The YSC Scoop
Western Middle School Youth Services Center
MEET YSC Coordinator, Ms. King...
Greetings from WMSFA YSC!!!
My name is Ms. King, and I am the YSC Coordinator at Western Middle School for the Arts. I act as a liaison between the home, school, and community by connecting families to various programs and supports offered during school and within the community. We will work together to remove non-academic barriers that may prevent your child from succeeding.
Please take a moment to complete the Youth Services Center Parent Survey. This information is critical to ensuring the YSC continues to meet the needs of students and parents. The survey takes 5 minutes or less to complete.
Throughout the school year, you will receive frequent communication from the YSC detailing a variety of school and/or community opportunities. Check out a few upcoming programs below!!
During School Opportunities
The Mobile Dentist is Coming October 16th - 18th
Big Smiles Kentucky is excited to provide dental care for your children! The dates for the Dental Clinic are October 16th - 18th. Permission forms are being sent home over the next couple weeks or you can register your child online at https://www.myschooldentist.com/Default.aspx.
Smile Programs’ dental team provides an examination or screening, dental cleaning, fluoride treatment, x‐rays and sealants. Additionally, they can provide dental services that may include: fillings, simple extractions of baby teeth, and other minimally invasive procedures. Medicaid and most private insurances are accepted. Grants are provided for preventive services to children in need. No child is ever turned away for lack of resources.
Please contact Ms. King at tasha.king@jefferson.kyschools.us or at the contact information below with questions.
7th & 8th Grade UofL TRiO Talent Search Program
A representative will be present during Open House on September 12th to share information with students. Parents may also enroll 7th and 8th grade students using this link: https://louisville.edu/uoflssop/OnlineApplication2
Students will attend monthly college readiness workshops during the school day and will have the opportunity to participate in activities outside of school, such as college field trips, free tutoring, and more. For more information, contact Ms. King or U of L Academic Advisor, Chelsea Smith at cdsmit34@louisville.edu / 502-852-8129.
The Braid Bar Invades WMSFA
The Braid Bar After School Program is open to any student interested in learning the art of hair braiding. Students will experience hands-on training, learning various braiding techniques and how to start their brand and market a business in hair braiding. Students are provided with the following:
- Braiding History
- The Importance of Hygiene and Sanitation
- Consultations
- Customer Service
- Maintenance and Up-Keep
- Marketing Strategies
- Business Cards / Vision Boards
- Life Skills
This opportunity has limited space available. Attendance is mandatory for ALL braiding sessions. Class begins Wednesday, November 8th, 2023. Class meets twice a week on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:30p to 5:00p. The schedule is below:
November 8th & 9th
November 15th & 16th
November 29th & 30th
December 6th & 7th
December 13th & 14th
December 20th & 21st
Interested students sign-up with Ms. King and a permission form will be sent home.
Afterschool Opportunities
Hoops & Homework
Hoops and Homework has open enrollment for after school program that meets from 3:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m Monday -Thursday. They offer homework help, tutoring , dinner , basketball instruction , scrimmages and fun activities for kids ages 8-16. This after school program is completely FREE. Transportation can be provided from school to their site location. They are located at 2508 Portland Ave, 40212. For more information and to RSVP email DELTAINC502@GMAIL.COM.
Shawnee Boys & Girls Club
Shawnee Boys & Girls Club has open enrollment for after school program that meets from 2:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. They offer homework help, project based learning, a STEM program, an art program, a culinary arts program and recreational programs (such as basketball team, dance team, etc.) for kids ages 6-18, dinner and snack! Cost is $10 a month for the first child of the family and then discounts for any additional children. If there are financial hardships, they have scholarships available to cover the rates. Transportation can be provided from school to their site location. For more information contact Andria Wilkerson at (502) 774-5437 /
The Cabbage Patch
The Cabbage Patch offers a range of educational programs designed to help each student achieve academic success. Our highly trained teachers and volunteers work with each member to set goals and work toward his or her highest educational potential. Our staff is also available to discuss school or educational concerns with parents.
Programs include:
Homework Help & Tutoring
Reading & Math Readiness
Educational Games & Contests
College & ACT Preparation
College Scholarships
Summer Educational Enrichment Camps
Job Opportunities ... plus Summer Camps!
Recreation & Education Hours
Monday – Friday
3:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Enter at 1417 South Sixth Street
(entrance near benches)
AMPED Music Production After School Program
This after school program is open to all JCPS student’s grades 6th - 12th and is aimed to provide students with a skill in the art of music production and increase confidence in self-expression, make connections between social interactions and academics, and learn about black history via art and music.
In the six (6) week period, students will learn how to produce, write, and record a song. Students are expected to review and critically analyze the material we study during this course. Based on their analysis they are prompted to create a series of songs that relate to the topics of Black Music.
Days: Monday’s and Wednesday’s
Hours: 4:00p - 5:30p
Start Date: starting September 11th 2023
End Date: October 18th 2023
Location: JCPS Shawnee Satellite Office, 4018 W. Market St, 40212
*NO previous experience is required*
*students DO NOT have to provide their own instruments*
*transportation IS NOT provided*
Individual Program Dates
9/11, 9/13, 9/18, 9/20, 9/25, 9/27
10/2, 10/4, 10/9, 10/11, 10/16, 10/18
Quick link for Registration here
Community Opportunities
Build-a-Bed: Free Beds for JCPS Students
We have an opportunity that assist families in need of beds and bedding items. If you or a family you know is in need of beds for their children, contact YSC Coordinator Ms. King. Contact Information is below. Approved families will receive the following new items:
- Bed frame
- Mattress
- Set of sheets
- Blanket
- Pillow
- Bedtime book
- Teddy Bear
- Toothpaste and Toothbrush
Community Eligibility Program - We Need Your Help!!
- Our school participates in a program called Community Eligibility?
- Because of this, all students may eat a reimbursable breakfast and lunch at no cost?
- That means a free/reduced meal application is not required?
BUT, a big part of our school’s funding is based on the free/reduced/paying status of our student population. Without these forms, we could lose money for programs, Family Resources, etc. Please help us keep this program and funding!
We need your help! Please complete the EBF form at https://jcps.me/ebf
Only one form is needed per household with all JCPS students listed on the same form. Information will be kept confidential and, no matter what is on the form, students will still be able to eat a reimbursable meal at no cost.
We need these forms in order to keep this Community Eligibility program and other special programs at our school.
What is the Youth Services Center??
The purpose of the Western Middle School Youth Services Center (YSC) is to remove non-academic barriers to learning as a means to enhance student academic success. The primary areas of focus are:
- Referrals to health and social services
- Career exploration and development
- Substance-abuse education and counseling
- Family crisis and mental-health counseling
Why Are Students Referred to the YSC?
- Hygiene Issues and Supplies
- Anger Management
- Social Skills
- Mentorship Opportunities
- Clothing/Shoe Assistance
- Tutoring Opportunities
- Peer Mediation
- Food Assistance
- School Supplies
- Attendance Interventions
- Court Related Issues
- Medical and Glasses Referrals
- Transportation Issues
- Referrals to Family Support Services, Counseling Services, etc.
How Can Parents Support the YSC?
- Clothing Donations (Need various size leggings, jeans, and jogging pants)
- School Supply Donations
- Service on YSC Advisory Council that plans and evaluates center programs & activities (Sign-up using this link: https://forms.gle/dGYZcALxJN1tC1Wb6
- Offer suggestions of what programs and services would benefit WMSFA students and families.
YSC Contact Information
Youth Services Center Coordinator
Office Hours 8:00a - 4:30p
Email: tasha.king@jefferson.kyschools.us
Location: 2201 West Main Street, Louisville, KY, United States
Phone: 502-233-9581 / Cell: 502-791-7918