22-23 SMHS Cheer Weekly Preview
Last Month in the Knight's Realm
MONDAY 08/15/2022
- V-Squad PRACTICE 9:00AM-11:00AM
TUESDAY 08/16/2022
WEDNESDAY 08/17/2022
THURSDAY 08/18/2022
FRIDAY 08/19/2022
- JV AWAY GAME vs. RBHS 4:30PM-Bus transport @2PM
- V AWAY GAME vs. RBHS 7:00PM-Bus transport @2PM
Coach VanDeusen out of town....Coach Heather and Coach Armando will travel with the teams on bus. Freshman cheer is also invited to attend the away game on bus.
Please Venmo @victoria-hawkins-8 for your tickets ASAP
Note: An email was sent with how much you should pay per ticket.
Team Pictures 08/27
Here's the link with all the info and signups for this years individual and team photos
Click link and schedule your individual today!! Pictures are 8/27/22 at Cardiff State Beach!
Join the Band!!
JOIN ASAP!! No more REMIND after 08/15
JOIN ASAP!! No more REMIND after 08/15
JOIN ASAP!! No more REMIND after 08/15
MANDATORY!!! Parents Needed!!!
Spirit Wear Purchasing
Did you miss our Gear Knight back in May? It's not too late to order some SMHS spirit wear before football starts next week!!! Sizes S to XXL! Order yours today before we sell them all!!!
Email: andrea.vandeusen@smusd.org
Website: smhscheer.com
Location: 1615 West San Marcos Boulevard, San Marcos, CA, USA
Phone: (760) 705-4629
The month of August is dominated by the zodiac sign, Leo, with the last few days falling under Virgo. People born between July 23 and August 21 are considered Leos, whereas, those whose birthdays fall between August 19 and 23 are said to be born on the Leo-Virgo cusp. People born under these two astrological categories differ from each other to a certain degree. A Leo possesses a positive outlook towards life and is very enthusiastic and is full of life. He/she is proud and determined and is also a great achiever who sets examples for others. Leos are genuine friends and are extremely loyal in their relationships. Leos are born leaders and whether consciously or unconsciously, they like to rule. They are brave and fearless when it comes to confrontation and are natural leaders. They take pride in themselves and possess an extreme sense of supremacy, just like the Lion itself.
Bella P. 08/02
Brie G. 08/03
Brooklyn L. 08/15
Molly M. 08/20
Competition Team Tryouts!!
PLEASE VISIT www.smhscheer.com under TRYOUTS tab for more information!!
THE following is in affect and will be strictly enforced
If you leave practice early: You will sit out for the same amount of time you leave early and collectively this can add up over time.
If one practice is missed= Verbal explanation of violation, warning against future consequence and cheerleader will show up at the next scheduled game in full uniform and sit out a portion of a game with her/his coach. However long will be up to discretion from the coach.
If two practices are missed= Verbal explanation of violation, warning against future consequence and cheerleader will show up at the next scheduled game in full uniform and will sit out the entire game and meet with the athlete and parent to discuss disciplinary action, probation, and action plan.
Continuous absences will result in removal from the program. Please do not commit to our team if you can not attend practice regularly
SMHS CHEER SPOTLIGHT: Alina Quiroz-Varsity
Alina is a sophomore member of the varsity cheer team and this will be her second year in the SMHS cheer program. Here are some interesting things to know about our girl Alina:
Favorite color: White
Favorite food: Pasta
Hobbies: Cheer and Runnin
Favorite sport(s): Basketball
Someone I look up to is my parents the most because they are very hardworking and always put others before themselves.
Accolades/Awards: I have gotten Youth of the Year for the Boys and Girls Club.
When I grow up I want to be a Criminal Profiler.
Two words that describe you: Energetic and Caring
Maliya is a freshman member of the junior varsity cheer team and this will be her first year in the SMHS cheer program. Here are some interesting things to know about our girl Maliya:
Favorite color: Light Pink
Favorite food: Soup
Hobbies: Cheer and Dance
Favorite sport(s): Cheer
Who is someone you look up to most? I look up to my mom because she is always staying calm in difficult situations.
When I grow up I would like to be a Professional Cheerleader and Coach.
Accolades/Awards: Multiple Cheer Awards
Two words that describe you: Athletic and Hardworking
Kylie is a member of the freshman cheer team and this will be her first year in the SMHS cheer program. Here are some interesting things to know about our girl Kylie:
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite food: Pasta
Hobbies: Going to the Beach
Favorite sport(s): Cheer
Who is someone you look up to most? I look up to my mom most because she has always been there for me.
When I grow up I would like to be a Behavioral Analyst
Two words that describe you: Social and Optimistic
Meet Coach Heather-finally:)
Coach Heather’s love for cheer began at a young age as a gymnast at SCEGA in Temecula California. She began her career in cheer as a Pop Warner cheerleader and this passion carried on to Murrieta Valley High School.
After high school Coach Heather continued cheering at the collegiate level as a walk-on for The University of Oklahoma’s all-girl team and later at Palomar College. She worked for JAMZ in college instructing at summer camps and competitions.
Heather returned to San Diego and began working as a Behavioral Therapist in the Carlsbad School District. She advised and coached the Carlsbad High School cheer team and realized her true passion for coaching and working with young adult athletes.
Coach Heather is currently working as a Corporate Event Planner and is very excited for a fun and dynamic season with SMHS cheer.
For our seniors out there, you know that this last year of high school is an emotional roller coaster. It’s your year to celebrate accomplishments, get excited about the next chapter and cherish all of those “last firsts” – the last first day of high school, the last first football game of the year, the last first full-out of the season. It all seems to build to that final performance on the mat. But whether it’s a local competition, your first-last pep rally or the CIF High School Cheerleading Championship, it doesn’t end there. Everything you do to prepare for that last performance is also preparing you for life outside of the gym, in the real world.
Cheerleaders are the embodiment of devotion. You make a year-round commitment to your squad through countless hours of practice, Friday night lights, basketball games and weekends dedicated to competition. You understand the value of commitment, and this gives you confidence in making decisions and following through with promises. Seniors, this will help you tremendously when deciding which college to attend and classes to register for.
Cheerleaders are the ultimate jugglers, and seniors are the experts. Between schoolwork, practices, game day, competition, applying to colleges and more, you’ve got time management down to a science. College can be a difficult adjustment for individuals who haven’t had much experience balancing schedules and priorities, but you’ve been practicing for years! When it comes time for midterms, papers, job applications and, of course, a social life, your schedule is going to be mastered from all corners.
Cheerleaders are the ideal employee. Full of spirit, drive, optimism and the ability to work well with others, a group of cheerleaders runs like a well-oiled machine. The collaboration of individual strength, stunt group chemistry and movement on the mat is unrivaled. You appreciate what each person brings to the table and respect differing personalities. You know how to hype each other up, communicate during stunts and work through adversity together. These are the same skills that will make you an excellent candidate for future job and internship opportunities.
Cheerleaders strive for victory on the mat, but their main role is to support the success of someone else. How many other athletes can say that? You lead the crowd on game day to rally your school’s athletic teams and celebrate when they win just like it’s your own! You’ve seen value in sportsmanship, whether you’ve earned the title of champion or finished as a close second. Sportsmanship, humility, gratitude – when practiced, they become part of who you are. There will be many victories in life worth celebrating, as well as outcomes that are disappointing. You have a choice in how the world sees you react, and your coaches have spent years preparing you for these moments.
Seniors, everything you’ve done up to this point and everything you are about to do is readying you to go out strong in your final performance and also preparing you for what’s next. Don’t grab that box of tissues just yet – the BEST is yet to come!
Hey There Knight Cheer Fam!
We are just 2 days away from Back 2 School!! PLEASE check the calendar and notice the change in practice schedule! We have transitioned to evening practices on M, W, and Games on Thursday and Friday!
Competition Cheer Team Tryouts are here!! 08/29 will be the informative parent/athlete meeting, 08/30 will be the tryout clinic and then final tryout will be on 09/02. Please see the above flyer for more information.
As we begin the school year it is important for our athletes to understand that I am a teacher on campus as well as the coach. Your teachers will not hesitate to reach out to me if you are not following the Knights Accountability Act or following the SMHS school rules. Because you are an SMHS cheerleader, you are held to a higher standard and should act as such. Please be aware of your surroundings, behavior, social media interactions, and choices you make when on campus and out in the community. Also, please feel free to reach out to me if you are in need during the school day! I am happy to help in any way that I can. My schedule is as follows: period 1-3 I am in room 393 with Mr. Cabrera and in room 364 during 4th period. My off periods are during 5th and 6th period. My prep periods are the best times to meet with me if needed. The SMHS Cheer Coaching Staff and I are psyched to start football season and start prepping for competition with our comp teams!! Please remember that dedication to the program is key and the only way that we will all succeed! Attendance at all practices, events, and performances is MANDATORY. If you are a "no call"/"no show" at any scheduled practice/event, you are subject to being removed from any upcoming event and being placed on a behavior/attendance contract. Telling a teammate to tell the coach is NOT acceptable. Please re-read your Knights Accountability Contract for a refresher on proper protocols and potential consequences. Please pay close attention to the areas highlighted in red.
I would like to express my appreciation to all of the parents who have reached out to volunteer their time to the program thus far! Parent involvement and support is detrimental to the overall success of any program. If you would like to help out, please reach out to the following team liaisons:
- Shannon Zappala and Stacey Hansen(V)
shannon@goverre.com, staceybhansen@gmail.com
- Jessica Walke and Darlene Maza(JV)
jesswalke7@gmail.com, darlenemaza@yahoo.com,
- Melissa Backlin and Teresa Greger(F)
melissa.backlin@gmail.com, teresa.greger@gmail.com.
If you have not joined the BAND yet, please do so as soon as possible! The Band APP is officially our new mode of communication.
Looking forward to a great week!!
Remember to Keep it Classy and GOOOOO KNIGHTS!!