Marysville Message
May 19th, 2023
Dear Marysville Families,
Happy cooler Friday!
We have less than a month left in the school year. Please check the lost and found for the many items left behind by students. Encourage them to start bringing belongings home so that there is not so much left at the end of the school year.
We do have a lot of fun and learning left in these last few weeks. Below is the upcoming events.
5/23 - 5/24 5th Grade Science State Testing (OSAS)
5/26 Marysville Talent Show (K-2)1:30 - 2:00 pm (3-5)2:15 - 2:45 pm
- Please continue to practice your performances and keep them under 2 minutes. We can't wait to celebrate your talents next Friday.
5/26 Last day of Spring SUN After School classes
5/29 No School - Memorial Day
6/1 Marysville Spring Concert 5:30 pm
6/2 Pride Month Assembly and Pride Parade 2pm-2:45pm
6/2 Popcorn Friday after school
6/6 Volunteer Appreciation Celebration 9:00-10:00 am Marysville Library
6/8 Safety Patrol celebration - Oaks Park 9:00 am- 1:30 pm
6/9 Kinder Teddy Bear Picnic 11:55 am - 12:30 pm
6/9 5th grade dance - 2:00 - 3:00pm
6/13 Field Day 9:00 - 3:00 pm
6/13 5th grade Promotion 4:00 - 5:00 pm Drive/walk thru
6/14 Last Day of School - Pawsitive Ticket reward celebration
Unfortunately, we have had some personal items taken recently from student desks and lockers in the third, fourth and fifth grade classrooms. Please do not allow students to bring anything valuable or precious to them to school, especially toys and electronics. Our lockers do not have locks. If something does come to school, we can keep it locked for safety in the office until the end of the day.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Health Related information
Thanks everyone for hanging in there with us during the hot weather this week. I'm glad that the forecast is for cooler weather next week. We will continue to keep an eye on classroom temperatures and do whatever we can to help students feel cooler and stay hydrated.
Please encourage students to dress lightly and bring labeled water bottles on hot days.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we approach the end of the school year, I wanted to remind you that if you have a student that has medication in the health room, it needs to be picked up by the last day of school. All medication that is not picked up by the last day of school will be disposed of.
Please reference the attached document and let me or SHA Vicky Genge know if you have any questions.
Erika Wallin RN (
Playground Upgrade
The new ADA accessible playground equipment is finally being installed. We are very excited and appreciative to have these improved play areas. They will have soft, permeable flooring instead of bark chips and more interactive, imaginative play opportunities for the students. Much of the equipment makes noise or has color display options. There will also be multiple spinner equipment for students to enjoy. Please see the pictures below showing what the completed playground will include.
The construction zone provides some interesting learning opportunities as well as some logistical challenges. While many people are interested about what is happening, we need to ensure that only school staff are on the playground during the school day. Please do not enter the playground until 2:55 pm and then please wait under the covered areas for student pick up. Student safety is our number one priority.
AAAH is partnering with PCEF this summer for Cooling Portland: A Climate Resilience Program. This program seeks to provide free, life-saving, and efficient portable heat pump/cooling equipment to Portland’s low-income residents, prioritizing those most vulnerable to the impacts of extreme heat. Distribution is prioritized to assist our most at-risk neighbors. Vulnerable populations are defined by the program as people with low incomes and who also have two or more of the following risk factors:
- Are over 60 years of age.
- Have medical conditions that increase risk of heat-related illness.
- Are living alone.
Sign up here :
Franklin Community Violence Prevention & Summer Safety Forum -
On Tuesday, May 23 Franklin HS and the Franklin PTSA will host a Community Violence Prevention & Summer Safety Forum.
This will be a panel style forum with representatives from Portland Police Bureau, Office of Violence and Prevention, Portland Park and Recreation, Tri-Met, PPS Youth Violence Prevention Team, PPS Security Services and PPS Emergency Management.
Each panelist will provide a short overview of the work they are doing to respond to and prevent gun violence and improve school/community safety and summer safety tips and resources. Time will be allowed near the end for curated questions from the audience. There will not be an open Q&A.
Franklin HS-Community Violence Prevention & Summer Safety Forum
Date: Tuesday, May 23rd
Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Location: Franklin Library
*Interpretation language assistance for Spanish and Vietnamese
You’re invited to
Sat. June 10
1:00-3:00 pm
McDaniel High School Softball Complex
A day to celebrate Portland’s Softball Community
Brought to you by: FRIENDS OF BASEBALL
Sponsored by: MARINERS ON BASE 365
Whether you're new to the game or an experienced ballplayer,
IT’S TIME to take the field and PLAY SOFTBALL!
For youth ages 5 -13 yrs
No experience necessary, all equipment will be provided
NO COST - free to all participants
Softball Skills Stations for beginning and intermediate players
VIP Guest, LAUREN CHAMBERLAIN, MLB Softball Ambassador and Women's Professional Fastpitch Commissioner
Ballpark Hot Dog Meal for all participants
Cool Giveaways - Bat & Softball Set, PLAYBALL T-shirt, and NIKE swag for all youth
Face Painting by Mystique’s Fancy Faces
Interactive History Lesson, “The Women of Negro Leagues Baseball” presented by Nikki Brown Clown