Fernan STEM Academy Weekly Update
Week of 10/30/23-11/3/23
No goals are too high where falcons fly. We’re brilliant, kind and strong!
Thank you for such a spooktacular STEM Night! What amazing families and staff we have here at Fernan.
Order forms for Fernan swag will go home next week!
More Spooky STEM Night pictures to come next week!
Brrr! Our weather changed quickly!
Upcoming Events
Character Traits for November and December: Service and Compassion
10/28-PTA sponsored Trunk or Treat, 10am-11:30am
10/31-Halloween (be safe!) - No costumes at school
11/5-Daylight Savings Ends (fall back)
11/9-Picture retakes
11/9-Veterans Program (presented by third graders)
Day Performance, 10:15; Evening Performance, 6 pm
Veterans Program--Please send pictures of Veterans with their name, branch, and when they served to kbridges@cdaschools.org OR jchan@cdaschools.org. We'd like to honor our Veterans in our Veterans Day program. Thank you!
11/10-Veteran's Day (No School)
11/13-World Kindness Day
11/16-Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4-7:30
11/17-Parent/Teacher Conferences throughout the day (No School)
11/20-11/24-Thanksgiving Break
12/22-1/8-Holiday Break
Link to Cd'A School District Family Calendar
Link to Cd'A School District Elementary Menus
Roger's Fundraiser: The fourth Tuesday of every month is a Fernan fundraiser (Post Falls-Sherman is being remodeled)! We can earn 20% of receipt sales. Vouchers are being sent home this week.
Halloween costumes are welcome for Trunk-or-Treat, but costumes need to stay at home on Halloween. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please check our lost and found! We have lots of children's belongings. It helps to label your child's items.
Join us for the PTA Sponsored Trunk or Treat this Saturday!
New character traits: service and compassion!
We are wrapping up the two character traits for September and October, Initiative and Grit. For the months of November and December, our character traits will be Service and Compassion! I will be discussing these traits in their classrooms. Service is: the action of helping or doing work for someone. Compassion is: the feeling that arises when you see another's difficulty and feel motivated to help with that difficulty or concern. Please discuss these traits with your children when you have the chance.
We hope you have a great holiday season. Please feel free to contact me here at Fernan STEM Academy if I can assist you in supporting your child's education.
Eric Kendra
School CounselorFernan STEM Academy
208-664-2659 Ext: 24016
Fernan has 93.5% attendance rate for October! This is higher than the district average. Thank you, families!
2nd Grade Zoo Celebration!
Veterans Day request to honor our Veterans
STEM Activity of the Week: Leaf Symmetry
Mon, school begins at 9:55
Tues-Fri, school begins at 8:55
Lunch Times:
Life Skills: 11:10-11:30
Kindergarten: 11:10-11:30
4th Grade: 11:25-11:40
5th Grade: 11:40-11:55
1st Grade: 11:50-12:05
2nd Grade: 12:05-12:20
2/3 & 3rd Grade: 12:20-12:35
Kinder dismissal, 3:25
1st-5th dismissal, 3:30
Fernan LOVES volunteers!
Fernan's Motto, Vision and Mission Statement
Motto: No goals are too high where falcons fly. We’re brilliant, kind and strong!
Vision: Our Fernan Falcons empower one another to be problem solvers who ask, imagine, plan, create and grow.Mission: We build the future by inspiring, engaging, and empowering students to become critical thinkers and problem solvers who work collaboratively to improve the world around them.
Fernan STEM Academy
Website: https://www.cdaschools.org/Fernan
Location: 520 North 21st Street, Coeur d'Alene, ID, USA
Phone: (208) 664-2659
Facebook: facebook.com/FernanSTEMAcademy