August 29, 2023
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Important Dates
Wednesday, August 30, 6 PM-7:30 PM - Parent Night (see below for details)
Monday, September 4 - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, September 13 - FastBridge Testing
Thursday, September 14 - FastBridge Testing
Parent Night is tomorrow!
We are excited to host our Lundahl parents/guardians for an evening of learning about resources, curriculum, and meeting staff. Students do not attend this event. Parents/Guardians should review the documents below to choose which sessions you would like to attend that evening. Lundahl Staff will be around the building to help find the way, and student schedule’s can be viewed on ParentVue to determine the most appropriate sessions to attend.
Picture Day was today, ordering deadline is midnight tonight!
- Picture Retake day is Wednesday, October 11.
Don't miss out, order your yearbook today!
Make sure to order your yearbook. Yearbooks are currently on sale for $21 from now until November 18th. After November 18th, the yearbook price goes up to $26.
- Click here for complete ordering details.
Daily Announcements
We encourage all students to pay attention to our daily announcements. They are also posted each afternoon on our website under Daily Announcements. This is an excellent resource for both parents and students to learn about upcoming events at LMS including but not limited to: Sports Tryouts/Signups/Games, Club start dates, Activity Nights, After School events, PTO Fundraising events, etc.
- There is also a button at the end of each newsletter that will take you to the Daily Announcements page!
PBIS Donations Needed
Our students are busy collecting ROARS for being responsible, respectful, and safe! One of the most popular ways to redeem their ROARS is using them to purchase items at our ROAR Store. We are reaching out to ask for your help stocking our store. You can send donations with your student or drop them off at the front office Monday-Friday between 7:15 a.m. and 4 p.m. Items needed include:
- Bulk candy or candy bars (fun size preferred)
- Gum (either bulk Hubba Bubba or small packs)
- Chips (individual serving bags)
- Takis (individual serving bags)
- Gatorade (smaller bottle sizes preferred)
- Gift Cards to Five Below, Starbucks, Target, etc. ($5 or $10 amounts)
Drop Box Information
Lunches, PE uniforms, homework, the list can go on of things left at home in the rush to get to school! Because of our district safety protocols, parents are not able to bring forgotten items up to our front office. Instead, we offer a dropbox, located right under the door buzzer outside our main entrance. Please label any drop off items with your student’s name and grade level (post-it notes and pens are located in the dropbox). Front office staff will collect items and place them in the appropriate grade level pick up box in the office.
PLEASE NOTE: We put student names on TV screens outside the main office and the cafeteria. It is the student’s responsibility to check the screen for their name and come to the office for any message/forgotten item, etc. We do not call into classes unless absolutely necessary (for example, forgotten glasses, medications, etc.)
Notes From the Nurse
Please remember if your student will not be in school for the day to log into your ParentVue account and report their absence. It is helpful to have this information in our system by 8AM. If your student is ill please leave specific symptoms in the comment section.
- For example: Cough, sore throat, stomachache, fever (how high). Please do not leave general statements like, not feeling well or sick. This is helpful in tracking illness in our building. Thank you for helping to keep Lundahl healthy.
Thank you for supporting our community by talking with your child about the drills they practiced and encouraging them to ask questions to ensure they know what to do in the case of an emergency.
After learning our PBIS expectations, we got to have some assembly fun last Friday!
Homework Club
On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, LMS hosts a homework club for students. Staff supervise students who might need a place to do work after a club ends until the activity buses leave at 4:10. Please note that this is a study hall environment until students from clubs and activities arrive at 3:30. At that point, it is a busier environment and not ideal to complete homework assignments. No advance sign up is required to attend, and students are not required to stay the entire time if they have made pick up arrangements to leave before 4:00. We encourage parents and students to discuss their after school arrangements in advance.
Activity Buses
The intent in providing these activity buses is to enable more of our students the opportunity to participate in school activities, clubs and sports. Activity buses run on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays throughout the school year. Buses depart from Lundahl on these days at 4:10 PM.
Activity buses are available to any Lundahl student who has a regularly scheduled bus and remains at school until the departure time.
Click here to view our activity bus stop locations. Please note, drop off locations are not always the same as daily bus routes.
As new clubs begin, they will be added to our Clubs & Activities page on our website. We encourage parents and students to also check our Daily Announcements, which are posted on our website each day, to see what clubs are starting up soon.
Upcoming Events
PTO Parent Night Sale
- PTO is selling water bottles (can be personalized), hoodies, t shirts, and bracelets at parent night! Cash or check only for this cash and carry sale. You will also be able to place a preorder for a water bottle too if they sell out! Check out the LMS PTO page to see the water bottles in color!
PTO Fall Mum Sale
- Now through September 11th, support the Lundahl Middle School PTO by purchasing locally grown mums! Click here for complete ordering details!
Sign Up to Help!
- The PTO needs your help! We meet 3-4 times during the school year. Please see this sign up for where we need help. Thank you for considering! Contact Emily Pachla with any questions, Ekpachla@gmail.com
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us!
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to:
- follow us on Facebook: Lundahl Middle School PTO Page
- Text @lmspto23 to 81010 or go to https://www.remind.com/join/lmspto23 PTO uses Remind to communicate upcoming events and volunteer opportunities
For any questions please email us at lmspto@d47.org
Lundahl Family Assistance
Lundahl supports the district's mission of empowering all students and strives to also provide support for families. If your family needs assistance, please complete the form linked below:
Elevate Award
- Website: www.clfoge.org
- Facebook: Crystal Lake Friends of Gifted Ed- CLFOGE
- Instagram: d47clfoge
- For any questions please email us at info@clfoge.org