Henry Hawk News
Week of August 31, 2020: One Week Before School Begins!
This week is very important for all of us. Teachers will be planning all week for our remote learning this quarter and as parents, you are supporting your child by providing a space for their learning, making sure they have the technology, and reaching out to us when you need support. Nothing can replace real-time in class teaching and learning, but by working together we can optimize remote learning. We are here to support the implementation of a balanced remote learning experience for our students with an emphasis on the social and emotional learning with high quality academics.
Henry Hawk News, you will find updates that will help support the opening of the school year. Be sure to check out the supports/events this week.
Please reach out to us if you have any questions or comments.
Stay Well,
Principal Gutierrez
Patrick Henry Talent Show
Thursday, Sep 3, 2020, 04:30 PM
Google Meet: meet.google.com/qhq-arvq-rke
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
IMPORTANT: Family Supply Pickup/Schedule Distribution/Tech Support
1st Grade Meet and Greet/Supply Pickup
Ms. Morales (113), Ms. Prasko (114), and Ms. Rodriguez (111) are excited to meet all of you!
Nuestros maestros de 1er grado llevarán a cabo un Meet and Greet el jueves 3 de septiembre afuera en el césped de 11 am a 12 pm. Se requiere distanciamiento social y máscara.
La Sra. Morales (113), la Sra. Prasko (114) y la Sra. Rodríguez (111) están emocionadas de conocerlos a todos.
Thursday, Sep 3, 2020, 11:00 AM
Patrick Henry Public School, North Saint Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
2nd - 8th Grades Instructional Supply Pickup
Outside by the Turf
Friday, September 4th families will be able to pick up instructional supplies and schedules. Times listed below. Social distancing and a mask is required.
○ Students with last name A-H: 10:00 am - 11:30 am
○ Students with last name I-R: 11:30 am-1:00 pm
○ Students with last name S-Z : 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Afuera por el césped
El viernes 4 de septiembre, las familias podrán recoger los útiles y horarios de instrucción. Horarios enumerados a continuación. Se requiere distanciamiento social y máscara.
○ Estudiantes con apellido A-H: 10:00 am - 11:30 am
○ Estudiantes con apellido I-R: 11:30 am-1: 00 pm
○ Estudiantes con apellido S-Z: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Friday, Sep 4, 2020, 10:00 AM
Patrick Henry Public School, North Saint Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Parent Workshop: Google Meet and Google Classroom Test Run
When? Thursday, September 3rd at 8:30 am or Friday September 4th at 2:30 pm
Student CPS Emails
Student Email Accounts Grades 2-8
Students in Grades 2-8 will need to reset their email accounts.
When logging in to their CPS email, please use the following password for your student account: Henry123. This will prompt you to change your password.
Students will then need to create a new password for their account where it says "Click Here". Passwords must have the following: 8 characters, at least 1 capital letter, and at least 1 number.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Reynolds at the school from 9-1, or email Ms. Reynolds at mamunozmaciel@cps.edu.
We can manually reset the password to what the student would like to use if you are having difficulty.
Links below also provide step-by-step guides in how to create your child's CPS Account.
Student Email Accounts: Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st Grade
Kindergarten and 1st Grade:
During Technology Distribution this week, parents of Kindergarten and 1st Grade students will receive their child's CPS email account, password, and a Badge/QR code that can be used to access their child's CPS email account.Links below also provide step-by-step guides in how to create your child's CPS Account.
Accounts have not been created yet until registration is complete. Once accounts are created, we will reach out to families.
Preschool Registration is Still Open!
Patrick Henry School
Mr. Gutierrez, Ms. Reynolds, and Mrs. Abraham
Website: patrickhenryes.cps.edu
Location: 4250 N St Louis Ave, Chicago, IL, USA
Phone: 773-534-5060
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PatrickHenryHawks/
Twitter: @PatrickHenrySc1