/curiosity/Password: P2 (must be capital)
After School Programs Return!!!
Endurance Adventure: Mondays - Pick up 3:45
Yoga: Wednesdays - Pick up 3:45
We also have some counseling brochures by the front door in the main office. More descriptions are included!
Please contact Mrs. Peel (our school counselor) for more information: peelk@reeths-puffer.org
- Fill out your Free/Reduced Application. CLICK HERE. Even if you think you don't qualify, the rules have changed and other IMPORTANT school programs are based off of this information. Thanks for doing this!
- Aug/September Menu
A La Carte Snacks at Lunch
School Calendar
Reeths-Puffer Intermediate
Website: www.reeths-puffer.org
Location: 1500 North Getty Street, Muskegon, MI, USA
Phone: 2317449280
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Reeths-Puffer-Intermediate-863900696970981/
Twitter: @scottpanozzo