Hornets' Nest News
Everything you need to know about Castle Rock Elementary
February Upcoming Events
- Monday, February 5th: Basketball vs. Dunsmuir @ Dunsmuir- 5:00 PM & 6:00 PM
- Tuesday, February 6th: LCAP and School Safety Plan Parent Meeting @ 4:00 PM, Child Care and Pizza will be provided. Please join us as your input is important.
- Wednesday, February 7th:
- Minimum Day- Dismissal @ 1:00 PM
- Basketball vs. Golden Eagle North @ Gazelle- 5:00 PM & 6:00 PM
- Friday, February 9th: Monthly Awards Assembly @ 9:15 AM
- February 12th-16th: Great Kindness Challenge (See flyer below for spirit day wear)
- Monday, February 12th: Make-up Basketball vs. Golden Eagle South - 5:00 PM & 6:00 PM
- Wednesday, February 14th:
- Valentine's Day
- Basketball vs. Shasta Valley @ Montague- 5:00 PM & 6:00 PM
- Friday, February 16th: Holiday- No School
- Monday, February 19th: Holiday- No School
- Wednesday, February 21st: Minimum Day - Dismissal at 1:00 PM
- Monday, February 26th: DAC/LCAP Committee Meeting @ 4:00 PM (Parents please attend- Your input is needed, child care and pizza provided)
All Fridays are Spirit Days- Wear your Castle Rock Elementary Spirit Shirts!
Other events may occur that are not yet scheduled, but we will keep you posted.
SAVE THE DATE: Castle Rock Summer Camp
Click the link below for the Castle Rock Elementary School Summer Camp 2024 Registration Form.
Fun Educational Activities from January
K-1 Marble STEM Activity
K-1 Marble STEM Activity
K-1 Marble STEM Activity
K-1 Marble STEM Activity
K-1 Marble STEM Activity
K-1 Marble STEM Activity
K-1 Marble STEM Activity
K-1 Marble STEM Activity
K-1 Marble STEM Activity
Basketball Team Ready to Go
Basketball Team Ready to Go
Basketball Practice
Basketball Practice
4th-8th Grade Nordic Ski Day
4th-8th Grade Nordic Ski Day
4th-8th Grade Nordic Ski Day
4th-8th Grade Nordic Ski Day
4th-8th Grade Nordic Ski Day
4th-8th Grade Nordic Ski Day
4th-8th Grade Nordic Ski Day
4th-8th Grade Nordic Ski Day
Having Fun in TK
More K/1 Marble Fun
Rainy Day Indoor Recess
Rainy Day Indoor Recess
Student of the Month Awards
Our January Student of the Month Awards Assembly will be held on February 9th at 9:15 in our cafeteria. We will be celebrating the students that were chosen to have best exemplified the values of the month for January. The January Value was: Be honest and admit when you have done something wrong. Teachers will send home invitations to the awards assembly to our award winners' families prior to the assembly.
For the month of February our Value is:
Be caring by making friends with someone who needs one!
Pictured below are our December Student of the Month Award Winners that received their award at the January Monthly Awards Assembly.
Perfect Attendance Award Winners
Pictured below are the December Perfect Attendance Award Winners from the January Monthly Awards Assembly.
Message from Leslie Rames
Our students have been completing their mid-year i-Ready Assessments in both Reading and Math. It has been exciting to see all of the growth that our students have made so far this school year, especially in Reading. We will be honoring all of our students K-8 that have shown growth on their Reading and/or Math iReady Mid-Year Assessment at our monthly awards assembly on Friday, February 9th. Family Invites to the awards assembly will be sent home in the week or so to all of our K-8th grade parents whose students showed growth on one or both of the assessments. We hope that all of our families of these students will be able to attend to show support of our students amazing growth so far this year. Also, please keep a look out as we will be sending home all of our student's i-Ready Assessment scores along with a flyer that provides information for parents about understanding their students assessment results.
At the top of the newsletter there is a flyer about the Great Kindness Challenge. The national official Great Kindness Challenge was held January 22-26, 2024. We at Castle Rock will be holding our Great Kindness Challenge on February 12-15, 2024. The Great Kindness Challenge provides a powerful tool that actively engages students, teachers, administrators, families, and communities in creating a culture of compassion, acceptance, unity, and respect. During the week our students will be given a checklist of kind actions and activities to do throughout the week at school and at home. In classrooms teachers will be teaching lessons on kindness and its impact on students themselves and others. Our hope is that the positive message students receive during the week will have an impact not just during the week, but long term. Please make sure to ask your students questions about the kindness activities that their class has done throughout the Great Kindness Challenge week. Also, it would be amazing if all of our students were able to participate in the Great Kindness Week Spirit Day wear given in the flyer.
Wishing everyone a kind and wonderful Valentine's Day!
School Calendar 2023-2024
Castle Rock Elementary School
29373 Main St.
Castella, CA 96017