Shiloh MS Weekly
September 1, 2023
This is a time that you can have an open conversation with the principal.
1st Saturday of each month from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
September 9
October 21
November 4
December 2
January 6
February 3
March 2
April 13
May 4
We will meet in the Media Center.
7th Grade Art Class
Mr. Fairchild's 7th grade art class diligently working on the Elements of Art.
Contact Shiloh MS Administration Team
Click the button below to contact an adminstrator.
Week of September 4th - September 8th
- Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
September 5th
- B Day Connections
- Yearbook Club 4:30 pm
- Cheer Practice 4:30 pm
- Shiloh Cluster Parent Forum - School and Safety Discipline 6:30 pm (Shiloh High School)
September 6th
- A Day Connections
- Reader's Rally 4:30 pm
- Help Day 8:15 am
- Jr. HOSA 4:30 - 5:30 pm
- Cheer Practice 4:30 pm
- Cheer Practice Parent Meeting 6:00 pm
- Shiloh Lady Generals Volleyball Game @ Trickum MS 6:00 pm
September 7th
- B Day Connections
- Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting 5:30 pm
- Curriculum Night 6:00 pm
September 8th
- B Day Connections
Shiloh Middle & High School Parent Forum for Student Discipline (Tuesday, September 5)
Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting September 7th
Parent Portal/Parent Vue
Do you need help setting up or accessing your ParentPortal or ParentVUE app? Our Parent Instructional Coordinator is here to help.
Please contact Ashley Thomas for support at ashley.d.thomas@gcpsk12.org.
Stay Connected with Parent Square!
We are excited to announce that our school district has adopted a new form of school-to-home communication called ParentSquare. This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with your child’s school and Gwinnett County Public Schools.
ParentSquare provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to receive and send information, such as:
- Weather-related closings & delays
- School and class information
- Share pictures and files
- See calendar items
- Upcoming class activities
District and school information will now be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text via ParentSquare. For even more convenience, download the ParentSquare app (available for free for iOS and Android devices). Please note that some schools and teachers may still use other district-approved tools for the 2023-2024 school year to communicate with their families.
If you received our notification about ParentSquare and you have questions about confirming your account access, please send an email to PSQHelp@gcpsk12.org.CLICK HERE to how to activate your ParentSquare Account.
Accelerated Math
Social Studies
EES Opt-Out Directions
Ms. Brittany Johnson
Mr. Malcolm Crenshaw
Ms. Sorayel Willoughby
How to Care for Your Chromebook
Media Center & Technology: Info and Tips
Technology Tips
2. Students should bring their charged Chromebook and the charger to school every day.
3. Students should keep their Chromebook in their bookbags.
The LOTUS girls mentoring program is now accepting applications for mentees. All applications and fees are due by September 5th, 2023. Our first meeting will be Wednesday September 13th from 4:30pm-5:30pm.
Please contact Brittany Johnson at 770-736-4001 or by email at brittany.n.johnson@gcpsk12.org if you have any questions!
Shiloh Middle School Transportation Information
Medical Authorization
A parent or guardian must bring any / all medications to the school and fill out a medication administration form. Students are not allowed to carry any medications with them at school or on the bus. This includes any over the counter medication, for example; cough drops, Tylenol, etc. If you would like your child to have any OTC medication left in the clinic, you must bring to school with a completed medical authorization form.
To give us authorization to give your student their medication you will need to complete the Medication Authorization Form. You may print it, complete it, and bring it in or you can pick one up to complete in the clinic. A separate form is required for each individual medication.
If your student requires an inhaler and/or an Epi-pen you will need to complete the appropriate form.
For your student to be permitted to carry their inhaler and/or Epi-pen on their person, their physician will need to complete the section of our form advising us of their authorization. If the student will be carrying their inhaler and/or Epi-pen on their person, we ask that you also provide the clinic with a backup in case one is needed.
Shiloh Middle School Clinic
Phone: 770-736-4030