The Falcon Flyer
Weekly News and Updates - Volume 2 Issue 23 - 2/17/22
Short Week - Big Changes
If you haven't already read in your email, San Diego Unified School District has revised their mask guidance for outdoor activity and resumed participation in field trips. Masks are no longer required outside. Our staff remains committed to being vigilant about ensuring the highest levels of health and safety measures at all times. This change is due to updated guidance from local health officials, precipitously falling case rates, rising vaccination rates, and district advisory members made up of pediatricians and epidemiologists. It's been so fun seeing our students bright smiles out on the playground. As always, the best COVID transmission mitigation strategies include wearing a mask indoors and around large crowds, and vaccination. There are many locations available for receiving a vaccine which is approved for children aged 5 and up and adults. Check out our website's COVID resource page for more details: COVID VACCINE RESOURCES
The next two weeks will be short weeks as we wind down Trimester Two. As a reminder, there is no school on Friday the 18th and Monday the 21st.
“If you're walking down the right path
and you're willing to keep walking,
eventually you'll make progress.”
- President Barack Obama
New Guest Speaker Added
California Healthy Kids Survey
Open Call for PTA Board Positions
Why join?
- Support Students - Research shows that participating in your child's school helps them perform better academically.
- Benefit the School - PTA performs support for teachers, staff, and students which creates a positive and caring atmosphere in the school.
- Make Connections - Get to know the teachers and staff better. Make life-long friends with other parents at the school.
- It's Good for You - Socializing with other parents and volunteering to do good for your child's school is fun, healthy, and rewarding.
Even if you don't have the time available to join our PTA Board, you can join the organization by clicking HERE: Fletcher Elementary PTA Sign-Up
LEVEL-UP SD - Summer School Enrollment Now Open
English-UTK-12 Google Enrollment Form
Spanish-UTK-12 Google Enrollment Form
Vietnamese- UTK-12 Google Enrollment Form
Kids Heart Challenge Continues
WE ARE SOOOOO CLOSE! Our Falcons have raised 71% of the $1,650 goal with one week to go. If you haven't yet started, there's not much time left to hit our target.
Click Here for your Virtual Envelope to meet the KHC Explorers, meet heart survivor Finn and to see what cool thank you gifts you can earn! Our goal is to have 100% of our students register online and take the FREE Challenge to Be Active or Be Kind. Don’t wait, get started today! Thank you for supporting our school and the American Heart Association!
Join Our Team at heart.org/KHC or download the FREE Kids Heart Challenge App for Apple or Android
Take the Challenge to Be Active or Be Kind and you’ll earn a FREE Road Warrior Wristband
Follow FINN’S MISSION in your HQ to learn Hands Only CPR, how to spot a stroke F.A.S.T., and how to help spread awareness by connecting to social media. Complete Finn’s Missions and you’ll earn Finn’s
Lifesaver Award!
Special School Incentive:
The classroom with the most Finn’s Missions complete and the classroom with the most donations raised will get a DANCE PARTY!!!!
If Fletcher reaches their goal to raise $1,650 in lifesaving donations, then the Principal will become an ice cream sundae!!!!
Student of the Week - Zita!
This week's Student of the Week is Zita in Mrs. Sperry's class. Zita works incredibly hard at everything she puts her mind to. Her classmates gravitate toward her because she's patient, kind, and a gentle soul. Mrs. Sperry states that Zita is a natural leader and always willing to help her classmates. She's also an awesome big sister to Avery in 1st grade. Congratulations Zita, and thank you for being a phenomenal Falcon!
Lift Every Voice and Sing with Ms. Fabiola
Brothers AND Reading Buddies :)
Principal Friedenberg is READY for the four-day weekend!
Seven Weeks at a Glance
18 - No School - District Recess
21 - No School - President's Day
23 - School Site Council
25 - End of Trimester Two
2 - Read Across America Day
21-25 - Student Conferences - MINIMUM DAY WEEK
28- 4/1 - Spring Break - No School
*Dates subject to change due to shifts in the academic programming
Lego Club Is Back!
Report an Absence Online
Although we want students to be in school each day for class, we know that absences will happen. It is important that parents report their student's absence within 24 hours. Absences can be reported via our online form, phone or email. Please let us know if you have any questions and thank you for your support.
The site is open from 7:00AM - 7:00PM MONDAY through FRIDAY and 8:00AM - 5:00PM on Saturday and Sunday. No appointments necessary! Prior to testing, if your student isn't already registered to receive weekly testing on site, families will need to register for a Primary Health Portal account. https://my.primary.health/l/sdusd_testing.
Fletcher Elementary School
Email: communications@sandi.net
Website: https://fletcher.sandiegounified.org/
Location: 7666 Bobolink Way, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619)605-4600
Facebook: facebook.com/FletcherSDUSD
Twitter: @FletcherSDUSD