Otsego Elementary Extra
Principal's Weekly Update - November 17, 2023
Upcoming Events
November 21 - OSU vs. Michigan Spirit Day
November 22-24 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
November 27-December 1 - Otsego Elementary Book Fair
December 1 - PTO Coffee Sale Order Pick Up, 3:45-6:00, Elementary Commons
December 6-8 - PTO Holiday Shop
December 6 - 3rd Grade Music Performance, HS Auditorium, 7pm
December 15 - PTO Spirit Day. - Wear Pajamas for $1
December 21-January 2 - NO SCHOOL - HOLIDAY BREAK
January 3 - School resumes
January 10 - PTO Meeting, 6pm, Elementary Commons
January 12 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher PD/Work Day
January 19 - PTO Spirit Day, Wear a Hat for $1
January 20 - PTO Father/Daughter Dance
January 25 & 26 - Donuts with Grown Ups
District Calendar
Angel Tree
PTO Sock Fundraiser
Order here:
Sign up to Help at the PTO Holiday Shop
Sign Up to Help with the PTO Father/Daughter Dance
Otsego Elementary School Book Fair
Volunteer to Help at the Book Fair
We can't do it without you! Please consider volunteering to help at the Book Fair. You can sign up to volunteer at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Tius7rY7gMNeSzKqE6Pb50ttNBL-mUG7gL0WmVFbewM/editThe story starts with you!
Youth Wrestling
Upcoming School Events
Boys Basketball Spirit Wear
School Fees
Fee notices have been sent home. All students in grades K-5 have a $50 yearly school fee.
Parents can send cash or check to the school with their student(s) to pay the fees.
Checks can be made payable to Otsego BOE. The school can ONLY accept cash or check.
Parents may pay online with a credit card by setting up an account at paychoolscentral.com.
If you have completed a free lunch waiver and have qualified for FREE lunch, your school fees will be waived. If you received a notice of fees due and you believe you should have qualified for free, please contact Emilia Bires at ebires@otsegoknights.org.
**Please note that free lunch waivers are for the current year only and the previous year's fee (SOY balance) is still due. Please contact the office with any questions.
Dyslexia Information from the State of Ohio
On January 9, 2021, Governor Mike DeWine signed a set of laws strengthening dyslexia supports for Ohio’s children. The new dyslexia support laws establish dyslexia screening measures (ORC 3323.251), professional development for identifying dyslexia and instructing students with dyslexia (ORC 3319.077), a structured literacy certification process for teachers (ORC 3319.078) and the Ohio Dyslexia Committee (ORC 3323.25). The following is a summary of the new set of laws:
- Requires the Ohio Department of Education to establish the Ohio Dyslexia Committee consisting of 11 members;
- Requires the Ohio Dyslexia Committee to develop a dyslexia guidebook for screening, intervention and remediation for children with dyslexia or displaying dyslexic characteristics and tendencies;
- Requires the Ohio Dyslexia Committee to prescribe the number of clock hours of dyslexia-related professional development required for teachers;
- Permits the Ohio Dyslexia Committee to make recommendations regarding ratios of students to teachers who have received certification in identifying and addressing dyslexia, the school personnel who should receive the certification and whether professional development requirements should include completing a practicum;
- Requires the Department, in collaboration with the Ohio Dyslexia Committee, to identify screening and intervention measures that evaluate the literacy skills of students using a structured literacy program;
- Requires school districts and other public schools to administer annual dyslexia screenings beginning in the 2022-2023 school year;
- Phases in over three years dyslexia-related professional development requirements for public school teachers;
- Requires school districts and other public schools, beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, to establish a structured literacy certification process for teachers.
What does this mean at Otsego Elementary School?
OES is following all of the requirements outlined above. All students in grades 1-3 were screened for dyslexia risk factors through the Fall administration of the iReady. Any students that were "flagged" for potential risk factors were then screened again (Tier 2) through a variety of other screeners. The Tier 2 screening then allowed us to identify any students that needed additional small group instruction in the areas of phonics and decoding. We are not identifying any students with dyslexia. Any student who was flagged through the initial iReady screening was sent a letter with their Tier 2 screening results and what the next steps for them are. If you have any questions, please email Erica Morgan, Dyslexia and Multi-sensory Literacy Specialist, at emorgan@otsegoknights.org or call the Elementary Office.
Knights Have Your Back & Knights in Shining Armor Spaghetti Dinner
Birthday Treats
This means that we do NOT allow birthday treats in the classrooms. So, please keep the birthday treats at home!
Dana and Cali are Here!
Dana's Grooming is Sponsored by:
212 Farnsworth Road
Waterville, Ohio
School Counseling Newsletter
Yearbooks On Sale Now
PTO Father Daughter Dance
OES Student Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures
Morning Drop-Off
Please use the entire length of the drop-off zone (even past the crosswalk) to keep the line moving. If all cars pull up as far as they possibly can we can fit more vehicles along the sidewalk and more students can exit at a time. This will make drop-off go quicker while maintaining safety.
Students should only be let out on the side of the car that is next to the curb. This is to avoid students being hit by a moving car in the lane farther away from the curb. If your student needs to get out on that side of the car, please park in a parking spot and have your student walk into the building using the crosswalk.
Please do not stop in the crosswalk. If you are dropping a student off, please do not stop your car in the crosswalk. This is a safe place for students to cross, and when there are cars in the crosswalk it creates a safety concern.
The second lane is for driving only. No students should be let out of the car in the lane farther from the curb. Students should only be exiting cars onto the sidewalk so that we can ensure their safety.
Please remember to NOT park your car in front of the school! The line needs to keep moving to efficiently get students into the school in a timely manner, and when there is a parked car in the drop-off line, the whole process gets backed up. If for some reason you need to leave your car, please use the available parking spaces.
Afternoon Pick-Up
Please use the entire length of the pick-up zone (even past the crosswalk) to keep the line moving. If all cars pull up as far as they possibly can we can fit more vehicles along the sidewalk and more students can get into their vehicles. This will make pick-up go quicker while maintaining safety.
Please do not stop in the crosswalk. If you are picking a student up, please do not stop your car in the crosswalk. This is a safe place for students to cross, and when there are cars in the crosswalk it creates a safety concern.
The second lane is for driving only. No students should get into their car in the lane farther from the curb. Students should only be entering cars from the sidewalk or by using the crosswalk so that we can ensure their safety.
Please remember to NOT park and leave your car in front of the school! The line needs to keep moving to efficiently get vehicles out of the pick-up zone in a timely manner, and when there is a parked car in the line, the whole process gets backed up. If for some reason you need to leave your car, please use the available parking spaces. If you are parked while you are waiting for your student (and you are IN the car), that is fine.
Students must be picked up by 3:35pm. At 3:35pm, students will be taken to Otsego Extended Care at the cost of the parent/guardian (unless previous arrangements have been made).
THANK YOU so much for your understanding and compliance with these procedures to ensure our students’ safety. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Katrina Baughman, Elementary Principal.
You can use Payschools to pay for fees and lunches online.
Quick Setup Guide:
Manage your account:
Payschools Signup Information:
Extended Care Information
OES Extended Care is available for students aged 5 through the summer before entering 6th grade. There is a $10.00 per family yearly registration fee for the OES Extended Care Program. The registration fee will be applied from June 1 to May 31 each school year and will be charged to the credit card on file. If you are registering your child for the summer program you will not be required to pay an additional registration fee for the coming school year.
Contact Info and Hours
phone: (419)823-4381 ext 4408
email: extendedcare@otsegoknights.org
Before School ~ 6:30 a.m. to THE START OF SCHOOL
After School ~ END OF SCHOOL to 6:00 p.m.
School Year 2023-24: August 23 (first day)
The program follows the school calendar
In the event of a school cancellation after a two-hour delay, OES Extended Care will remain open. If school closed before 6:30, Extended Care is closed also.
Pricing and Registration Info
The hourly rate charged is $3.50 per hour for the first child, $2.00 per hour for the second child, and $1.50 per hour for the third child. The hourly rate is billed to the quarter-hour. The Credit Card form in the registration packet MUST be filled out in order to register.
The Credit Card Form will be used to pay your Extended Care amount.
Please print out the registration form located at the bottom of this page (all 5 pages MUST be completed in their entirety) and send it to the elementary school office, attention: Becky Hatfield.
Questions may be emailed to:
Billing: Steve Carroll 419-823-4381 extension 1101 or scarroll@otsegoknights.org
Becky Hatfield 419-823-4381 extension 4401 or bhatfield@otsegoknights.org
Registration: Becky Hatfield bhatfield@otsegoknights.org
Knight in Shining Armor Nominations
Please use the following form to inform OHS Student Council about a family in need within the school district. While the family does not need to have students in the district, we do ask that they are a member of the Otsego Community. Please use this form to share information about their current situation as well as how they can best be assisted.
Please be sure to understand that while Knight in Shining Armor (KISA) would love to help all community members in need, we are still a new program, and may not have the funds to do so. With that being said, we will consider each request on a case by case basis. Filling this form out does not guarantee that we will be able to assist the family, but we will try our hardest to do so!
These funds are not for routine expenses such as utilities, bills, rent, etc. It is designed for assisting community members in an emergency situation. This can include, but is not limited to unforeseen medical expenses, medical related travel expenses, and household emergencies such as a fire, water leaks, etc. Please keep this in mind when submitting a nomination.
Please refer to this link at any point during the year as a need arises, and KISA will do their best to help out!
Community Events
Box Tops Are Digital!
Want to help raise some money for the school but hate cutting out all the box tops? Or forget they are there and throw them away? Well now you don't have to worry about that; box tops have gone digital! You just need to download the app, set up Otsego as your school, scan your receipt and we will receive the credit. Check out the Box Top website for more information- we will be adding more as well when we get it.
Don't want to download ANOTHER app?
Just send your receipts into school with your kid and we will scan them for you. Please make sure you put them in a bag or envelope labeled box tops for PTO so the teachers know where they go.
Heard a rumor or have a question?
Katrina Baughman
Email: kbaughman@otsegoknights.org
Website: www.otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4005)
Twitter: @OES_Principal
Becky Buchman
Email: bbuchman@otsegoknights.org
Website: www.otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4009)
Twitter: @buchman_becky
Lauren Miller
Email: lmiller@otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4010)
Twitter: @OEScounselor
Kayla Phillips
Email: kphillips@otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4105)
Jenny Helberg
Email: jhelberg@otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4001)
Angie Norman
Email: anorman@otsegoknights.org
Phone: 419-823-4381 (4003)