January 2021 Newsletter
Friday, January 22, 2021
Future Monett Middle School
The Monett School District is pleased to update progress and share a new Middle School vision culminating from months of work. A large committee, including representatives from the Middle School, High School, and support staff, have led the process. The development committee also sought input from teachers and support staff in the facility's design.
The committee proudly presents the current renderings and a digital "walkthrough" of the building seeking affirmation and additional community input. After you watch the video, please take a short survey below the video. The survey will close on Friday, January 22, 2021, at midnight. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!
Monett Schools & SAPP Design Architects
BOE - Dr. Darren Bass & Mr. Jack Williams
The Monett School District accepted the resignation of two board members, Dr. Darren Bass and Mr. Jack Williams. We thank both Dr. Bass and Mr. Williams for their devotion and support to the Monett School District.
Board President, Mr. A.J. Bahl, presented an appreciation plaque during last night's Board Meeting for their service and commitment to the Monett School District.
Tooth Truck
The Tooth Truck visited the Monett School District for the first time in 2019 and met adorable children. They were overjoyed at the amount of treatment provided to students. The Tooth Truck completed over $200,000 worth of treatment plans for children in the Monett community. Donations may be made at https://rmhcozarks.org/tooth-truck/giving/
The Tooth Truck provides an exam and all possible treatment for a cavity-free smile, FREE of charge! To qualify, students must have Medicaid or not insured. At this time, the date of service is undetermined. A date will be announced soon. Permission slips for the Tooth Truck will be sent home by January 25th. Tooth Truck forms are due by February 19th.
Shoe Donation
On behalf of the Monett School District, we thank our anonymous donor for donating shoes to our students.
With help from administrators and teachers, Mr. Garner, Assistant Superintendent, Director of Operations, led the process in ensuring all students had the opportunity to receive a new pair of shoes. Students were thrilled upon receiving this gift.
We are thankful for having people who are looking out for our district, students, and community. We respect the donors wish to remain anonymous. Thank you for your generous donation and for caring for our students.
Cub Grants
Congratulations to the 2020-2021 Cub Grant winners! Special recognition goes to Brad Hill, State Farm Agent, for donating $3000, making the Cub Grants possible. The purpose of Cub Grants is to enhance teaching and learning at Monett Schools!
Jaysa Isbell's project involves providing various equipment and activities that help build core strength, arm, and leg muscles, improve balance and coordination while promoting cognitive development in her classroom.
Kathleen MacKenzie: The students in her classroom need games and education instruction to hit high sensory needs and functional living needs. This project intends to enhance students' ability to meet goals by providing them with multiple ways to express themselves, apply learning, and give students high engagement games that are quick to implement and dependable in their outcome. The project's objective and vision are to let students show ownership of learning by doing.
Jennifer Bell and Kristen Brown's project involves using a Social Emotional Learning program that focuses 75% or more on Emotion/Behavior Regulation content. The Early Childhood Special Education teachers plan to use this curriculum in the whole group, small group instruction, and individual students as intervention strategies. Lessons will be implemented as part of the daily Brain Smart, Wish You Well routines and reinforcements during work as students interact during center and outside playtime.
Tiffany Gorman will be providing students with interactive and engaging science lessons. She will be using Generation Genius, a program that offers engaging videos and activities. She will also be purchasing standards-based kits that will be implementing hands-on activities for science.
Travis Stokes's project involves purchasing an Artame 2, a wireless screen sharing device that will allow him to share his screen and/or Flip Board to multiple screens using the Airtame App. The Airtime will be used often, as it will be the key to making sure all his virtual students stay connected to the material and feel as though they are in the classroom.
Sarah Ruth is implementing the Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) program at MHS. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, about half of all mental health issues begin by the age of 14, and about one in eight adolescents and young adults suffer from depression. The purpose of this project is to equip teachers and staff at MHS with the necessary tools and strategies to recognize and support students experiencing a mental health issue or crisis. The YMHFA program is supported and funded by the National Council for Behavioral Health and the Missouri Department of Mental Health.
Garrison Earnest: The GO CAPS Medicine and Healthcare strand have partnered with Bruner Pharmacy in Monett to help develop a solution to medication identification mistakes. The Medicine and Health strand has already created a prototype for Bruner pharmacy and is ready to implement its final product. This grant will be used to purchase supplies that will help students with this project.
Message from the Nursing Homes in Monett and Mt. Vernon
January brings a busy 2nd semester for Scott Tech students. Seniors are working hard through their final semester to complete the necessary skills to earn their certifications at the end of the year, and Juniors are re-enrolling during class time to reserve their spot for SRTC next year.
Sophomores from our sending schools will be touring SRTC during January and February. Tours are much different than usual, like everything else we are doing these days! Each school will individually visit Scott Tech, rather in large groups as we have done in the past. At the conclusion of their tour, interested students will have the opportunity to complete the SRTC application. Students will be notified by March if they have been selected for a Scott Tech program.
We are looking forward to seeing students and showcasing SRTC!
The monthly meeting of the SRTC SkillsUSA Leadership Team was held Wednesday, January 13th. Ms. Anessa Garner, SkillsUSA Advisor, shared with students the schedule for the upcoming SkillsUSA District Skill and Leadership Contests to be held at various locations throughout the Southwest District February 2-12, 2021. Scott Tech will host Auto Collision, Construction, and CNC Technician competitions on Tuesday, February 2nd. All students who compete in the competitions are required to have a resume and some will undergo interviews throughout their performance events.
Ms. Laurie Woolfolk, SRTC Guidance Counselor, went over SRTC’s Sophomore recruiting plans for this year. With the COVID crisis, recruitment is a bit more challenging. SkillsUSA Leadership Team members will be Scott Tech ambassadors over the next few weeks and give small group tours to our sending school sophomores of all SRTC programs and activities.
SkillsUSA Week is scheduled for February 7-13th. The goal of SkillsUSA Week is to show appreciation to teachers, advisors, and the community who support Career and Technical Education as well as to promote SkillsUSA programs and activities. The Leadership Team has decided on the following schedule for the week.
Monday, February 8th - provide cookies to Scott Tech teachers and staff.
Tuesday, February 9th - deliver cookies to various industry partners
Wednesday, February 10 - team leaders will pick-up trash along with SRTC’s ‘Adopt a Highway’.
Thursday, February 11 - Celebrate SkillsUSA by wearing your SkillsUSA shirt to your home school.
Friday, February 12 - Promote Leadership by competing in Leadership competitions at Carthage Tech.
The Leadership Team closed its meeting with the reciting of the SkillsUSA Pledge. The next meeting of the Leadership Team will be held on Wednesday, February 10th.
GO CAPS Applications are open, upcoming juniors and seniors can apply here:https://rb.gy/xywgb2
We invite interested students and parents to attend one of our Virtual Open Houses to learn more about GO CAPS. If interested you must RSVP for the event by emailing gocaps@monettschools.org.
Monett Hall of Fame
State Champions, All-Americans, All-State Selections, and numerous other accolades have been awarded to individuals and teams representing our community over the years. At Monett, we have a large number of players, coaches, and contributors that have been a part of our great athletic tradition. These individuals and teams have been a great source of pride for the community over the years. Formal recognition of these people is long overdue.
Daryl Bradley, Monett District Athletic Director, and Michael Calhoun, Monett Assistant Athletic Director, are starting an Athletic Hall of Fame. The Monett School District now has a method to select individuals for this prestigious honor. The Hall of Fame project was formally brought to the Board of Education at the December 2019 meeting. The Board of Education received clarification on this project from Assitant Athletic Director, Michael Calhoun. In January 2020, the Board voted on allowing the athletic department to start the process with the Hall of Fame.
Effective immediately, the selection process will begin in December 2020.
MHS Winter Play
The Monett High School Drama and Theather class is inviting you to “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes:
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: January 28-30, 2021 at 7pm in the Monett Performing Arts Center and online through Showshare and Broadway on Demand. Produced with special arrangement by Playscripts, Inc. (www.playscripts.com). Produced by Monett High School Theatre Department and directed by Tabitha Carroll.
In-Person Tickets (limiting to 150 per performance; audience members must be masked and will be seated 6' apart):
$6 Adults
$5 Senior Citizens
$4 Students
$3 Monett Staff (must be purchased in-person)
Virtual Performances:
$10 per device per performance through Broadway on Demand links below:
Thursday, Jan. 28, 2021 tinyurl.com/MHSsherlockThursday
Friday, Jan. 29, 2021 tinyurl.com/MHSsherlockFriday
Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021 tinyurl.com/MHSsherlockSaturday
Where: Performing Arts Center (PAC) at MHS
Time: 7:00 PM
Please wear a facial covering and sit 6 feet away from other families.
Substitute Teachers NEEDED!
We continue to hire substitute teachers. Requirements to become a substitute teacher have been eased by DESE to encourage more people to apply. Click HERE for more information on becoming a substitute teacher in Missouri.
Cooking Matters
- For quick and easy tips for cooking at home, follow Cooking Matters on Facebook, check out the weekly Facebook Lives every Thursday at 2 pm Eastern (English) and 2:30 pm Eastern (Spanish)
- Interested in more Cooking Matters? You can view their pantry-cooking videos on the Cooking Matters YouTube channel
- There is also the Cooking Matters website where families can download the at-home resources in English or Spanish. They also have tips & videos on their site as well-https://cookingmatters.org/cooking-matters-home
8 Fun worksheets for students - http://cookingmatters.org/kids-handouts
Health Information
Daily Health Screenings
Help us keep students and staff safe and healthy by doing a daily health screening before sending students to school.Lawrence County Clinic
Upcoming Breaks
February 15: No School - February Break
March 11: No School - Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 12-15: No School - Spring Break
April 1: No School - Professional Development
April 2-5: No School - Easter Break
May 21: Early Dismissal - Last Day of School
Make-Up Inclement Weather Days:
Days 1 & 2: May 24
Days 3 & 4: May 25
Celebrations and More
Click on each image to read more about each story.
Miss Merry Christmas
Accepting Differences
Testing out Building Designs
GO CAPS Medicine and Healthcare Strand
Soap Carvings
CPE Cubs of the Month
YMCA Resources & Flyers
This information/event is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Monett School District.
Monett School District
Email: socialmedia@monettschools.org
Website: monettschools.org
Location: 900 East Scott Street, Monett, MO, USA
Phone: 417-235-7422
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MonettR1Schools/
Twitter: @twitter_MonettR1