Conejo Valley USD
Created & Curated by the Special Education DAC
Developing the heart set, mindset and skill set for inclusion
An inclusive community welcomes and values everyone. It’s a place where everyone belongs. Yet creating an inclusive community requires us not only to say the words “inclusion” and “belonging,” but also to do the work to make those ideals a reality.
Celebrating the contributions and accomplishments of people with disabilities is an integral step toward creating a more inclusive community. Teaching children and young people about the leaders, icons and trailblazers of the disability community and about disability culture and #DisabilityPride can help reframe some of the negative stereotypes of the past.
Even more critical is teaching children and young people the importance of including disabled peers in the classroom, on the playground or playing field and in the broader social fabric of our schools. All students need to know the “why" and the “how” of including others who may look different, think differently or interact differently with the world.
Helping students, educators and families develop the heart set, mindset and skill set to celebrate and include students with disabilities is the purpose of this toolkit. We hope that our Conejo Valley USD community will take our mission to heart and use the toolkit resources to build more inclusive spaces and to provide more opportunities for authentic friendships and equitable education for every student.
Working together, we can create school communities where everyone belongs.
In partnership,
The SEDAC Disability Celebrations Committee
What You Will Find In This Toolkit
Section Two: Activities and Resources for Any Disability Celebration
Section Three: Four District-Recognized Disability/Inclusion Events and Ways to Celebrate
Section Four: List of Disability Awareness Days and Months
How to Include Students with Disabilities Year-Round
- Center the voices and perspectives of people with disabilities in disability awareness events and activities
- Shift the focus of awareness and celebration events from disability simulations to accessibility and inclusion for all students
- Use current respectful language about disability
- Presume competence in students with disabilities
- Create inclusion goals for campuses and clubs
- Plan school activities and events with inclusion in mind
- Include disabled icons and trailblazers in other awareness months, such as Black History Month and Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month
- Promote opportunities for authentic connection and friendships
1. Center the Voices and Perspectives of People with Disabilities in Disability Awareness
- Invite speakers with disabilities to give presentations in classes or school assemblies.
- Seek out resources (books, videos and other materials) that teach about disability from a disabled person's perspective.
- Whenever possible, consult with students with disabilities when planning events and activities that celebrate or include them.
- Disability simulations are no longer considered best practice for teaching students about disability, acceptance and inclusion.
- Check out the Disability Simulations images below to learn more.
Language evolves over time, so it is important to stay up-to-date on what is the most respectful and empowering way to talk about people with disabilities. Try to take cues from the individuals or groups being discussed and avoid ableist terms or phrases.
- Currently, person-first language is the default for most disabilities (person with Down syndrome, student with ADHD), although some groups, notably the autistic community, prefer identity-first language (autistic rather than person with autism).
- Some words have been replaced, because they have negative connotations. For example, use Accessible Parking rather than Handicapped Parking.
- Some words have become slurs and should be eliminated from use, such as the R-word. Learn more about the Spread the Word to End the Word campaign.
- Euphemisms like "special needs" or "special abilities" are not the preferred language of people with disabilities. Why "special needs" is not helpful.
- In fact, such euphemisms can be hurtful to disabled people. "Special needs" has become a euphemism more harmful than the word it replaces.
In the disability community, the current preferred language is either people with disabilities or disabled people. This toolkit attempts to use both equally to demonstrate respectful language.
Learn more here about Eliminating Ableist Language from Your Vocabulary.
One additional issue of note is that many autistic adults and allies are not fans of Autism Speaks, the Light It Up Blue campaign or using a Puzzle Piece as the symbol for autism or Autism Acceptance Month. The cartoon below explains some of the reasons why the puzzle piece should be retired from use as a representation of autism.
- Check out your school's School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) to learn about goals for including and supporting students with disabilities on campus.
- Engage with Parent Support Organizations to ensure that campus events and activities are accessible and inclusive.
- Appoint an inclusion officer who is responsible for ensuring your club's commitment to inclusion is upheld every day.
- Adapt and modify the way you do things to ensure the needs of all members are met. This could include your club rules, the environment and the equipment you use.
- Spread the word! Send an email, share on social media or even visit other clubs or classes to encourage participation in your club. Make sure everyone knows they are welcome.
- Listen. Understanding what people want to do helps make inclusion happen. Talk, listen to what they have to say, then take action.
- Avoid defining people by difference alone. This is fundamental to inclusion success. Treat each member as an individual and understand their needs and motivations.
- Focus on ability. Everybody has different experiences, abilities and skills. Find out what people can do and maximize this, while also accommodating their individual needs.
- Make a plan. Get your members together and create an action plan. This ensures your club makes a commitment and sets goals to achieve. Check your progress regularly.
- Take sensory needs and physical access into account while planning school events.
- Create a sensory break room with calm, quiet activities, sensory supports and safe spaces for students to use when the main event or activity becomes overwhelming.
- Allow students with disabilities early access to events to enable them to acclimate to the environment.
- Have inclusion kits on hand for field trips and events, with items like headphones, fidgets/squishies and weighted blankets for support as needed.
- Host a silent dance with all music played through headphones rather than speakers. Reserve a space at every dance for silent dancing.
- Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month: August de los Reyes, Wanda Díaz-Merced, Selena Gomez, Frida Kahlo, Demi Lovato, Diego Peña, Dr. Victor Pineda, Cristina Sanz, Justice Sonia Sotomayor
- Native American Heritage Month: John Clarke, Alaqua Cox, Dekanawida, Cinda Hughes, Wilma Mankiller, Michael Naranjo, Sequoyah
- Black History Month: Maya Angelou, Octavia Butler, Haben Girma, Amanda Gorman, LeDerick Horne, Barbara Jordan, Brad Lomax, Harriet Tubman, Stevie Wonder
- Women's History Month: Maya Angelou, Megan Bomgaars, Rebecca Cokley, Temple Grandin, Judy Heumann, Frida Kahlo, Jennifer Keelan-Chaffins, Emily Ladau, Alice Wong (plus all of the other women on this list)
- Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month: Elena Ashmore, Lydia X. Z. Brown, Ollie Cantos, Senator Tammy Duckworth, Mia Ives-Rublee, Jennifer Lee, Alice Wong
- Jewish American Heritage Month: Rabbi Ruth Adar, Josh Feldman, Judy Heumann, Marlee Matlin, Ari Ne'eman, Itzhak Perlman, Pamela Rae Schuller, Liz Weintraub
- Pride Month: Rabbi Ruth Adar, Bobbie Lea Bennett, Anderson Cooper, August de los Reyes, Nyle DiMarco, Frida Kahlo, Demi Lovato, Barbara Jordan, Mia Mingus, Ali Stroker
- Support inclusive activities like Sparkles Cheer and Unified Sports.
- Plan for inclusive elementary performances and plays.
- Use an equity lens and ask "who is missing?" in school activities and student leadership roles.
- Host a Lunch Bunch or inclusive lunchtime activities.
- Create a Connection Club to expand friendship opportunities for students with and without disabilities.
Sparkles Inclusive Cheer Program
Inclusion Redefined
Since 2009, The Sparkle Effect has generated over 225 inclusive teams in over 31 states, directly involving over 13,000 students. Newbury Park High School was an early adopter, with parent adviser Debbie Hanna starting the Panther Sparkles team in 2010.
CVUSD now has Sparkles Cheer teams at NPHS, TOHS and WHS. They perform at school events, like rallies, lunch time performances, dance showcases, football and basketball halftime shows and Unified Sports games.
Performing at Special Olympics World Games in 2015
Unified Sports
Promoting Social Inclusion Through Unified Sports
CVUSD participates in the Special Olympics Unified Champions Schools Program and has Unified Sports teams at Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks and Westlake High Schools and at Colina Middle School.
A Unified Athlete is a student-athlete with intellectual disabilities who typically receives special education services. A Unified Partner is a student-athlete without intellectual disabilities attending the same school as a Unified Athlete.
Many teachers and coaches provide support to the Unified Teams, and many student groups also participate in the games, like Sparkles, ASL Club, ASG, Band, Dance and Sports Medicine.
CVUSD Unified Sports teams have participated in a variety of sports, including basketball, kickball, soccer and bocce ball. Unified Sports athletes also host inclusive lunchtime activities at their school sites, such as bocce ball, corn hole and cup stacking. All students and faculty on campus are invited to participate together.
Unified Athletes Can Earn Varsity Letters!
Hosted by Newbury Park High School
Every spring, Newbury Park High School organizes a Special Olympics track & field event for students from schools throughout our county. The event is run by student volunteers and is supported by staff and community volunteers and community sponsors. Around 200 elementary, middle and high school students participate in various events, and there are opening and medal ceremonies. This is a fantastic event for the athletes, their families and the community!
The last time the event was held was in 2019 prior to COVID. Check out this article about the 2019 event. The event is scheduled to resume in person this year, in 2022!
Inclusive Elementary Plays and Performances
Every Student Should Have an Opportunity to Shine
Placing students with disabilities at the edge of the stage and hoping that they can last through a performance does not set up anyone for success.
With thoughtful planning and creative thinking to accommodate individual needs, every student can have an opportunity to shine and to feel like they belong in their school community.
Ideas for Accessible and Inclusive Plays and Performances
- If a student has mobility challenges, and the school stage is not accessible, ask to use the district's portable wheelchair lift. Set it up as far in advance as possible to ensure that the lift is in working order and that several school site staff members know how to operate it.
- Students with communication challenges or who are nonspeaking can deliver lines with an AAC device and with the help of a peer to provide cues onstage.
- For students with vision or visual perception challenges, consider using visual cues such as marking steps with colored tape. Tape may also be used to mark the edge of the stage, to mark where a student should stand or for any other directional prompts.
- Students who are blind or visually impaired can learn lines and songs with audio recordings, screen readers or braille. Provide opportunities for students to learn the stage layout and any physical cues at a time that is distraction free. Peers or support staff can also provide support on stage.
- Students who are deaf or hard of hearing can deliver lines with their preferred method of communication: sign language (ASL), AAC or spoken words. Cue cards or an ASL interpreter can provide stage cues, and peers can also provide support. An inclusive idea would be to have ALL the students in the play deliver some lines or sing a song using ASL.
- For students with attention or behavior challenges, consider giving them a small but meaningful part early in the performance so that they can retire gracefully from the stage if necessary or on a planned cue. Peers can help remind these students of cues and can also provide a guiding hand.
- For students with learning challenges, consider sending home an instructional video with music and movement or lines so they can practice at home. It may be hard for these students to learn their parts in a novel and less structured environment like a stage or Multi-Purpose Room, and they may need more opportunities to practice than what is available during the school day. Cue cards can also be used during practice or performances as well as hand signals as reminders.
- Students with sensory issues or anxiety may be too overwhelmed to handle being on stage. An alternative could be to film their lines in advance and project the video recording onscreen during the performance, as in the pictures above. The student can dress in costume, observe from the sidelines and can even take a bow with peers.
These are just a few ideas for accessibility and inclusion that have worked for students in the past. The vision is to provide meaningful and equitable participation for every student rather than requiring equal participation as a measure of success.
Activities and Resources for Any Disability or Inclusion Celebration
Elementary Resources & Activities
This video is a read aloud of the book Kindness Is My Superpower. It is the story of a boy who learns that bullying and teasing makes others feel bad and that spreading kindness makes you and others feel good. Use these Simple Acts of Kindness Ideas from the book to inspire students to take action.
Writing Prompts
Give students writing prompts related to accessibility, kindness, acceptance, inclusion and equity. These prompts can also be on printable cards or worksheets.
Teachers Pay Teachers Kindness Writing Prompts
Some sample prompts include:
- I can be a good friend by...
- I need a friend when...
- What does inclusion mean?
- I feel included when...
- I feel excluded when...
- I will be inclusive by...
Decorate Classroom Doors
Add messages of kindness, acceptance, accessibility, equity and inclusion to your classroom doors! Parent volunteers can decorate the doors, and the decoration can include contributions from students in the class.
Cover the door in butcher paper. Be sure to measure carefully and do not cover any windows in the door, door handles, doorknobs or doorstops. Add paper or 3D pieces that contribute to the theme. A fun idea is to utilize the space around the door as part of the design.
Schoolwide Art Project
Give all students the opportunity to create a piece for a schoolwide art project. Choose a theme for the project that promotes equity, accessibility, acceptance or inclusion. Get creative!
Sample themes:
- Rainbow or Kaleidoscope of Friends
- Inclusion means...
- I matter because...
- Where Everyone Belongs
- I will be inclusive by...
- Better Together
Every student can have a section to decorate in a large mural. The mural can be comprised of tiles/paper squares that create a larger picture or collaborative poster, or the mural can be made up of identical or similar shapes that fit the theme. Both types are pictured below.
Collect all student art and arrange the individual contributions into one large art piece. Display the art project on campus for everyone to see!
Note: If using shapes to create a mural, you can use a template, cut out the paper shapes and add them to a background made of butcher paper.
Here are some examples that have been used in Conejo Valley USD.
- Hot Air Balloons -- We Rise By Lifting Others
- Circles -- In the Circle, we are all Equal. No one is in Front • No one is Behind • No one is Above • No one is Below
- Fish -- We may all be different fish...but in this school, we swim together!
Classroom Art Project
Follow the same process for the schoolwide art project (see above), but on a scale for the classroom. Pick a theme that emphasizes friendship, kindness, acceptance and inclusion.
The example pictured has the theme All Hands on Deck for the Friend Ship!
Middle and High School Resources & Activities
Art & Creative Writing Prompts
Students can create a collage, video, art project, poem or essay to express what accessibility, acceptance, equity or inclusion mean to them. Display all the projects in a gallery.
Some examples of prompts are:
- What does inclusion mean?
- I feel included when...
- I can be a good ally by...
- How might it feel NOT to be included?
- What does it look like, feel like or sound like when someone really includes you?
An alternative idea for a quick classroom activity is to use a program like Google Jamboard that allows students to submit quick responses anonymously to a writing prompt or question.
Create Banners and Posters
Have students and student clubs create banners or posters about Kindness, Acceptance, Inclusion, Accessibility and Equity to display around campus. Banners can include space for students to add handwritten messages, and posters can be posted on campus or online.
Ideas for All Students
Host a Speaker with a Disability at an Assembly
One of the best ways to center the voices and perspectives of people with disabilities in any disability or inclusion celebration is to have a disabled speaker or presenter at a school assembly. Presenters can be well known advocates, community leaders or students.
Exit Ticket
An exit ticket is a great way to assess and reinforce learning. The exit ticket is a question or prompt that is posed to all students prior to the ending of a class or learning activity. Students can write their answers on a slip of paper, index card or a printed exit ticket.
A great exit ticket strategy is 3-2-1: ask students to list three things they have learned, two things they liked and one question they still have. For additional ideas, check out this List of 10 Quick and Easy Exit Tickets for Any Lesson.
Here are some examples of exit ticket prompts for high school students.
- I wonder why...
- I didn't know that...
- I was surprised by...
- My key takeaway is...
- Today's topic was important because...
- I wish I could have said this in class today...
Hold a Poster Contest
Accept entries of student artwork for annual posters that recognize disability and inclusion celebrations. This can be done at the district or school level. Have administrators or community leaders judge the contest. Announce the winners and share the posters, either printed or virtual, around the district or at your school during celebrations or awareness events.
Host a Mix It Up Lunch
Ask students to move outside their comfort zones and connect with someone new at lunch. Check out this Mix It Up Lunch Guide for ideas on how to plan a successful event.
Inclusive Lunchtime Activities
Host inclusive lunchtime activities and games where all are welcome. Make sure that the activities are accessible or modified so that everyone can participate. ASB or student clubs can arrange the activities. Consult with students to find out what they would enjoy doing!
Your school librarian can set up a display of inclusive books in the library for any disability or inclusion celebration. Remember to center the voices of people with disabilities and include books written by disabled authors to ensure authentic representation. This list of children's books about disabilities is a good place to start.
Post About Events and Activities on Social Media
Sharing photos and information about disability and inclusive celebrations on social media are a great way to amplify the messages of acceptance, accessibility and inclusion, to educate the community and to promote school spirit and pride around disability issues.
Some disability awareness and inclusion events have social media kits created by sponsoring organizations with images, potential tweets and suggested hashtags. Feel free to create your own posts and tweets with photos, quotes and messages!
Be sure to make your hashtags inclusive by using #CamelCase, which is capitalizing the first letter of each word. This makes your hashtags accessible by anyone using a screen reader and easier to read for everyone. #AccessibleHashtags
Chalk Art
Create a Chalk Art Gallery where students and staff can work collaboratively on chalk art pictures that celebrate acceptance, accessibility, equity and inclusion.
This can be done before school, after school, during lunch or during class time. Choose a location with a lot of blacktop or concrete for the gallery of mini-murals.
Another idea is to hold a Chalk Your Walk Event. For this activity, students and staff can draw messages of kindness, acceptance,
inclusion and belonging on walkways around campus.
Four District-Recognized Disability & Inclusion Events and Ways to Celebrate
- Disability Awareness Events (Any Time)
- National Bullying Prevention Month and Unity Day (October)
- Disability History Month (October)
- Inclusive Schools Week (First Week of December)
District Resolutions for Inclusive Events
National Bullying Prevention Month
Unity Day
Inclusive Schools Week
Disability Awareness Events
Over time, researchers, advocates and people with disabilities began to speak out and share data on how some of the practices of traditional Abilities Awareness events, such as Disability Simulations, were perpetuating stereotypes and exclusion rather than creating the desired empathy and sought-after inclusion.
Today, we recognize it is time to evolve our thinking and practice. That starts with shifting the name to what the current respectful language is: Disability Awareness. Yet our intent with this toolkit is to move beyond awareness and focus on acceptance, accessibility and inclusion.
It is likely that a few years from now, thinking about disability will have evolved again, and this toolkit will need an update. Or even an overhaul. Our hope is that current best practice will always inform what we do to promote acceptance and inclusion for students with disabilities.
Centering the Perspectives of People with Disabilities
The speaker can be a community leader, advocate, trailblazer, athlete, artist or student. Hearing their story and their hopes for the future in their own authentic voice, with whatever method they might use to communicate, will be a great kickoff to your event and should begin to create that shift in heart set and mindset that leads to acceptance and inclusion.
Social vs. Medical Model of Disability
Historically, disabilities were seen as "less than" rather than as a natural part of human diversity. The medical model of disability approaches people with disabilities as "the problem" and tries to "fix" their disabilities so that they can function in a world not built for them.
While medical interventions and supports remain important for many people with disabilities, the social model of disability looks at barriers in society as the problems that require solutions, rather than placing the responsibility on the disabled. People are encouraged to be their authentic selves, and society needs to change to provide accommodations, accessibility, equity and inclusion for disabled people.
The video below provides a good explanation of the social and medical models of disability.
Presume Competence
Rather than assuming that a disabled person needs help, #PresumeCompetence instead. Allow disabled people the space to fail or succeed on their own.
Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell if a person with a disability does need help with something that is inaccessible. That's okay. If you feel the urge to help, just ask. And then, be prepared to accept that the answer might be, "No."
Presuming competence is a great way to be an ally to people with disabilities. Allow them the dignity of self-reliance and autonomy. At the same time, be ready to offer support if it is requested or if you would offer the same help to a nondisabled person in the same situation.
Empathy (understanding what the other person is feeling) rather than sympathy (feeling sorry for someone else) is the best guide to navigating any uncertainty.
Daily Themes for Disability Awareness Week
The Daily Themes for a weeklong event are:
- Day One: Introduction to Disability, Accessibility and Inclusion
- Day Two: Exploring Our Differences
- Day Three: Fostering Friendships
- Day Four: Expanding Empathy
- Day Five: Taking Action for Inclusion
For each Daily Theme, the toolkit will include resources and activities for elementary and for middle and high school students. In addition, any of the ideas from Section Two or elsewhere in Section Three of this toolkit can be used as well.
Each day will also feature a Spirit Day Activity to help build community around the idea of disability inclusion and an Exit Ticket Question.
One-Day Event: These themes and activities can be modified to create learning stations for a Disability Awareness event scheduled for a single day.
Day One: Introduction to Disability, Accessibility and Inclusion
Disability awareness and inclusion aims to change that reality so that people with disabilities are seen as a part of natural human diversity and are included in the social fabric of our everyday lives.
One in five people have a disability, so chances are that you do know someone with a disability!
Understanding that inclusion is often the first step to providing accessibility and equity to people with disabilities is a powerful motivator for changing our society and ending the awkwardness and exclusion.
Watch the video below to understand this perspective better.
Elementary Resources & Activities
Introducing children to the ideas of disability as diversity and appreciating that we are all different is the goal of Day One! Students should also begin to recognize the importance of accepting and including everyone.
a kids book about disabilities
Watch the read aloud video of this book written from the perspective of a wheelchair user. The book helps teach children that disability is a natural part of the human experience, and it is a fantastic introduction to disability, accessibility and inclusion.
Just Ask: Be Brave, Be Different, Be You
Watch the read aloud video of this amazing book written by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Just Ask uses the metaphor of a garden where many different flowers can bloom to explore disabilities and differences.
The book can serve as the starting point for discussions on disability, appreciating each person's uniqueness and why including everyone is important.
Here are some great learning activities that go along with the book.
Activities to promote understanding of diversity and acceptance
Link to numerous activities from Teachers Pay Teachers
Every Child is a Flower Art Project
In support of the garden theme of "Just Ask," create a schoolwide mural of a garden! Each student is given a paper flower to color or decorate. Use a variety of flower templates to support the idea that differences are beautiful. Parent volunteers or teachers can help create the mural backdrop and paint stems and leaves for the flowers. Hang the mural in a prominent place, like the MPR. Don't forget to share photos of the mural on social media!
Mural Caption: Every Child is a Different Kind of Flower and
All Together Make this World a Beautiful Garden
Middle and High School Resources & Activities
This is a lighthearted video that introduces the idea that people with disabilities have the same human needs that everyone else does. Use the video as a prompt to discuss why people with disabilities may have additional challenges in meeting their needs and reaching their goals due to a lack of accessibility, which can be a barrier to success.
Be sure to approach this discussion from the Social Model lens, rather than the Medical Model. It's not people with disabilities that need to change who they are, but rather society that needs to expand and provide access to all.
Accessible Campus Awareness Activity
Have students navigate the campus in small groups with an accessibility mindset and identify barriers that prevent students from being fully included. Students can make note of what they find or create an accessibility map of the campus.
- Look for obstacles, such as stairs, steps, narrow pathways, steep inclines, etc.
- Look for visual obstacles from the perspective of students with vision impairments
- Look for safety obstacles, such as safe pathways for emergency evacuations, and whether or not there are multiple cue for emergencies (sounds and lights)
- Look at community eating areas to check for accessibility and safety of tables and seating
- Look at campus signage to determine if they use symbols to make them accessible for English learners and those who may not read yet
Students can put together their findings and submit them as a class project. Further followup might include nominating a group of students to present a report at the School Site Council or submitting a written report or making public comments at Student DAC.
Discuss Additional Obstacles to School Inclusion
How accessible and inclusive are campus clubs, activities and events? Brainstorm ways to make improvements so that all students feel welcome and valued.
Use the following discussion or writing prompt:
What is one thing you can do to make your school more inclusive?
Day One: Spirit Activity & Exit Ticket
Spirit Activity: Everyone wears school colors on Day One to promote inclusion!
Exit Ticket Question: Why is inclusion important in our school?
Day Two: Exploring Our Differences
Yet differences and diversity are what make the world exciting! And even when you meet someone who seems very different from you, it is likely that you have something in common, because we all have the same human needs.
People with physical disabilities may have visible differences, while the differences of those who think differently, communicate differently or interact differently with the world may not be as obvious right away. But sometimes, these differences can create social barriers between the disabled and the nondisabled.
When you meet or talk to someone with a disability, it's important to remember that disability is just another kind of human difference. Try to reach across any invisible barriers that may arise and connect with each other on a human level. Respecting and accepting others who are different from you is a great first step toward creating a more inclusive school and community.
Elementary Resources & Activities
The goal for Day Two is for students to think about their own differences and to understand the value and importance of accepting each person's unique differences.
Watch this short video that explains how we are all unique in ways we can see or ways we cannot, and that includes visible and hidden disabilities.
Social Story: Accepting Differences
This social story from Teachers Pay Teachers has both digital and printable files for additional instruction on accepting differences. (Designed for Kindergarten to Third Grade)
Design Your Seed Packet
Seed packets list exactly what plants and flowers need to grow. There is no judgement from gardeners or from other plants about what each plant needs to thrive.
Expanding upon the learning from Day One that every student is a plant or flower in an inclusive garden, have students design their own seed packet that describes what makes them unique and what they need to learn and grow. Children can draw their own portrait for the cover of the seed packet and list their favorite things, what they like to do, what makes them different from their classmates and what helps them learn.
You can use the Seed Packet Template shown below for this activity or students can create their seed packets from scratch.
Once students have drawn their portrait and listed what makes them unique and what they need to learn and grow, have them cut out the packets and glue them together to form an envelope. Have different craft supplies available so that students can choose or make the seeds that go inside (confetti, craft balls, paper clips, etc.)
Display the seed packets so that students can appreciate each others' differences!
Middle and High School Resources & Activities
The goal for Day Two for middle and high school students is not only to reflect on what makes them unique and different, but also to understand how to connect with others who may seem different from themselves by identifying commonalities.
Watch the award-winning short film below to learn why you shouldn't make assumptions about other people. Use the video as a prompt to discuss why it is a mistake to make assumptions.
Use this activity as a game for students to get to know each other and explore their similarities and differences. Every student gets a bingo card (shown below). Then, they walk around and talk to the other students present. Students should ask each other or share if any of the statements on the card apply to them. If so, have that student sign their name on the corresponding square.
Each student can only sign one square on each individual student's card. The goal is to talk to as many students as possible and discover commonalities. When a student gets five names in a row, they call out BINGO, and then they read out the names in the BINGO row.
To start this activity, everyone stands in a group on one side of the room. There should be a line of colored tape on the ground on the other side of the room. Then as a series of questions is read aloud, students who can answer "yes" step to the other side of the room and stand on the tape line facing the other students for a few moments. Students can finish the activity by posing for a group photo of everyone in the class!
Read this opening statement to get started:
It's easy to think in terms of us vs. them. That there are those with whom we share something and those with whom we seem to share nothing. This activity will help us learn more about what we might have in common. Try to be honest with your answers.
If you can answer yes to the following questions, step to the line and face the other students for a few moments. Then return to the main group for the next question.
- Do you play a musical instrument?
- Are you never on time (always late)?
- Are you afraid of spiders?
- Is your favorite color purple?
- Do you have a pet?
- Are you vegan or vegetarian?
- Are you left-handed?
- Do you speak a second language?
- Do you love to draw or paint?
- Do you like pineapple on pizza?
- Do you still have a land line (phone) at home?
- Is reading your favorite thing to do?
- Have you ever learned a TikTok dance?
- Do you love spinach?
- Can you hula hoop?
- Do you write poetry?
- Do you know how to whistle?
- Is your favorite ice cream chocolate?
- Do you have a birthday this month?
- Have you ever performed karaoke?
- Do you love to play sports?
- Is your favorite subject math?
- Do you have a food allergy?
- Do you like to dance?
- Have you ever felt embarrassed?
- Do you worry about your grades?
- Have you ever felt confident in something you are good at?
- Have you felt anxious or overwhelmed in the past week?
- Do you ever feel lonely?
- Have you ever wanted someone to talk to?
- Have you ever been bullied?
- Have you ever had a hard time expressing how you feel?
- Have you ever overcome a big challenge or great adversity?
- Do you ever feel misunderstood?
- Would you like to be closer to your family?
- Have you ever needed a friend?
- Have you ever been a good friend or helped a friend through a crisis?
- Are you a student at (fill in the blank) school?
Develop Your Own One-Pager
A one-pager can be a great way for students to explore what makes them unique and what they need to thrive. Use the template below or encourage students to come up with their own design to create a one-pager.
When completed, use the one-pagers as prompts to discuss what students have in common and what their differences are. Be sure to remind students that disability is one more aspect of human diversity and difference. We all have strengths and areas for growth!
Day Two: Spirit Activity and Exit Ticket
Exit Ticket Question: What can we learn about ourselves and others when we explore our differences?
Day Three: Fostering Friendships
For authentic friendships to form, it's important for students to understand what positive friendship is, how to treat everyone with kindness and respect and to have opportunities to interact and connect with others who are outside their current social circle.
Building positive connections between students with and without disabilities is another great step toward creating a more inclusive school and community.
Elementary Resources & Activities
The goal for Day Three for elementary students is to explore what makes a positive friendship and how to interact in a positive way with ALL their peers.
This video shows students all of the ingredients that go into Friendship Soup, like honesty, having fun, respect and kindness.
Check out this lesson guide for Friendship Soup that includes discussion starters, printable activities and writing prompts!
A teaching unit on friendship that includes "I Can" friendship posters, social stories and activities for making new friends.
Making Friends with Children of All Abilities
Kids with and without disabilities enjoy a lot of the same activities. Check out the video below that features tips for being a good friend with kids of all abilities.
In this activity, students will create their own rules for kindness.
Begin the lesson by asking students, "How should we treat our friends?" Allow students a few moments to think and answer, guiding them toward the idea that we should treat our friends with kindness.
Explain to students that they are going to be creating some rules for kindness. Each of them will create one or two rules for how to treat others kindly. Each rule should be just a single sentence and be ones that they believe are the most important to think about when it comes to treating friends with kindness.
Give students time to brainstorm and then write down their rules on the Kindness Rule template below. After everyone is done, have students share their rule(s).
Here are some variations for this activity.
- When sharing with the class, ask students to explain why they chose their rule(s).
- Post the rules around the school.
- Have your school include reading kindness rules as part of the morning announcements.
- Make a video of students sharing their rules.
Middle and High School Resources & Activities
The goal for Day Three for middle and high school students is to discover commonalities with peers, to learn to interact positively with ALL of their peers and to start developing skills for proactively including students with disabilities.
This activity is a great way to foster friendships between students who might not have the chance to interact every day. Invite students with disabilities to join your class or visit a classroom for students with disabilities for a whole group lesson. Be sure to plan ahead for any needed accommodations or accessibility issues.
Examples of Class Collaborations:
- Orchestra or band class performs and then invites students to look at or try instruments.
- Drama class does warm up exercises with the visiting students and then performs a scene from an upcoming play. Students then participate in a Q&A session about the play. FYI, everyone loves costumes and props!
- Drama class plays improvisational games with visiting students.
- Dance class performs warm ups and dance exercises together. Then, everyone can learn a simple, inclusive dance.
- Foreign language class invites student to join and learn some vocabulary together.
- Science class invites students to perform experiments together.
- Art class invites students to work on a project or mural together. This could even be a chalk art activity!
- Student athletes join an APE class to work on basic skills together.
Friendship Opportunity: Today's Spirit Activity is a Mix It Up Lunch, and Class Collaboration time would be a great opportunity to invite a student with disabilities to join you at lunch!
This website has resources, programs and activities created to help young people end social isolation. Defined as a lack of connections, social isolation is especially acute among students who are perceived as "different," including students with disabilities. Students have the power and natural motivation to end social isolation and make a difference, starting with how they treat one another at school and on social media.
Beyond Differences has three national programs: Know Your Classmates, No One Eats Alone and Be Kind Online.
Watch the video Be The One (shown below), and use it as a prompt to discuss how students can connect with those who may be socially isolated.
Day Three: Spirit Activity and Exit Ticket
Exit Ticket Questions: How do we make new friends? Why are positive friendships important?
Day Four: Expanding Empathy
For authentic connections to form between students with and without disabilities, it's important for everyone to know the difference between empathy and sympathy. It also helps to understand the role that empathy plays in building positive relationships.
The ability to share someone else's feelings and experiences is crucial to shifting hearts and minds toward greater inclusion of people with disabilities. Once we can empathize with each other's longing for belonging, how can we not include everyone?
Elementary Resources & Activities
The goal for Day Four for elementary students is to learn what empathy is and how they can show empathy to their friends and classmates.
Help younger students learn that empathy is understanding how another person feels by watching the video below from Sesame Street with Mark Ruffalo. Use the video as a prompt for a discussion about feelings and empathy.
The video below will help students learn the basics of empathy, why it is important and how they can apply empathy in everyday situations. Use the video as a discussion or writing prompt for students to share what they learned about empathy and how they can show empathy to others. A 3-2-1 strategy would be effective here: ask students to list three things they have learned, two things they liked and one question they still have.
Stepping Into Someone Else's Shoes
One of the four attributes of empathy is perspective taking. This interactive activity teaches students about other people's perspectives and how they might be feeling in a variety of scenarios. A fun alternative might be to use actual shoes rather than the photos in the lesson.
This activity will help students understand how to take another's perspective, even when they disagree. Seeing other perspectives is a core skill for empathy and feeling more compassion toward other viewpoints.
Start the activity by dividing students into two groups and asking them to stand on opposite sides of a table. Place a number 6 (like the one pictured) in the center of the table, so that the number looks like a 6 to one group and a 9 to the other.
Ask the students what number they see. One side will see a six, and one side will see a nine. Next, have the students switch sides, standing on the opposite side of the table to see the other group's perspective. Now what number does each group see?
Discuss how people sometimes don't understand each other, because they don't see things from the same perspective. Teaching children to try seeing a situation in a different way can help them understand how others are feeling.
Middle and High School Resources & Activities
The goal for Day Four for middle and high school students is to learn the difference between empathy and sympathy and how important it is to be able to see things from another's perspective. Students will also have the opportunity to practice compassion.
This video explains what empathy is and why it is very different from sympathy. Use this video as a discussion or writing prompt to describe how being vulnerable helps you connect with and understand others in a deeper way than sympathy. (Please note, this is an edited version of the original video, which has references to more grownup issues, like marriage and losing a child.)
The video below shows the hidden feelings and experiences of students and the difference between offering sympathy and offering empathy and connection. This video could serve as a prompt for students to share how they are feeling by writing an essay, a poem or a song, or they can create a video or art project. Students can also share how others have made them feel better in the past or how they have helped someone else by showing empathy.
This activity will help students develop empathy through perspective taking and identifying another person's feelings in several scenarios. Students can read and discuss the scenarios in the handout pictured below, and they can also role play the scenarios using strategies that show empathy to each other.
Sharing stories is a powerful way to build empathy. With Empathy Book Trailers, students are able to practice compassion by doing a deep-dive into a character from a book they love.
Each student creates a short book trailer that focuses on the experience of a particular character within the book. By focusing on a character, students will practice connecting events from a person's life experiences to feelings and needs.
Help students make the connection between empathy for a book character to building compassionate understanding for one another.
For this activity, students can create a short video, write a speech or create a storyboard.
Day Four: Spirit Activity and Exit Ticket
Exit Ticket Questions: Why is empathy important? What is an example of something you have done to show another person empathy?
Day Five: Taking Action for Inclusion
Hopefully, students will be able to apply the lessons they have learned all week about disability as a natural part of diversity, accepting others who are different, forming friendships and positive connections and practicing empathy, and these lessons will enable them to start taking action to include students who are excluded or left out.
Being kind and empathetic toward others is a great first step, but true inclusion requires action!
Elementary Resources & Activities
The goal for Day Five for elementary students is for them to be inspired to take action to make their own schools more inclusive. Students should be encouraged to consider what they have learned all week about disability, inclusion, accepting differences, fostering friendships and expanding empathy. Help them be creative, and make sure everyone has a voice.
Watch the read aloud video below of Strictly No Elephants, a story about a boy and his pet elephant who are rejected at the local Pet Club. When the boy meets another child and pet who have also been left out, he decides to start a new club where everyone is included.
Use the video as a discussion or writing prompt to talk about being left out, accepting others who are different from you, what it means to include everyone and how to take action for inclusion and belonging.
Suggested discussion questions:
- The story mentions things that friends do for one another, like lift each other over cracks and brave scary things. What are some of the things that you do to support your friends?
- How does the boy help the elephant? How does the elephant help the boy?
- Why were the boy and his elephant left out of the Pet Club?
- When the boy and his elephant were rejected from the Pet Club, how did they feel?
- What action does the boy take after he meets a girl and her pet skunk who were also rejected by the Pet Club?
- When the boy and his new friends start their own Pet Club, how is it different from the first club? How do they make sure to include everyone?
- The new pet club has a sign that says, "All Are Welcome." How do you think that makes kids and their pets feel?
- Do you think it is important to accept and include others who are different from you?
- What can you do to include kids who may be left out at school?
Have students work together to create a skit that demonstrates how to include their peers. Divide students into groups of 3-5 and explain that their task is to create a skit that demonstrates how students can be inclusive of everyone. Print out the skit prompts in the picture below, cut into strips and give each group a prompt. Teachers can also create their own skit prompts to match the individuality and experiences of their students.
Allow students time to practice and prepare, and then bring the class together so that each group can share their skits. Some additional ideas for this activity are:
- Instead of acting out the skit in front of the class, have students make a video to share.
- Have students perform the skits or share the videos at a school assembly or on Canvas.
- During the skit or video, have students stop half way through and ask the audience, "What would you do in this situation?"
Create a List of Ways that Your Class or School Can Be More Inclusive
Have students brainstorm ways that their class or school can be more inclusive of everyone. Create a list of the ideas and post it in the classroom or on a school bulletin board. The inclusion ideas can also be shared during morning announcements or on the school marquee.
Be sure not to single out any one group of students, but focus on ideas like accepting differences, showing empathy and reaching out to anyone who might be left out. Remind students that everyone longs to belong and feel included. Be sure that students with disabilities are given the opportunity to express how they would like to be included.
Have students create a video of a Public Service Announcement (PSA) that is shared with the entire school that focuses on how students can make their school more inclusive of everyone. Use the brainstorming activity above to inspire ideas for the PSA.
Inclusion Art Show
Host an art show at your school that focuses on the theme of inclusion. Encourage all students to submit a piece of art to the show that connects to the theme of inclusion and the ideas of acceptance and friendship. Then, host an art show event at your school for families and community members.
Inclusive Lunchtime Activities
Partner with the Conejo Recreation & Park District (CRPD) Therapeutic Recreation Department to provide inclusive lunchtime activities for all students.
Many schools already work with CRPD to host lunchtime programs. To add inclusive activities to your existing program or to start a new program, contact Devon Herbert, Supervisor of Therapeutic Recreation/Inclusion for CRPD. Call 805-381-2739 to find out more.
Middle and High School Resources & Activities
The goal for Day Five for middle and high school students is exactly the same as the goal for elementary students: to be inspired to take action to make their own schools more inclusive. Students should be encouraged to consider what they have learned all week about disability, inclusion, accepting differences, fostering friendships and expanding empathy. Help them be creative, and make sure everyone has a voice.
Watch the video below about Evan & Jay, two brothers who love and support one another. Both are involved in Unified Sports, and Evan is a leader for inclusion at his school.
Use this video as a discussion or writing prompt. Remind students that not everyone has a sibling like Evan at school to smooth their path to inclusion. Ask: What can you do to include students who are often left out? How can you take action for inclusion at our school?
Taking Action for Inclusion
The focus for Day Five is to inspire students to take action for inclusion. Below are several ideas to jumpstart change and lead the way for inclusion.
Recruit new members for clubs like Unified Sports, Sparkles Cheer, Peer Mentors and ASL Club by hosting a lunchtime Open House in the gym or on the quad. Have clubs share what they do, and plan some fun, inclusive activities as part of the event that are accessible for everyone.
Start a Connection Club
Connection Clubs are a great way for students with and without disabilities to hang out, eat together, participate in inclusive activities and form true connections. A Connection Club also provides a safe space for students who may have trouble making friends to overcome social barriers and connect with friendly, empathetic peers.
Plan an Accessible Event for All
Take an already scheduled event at your school, like a football game or a dance, and make the theme for the event or game accessibility. Make sure that all aspects of the event are considered and redesign anything that needs to be modified to make it accessible for all.
Hold an Inclusive Reading Challenge
Have a reading challenge where all students read books featuring characters with disabilities. Coordinate with the school librarian to set up an inclusive book display in the library.
Inclusive Art Show, Creative Writing Contest, Poetry Slam or Short Film Festival
Engage student creativity and storytelling around the theme of inclusion by hosting an art show, creative writing contest, poetry slam or short film festival. Or have a combination event!
Challenge students to celebrate what your school already does to promote inclusion and also highlight ways to expand inclusion and belonging for all.
Social Media Inclusion Pledge
Cyberbullying, slurs and other disrespectful language about disability are far too common on social media. There have even been TikTok challenges openly mocking the disabled.
If we want to create a world that is truly inclusive for everyone, then the inclusive principles we practice in our everyday lives must extend to social media, as well.
Have student leaders create a Social Media Inclusion Pledge and host as assembly to present and have students take the pledge. Below are some potential ideas for the pledge.
- I will use social media platforms to spread kindness, not hate.
- I will not bully, harass or make fun of other members of my community on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Yik Yak or TikTok.
- I will stand up for my peers rather than put them down.
- I will use social media to lift others up.
- I will not use technology to hurt others. I will not share harmful messages, images or language that is hurtful.
- I will use technology responsibly and agree to think before I post.
- I will be kind to my fellow students and try to be kind to those who are often left out.
- I will not participate in online challenges that make fun of my peers. Instead, I will speak out against cyberbullying and slurs.
- I agree to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
- I pledge to be accepting and understanding of others.
- I pledge to use respectful and inclusive words.
- I pledge to create a safe space, where diversity is celebrated and everyone is accepted.
- I pledge to spread inclusion to promote the acceptance of all individuals!
Write Legislators
Use your voice to write to state and federal legislators and ask them to support expanding inclusion for students with disabilities. With a little research, you can find out if there are pending bills at the state or federal level that support inclusion. If there are bills pending, consider writing a letter of support.
Give What You Can: Designate a wall in a central location on campus as a message wall. Students and staff can add Post-Its with positive and uplifting messages to the wall.
Take What You Need: Students are encouraged to take a note whenever they are feeling sad or lonely. Students who take a note are invited to add their own words of encouragement for someone else having a bad day.
Day Five: Spirit Activity and Exit Ticket Question
- Say "hello" and start a conversation with someone new.
- Notice who is left out and invite them to join your friend group for lunch or an activity during or after school.
- Invite someone to play with you on the playground. If someone asks if they can play with your or your friends, say "YES"!
- Partner with someone different for a class assignment or project.
- Practice empathy when others are sharing how they are feeling.
- Reconnect with your Mix It Up Lunch partner from the previous day. Make a point to get to know that person better.
- If you are part of a student group organizing a school activity or event, plan to make your event accessible for everyone.
- Find out how you can be part of the inclusive clubs at your school.
- Be an ally for students with disabilities. If you hear someone say something hurtful or disrespectful, speak up!
Students can share their Intentional Acts of Inclusion through classroom discussion, or they can add their Intentional Acts of Inclusion to a school bulletin board throughout the day.
Exit Ticket Questions: How could our school be more inclusive for everyone? What can I do to be more inclusive of the students with disabilities on our campus?
Holding a One-Day Disability Awareness Event
Here is a sample structure for a one-day event for elementary students:
- Kick off the event with an assembly featuring a speaker with a disability.
- During the assembly, show the read aloud video for the book "Just Ask," shown below. "Just Ask" uses the metaphor of a garden where many different flowers can bloom to explore disabilities and differences.
- After the assembly, students can participate in learning stations. They can be rotated through the stations in order by grade level groups, or the stations can be set up during lunchtime for voluntary participation.
Station One — Belonging: Every Child is a Flower Art Project
In support of the garden theme of "Just Ask," students are given a paper flower to color or decorate to contribute to a schoolwide mural of a garden. Use a variety of flower templates to support the idea that differences are beautiful. Students can also create their own flowers to express their uniqueness.
Parent volunteers or teachers can help create the mural backdrop, paint stems and leaves for the flowers and hang the mural when complete. If stations are set up for voluntary lunchtime participation, students can also complete their flowers in the classroom with their teacher to make sure that every student is able to contribute to the mural.
The message for this station is that everyone is unique and that disability is one way that humans can be different from each other. Yet everyone is welcome and belongs at school.
Mural Caption: Every Child is a Different Kind of Flower and
All Together Make this World a Beautiful Garden
Station Two — Appreciating Differences: Design Your Seed Packet
Have students design their own seed packet that describes what makes them unique and what they need to learn and grow. Children can draw their own portrait for the cover of the seed packet and list their favorite things, what they like to do, what makes them different from their classmates and what helps them learn.
You can use the Seed Packet Template shown below for this activity or students can create their seed packets from scratch. The seed packets can be a take-home craft, or they can be displayed in classrooms.
Once students have drawn their portrait and listed what makes them unique and what they need to learn and grow, have them cut out the packets and glue them together to form an envelope. The seed packets can also be pre-cut and pre-glued. Have different craft supplies available so that students can choose or make the seeds that go inside (confetti, craft balls, paper clips, etc.)
The message for this station is that seed packets list exactly what plants and flowers need. All plants and flowers need sunlight, water and food, but they sometimes need different growing conditions or supports. There is no judgement from gardeners or from other plants about what each plant needs to thrive. All kids learn the same core subjects at school, but some kids, like students with disabilities, may need different supports for their learning and growth.
Have students create rules for kindness. Start off by asking students, "How should we treat our friends?" Remind students that differences are what make the world interesting, and it's never okay to make fun of someone. Allow students a few moments to think and answer, guiding them toward the idea that we should treat our friends and classmates with kindness and concern for their feelings.
Then, each student will create one or two rules for how to treat others kindly. Each rule should be just a single sentence and be ones that they believe are the most important to think about when it comes to treating friends with kindness.
Give students time to brainstorm and then write down their rules on a piece of paper. You can also use the Kindness Rule template below. Students can also draw illustrations of their rules. When they are finished, have students explain why they chose their rule(s).
Students can then add their rules to a schoolwide banner display or to a poster. Once a poster is full of kindness rules, volunteers can rotate in a blank poster. The banner can be hung in a prominent place, or the Kindness Rules poster series can be displayed around the school.
The message for this station is that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and consideration for how they might be feeling, and that includes students who may seem different because of a disability.
Have students step into someone else's shoes, an activity that teaches about other people's perspectives and how they might be feeling in a variety of scenarios. First, explain to students that empathy helps us connect with another person by understanding how they are feeling.
This activity focuses on perspective taking, which is a key foundation for empathy. The lesson guide linked above contains printable photos of different shoes with printable scenarios for each pair. A fun alternative might be to use actual shoes rather than (or along with) the photos.
Students can choose two or three pairs of shoes and then read through the accompanying scenarios. To help them practice empathy, students can share or write down how the people in the different scenarios might be feeling.
An additional takeaway activity for this station would be to have students (or volunteers) draw an outline of their shoes on a piece of paper. Students can draw or write inside the shoe outlines how they will practice empathy by thinking about how others feel. Remind them to consider how it feels to step into someone else's shoes and think about their point of view.
The message for this station is that it is important to have empathy for others by thinking about how they are feeling. Everyone wants to feel like they belong, and that includes students with disabilities. Empathy helps us move past barriers and connect with each other.
Have a volunteer read the book "Strictly No Elephants" in a story time setting, or have students watch the read aloud video below on a screen. The volunteer can read the book or show the video as often as needed. This story is about a boy and his pet elephant who are rejected at the local Pet Club. When the boy meets another child and pet who have also been left out, he decides to start a new club where everyone is included.
This story and activity focus on how students can take action to be inclusive of everyone. Ask students to think about how the boy and his pet elephant felt when they were left out. Discuss how the boy decided to take action and create a place where everyone was welcome.
Talk about the idea that school is a big club where everyone should feel welcome and that they belong. Yet we know that sometimes, not everyone feels included, particularly students who are seen as different, like students with disabilities.
Have paper and art supplies available for students to design or write about their school as one big "inclusive club." Have them show or describe how they will take action to make sure that everyone feels included at school: in class, at recess, at lunch and during fun activities.
Some examples include:
- Say "hello" and start a conversation with someone new.
- Notice who is left out and invite them to join your friends for lunch or an activity during or after school.
- Invite someone to play with you on the playground. If someone asks if they can play with your or your friends, say "YES"!
- Partner with someone different for a class assignment or project.
- Practice empathy when others are sharing how they are feeling.
- Start an inclusive Connection Club at your school.
- Be an ally for students with disabilities. If you hear someone say something hurtful or mean about someone with a disability, speak up!
- Be a friend to students with disabilities. Everyone wants to have friends and to feel like they belong.
The message for this station is that it is important to be inclusive of everyone, and that students can take action to make their school more inclusive. Students with disabilities want to have friends and belong, just like everyone else.
National Bullying Prevention Month
National Bullying Prevention Month (NBPM) is a month-long event to prevent childhood bullying and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion!
Historically, bullying has been viewed as “a childhood rite of passage” that “makes kids tougher,” but the reality has always been that bullying can leave devastating and long-term effects, such as a loss of self-esteem, increased anxiety and depression for those involved.
Children with disabilities are two to three times more likely to be bullied than their nondisabled peers, and because they are more likely to be socially isolated, they may not have built-in friend networks to support them if they are targeted. Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities may also have trouble understanding social cues and expectations, which can lead to isolation, exclusion and even bullying.
NBPM is a time to spotlight what students can do to help prevent bullying. We are fortunate to have a great resource in our community, Judy French from PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center. Contact her at for posters, programs and additional resources for all grade spans.
PACER Websites for Parents, Educators, Teens and Kids
Elementary Resources & Activities
A series of six videos featuring characters from the PACER's Kids Against Bullying Puppet Program. The videos highlight key concepts of bullying prevention, like kindness, feelings, acceptance, inclusion, advocacy and unity. An educator guide and student worksheets accompany each video. (Designed for Kindergarten to Third Grade)
An activity using a paper heart for a demonstration of how hurtful words have a lasting impact. This activity can also be used with the book "A Wrinkled Heart" by Tracy Hoexter. Here is a link to a read aloud video.
A gentle book that shows how small acts of kindness can help children feel included and allow them to thrive. The lesson plan, with activities for before and after reading the story, teaches kids about being left out and what they can do to include others. Invisible Boy Lesson Plan (Designed for Second through Fifth Grade)
A short video showing how kids can end bullying and exclusion by reaching out to kids who are isolated or left out by others. This video is appropriate for all elementary grade levels and can serve as a discussion or writing prompt.
Middle and High School Resources & Activities
Watch this five-minute video designed to provide authentic insight from teens on issues related to cyberbullying. Use the discussion questions provided to continue the dialogue.
Watch this short video on bullying from Sequoia Middle School's KA19 and use it to prompt discussion, or use the writing prompt "How can I speak up for others who are being bullied?"
An activity designed with hypothetical bullying scenarios that students can use to think through responses and solutions.
Students and school accounts can share any of these posters on Instagram to show support for kindness, acceptance and inclusion.
An Idea for All Students
Host a Pledge Signing Event/Assembly at Your School
- Host a speaker at an assembly (virtual or in person) who can talk about bullying and its long-term effects.
- Show a video or have a guest read a book to students that shows the impacts of bullying and how kindness, acceptance and inclusion can create change.
- Have school counselors or teachers provide social emotional learning on these ideas.
- Give students an opportunity to share with an anonymous comment box or a giant poster they can sign.
- Have student leaders lead the assembly in taking the pledge.
I pledge to SUPPORT others who have been hurt or harmed, treat others with KINDNESS, be more ACCEPTING of people's differences, and help INCLUDE those who are left out.
Unity Day
Why orange? Orange is a color commonly associated with October and the autumn season. More importantly, orange is also associated with safety and visibility and is an inviting, warm and vibrant color that makes an impactful statement.
Learn more by visiting PACER's Unity Day webpage.
Check out PACER'S Unity Day Guide for more ideas!
Elementary Resources & Activities
Plant a seed of "unity" at your school by a creating a Unity Tree.
It can be a powerful symbol reminding everyone that we can prevent bullying if we come together and unite for kindness, acceptance and inclusion. Each person shares their ideas and experiences by writing positive messages on leaves that are attached to the tree. Prompting questions are included.
Have a class discussion about unity inspired by the Sesame Street video featuring Grover and Gabrielle Union explaining that unity means coming together.
In these two videos that are part of PACER's puppet series, Carmen and her friends discuss unity and ways that kids can work together to create a world without bullying. The videos have an accompanying educator guide and worksheets. (Designed for Kindergarten to Third Grade)
Make individualized footprints to give students the opportunity to reflect on the steps they can take to create a world without bullying and leave a positive footprint. Students can create paper footprints or draw footprints with sidewalk chalk. Check out the video below.
Middle and High School Resources & Activities
Volunteer with Younger Students
Younger kids look up to teens, and Unity Day is a great day for high school leaders to engage with younger students. High schoolers can help with an art project or role play for younger kids how to accept and include others in different situations.
Hang up a huge poster that says, "If you knew my story, you'd know that..." and give kids slips of paper to write (anonymously) about things that have happened in their lives to add to the poster. This exercise can help students understand that they are united by their successes and the struggles they face. An alternative prompt might be, 'To me, UNITY means..."
Unity Day Rally
Rallies are a great way to unite students schoolwide on an issue like bullying prevention. Student leaders, including those from affinity groups, should help plan the Unity Rally. The rally could feature a guest speaker or student-led activities on bullying prevention, kindness, acceptance, inclusion and how to be an ally.
Create a Video About What Unity Day Means
Have students contribute photos with signs and sayings about kindness, acceptance and inclusion or short videos of themselves talking about the meaning of Unity Day. Put them all together into a video that can be shared with the whole school and on social media.
Ideas for All Students
- All students on campus are given the opportunity to paint a rock with messages of unity, kindness, acceptance and inclusion.
- Parent volunteers can arrange for donation or donate rocks, paint, brushes, paint pens, paper plates to hold the rocks while painting, plastic aprons/smocks (for younger students) and plastic bins to hold the rocks for each class after they are painted. Students should add their name and the year to the bottom of their rock.
Print out or share the photos below to give students ideas for their Unity ROCKS!
Add a Dedication Rock to your installation.
- The rocks need to dry and be weatherproofed before they can be installed outside in a garden or flower bed. After painting, spread out the rocks on tarps or plastic table cloths to dry. Be sure to keep the rocks grouped together by classroom. The paint must be completely dry before applying the shellac, or the paint will smear. Parent volunteers can apply the shellac. When completely dry, store the rocks in plastic bins, with one bin per class. This will make it easy for each student to find their rock for the installation event.
- Once the rocks are read to install, hold an assembly to celebrate. The principal or a guest speaker can talk about the importance of uniting to prevent bullying through kindness, acceptance and inclusion. After the assembly, students can add their rocks to the Unity installation!
Unity ROCKS! plus a Campus Tree = School Unity Tree
Place rocks at the base of a tree to create a living Unity Tree! Students can add rocks to the Unity Tree each year.
Take group shots to share on social media of people wearing orange and promoting unity, kindness, acceptance and inclusion. One idea is to spell out a word, like Unity, with students and staff forming the letters. This is a fun and creative commUNITY-building activity. The photo above was taken in 2021 at Maple Elementary.
Disability History Month
It is different from Disability Pride Month, which is celebrated every July to commemorate the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Check out this article for a history of the Disability Rights Movement.
Elementary Resources & Activities
Discover the lives of outstanding people, from artists to scientists to activists. This biography series for children shares each person's journey as a story, with facts and photos sections in the back. The people from the series that are featured in this Toolkit have both visible and hidden disabilities, and these trailblazers made a big impact on the world around them.
Some of the books have an accompanying Teacher's Guide.
- Maya Angelou, Speaker, writer and civil rights activist, Teacher Guide
- Amanda Gorman, America's first National Youth Poet Laureate
- Stephen Hawking, Genius physicist and author
- Frida Kahlo, One of the most famous artists of the 20th Century, Teacher Guide
- Harriet Tubman, Underground Railroad conductor and activist, Teacher Guide
- Stevie Wonder, Musical prodigy and pioneering singer-songwriter, Teacher Guide
The Girl Who Thought In Pictures
This picture book tells the story of Temple Grandin, a world-renowned science hero. When Temple was diagnosed as autistic as a child, no one expected her to talk, let alone become one of the most powerful voices in modern science. Yet her unique mind and visual thinking helped her do just that! Collection of Printable Resources and Lessons for the Book
This illustrated biography of Jennifer Keelan-Chaffins, the activist who joined the disability rights movement at age 6, tells the story of her struggle for inclusion and equity, in school and on the steps of the US Capitol. Her actions helped spur the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Common Core-Aligned Educator Guide for Grades 1-5
This anthology of short biographies explores the lives of 34 disabled "artists, thinkers, athletes and activists from past and present." Presented from a social model, this book shares the stories of some well known and some not so well known people with disabilities who have made an impact on the world. (Written for Second to Seventh Grades)
Middle and High School Resources & Activities
Currently in 2022, our sitting President of the United States and our sitting Governor of California both have disabilities. President Joe Biden stutters and Governor Gavin Newsom has dyslexia. Use this information as a research and/or writing prompt, asking students to discover how the president's and governor's disabilities have shaped their success, staffing choices, priorities and policy decisions about issues affecting people with disabilities.
Instagram Posts
The Instagram images below can be shared as a multi-image post highlighting a disabled leader, icon or trailblazer for Disability History Month!
Use the hashtags #DisabilityHistoryMonth and #DisabililtyPride.
(Please note, the intention is to add more Instagram multi-image posts featuring Cinda Hughes and Frida Kahlo.)
Cover Photo
Senator Tammy Duckworth 1
Senator Tammy Duckworth 2
Senator Tammy Duckworth 3
Senator Tammy Duckworth 4
Senator Tammy Duckworth 5
Learn About Disabled Leaders, Icons and Trailblazers
Have students research people with disabilities who are leaders, activists, athletes, artists, innovators and trailblazers. Students can share what they learn by writing an essay, song or poem, by making a video or social media post or by creating an art piece.
Inclusive Schools Week
Watch the video below from Sequoia Middle School explaining Inclusive Schools Week.
Inclusive Schools Week advances an international dialogue on the importance of building inclusive schools and communities, where all students have full access to educational opportunities.
Celebrating is important because it creates an awareness of the benefits and challenges inclusive schools face. It provides us a pause in our busy lives to reflect on where we are and where we are going. But celebrating is only the beginning. Reflection, planning and action are all necessary to understand the potential of inclusive education and realize its promise.
Visit the Inclusive Schools Week Webpage to Learn More!
Elementary Resources & Activities
A short animated film that tells the story of a real boy with cerebral palsy named Ian whose fierce determination to be included at his local playground changes the attitudes and actions of his community. The film can be followed by a discussion of how kids can include others who have been left out, or it can be the centerpiece of an assembly to kick off the week.
Have a class discussion about inclusion inspired by the Sesame Street video with Mila Kunis explaining the world "include" to Elmo and friends.
A warm, welcoming picture book that celebrates diversity and inclusion, this story lets children know that they have a place, they have a space and they are welcome in their school.
- Teachers Pay Teachers Diversity & Inclusion Activities (Designed for Kindergarten to Second Grade)
- AAC Lessons & Activities Created by SLPs
Inclusion Writing Prompt
Ask students to write about a time that they didn't feel included in a group. Talk about how it made them feel. Ask them how that experience relates to anyone who is seen as different. Talk about the challenges others might face and how they could help them feel included.
Screen a film featuring characters with disabilities for an Inclusive Movie Night at your school! In addition to showing the film outdoors or in an MPR, set up a sensory screening room in a classroom or the library. You can show the film on a TV or Smart Board, have low lighting, alternative seating, sensory objects and quiet games or activities. If you have a concession stand, be sure to include some gluten-free, sugar-free and allergy-free snack options. Add a photo station with a backdrop or green screen and some photo props for extra fun.
Yet it is how the film portrays disability that can help students learn to appreciate and accept differences. Disability is not something that Dory has to overcome. It is part of who she is, and with accommodations and support from her community,
she can accomplish great things.
In the final act, the film celebrates Dory's neurodivergent way of thinking and problem-solving with characters repeating the mantra, "What Would Dory Do?" In the end, Dory is confident and comfortable in her own "scales," and that's a lesson that will resonate with every student.
Add messages about kindness, acceptance and inclusion to your school! Decorate classrooms, hallways, and bulletin boards. Hang banners and student-created posters outdoors. Add inclusive quotes to your marquee. You can even decorate classroom doors or the main entrance of the school, as in the picture above. It's a great way to send the message that your school is welcoming and inclusive of everyone.
Middle and High School Resources & Activities
Watch the video series made by the KA19 students from Sequoia Middle School. Afterward, students can discuss the meaning of inclusion and brainstorm about how to include others.
The video above shares ideas about including others in the classroom.
Students in this video discuss how words and actions affect others.
Students in this wrap-up video discuss what being inclusive means.
Watch the lighthearted video above to spark a conversation about inclusive and respectful language regarding people with disabilities. Have students research and discuss or write about what is the most current respectful language.
Learn more about the Spread the Word to End the Word campaign.
Learn more about Eliminating Ableist Language from Your Vocabulary.
Make Your Own Inclusive Schools Week Video
Check out the video above from Westlake High School featuring interviews with students and faculty on the various way that Westlake Warriors practice inclusion. Let this video inspire you to make your own inclusion video about your class, your club or your school!
Share your video on social media to promote equity, accessibility and inclusion. The video can also be featured in an assembly or rally to kickoff or wrap up Inclusive Schools Week, and the assembly can include a speaker with a disability.
Mapping your school from an inclusion perspective can help you see the great things that your school is already doing to support all students! You can also identify areas for growth.
Check out this page on WikiHow to help you get started.
You will need art supplies for this project: paper, such as butcher paper or poster board, a ruler, markers, colored pencils.
- With a partner or a small group, make a plan for drawing your map. Become familiar with the layout of the school and the location of staff members and services for all students. Walk the campus if necessary.
- Make the initial drawing of the campus layout with all the major features, like the quad, cafeteria, athletic facilities and main buildings.
- Indicate places to seek out support, like the College/Career Center, Counseling Offices, Nurse's Office, Sensory Room and the Wellness Room.
- Indicate important places on campus, like the front office, principal's office, library, cafeteria, student store, bathrooms, etc.
- Indicate ramps, elevators and anything else that makes the campus more accessible, like signage, painted lines and automatic doors.
- Indicate locations where clubs and other organizations meet on campus.
- Create a legend for the map.
- Use inclusive symbols, names, titles and language when making the map.
When finished, share the maps in class or on Canvas and
display the maps at significant points around the school!
Ideas for All Students
Create a digital classroom with a library of inclusive books, a sensory room, a picture wall featuring disability leaders and icons, and a room full of special education resources.
Organize a School Library Donation Drive of Books Featuring Disabled Characters
Collaborate with your school librarian to design a list and organize a donation drive to expand your school's collection of books featuring disabled characters.
Make Your Pledge for Inclusion
Visit Spread the Word>>Inclusion to make an inclusion pledge.
Be a teammate. Be a friend. Welcome someone who has been left out.
Sit next to someone alone at lunch. Say hello to someone in the hallway.
There are so many ways to spread inclusion. Choose yours.
List of Disability Awareness Days and Months
- ADHD Awareness Month
- Disability History Month
- Dyslexia Awareness Month
- Learning Disabilities Awareness Month
- National Bullying Prevention Month & Unity Day
- National Down Syndrome Awareness Month
- World Cerebral Palsy Day (October 6)
- National Kabuki Syndrome Awareness Day (October 23)
- 22q Awareness Month
- National Epilepsy Awareness Month
- International Day of People with Disabilities (December 3)
- Inclusive Schools Week (first full week of December)
- World Braille Day (January 4)
- Ed Roberts Day (January 23)
- Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance & Inclusion Month
- International Angelman Day (February 15)
- Rare Disease Day (February 28)
- Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month
- Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
- World Down Syndrome Day (March 21)
- Autism Acceptance Month & World Autism Awareness Day (April 2)
- Occupational Therapy Awareness Month
- Apraxia of Speech Awareness Month
- Better Hearing and Speech Awareness Month
- Mental Health Awareness Month
- Prader Willi Awareness Month
- Williams Syndrome Awareness Month
- Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month (May 15 to June 15)
SEDAC Disability Celebrations Committee
- Erin Bell, SEDAC Chair
- Jenny Crosby, Committee Chair, Newbury Park High School SEDAC Representative
- Lee Ann Holland, Committee Chair, SEDAC Member At Large, Colina Middle School SEDAC Representative
- Carole Shelton, SEDAC Member At Large