The Husky Bulletin 10/12/2023

Principals Corner
Hello families,
It was so wonderful to see SO many families at our fall conferences! Your partnership in your child’s education is the KEY to the success of your child(ren). Our goal is to have 100% of our students have a conference with a parent and/or guardian. We are so close! If you were not able to schedule a conference, please reach out to your child’s teacher directly.
On Tuesday, October 17th, Oak View is hosting our first restaurant night at McDonald’s. What a fun way to enjoy dinner and get to know other families in our school community.
Reminder: There is no school on Thursday, October 19th and Friday, October 20th.
Students in grades 2-12 will take the mySAEBRS assessment this fall and again this spring. The mySAEBRS assessment, which stands for Minnesota Student Academic Behavioral Rating Scales, is student self-evaluation. It provides valuable insights into areas such as social skills, emotional well-being, and behavioral strengths and challenges. This assessment helps us gain a more comprehensive understanding of your child's needs, allowing us to better support their growth and development. For more information about assessment items and questions asked click here. If you would like to opt your child out of this assessment, please complete the Parent/Guardian Refusal for Student Participation in Districtwide Assessments/Testing.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
Warm regards,
Ann Mock, Interim Principal
Oak View Day at the Apple Orchard
Oak View PTO and Minnetonka Orchard have teamed up for a family fun day! If your student wears their Oak View shirt, they get in for free with a paid adult admission.
Please see the attached flier for more information. Thank you to the PTO for setting this event up!
School Supply Payment Information
Counseling Corner
This week I was able to do class lessons in all K-5 classes. Topics were:
Grade 3- Zones of Regulation
Grade 4- Size of the Problem/Size of the Reaction and Communicating Assertively
Grade 5- How our Thoughts Impact our Feelings and Actions
Wednesday, October 18th is Unity Day! Unity Day is a day to come together and remind all of us to treat everyone with kindness, acceptance, and inclusion and to stand up to bullying. We are encouraging students to wear orange in honor of Unity Day on Wednesday!
Sleep Hints
Every Meal Information
Every Meal Information
Oak View is offering @EveryMealOrg food bags for students. If you’re interested in having your child bring home a FREE bag of non-perishable food every Friday, please complete the attached registration form. If you have any questions please contact Melody Hahn-Merges, School Social Worker at hahn-mergesm@district279.org Delivery of food bags will begin in October.
Video about Every Meal: https://vimeo.com/747766336
Registration form for Every Meal: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1M_9wZNSOuzLgkD9_k_9ZXHRObuYuNtshQWtxYxWuPlo/e
Picture Day Information and Retake Information
Attached is the flyer for picture retake day along with their contact information if you didn't get a link for your student(s) picture.
If you want your student(s) picture re-taken, please let your student(s) teacher know. Pictures will not be taken unless you tell the teacher.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
10/12- Conferences
10/17- Restaurant Night at McDonald's
10/19- No School
10/20- No School
10/22- Apple Orchard Day
10/26- Picture re-take day
Contact Information
Jody Seppala, Assistant Principal: SeppalaJ@district279.org
Angie Passehl, Secretary: PassehlA@district279.org
Melody Hahn-Merges, Social Worker: hahn-mergesm@district279.org
Terri Simon, Counselor: simont@district279.org