FMS Parent Information SMORE
November 7, 2023
11/9 **Report cards not picked up on 11/8 go home with students
11/13 Fall Picture Day Makeups
11/13-11/17 School Psychologists Appreciation Week/ World Kindness Week
11/15 NC CHECK-IN #1: MATH (grades 6 & 7 only) *testing in the afternoon
11/27 NC CHECK-IN #1: MATH I only
11/28 FMS Career Day for 8th grade students in the morning (many speakers!)
12/4 CHECK-IN #1: MATH (grade 8 only)
12/12 FMS Got Talent Showcase
1/2 First day back from Winter Break
1/15 NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Day
1/16 NC Check-in #2: 8th Grade Science
1/17 NC Check-in #2: Reading 6-8
1/23 i-Ready Middle of Year Diagnostic Testing: Math
1/24 i-Ready Middle of Year Diagnostic Testing: Reading
See grades and assignments in Canvas
Thank you:
Franklinton Women's club - clothing closet donations
CBT Soccer - gift cards for custodians, the Athletic Director, and Principal Boardman
Franklin County Interfaith Council Rural Ministries - several brand new blankets
**We have a special need for hoodies, coats, leggings for girls, and athletic pants for boys! All donations can simply be dropped off in the main office. Thank you for helping us to help our students!
A comparison of student bullying by grade level shows that the percentages of students who reported being bullied at school during the school year in 2019 were higher for 6th-, 7th-, and 8th-graders (ranging from 27 to 28 percent) than for 9th-, 10th-, and 12th-graders (ranging from 16 to 19 percent).
There were no measurable differences between public and private school students in the percentage of students who reported being bullied.
Source: https://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=719
Middle School students can thoughtless and mean to each other. This is a time when they are very insecure in who they are and what their place is in the world. If your child is struggling with handling conflict with peers, please contact the school and ask to speak with our school counselor, Ms. Gilbert, or an administrator. You can also let your child's teachers know. We are all working to make Franklinton Middle School a place where students can learn without being stressed out by student conflict.
Students have signed up for Battle of the Books! If your student is one of them please encourage them to be reading from the list (click on the pic for the list)
If you need to contact me please email me at kimfaulkner@fcschools. I am only at FMS on Wednesdays and Thursdays and every other Friday.
DPAC Parent Leaders this year:
Vanessa Bell
Antonia Autrey
Mizan Gebremichael
School Improvement Team Parent Leaders this year:
LaTasha Gaskin
Stacy Cilas
Coaches are expected to check eligibility before telling a student they are eligible to play for a team. The Principal will remove from the team any player that is found not eligible under DPI eligibility rules, even if the coach failed to establish eligibility. If you have questions about your child's eligibility for winter sports, please contact the coach.
*Parents please call the school if you have emailed a teacher or administrator and have not gotten a response. Recently we have had an issue with emails from parents and other folks ending up in spam!
FMS Food Drive - Please Give!
The FMS Ambassadors are involved with a service project called “Ten Days of Giving” from Nov. 6th thru Nov. 20th. Each day, students and staff can bring non-perishable foods to homeroom. At the end of the project, the homeroom with the most donated items will win an ice cream treat. Please take a look at the list below to plan daily contributions. All food collected will be donated to Franklinton Baptist Church to assist with their holiday meal giveaway to help families in need. This project is to celebrate the gratitude we have for the support we receive from our community and to provide students with an opportunity to help others.
The Benefits of Gratitude
Science is proving that giving thanks, expressing gratitude, for something or someone, or something someone has done, can make you happier! Have you genuinely expressed gratitude today? Gratitude can help build stronger relationships at home, at work, and in the community. Making other people feel appreciated is so important to the spread of positive psychology. Try it with your spouse, your kids, your friends and family, your colleagues at work, and your neighbors.
Practicing Gratitude Daily:
improves physical health
improves psychological health
improves sleep
increases empathy & reduces aggression
builds social connections
enhances self esteem
improves mental strength
opens the door for new or improved relationships
strengthens family relationships
reduces materialism
makes us happier
Article: Giving Thanks Can Make You Happier!
Article: The Benefits of Gratitude
Family Projects to Practice Gratitude:
Make a gratitude jar: www.primroseschools.com/blog/gratitude-jar-craft/
Keep a gratitude journal: ggia.berkeley.edu/practice/gratitude_journal
Make a gratitude tree: youtu.be/WcNoq8GL6tY
Helpful Resources
NC211.org (or call 211)
Food Finder (FoodBank of Central NC)
Hope4NC (or call 1-855-587-3463)
TransitionsLifeCare.org (or call the Grief Line 919-719-7199)
National Domestic Violence Hotline (or call 800-799-7233)
SuicideCrisisLifeline.org (or call 988)
National Alliance of Mental Illness/NC (or call 800-451-9682)
Vaya Health (or call their Behavioral Health Crisis Line at 800-849-6127)
How to Contact Ms. Gilbert:
Complete and submit this form: Counselor Request Form
Or send email to: marygilbert@fcschools.net
Or call FMS at 919-494-2971 ext. 298
Hello parents of my favorite scientists! We are working on our Forces and Motion (Waves) unit currently. The students are excited about dissecting a cow eye. Remember they need to have all classwork complete in order to participate as the practice leading up to the dissection is important for them to get anything meaningful from the lab. Students had a blast showing examples of waves using slinkies. The test is still set for December 4th but could change as things pop up.
We have started SEL (Social Emotional Learning). The district realizes that middle school students need extra support in this area as middle school is a tough time for kids. They are growing into who they are going to be as adults and going. There is a lot of need to help students navigate this trying time. In this first unit we have covered: trying new things like middle school, their growing brain, making goals, making specific goals, breaking down goals, and monitoring their progress towards their goals.
We got a sneak peak at our next unit Energy Conservation and Transfer (Energy) when Betabox came to our school and worked on electrical circuits with the students. I will include some pictures below. It was a nice break and the students really seemed to love it.
Hello Families, The past two weeks have been full of information for your children, we have been covering the Ancient Egyptians. We have ventured on learning about Pyramids, the Great Sphinx, King Tut and all the Pharaohs through their history. Soon we will be moving on into learning about the Greeks and their accomplishments. The students have been able to work hard and understand all the information provided.
As always I would ask that you talk to your children about the school non negotiables and that they continue to do the classwork on time. I am working hard to ensure that all classwork is added on Canvas so they can access it at all times.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.
Have an excellent Week!!
Hello families and thank you for reading! I’ve broken up the material into a couple different sections so please see the information below:
Check-Ins are coming up on the 15th of next week. This test will be going over Units 1,2, and 3. Please take some time to review previous tests with your students in preparation for the upcoming exam. The previous tests can be found in Canvas under the Units in each Module. Scroll to the bottom of each module to find the test posted for each unit. These are great resources, so please take advantage of them before the first Check-In!
As always, as we work towards EOGs, students are given about 12 questions from last year’s 6th grade EOG to take home and study at the end of each week. Please ask your students about these papers. They are called ‘From the Jump’ assignments and all students should be taking them home to study. The better they get at these questions, and questions similar to those, the better they will do on the EOGs.
Students need to be completing iReady minutes and lessons. 60 minutes and 2 lessons passed are required each week. Please make sure they are completing this as it is beneficial to their grade and education.
Everything has been great in this department. Students are all working, engaged, and moving forward in their schoolwork. Thank you for the continued support in this area.
Again, thank you for all of your support and please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions at brandonmitchell@fcschools.net
Thank you for reading!
Happy November!
We have made it to the second quarter grading period. This week in math we are learning to use percentages to solve real-world problems involving discounts, commissions, markups, taxes, and tips. Students have been exploring the many different ways they have encountered these types of math situations outside of school. We are learning to use different formulas to find specific percentages. We will take the Unit 1 test this Thursday. The students should review the study questions on Canvas in preparation for this test. We are also preparing for our first round of NC Check-Ins next Wednesday. Let’s encourage our students to do their very best.
Things to remember:
Be on your best behavior. Remember the school and classroom rules.
Bring your materials (Chromebooks(charged), notebooks, and pencils) to class daily.
Get a good night's rest and come to class prepared to work.
Remember to ask questions if there is something that you do not understand.
Believe in yourself, you can do it!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at litishajenkins@fcschools.net.
Hello Parents and Guardians,
Quarter two is all about Evolution and Genetics. Students can follow along on their science Canvas course.
We have been discussing classroom behaviors and consequences and will continue discussing these daily. Students should come to class ready to learn and have all materials handy. A notebook or folder and pencil will be used daily. Also, it is expected that students have charged their Chromebook before coming to class.
Please contact me at sherrybrackett@fcschools.net if you have any questions or concerns.
Happy November Parents and Guardians! Quarter One came and went and we are continuing strong into Quarter Two. In class, we are continuing to learn about the American and French Revolutions until Thanksgiving break. Students will take a unit test 11/17 and will play review jeopardy the day before.
I have been having continued discussions with all students on their behaviors and expectations. Students are expected to come to class prepared and ready to learn each and every day. This means that they need to bring their chromebook, charger, notebook, and pen or pencil each and every day. Some students have been leaving their glasses at home and use that as a reason to not complete class work.
There are only 3 more full school weeks until winter break and students are being reminded to stay on top of their assignments because Quarter Two is the fastest of the year. Students have until the end of the unit to turn in any assignments but once the unit is over, they become a 0. All assignment due dates are posted on the board in my classroom so worksheets or projects should never be a surprise when they are due.
If you have any questions or concerns about your student please feel free to contact me at hunterjones@fcschools.net
Happy November students and families, as we begin Quarter two with a fresh start and new opportunities. We continue to ‘set the temperature’ with strong student focus, consistency, and accountability of their work which will ensure growth among skill-sets, and overall academic success.
Expectations: Overall, students have done a solid job with maintaining a positive behavior in class, as well as keeping up to date with their work. I appreciate you speaking with your students about their personal and academic goals on a regular basis. Remember that each quarter every student begins with a 100% in their classes. What they decide to do with their grades and achievements are up to them.
Curriculum: We will be completing our first text “Lyddie” by the beginning of next week and moving onto our next series of excerpts with “Frederick Douglass,” and the topic of “Slavery.” On Thursday, students will have the opportunity to watch clips from the film Lyddie which is PG, and complete a graphic organizer which compares and contrasts topics among both the text and the film.
Q2/3 Project: Throughout Q2 and Q3 students will be writing a research paper from a series of pre-selected Social Issue topics. The project rubric and topics to choose from will be introduced in class and shared in the near future.
Homework: Students should expect homework two to three times weekly in order to continue to develop their skill-sets and to see growth. Please ask your child what work they have for homework, or have not completed on a regular basis to help keep them on track. Work will also be updated regularly for access on Canvas.
Grades: Student grades are present on Canvas, and are now viewable to students and guardians on Powerschool. Students are expected to check their grades on a regular basis and reach out to their teacher for make-up work, or additional time to complete an assignment if they have been absent. I allow a one week timeframe to make up work before an assignment becomes a zero.
Note: Report card pickup will be held on Wednesday, 11/8 at the cafeteria from 3:30-4:30**
I-Ready: Is a proven and resourceful data-driven program that allows teachers to see tri-annually where a student is at in their comprehension level by grade lexile. It also allows teachers to view the data and see where students have mastered a skill, and what areas need additional practice.
Students are expected to complete two passing lessons from their pathway each week. In addition, they will be assigned a “teacher assigned lesson” which is to be completed by the end of the week for a grade. The teacher chosen assignment will focus on a skill-set currently being taught or reviewed in class in order to strengthen a specific skill.
Note: Students worked hard Q1 and their efforts and growth have shown! Keep up the good work :)
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at any time with any questions or concerns: kimberlybaechle@fcschools.net.
MATH: MS. CUNNINGHAMWow! The start of the second quarter is underway. It is a great time for a restart. The students and I spoke this last week about starting fresh these nine weeks and making improvements with behavior, attitude and work ethic. I encouraged each one to set a goal to do better this quarter with completing assignments, turning in work, and studying for every and all quizzes and assessments, not only in math, but each subject. Most students reflected that they know they could have done better than what they did the first quarter with their behavior, work ethic and grades. I explained that they are the ones that can turn that around and it starts right now. Please discuss these same things with your student.
Powerschool is back up for parents. Please be sure to check regularly and keep up with canvas as well to know what assignments are due as well as what grades have been entered.
Today we took the final assessment on Unit 1 (Reasoning about Similarity and Transformations). We will begin Unit 2a (Reasonings about Equations and Angles) tomorrow with our pre-requisite. In this unit, students will build on their grades 6 and 7 work with equivalent expressions and equations with one occurrence of one variable, learning algebraic methods to solve linear equations with multiple occurrences of one variable.
Standards in this unit:
NC.8.EE.7: Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations and inequalities in one variable.
• Recognize linear equations in one variable as having one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions.
• Solve linear equations and inequalities including multi-step equations and inequalities with the same variable on both sides.
NC.W.8.1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
The following concepts from previous grades may support students in meeting grade-level standards in this unit:
Applying the distributive property to generate equivalent expressions. (NC.6.EE.3)
Combining like terms to generate equivalent expressions. (NC.6.EE.3, NC.7.EE.1)
Solving problems by writing and solving equations with variables on one side of the equation. (NC.6.EE.7, NC.7.EE.4)
Understanding what it means for a value to be a solution to an equation. (NC.6.EE..5)
Key Vocabulary (for explicit instruction):
Constant term, term, variable, solution, equation, inequalities, one solution, no solution, infinitely solutions, expression, substitute
Students are to be completing the teacher assigned iReady lesson(s) each week. Once they log into iReady, they will select Math, then will click on assigned to complete their assigned lessons. These lessons are separate from their learning pathway lessons.
Any questions, please email me at michellecunningham@fcschools.net
In Science, we are jumping right into Hydrology. We will have a vocabulary quiz on 11/20. In the Second Step lessons, we will be starting the second unit about recognizing bullying and harassment next week. Please let me know if any questions come up (my email: nadinehead@fcschools.net). Thank you!
We have an exam coming up soon. You should have received an email but I have moved the exam to next week. Please make sure that you come to report card pickup tomorrow evening.ELA: MS. FROST
We Have the Green Light for a Fresh Start! ( Quarter Two)
My Challenge To You As Parents And Guardians: With the beginning of the second nine weeks, I ask that you talk to your child about successes and areas of improvement based on academic and behavior performance during the first nine weeks of this school year and set personal goals for the next nine weeks. I shared with all students on Friday; it is rare that, as individuals, we have the opportunity to reflect, start over, set goals, learn from our successes and lost opportunities (a good chance for advancement or progress) to demonstrate our true potential as it is in the field of education K-12 and beyond as we begin the second nine weeks. I am reaching out to you for support; above and beyond, “How was your day?” Below is a list of questions to ask your child nightly.
Sample Questions To Spark Meaningful Discussion… (Each question should be followed by probing questions) “Tell me more”…
What’s something you learned that you didn’t already know?
What is the best thing that happened at school today?
What is the worst thing that happened at school today?
Did you show kindness to someone today?
What is something you were really good at today?
Is there anything you regret saying or doing at school today?
Did something make you feel frustrated today?
Tell me something you know today that you didn’t know yesterday!
What was the hardest rule to follow today?
Which task was the most difficult for you today?
If you could get a do-over, what would you change about your school day today?
What makes you happiest at school?
What makes you the most nervous about school?
What makes you the most frustrated at school?
Who do you partner with to do group work in class?
Did you feel left out today?
What made you feel the most proud today?
Tell me about a time you asked for help today.
How would you rate your day on a scale of 1 to 10?
What questions did you ask your teacher today?
What’s one thing you wish you could erase from your day?
PowerSchool is Updated… Please check PowerSchool frequently to ensure your child is up-to-date on assignments. List of assignments due are:
1. Teacher Assigned Lessons (I-Ready)
Comparing and Contrasting Characters
Close Reading: Comparing and Contrasting Characters in Drama
Due Monday, November 6th 8:00 a.m. (Announcements were sent to both parents and students)
2. Complete your Frayer Models (15). Refer to the list of words below. Upload your Frayer Models to Canvas on the assignments page (press upload to submit your presentation (Summative Assessment). Create the Frayer Model depicting each word. (Include the word, definition in your own words, 3 synonyms of the word, an image of the word and link to youtube etc, and use the word in context "action")
Due Monday, November 6th 8:00 a.m. (Announcements were sent to both parents and students)
4.. “The Fourteen Part Message” (Written Gist Statements and Answers to Text-Dependent Questions) Due Tuesday, November 7th.
5. Reading For Information Grade 8 RI.8 Due Wednesday, November 8th / Go to Edulastic.com and complete the Close Reading assignments (2) titled,
“Nonfiction Reading Seat Belts”
“Pluto Informational Reading”
6. Teacher Assigned Lesson, Titled, “ “ Due Thursday, November 9th
Please Note: Moving forward, students and parents are responsible for staying abreast of grades and assignments via PowerSchool and our ELA Canvas Page to keep up with lessons / assignments assigned. If a student completes an assignment late, he or she should email the teacher the title of the assignment to be graded. Once an assignment is locked (2 week time span) it cannot be unlocked and the student earns a 0%
Learning Goals for the Next Two Weeks: (Unbroken Novel Study)
Based on actions, ideas, and events on the part of the main character, identify character traits and provide text evidence to analyze the character using CER (Claims, Evidence, Reasoning).
Analyze details from informational texts to draw conclusions to determine the central idea using CER and making inferences (five types).
Email me at annafrost@fcschools.net
In November we will be working on Color Theory. We will learn what color is, how we see color, we will explore color blindness. We will learn about the color wheel and much more. Students will continue with Art History where they study different artists, and Art Journaling Fridays where they can get in touch with their inner artist and freely create.
Please contact me at angelaclifton@fcschools.net
In First place “House of Pain”
by Marcellous K. (Team Lead), Robert M., Teshawn M., Richard P. and Stefen T
Second place “Addams Family House''
by Jayda A. (Team Lead), Ja’Kayla R., Cayden S., and Bre’Azah W.
Third Place “Beware of Bats”
by Avery V. (Team Lead), Ethan G., Keith B.
6th grade:
In our second quarter of the 6th grade curriculum, we'll be focusing on a fundamental skill that's essential in today's digital age - keyboarding. Mastery of keyboarding is crucial for students to effectively and efficiently navigate the digital world and communicate in a technological society. Throughout this quarter, we'll work on developing documents, touch typing skills, improving typing speed, and increasing accuracy. By the end of this quarter, you'll be well on your way to becoming proficient typists, equipped with a valuable skill that will serve your children well in their academic and future career endeavors.
7th Grade:
Welcome to the second quarter of our Computer Science Discoveries I course on Code.org! In the coming weeks, we'll be diving into the exciting world of web development. In Unit 2, we'll explore the fundamental building blocks of the internet, the World Wide Web, and the languages that power it. In Lessons 1 to 3, students will start by understanding the concept of the internet and how data is transmitted. They'll learn about the basics of HTML, the markup language that structures web content. Students will also get hands-on experience in creating their first web pages, using HTML to build the structure and layout. As they progress through these lessons, they'll begin to grasp the fundamental skills required for web development, setting the stage for more advanced topics and creative projects in the future. Get ready to embark on this exciting journey into the web development world!
8th Grade:
Welcome to the second quarter of our Computer Science Discoveries II course on Code.org! we're embarking on an exciting journey into Unit 4: Building Games. In this unit, we'll be exploring the fundamentals of game development, which is not only a whole lot of fun but also a fantastic way to apply the coding concepts we've learned so far.
During the initial three lessons, we will be delving into the foundational elements of creating games. In Lesson 1, we'll start by understanding the concept of sprites and how to create and manipulate them. In Lesson 2, we'll explore the world of game design by customizing our sprites and background. Finally, in Lesson 3, we'll add movement and interaction to our games, making them truly interactive and engaging.
Throughout these lessons, students will have the chance to use their coding skills to design and build their own unique games.
Well, it is crazy to think we are already in Quarter 2 but here we are! We are quickly approaching concert season and looking forward to the winter time! There are a few things that are coming up for all the band students so please read below if you have a student in band:
November 20th and 21st: All County Band. There are only a select few students who were selected to attend based on behavior, participation in class, and grades in other classes. Information will be sent out soon to families of those students shortly.
December 14th, 6:30 pm: Winter celebration. This is required for ALL band students and is a large part of the grade for band. Attendance is mandatory and, while I understand that things do pop up that are out of our control, I will need an email from a parent/guardian if a student can not attend. A make up assignment will be required in order to receive credit.
The dress attire for this concert is all black while also following school dress code. If there is an issue with students getting this, please email me and let me know.
8th Grade Music Appreciation: 8th grade students in Music Appreciation are starting to create their own instruments with materials that they can find anywhere, such as cardboard, paper, rubber bands, rocks, etc. We are talking about not only the function of instruments but also the characteristics of them. Pictures will be forthcoming on the next SMORE that showcases their work.
As we are starting this new quarter, I would ask you to help support your students by encouraging them to stick with it, even on the hard days. Band is an amazing but also frustrating class to some students because they are learning something they have never done before. A lot of the encouragement comes from our classroom but even more comes from having a support system at home.
6th - Dealing with Conflicts. Students will be having discussion on what causes conflicts among teens and conflict resolution.
7th- Understanding Violence among youth. Students will be identifyin and discussing the causes and signs for violence.
8th- Sports Injury. Students will learn common sports injuries, causes and prevention techniques.
PE- 6, 7 and 8th are participating in a Volleyball Unit.