Seducing the Pen Book Tour
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The buttons at the top of each page makes it easy to share! This list will make great Book of the Month selections and awesome holiday gifts! Follow and share the tour: https://www.smore.com/9yzf
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Please consider joining the EDC Creations team by becoming a blog tour host, radio interviewer, chat host or by purchasing one of the books featured here and giving it to a friend. We welcome the community into the program and will support any of our partners with promotion and book gifts in return.
Spread the word...we want to bring more entertainment, education and enlightenment to the community! Find the authors listed below that you like and share their flyer links on your social media pages. Each tour page has all of the details about the books and the author. Take what you need to add to your blog, social media walls or website.
Share the #SeducingThePenTour featured authors on your social media pages, blogs or radio programs and this tour page: https://www.smore.com/9yzf.
1. Listed below are graphics, text and links to each author's tour flyer. Simply share the links on your social media pages. Each tour page has all of the details about the books and the author. Take what you need to add to your blog, social media walls or website.
2. Let Ella D. Curry know that you are joining the tour by emailing her at: edc_dg@yahoo.com
We have review copies of the books and other gifts for our tour hosts!
A blog or website is NOT required! You can post to your Twitter, Instagram or Facebook walls. Go to the author's tour page, grab the images, promotional text and the link to Amazon and post it where you hang out online.
There are 3 ways to join the Seducing the Pen Book Tours. Select one of the options below or support by doing all three!
a. Share the banners from Ella D. Curry's social media pages at least 5 times on your social media pages. Tag Ella D. Curry in your posts. Use the hashtags: #CrownHoldersLead and #SeducingThePen so that we can follow you.
b. Receive a digital review copy of the book(s) and post a 3-5 minute video book review on your social media page, Instagram or YouTube within 15 days of receiving the books, if you are a vlogger or a BookTuber with a YouTube channel featured authors.
c. Post a written review on Amazon AND email Ella Curry a copy of the written review to be shared on Black Pearls Magazine's website.
Please email Ella D. Curry at: edc_dg@yahoo.com and let her know that you want to join the fun by writing reviews for the featured books.
Email Ella your home mailing address and the name of the authors you will host. Also, submit the email address that you use on Amazon, so that you can be sent Kindle ebooks. If you don't have a Kindle, you can use the app on any device for free, go here.
Thank you for sharing this amazing collection of books and authors!
Share the author's flyer on social media to join the online book tour. Click the links below to find each author's tour page. Support the authors by sharing their pages on your social media walls and threads. The buttons at the top of each page makes it easy to share!
This list will make great Book of the Month selections and awesome holiday gifts...365 days a year! Follow and share the tour: https://www.smore.com/9yzf
* Necessary Goodness: Creating Delicious Meals in Uncertain Times (Cookbook, Nonfiction)
* 9 Crazy Dreams by Imeh Smith
* A Calm Heart Effect: Minding My Heart Business by Lola C. Booker
* A Different Perspective - A Multi-Facet Collection of Works by Imeh Smith and Various Artists
* Abuse of Discretion by Pamela Samuels Young
* Allegra’s Shadow by Dana Sanders Hill
* Amazing Grace: A Tribute to You, The Story of Us by D. Michele Jackson
* Anthony: Unshackled (The Black Series Book 4) by Joan Vassar
* Anybody's Daughter (Angela Evans Series No. 2) by Pamela Samuels Young
* Basketball & Ballet (California Love Book 2) by Suzette Harrison
* Black Series Volume 1-4 by Joan Vassar
* Capital Sins by Cheryl Mattox Berry
* Carolina Soul: The Down Home Taste of the Carolinas by Chef Rome
* Community Workers & COVID-19 (A Children's Book About Coronavirus) by LoLo Smith
* Community Workers Who Fight Disease by LoLo Smith
* Contempt Trilogy by Becky DeWitt
* Courage to Pursue by Lisa Blackmon
* Dangerous Consequences by Lisa Renee Johnson
* Daniel, Luke, and John by Karen Sloan-Brown
* Delayed But Not Denied 3 by Asia Williams, Co-Author
* Failure to Protect by Pamela Samuels Young
* Faded Mirrors: A Memphis Love Story by B. Love
* Four Seasons of Love: Anthology of Poetry by Patricia A. Saunders
* Growing into Greatness with God by Janet Autherine
* Heart and Soul of Black Women by Janet Autherine
* Her Passionate Promise: Women Of Park Manor by Sheryl Lister
* Her Shoes (Volume Book 1) by CC Fann
* I Am God's Work Of Art by Yvonne Strachan
* I Know My Community Workers by LoLo Smith
* Island Mindfulness: How to Use the Transformational Power of Mindfulness to Create an Abundant Life by Janet Autherine
* JOY: Jesus on You by D. Michele Jackson
* Karma I & II Novels by Antoinette R. Davis (2 Book Series)
* King, Duke, and Prince by Sheryl Grace
* Let The Truth Be Told (4 Book Series) by Antoinette R. Davis
* LongTALES for ShortTAILS by Duane Lance Filer
* Love's Sweet Kiss (Sassy Seasoned Sisters Book 1) by Sheryl Lister
* Love is the Byline: Oakland and Azriel by B. Love
* Love is the Byline: Pryer and Deacon by B. Love
* Max & Bo: Two Dogs On The Go by LoLo Smith
* Maxine's New Job by Dr. Lynda J. Mubarak
* Maxine Listens by Dr. Lynda J. Mubarak
* Maxine's Hands by Dr. Lynda J. Mubarak
* Memphis Blues by Cheryl Mattox Berry
* My Doll & Me: Superheroes Fighting Bullying with Kindness by LoLo Smith
* Never Close Your Heart by Monica F. Anderson
* Nights Over Egypt by Barbara Keaton
* Our Friendship Matters: YA Contemporary Novel by Kimberley B. Jones
* Quick and Easy Guide to Signing by Lauren K. Bell
* Rhythm Bay Love by Patricia A. Bridewell
* Sweet (HEART) Pleasantries: A Calm Heart Effect, Book Two by Lola C. Booker
* Short Cut by Karen Sloan-Brown
* Sista CindyElla Mae (The African-American Cinderella) by Loretta Smith
* Strumming My Pain by B. Love
* Swirl Girl: Coming of Race in the USA by TaRessa Stovall
* Superheroes Say No To Bullying Yes To Kindness by Lolo Smith
* Surviving the Chase by Lisa Renee Johnson
* SURA Literary Life Magazine with Sheryl Grace
* Ten Acts of Kindness by LoLo Smith
* The Designated Ones: From Jerusalem to Ethiopia by Karen Sloan-Brown
* The Struggle: From Kenya to Jamaica by Karen Sloan-Brown
* The Last Tribe of Levi: Richmond, Virginia by Karen Sloan-Brown
* The Little Town of Share-A-Lot by LoLo Smith
* The Legend of Diddley Squatt by Duane Lance Filer
* The Mountain We Climb by Dr. Wayne Swan
* The PhD Game: Confessions of a Black Academic (Published by Prosperity Publications)
* The Pride of an African Migrant by Massocki Ma Massocki
* The Wolf Queen: The Hope of Aferi (Book I) by Cerece Rennie Murphy
* The Wolf Queen: The Promise of Aferi (Book II) by Cerece Rennie Murphy
* The Woman God Created You to Be: Finding Success Through Faith---Spiritually, Personally, and Professionally by Kimberla Lawson Roby
* The Travels to the Promise Trilogy by D. Michele Jackson
* Things Sasha Learned From Her Dog Winston During the Pandemic by Marian L. Thomas
* To Catch A Raven by Yasmina Iro
* Unfortunately Francine by Joan Vassar (Unfortunate Series Book 1)
* Unlawful Desires (Lawyers in Lust Book 1) by Sassy Sinclair
* Unlawful Seduction (Lawyers in Lust Book 2) by Sassy Sinclair
* What Kind Of Dog Is That? by LoLo Smith
* When A Sistah's Fed Up by Monica F. Anderson
* Word Food for Doods by Duane Lance Filer
* Wild Heart, Peaceful Soul: Poems & Inspiration to Live and Love Harmoniously by Janet Autherine
* Your Honor, Your Honor: A Journey Through Grief to Restorative Justice by Judge Leonia J. Lloyd
* Lust: A Seven Deadly Sins Novel (Book 1) by Victoria Christopher Murray
* Envy: A Seven Deadly Sins Novel (Book 2) by Victoria Christopher Murray
* Greed: A Seven Deadly Sins Novel (Book 3) by Victoria Christopher Murray
* Wrath: A Novel (The Seven Deadly Sins Book 4) by Victoria Christopher Murray
* The Young Adult Adaptation of #Anybody's Daughter and #Abuse of Discretion by Pamela Samuels Young are now available for YA and New Adult readers
Here are the featured books in Black Pearls Magazine. New books added to the shelves weekly. Shop at the Black Pearls Magazine Online Bookstore: www.amazon.com/shop/edc1creations
#UnwrappedLit, #CrownHoldersLead, #BlackHistory365, #BlackHistoryBlackLit365
The Woman God Created You to Be: Finding Success Through Faith—Spiritually, Personally, and Professionally by Kimberla Lawson Roby
Kimberla Lawson Roby admits that for years, she wasn’t being the real woman God created her to be. Yes, she has always loved God and tried her best to honor Him, but what she eventually discovered was that building and maintaining her own personal relationship with God—and making Him her top priority—was the key to finding joy in all areas of her life.
Now, in The Woman God Created You to Be, Kimberla has bravely—and transparently—written about her flaws, fears, and failures, as well as her faith, courage, and successes.
From experiencing divorce to marrying her soulmate of twenty-nine years…from hopelessly searching for the perfect job to becoming a New York Times bestselling author…from suffering in silence with anxiety to concentrating on self-care…from struggling with the loss of her mom to finding strength, comfort, peace. and understanding—Kimberla takes you on a journey that will help you do the following:
- Become the Best Spiritual You (Seven Days Per Week)
- Become the Best Personal You (Mentally, Emotionally, and Physically)
- Become the Best Professional You (Without Jeopardizing Your Faith)
Kimberla reminds us that when we trust and depend on God—heart, mind, and soul—He will empower us to do more than we ever thought imaginable. He will help us see that we are more than enough, and that He has already given us everything we need to become the women He created us to be—spiritually, personally, professionally…and beyond.
Kimberla’s books have frequented numerous bestseller lists, including The New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Post, ESSENCE, and Publishers Weekly magazines, Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Walmart and many others.
Purchase books from Amazon today:
About the Author
Kimberla Lawson Roby is a New York Times Bestselling Author & Speaker who has published 28 books, including Casting the First Stone, Better Late Than Never, A Christmas Prayer, It’s a Thin Line, and her debut title, Behind Closed Doors, which she originally self-published through her own company.
Over the years, Kimberla has spoken to thousands of women at churches, conferences, luncheons, libraries, colleges, and universities where she candidly shares her personal journey—hoping to help women become all that God created them to be. Kimberla resides in Illinois with her husband, Will.
Connect with Kimberla at www.kimroby.com | Email: publicity@kimroby.com
To learn more about New York Times bestselling author Kimberla Lawson Roby, visit her website or connect with her on social media. Follow her online Seducing the Pen tour here: https://www.smore.com/zhqzd
Four Seasons of Love by Patricia A. Saunders
Four Seasons of Love: Anthology of Poetry by Patricia A. Saunders
Find all of the information, graphics and excerpts on the author's Seducing the Pen Tour page: https://www.smore.com/8x7ry
From Award Winning Author of There Is Sunshine After The Rain, the author has written her latest book of poetry that is organized into four chapters that compare to the four seasons. The poetry spans all the emotions that both men and women go through from being smitten, falling in and out of love, and grief of losing the love.
Read an excerpt from Four Seasons of Love - http://a.co/iLyvu9u
About the Author
Patricia A. Saunders was born and raised in Connecticut before relocating to the San Francisco Bay Area nearly 27 years ago. She received her Master’s in Management from the University of Phoenix in 2011.
Patricia's work has been featured on a Coast to Coast Book Tour at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, Toronto Word On The Street, Sacramento Black Book Fair, Tucson Book Festival, Miami International Festival of Books and AARP Life@50+ Spring Convention.
Recently she was chosen among 100 authors from around the United States to participate in the Author’s Pavilion at the 2018 Congressional Black Caucus Convention in Washington, DC.
Her latest book, Four Seasons of Love, covers all aspect of love broken into four chapters relate to the four seasons.
Amazing Grace: A Tribute to You, The Story of Us
Amazing Grace: A Tribute to You, The Story of Us by D. Michele Jackson
Find all of the information, graphics and excerpts on the author's Seducing the Pen Tour page: https://www.smore.com/y0bp7
How do you trust God will never fail you?
Lyrical and poetically-charged, "Amazing Grace" is a memoir of love, loss, and rebirth. As a farewell of sorts, D. Michele Jackson, an only child, writes about how her life is forever changed after her mother's death. A woman of great faith, D. Michele knew firsthand the power of prayer to overcome trials and tribulations.
D. Michele always turned to God; she would pray, and God would answer. Nearly every prayer was responded to until one prayer—a prayer that wasn't answered—led her to have a deeper, more meaningful take on things.
With this new relationship, one with more give and less take, one where prayers aren't answered, D. Michele discovers that the Lord has a plan and a path for her.
About the Author
D. Michele Jackson is a registered nurse who advocates for women's health based on the framework of Florence Nightingale, promoting health by "manipulating the client's environment."
"JOY: Jesus on You by D. Michele Jackson" is a novel based on actual events of her legal battle, which led to a request to amend women's rights in the Nineteenth Amendment.
Having attended a historically Black college, it is the legacy of Mary Eliza Mahoney that inspires Donna's journey to beyond still standing. Her message is one - women: we can. Website: https://www.dmichelejackson.com
Island Mindfulness by Janet Autherine
Island Mindfulness: How to Use the Transformational Power of Mindfulness to Live an Abundant Life by Janet Autherine
Island Mindfulness creates a path for transformation through self-empowerment, meaningful relationships, spiritual fulfillment and the creation of a purposeful life. Who you become and how you experience the world is a result of how you see everything that exists around you. When mindfulness is practiced, the mind has the ability to ride the waves of life and find calm in the midst of all the sun, wind, and rain that we encounter on our unpredictable journey.
Janet invites you to slow your pace, and in the spirit of the islands, mindfully and intentionally embark on a journey to nourish your mind, body and soul. Her “island mindfulness” journey is filled with heartfelt stories of navigating love, marriage and divorce, adjusting your sail in the face of financial and career challenges, and having an Irie time raising children.
Island Mindfulness is a gift of peace and a treasure box of life lessons. Take a mindful moment to embrace joy — say no to negative news, negative body image and everything that keeps you from living your best life. Island Mindfulness is the peace needed to love and embrace the person that you are today.
Find all of the information, graphics and excerpts on the author's Seducing the Pen Tour page.
Purchase Island Mindfulness: How to Use the Transformational Power of Mindfulness to Live an Abundant Life by Janet Autherine, go here: https://www.amazon.com/Janet-Autherine/e/B00KXINZJM
Community Workers Children Book Series by LoLo Smith
Featured Books in the Community Workers Series by LoLo Smith
Genre: Children's Book; Community Workers; COVID-19; Value of Sharing; Coronavirus
Genre: Children's Picture Book; Community Workers
Genre: Children's Book, Animals/dogs, holidays; COVID-19
Community Workers & COVID-19 and I Know My Community Workers both feature a doctor, nurse, teacher, chef, grocer, construction worker, police officer and a mayor. Community Workers & COVID-19 and Max & Bo: Two Dogs On The Go have characters wearing face masks as a way to stop the spread of COVID-19 and provide tips on staying safe.
Ingram is the current distributor. Books can be found on Bookbub, Book Funnel and Goodreads in July, 2020.
Diversity Professional and Children's Book Author
LoLo Smith is a children’s book author on a mission to positively reshape the way children of color see themselves. As an elementary school teacher, she was dismayed with the lack of children’s books with characters of color on the market.
So she established Do The Write Thing of DC (DTWT), with two other like-minded individuals. This 501(c)(3) tax exempt not-for-profit publishes books by, about and for African Americans to address the lack of diversity in books. “I’m filling diversity gaps in children’s literature and doing my part to normalize the appearance of African American and Hispanic girls and boys in books,” she says.
LoLo has written 10 books for children. Her books feature Anime characters, American Girl dolls, superheroes and even dogs! She writes on topics such as kindness, bullying, community workers, and the COIVD-19 pandemic.
She has taken her commitment a step further by developing a literacy program, Living Storybook, through which she re-issues her original books with photos of African American and Hispanic children that participate in DTWT’s after-school and summer programs. “When children see photos of themselves in a book, it becomes a powerful incentive for them to read,” she says.
LoLo Smith is pleased to announce the release of the books which are available for purchase at https://www.amazon.com/LoLo-Smith/e/B01LDWYAEK
Join Seducing The Pen Online Book Tour for the Children Book Series by LoLo Smith
Pearl Page for Community Workers & COVID-19 by Lolo Smith
Listen to the reading: http://www.audioacrobat.com/note/Cp2PYWFX
Nights Over Egypt by Barbara Keaton
Nights Over Egypt by Barbara Keaton
Listen to a reading from the book: http://www.audioacrobat.com/note/CTqt90RX
Two people searching for the same thing …
Ashalon is a professor of Egyptology at Cairo University in Egypt and he is none too happy to learn that another American is coming to his country to conduct a dig among the ruins of his ancestors. He vows to make it difficult for this foreigner, who has been given permission by the Supreme Council of Antiquities … at least until he meets the American, Corina Camden.
Professor Camden is searching for mummified remains from the Twenty-first and Twenty-second dynasties and is hard pressed to hear her every move in Egypt would be supervised by some professor.
Corina and Ashalon are each surprised by their reaction to each other as they set across the blazing desert, captivated by their love of antiquities and unknown passions.
Nights Over Egypt is a story of archeological digs, rich culture and buried passions.
Download your copy today: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DZJJDGJ
Chicago native, Barbara Keaton loves the city and says she cannot imagine living anywhere else. Educated in Catholic schools up until 12th grade, Barbara credits the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the oldest order of black nuns, and her late maternal grandfather, Thomas Hill for her love and respect for the written word.
Barbara’s first romance novel, All I Ask, was published in 2000. Since then she’s gone on to write a total of thirteen romance novels which celebrate black love. In addition to her books, she’s also written several articles and editorials that have appeared in various publications: Today’s Black Woman Magazine; The Chicago Crusader; The Chicago Defender; The Chicago Reader; Bronze Thrills; True Confessions; and, Affaire de Coeur.
Barbara holds an MS in Journalism from Roosevelt University and belongs to several civic and professional organizations, namely Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. In her spare time, she’s an avid reader and writer.
Married to a minister, Barbara has no children of her own, but she considers her niece and nephew, Stephanie and Matthew, and her stepdaughter, Candice, her “babies.” In addition, she’s a grandma and a great-aunt. Barbara lives by a personal credo: I ANSWER TO TWO—MY GOD AND MYSELF!
Swirl Girl: Coming of Race in the USA by TaRessa Stovall
Join the Seducing the Pen Tour for Swirl Girl: Coming of Race in the USA by TaRessa Stovall: https://www.smore.com/vd1qg-books-by-taressa-stovall
SWIRL GIRL: Coming of Race in the USA reveals how a hard-headed Mixed-race “Black Power Flower Child” battles society—and sometimes her closest loved ones—to forge her identity on her own terms.
As the USA undergoes its own racial growing pains, from the 1968 riots after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, to the historic 2008 election of the nation’s first Biracially Black president, TaRessa Stovall challenges popular stereotypes and fights nonstop pressures to contort, disguise, or deny her uncomfortable truths.
I invite everyone who hasn't yet read SWIRL GIRL: Coming of Race in the USA to enjoy a FREE Sneak Peek, here: https://bit.ly/3fnpB1q
A writer since age seven, TaRessa Stovall is a poet, playwright, blogger, and award-winning journalist. She has authored, co-authored, and co-edited several books including A Love Supreme: Real-Life Stories of Black Love (Time Warner); Proverbs for the People: African-American Literature (Kensington/Dafina); The Hot Spot: A Novel (BET/Harlequin); Other People’s Skin: Four Novellas Simon & Schuster/Atria); and My Blue Suede Shoes: Four Novellas (Atria Books/Simon & Schuster).
Check out her blog at www.blackandblewish.com. A native of Seattle living in the ATL, she is the proud mother of a Millennial son and daughter, both multi-talented writers and creatives.
Her new memoir, SWIRL GIRL: Coming of Race in the USA is available at www.taressastovall.com and on Amazon.
Rhythm Bay Love by Patricia A. Bridewell
Rhythm Bay Love by Patricia A. Bridewell
Peek inside, read an excerpt: https://a.co/8be1FAF
Antoine Bailey AKA DJ Ant is one of the wealthy heirs to his father’s prominent real estate business. He enjoys his wealth, but life is not perfect. Antoine is ready to move past the drama of his family issues, and ex-girlfriend’s infidelity. Relocation from the San Francisco Bay area to Los Angeles for a new position is a godsend. Within a year, DJ Ant’s ratings are over the top, and he’s one of the most popular DJs on the West Coast.
Disputes with Jada Carson, a co-worker, becomes a challenge. Even more challenging is their conflict transitions into an attraction that he can’t resist.
Jada Carson’s life has not been easy. Thrust into the parenting role of teenage sisters, at age twenty-two she’s the head of household. Ten years later, she is the Traffic Director at a radio station where she did her college internship. After her love-life dives, so does her trust in men. Then along comes Antoine, who becomes the nail in her side. But he’s oh, so gorgeous. Although she’s attracted to him, she dismisses the notion of a relationship because she doesn’t want any part of that arrogant man. When Cupid steps in, a romance between Antoine and Jada ignites.
Will Jada and Antoine survive the turmoil that hovers over their blossoming love? Only God knows the answer.
Join the Seducing the Pen Tour for Patricia A. Bridewell:
Listen to the Pearl Page reading from Rhythm Bay Love: http://www.audioacrobat.com/note/CRt29ybX
Anthony: Unshackled by Joan Vassar
Anthony: Unshackled by Joan Vassar
Download here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087DXP39B
Joan Vassar’s captivating Black series picks up on the gritty streets of New York City during the height of the Civil War. Anthony, mired in pain and still reeling from the death of his best friend, travels to Manhattan on an errand for the legendary Black. Once the task is complete, he finds himself at a brothel specializing in dark women.
When circumstances lead Anthony to steal a young woman from the infamous Hen House, he forever changes the course of his life and the lives of the people of Fort Independence. Fresh out of options, Anthony is forced to seek assistance to right the wrongs his actions have caused. Black comes to his aid and the men ride out to keep peril away from the fort.
Sexy Black Men in love with Sexy Black Women
Black shares the appealing tale of a passionate love between a man and a woman bound together to change their destiny.
Elbert: The Uncaged Mind is a passionate story of love and healing despite the ugly backdrop of slavery.
Emancipating James reveals the complicated facets of the human soul exposed against the backdrops of Civil War, slavery, and romance.
Anthony: Unshackled is a gripping tale of redemption, love and liberty. Join Joan Vassar, Black and the men on yet another nail biting, heart-pounding journey.
Listen to a reading from The Black Series by Joan Vassar
Join the Seducing the Pen and help spread the word about The Black Series by Joan Vassar: https://www.smore.com/fe7qv-the-black-series-3-book-series
The Contempt 3-Book Series by Becky DeWitt
The Contempt Series including sequels Reasons and Sabotage, is a maze of mystery with twists and turns that will keep the readers on the edge. The character connections involve murder, suicide, deception, deliverance and salvation. The series is filled with the questions who, what, when, where and how. All three are available on Kindle.
Listen to a reading from The Trilogy - Contempt, Reasons, & Sabotage, go here:
Contempt: Lies Deceit and the Miracles by Becky DeWitt
Contempt is the riveting journey through deceit, death, and betrayal which was a way of life. It is the journey of the twists and turns of life, taking toil, leaving one in devastation. Only the arrival of a miracle just in time changes everything. Nothing just happens. Becky DeWitt leads the readers through a maze of mystery and intrigue capturing ones' fascination.
Who is that girl? The intrigue continues the lives of Tristan, Arianna and Takeshi are exposed in the web of many secrets from their past through their children. Reasons answers the many questions of who, what, when, where and why that were left unanswered at the ending of Contempt. The truth is embedded in every page as the reader attempts to find the conclusion of this story. Contempt lured and captivated readers into a world of a thought-provoking drama. Becky DeWitt has responded to the unanswered questions of the destiny of many lives from Contempt with the sequel, Reasons. Is this really the end?
Sabotage: The Final Chapter by Becky DeWitt
SABOTAGE, The Final Chapter pieces together the dark side of Tristan, Arianna and Takeshi's lifestyle of murder, intrigue, contempt and lies, while experiencing God's mercy, grace, eye-opening revelation and truth. The readers who have followed the drama in the previous books, Contempt and Reasons, will experience the conclusion in the maze of mystery that captured their attention. The story ends with answers to the many questions about the life of each character and their unfolding destinies. Your heart will skip a beat as you discover the answers to the truth.
Purchase the Contempt 3-Book Series by Becky DeWitt
Find all of the information, graphics and excerpts on the author's Seducing the Pen Tour page: https://www.smore.com/507x6-novels-by-becky-dewitt
The Wolf Queen: The Hope of Aferi (Book I)
Have you read The Wolf Queen: The Hope of Aferi (Book I) yet? You can read the prologue on her beautiful website today: https://www.cerecerenniemurphy.com/adult-books
The Wolf Queen: The Hope of Aferi (Book I) by Cerece Rennie Murphy
Once great and powerful sorcerers, the Amasiti were hunted to the brink of extinction by the Hir and his followers. For four hundred years, their legacy faded from memory waiting for the hope of Aferi to be renewed…
In the Land of Yet
At the edge of the Forbidden Forest
A young woman lives alone.
Forced to fend for herself after the brutal murder of her family, Ameenah Yemini has made a life for herself as a master tanner and farmer, only venturing into the world to earn her living then return to the safety and seclusion of her home.
Until a chance encounter brings her work to the attention of the powerful Hir. And her careful life begins to unravel.
Drawn to the hidden magic that lingers in everything she touches, the new Hir insists on having her for himself, using the people around her to force Ameenah into his grasp.
When she realizes that her greatest enemy may hold the key to a secret she thought lost to her forever, Ameenah is determined to reclaim her stolen past. But, at what cost? As an ancient power waits to be unleashed, Ameenah's choices will make the difference between awakening a new magic or delivering it into the hands of evil.
Listen to a reading from the novels:
Listen to this interview with Cerece Rennie Murphy, author of The Wolf Queen and other wonderful works of speculative fiction on Giant Panda Podcast.
The Wolf Queen: The Promise of Aferi (Book II)
To claim their future, Ameenah Yemeni must avenge her past.
War has come to the Land of Yet and though the wolf has awakened within her, Ameenah Yemeni has just begun to understand the legacy behind its magic.
Without the wisdom to wield it, she knows she is no match for the treachery of the Hir, whose lust for absolute power threatens everything she holds dear.
Her only chance – Yet’s only hope – is for its people to band together and fight.
But the Hir’s iron grip reaches deeper than they ever realized and the land that once stood together is more divided than ever. While Ameenah travels to the isolated Province of Harat in search of allies and the remnants of the mythical Amasiti, the man she loves must take a different road, each uncovering terrible secrets, centuries in the making that could unravel their rebellion before it has time to take root.
In a desperate race to rally a force strong enough to defeat the Hir, Ameenah's quest plunges her into the depths of a cursed land to recover what remains of an age-old promise—but the cost of saving her people just might be her life.
The final chapter of The Wolf Queen adventure is here.
The Wolf Queen: The Promise of Aferi (Book II in The Wolf Queen Series) by Cerece Rennie Murphy. Order today: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07XDZTCVH
Purchase The Wolf Queen (2 book series) By Cerece Rennie Murphy:
Purchase Other Books by Cerece Rennie Murphy today:
Meet Author Cerece Rennie Murphy
National bestselling and award-winning author Cerece Rennie Murphy fell in love with writing and science fiction at an early age. It’s a love affair that has grown ever since. In 2012, Mrs. Murphy published the first book in what would become the Order of the Seers sci-fi trilogy. Mrs. Murphy has since published ten books.
In addition to recently publishing her first time-bending romance titled, To Find You, Mrs. Murphy released the 2nd book in the Ellis and The Magic Mirror children’s book series with her son. Mrs. Murphy is currently developing a fantasy adventure, titled The Wolf Queen and a 2-part space opera.
Mrs. Murphy lives and writes in her hometown of Washington, DC with her husband, two children and the family dog, Yoda. To learn more about the author and her upcoming projects, please visit her website at www.cerecerenniemurphy.com.
About the Platform Creator Cerece Rennie Murphy
Cerece fell in love with science fiction at the age of seven, watching “The Empire Strikes Back” at the Uptown Theater in Washington, D.C. with her sister and mom. It’s a love affair that has grown ever since.
Cerece is the national bestselling author of ten books, including the Order of the Seers science fiction trilogy, two books in the award-winning Ellis and The Magic Mirror children’s fantasy series, and To Find You, a time-bending, historical romance.
Cerece launched Narazu in October of 2016 because she believes, as all sci-fi fans do, in the power of independent, yet like-minded individuals to save the world. To learn more about Cerece and her upcoming projects, please visit her website at www.cerecerenniemurphy.com.
Order of the Seers Trilogy by Cerece Rennie Murphy
Join the #SeducingThePen Tour, share the material from this page:
To Find You by Cerece Rennie Murphy
Read an excerpt from To Find You: https://www.smore.com/prg4
Listen to the author read: http://www.audioacrobat.com/note/C7GN8vWk
Indie Sci-fi Author and Narazu Founder Cerece Rennie Murphy
She introduces Narazu, a new online platform designed to bring the best in independent sci-fi and comic-culture content to the fans who love it most. Read more: http://narazu.com/about-us
Failure to Protect by Pamela Samuels Young
Failure to Protect by Pamela Samuels Young
Find all of the information, graphics and excerpts on the author's Seducing the Pen Tour page: https://www.smore.com/p1mhr
The author of the award-winning thriller Anybody’s Daughter is back with an addictive read that tackles bullying and its devastating aftermath.
What Really Goes on Behind School Doors?
When the classroom is no longer a safe space for her child, a grieving mother is determined to seek justice for her bullied daughter. Enter hard-charging attorneys Angela Evans and Jenny Ungerman. From the very start, the two lawyers face more than an uphill battle.
An ambitious school principal is far more concerned about protecting her career than getting to the truth. She flat out denies any knowledge of the bullying and prefers to sweep everything under the rug. But just how low will she go?
As the battle enters the courtroom, the attorneys fight hard to expose the truth. But will a massive coverup hinder their quest for justice?
Order Failure to Protect (Angela Evans and Dre Thomas Series Book 4) by Pamela Samuels Young: https://www.amazon.com/Failure-Protect-Angela-Evans-Thomas-ebook/dp/B07W772JHC
To Catch A Raven by Yasmina Iro
Normally, Raiven spends most of her time solving Supernatural crimes and when she's not traveling for work, she's assisting her Overseer Lucius’ efforts to maintain order in her home city of Decver. Her current case, however, has Raiven on edge and she is willing to do almost anything to solve it.
After her friend Justina is injured and Raiven learns it’s tied to her case, Lucius assigns Kisten, the local Alpha, to stay by her side as she works to catch the culprit. Suddenly, Raiven's life becomes even more complicated, as Kisten is the only man she wants, and the one she’s not allowed to have.
As she rushes to solve the case and find the killer, will Raiven be able to maintain her resolve or will she finally submit to her own desires?
What Others are Saying:
“There are several big reveals that continue to shift the storyline in unexpected ways, something that even a jaded reader like myself can fully appreciate and still be surprised by.”
“I was in no way prepared for how totally addicting this novel would be, and the sheer magnitude of the new world, the compelling characters, the multi plots that break the mold… I was really impressed.”
Purchase To Catch A Raven (Paranormal Romance) by Yasmina Iro
(Dark Goddess Trilogy - Book 1. Genre: Paranormal Romance)
eBook on Amazon
About the Author
When it comes to travelling, Yasmina Iro knows a thing or two about putting on the mileage. They can often be found exploring the world, travelling to learn about new cultures and experience our beautiful planet. From their home base in the United States, they enjoy creating new worlds and cultures for their readers to explore with them. When not exploring, Yasmina can be found decorating beautiful cakes in their kitchen while caring for their blooming family or sneaking some work on their webcomics. There’s also something new going on with them and that’s the way they like it.
If you would like to connect with her, you can visit her website at www.yasminairo.com or follow her on twitter @murosakiiro.
Twitter: @Murosakiiro
Website: www.yasminairo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/murosakiiro
Allegra’s Shadow by Dana Sanders Hill
When Mariah St. Cloud becomes a full-fledged member of the walking wounded, she shuts down. She's learned that men are born heartbreakers, so work becomes her lover. It's dependable and won't leave the toilet seat up. But the untimely death of her beautiful, estranged sister Allegra kicks her predictable life to the curb and brings ex-cop Anthony Caine into her everyday existence-intense, protective, and far too handsome for her self-imposed celibacy.
Conflict is inevitable. Anthony wants to tumble Mariah's reserve like the walls of Jericho and keep her safe. Mariah just wants him out of her hair--even as she stands in the deadly shadow of Allegra's secrets.
Purchase Allegra’s Shadow by Dana Sanders Hill
About the Author
Dana Sanders Hill has spent most of her life reading and writing romance that focus on family dynamics. Her current romantic suspense, Allegra’s Shadow, is no different. After years of dealing with New York winters that made her bones rattle like dice, Dana moved south. She lives and works out of her home in North Carolina with her family and hopes to get a female Shiba Inu soon, because it’s hard being the only female in the house.
Her first romantic suspense novel ALLEGRA'S SHADOW was nominated for an African-American Literary Award.
You can visit Dana’s webpage, https://danasandershill.wixsite.com/dana, for updates. You can also connect with Dana on Twitter @danasandershill or on Facebook at facebook.com/DanaSandersHillFanSite.
The Last Thing You Surrender: A Novel of World War II by Leonard Pitts Jr.
Pulitzer-winning journalist and bestselling novelist Leonard Pitts, Jr.’s new historical page-turner is a great American tale of race and war, following three characters from the Jim Crow South as they face the enormous changes World War II triggers in the United States.
Could you find the courage to do what’s right in a world on fire?
An affluent white marine survives Pearl Harbor at the cost of a black messman’s life only to be sent, wracked with guilt, to the Pacific and taken prisoner by the Japanese . . . a young black woman, widowed by the same events at Pearl, finds unexpected opportunity and a dangerous friendship in a segregated Alabama shipyard feeding the war . . . a black man, who as a child saw his parents brutally lynched, is conscripted to fight Nazis for a country he despises and discovers a new kind of patriotism in the all-black 761st Tank Battalion.
Set against a backdrop of violent racial conflict on both the front lines and the home front, The Last Thing You Surrender explores the powerful moral struggles of individuals from a divided nation. What does it take to change someone’s mind about race? What does it take for a country and a people to move forward, transformed?
Publishers Weekly Editorial Review for The Last Thing You Surrender
Leonard Pitts Jr., a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist, turns again to America’s fraught history of race relations in this unflinching, gritty WWII saga. It centers on a trio of finely drawn characters, two black and one white, all from Alabama, whose worlds collide because of Pearl Harbor.
Marine Private George Simon—wealthy, religious, white—survives the sinking of his ship because Eric Gordy, a black messman, rescues him. Eric dies, and while George recuperates, he pays a condolence call on Eric’s widow, Thelma. She and her brother, Luther Hayes, a bitter alcoholic, are living with the memory of their parents’ lynching 20 years earlier.
George and Thelma begin a correspondence after he returns to active duty; she takes a job in a shipyard. Luther, deciding this is a white man’s war, tries to evade the draft but ends up serving with a tank battalion in Europe. George endures horrific conditions in the Pacific as Thelma faces growing racial hostility at work, culminating in a brutal moment of violence that compels her to make a difficult decision.
While remaining true to his characters, Pitts brings the story lines to realistic conclusions even as he holds out hope for the future, resulting in a polished, affecting novel.
Editorial Reviews: The Last Thing You Surrender
“Seamlessly integrates impressive research into a compelling tale of America at war—overseas, at home, and within ourselves, as we struggle to find the better angels of our nature. Pitts poignantly illustrates ongoing racial and class tensions, and offers hope that we can overcome hatred by refusing to sacrifice dignity.”
—Booklist, starred review
“The Last Thing You Surrender is a story of our nation at war, with itself as well as tyranny across the globe. It’s an American tapestry of hatred, compassion, fear, courage, and cruelties, leavened with the promise of triumph. A powerful story I will not soon forget.”
—James R. Benn, author of the Billy Boyle WWII Mystery series
“Leonard Pitts, Jr. does it again. He interweaves stories that grip you from beginning to end. Set during WWII, it shows how race relations in America haven't advanced much. The Last Thing You Surrender will have you entranced with the story, and it will stick with you even after you complete the last page.”
—Southfield Public Library
“I couldn't put it down, and it left me stunned! It’s such a harsh novel, yet at the same time, it’s a hopeful novel that is so relevant today. I'm already telling people about it.”
—Pete Mock, McIntyre's Books, Pittsboro, North Carolina
About the Author
Leonard Pitts, Jr. is a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer who pens one of the most popular newspaper columns in America, weighing in twice weekly on controversies of race, gender, politics and popular culture. He is the author of a series of critically-acclaimed novels, including "Freeman," "Before I Forget" and his latest, "The Last Thing You Surrender."
Website: http://leonardpittsjr.com
Twitter: @leonardpittsjr1 and https://twitter.com/LeonardPittsJr1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeonardPittsJrOfficialFanPage
Tour Page: https://www.smore.com/v69fs-leonard-pitts-jr-presents
Purchase The Last Thing You Surrender: A Novel of World War II by Leonard Pitts Jr.
Greed: A Seven Deadly Sins Novel (The Seven Deadly Sins Book 3) by Victoria Christopher Murray
Passion, money, and a deliciously devious twist: Greed is the newest novel in award-winning author Victoria Christopher Murray’s Seven Deadly Sins series—“the drama of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” (Booklist)—and soon to be a Lifetime movie.
You can’t put a price on love…
Zuri Maxwell isn’t happy. Her job is a grind, and money is always tight. Her boyfriend Stephon is the best part of life, but between his income as an artist and her commission-based paycheck, they are barely scraping by.
When Zuri meets a sleek entrepreneur eager to pick her brain, she jumps at the chance to talk business with someone who has everything she wants. As he wines and dines her, Zuri starts moving in elite circles, and she faces a crossroads: Will she give up the stable, loving life she knows for one that glitters, but may not be gold?
PatriciaW gives Greed: A Seven Deadly Sins Novel 5 stars
How far will you go to live out your dreams?
When her life is unfulfilling, what's a woman to do? That is the question facing Zuri as she grapples with living the affordable life she has versus grabbing the high roller life dangled before her. What's so wrong with wanting and experiencing the finer things in life?
Murray does it again with this third book in her Seven Deadly Sins series, this installment the strongest, most intriguing of the series so far, at least for this reader. That's the beauty of this series. As each storyline wrestles with one of the deadly sins, readers are forced to do the same. I would never go down the path that Zuri takes in Greed, but I understand wanting more out of life than one's current position and I'm sure many of Murray's readers will too. As I read this book, I was reminded that we are to be content with where we find ourselves (Phil 4:11-13), a lesson Zuri certainly could have benefitted from.
I can only imagine what Murray has in store for her fans with the remainder of the series, but if Greed is any indicator, each book will provide great entertainment mixed with a bit of soul-searching. Can't wait for book 4!
Read an excerpt from Greed: A Seven Deadly Sins Novel - https://bit.ly/2T58IP7
Read the First Chapter from Greed: A Seven Deadly Sins - https://bit.ly/2wzgxVy
The Seven Deadly Sins 3 Books...3 Movies...Coming to TV on Lifetime!
Read the entire Seven Deadly Sins series at: https://amzn.to/2T7BMW7
Greed: A Seven Deadly Sins Novel (The Seven Deadly Sins Book 3)
Envy: A Seven Deadly Sins Novel (The Seven Deadly Sins Book 2)
Lust: A Seven Deadly Sins Novel (The Seven Deadly Sins Book 1)
Wrath: A Novel (The Seven Deadly Sins Book 4) by Victoria Christopher Murray, coming January, 2021
Find all of the information, graphics and excerpts on the Seducing the Pen tour page: https://www.smore.com/k32vj
Welcome to My Breakdown: A Memoir by Benilde Little
My mother was gone. I never thought I would survive her death.
A major bestselling novelist and former magazine editor, long married to a handsome and successful stockbroker with whom she has a beautiful daughter and son, Benilde Little once had every reason to feel on top of the world. But as illness, the aging of her parents, and other hurdles interrupted her seemingly perfect life, she took a tailspin into a pit of clinical depression.
Told in her own fearless and wise voice, Welcome to My Breakdown chronicles a cavern of depression so dark that Benilde didn’t know if she’d ever recover from what David Foster Wallace called “a nausea of the soul.”
She discusses everything from her Newark upbringing, once-frequent visits to a Muslim mosque, and how it felt to date a married man, to her doubts about marriage, being caught between elder care and childcare, and ultimately how she treated her depression and found a way out.
Writing in the courageous tradition of great female storytellers such as Joan Didion, Nora Ephron, and Pearl Cleage, Benilde doesn’t hold back as she shares insights, inspiration, and intimate details of her life.
Powerful, relatable, and ultimately redemptive, Welcome to My Breakdown is a remarkable memoir about the power within us all to rise from despair and to feel hope and joy again.
Read an excerpt and purchase Welcome to My Breakdown: A Memoir by Benilde Little - http://books.simonandschuster.com/Welcome-to-My-Breakdown/Benilde-Little/9781476751955
Delayed But Not Denied 3: Real People Sharing Stories about Healing and Growth
Delayed But Not Denied 3 Co-Authors: Asia Maddrey, Asia Williams, Deneen Cooper, Dionely Reyes, Dr. Lawana Richmond, Janelle Rollins-Johnson, Janette “Justice” Carter, Julia D. Shaw, Julie Ann Fairley, Kathleen Greely, Kristin Vaughan Robinson, L. Renee, Walikqua Johnson, Maria Dowd, Norma Brown, and Toni Coleman Brown.
Delayed But Not Denied 3 is a compilation of stories told by Black Women who were interested in sharing life experiences hoping to be helpful to others. These stories demonstrate the power of prayer, faith, and strategies for triumph.
The one common thread that binds the co-authors of Delayed But Not Denied Book 3: Real People Sharing Stories About Healing and Growth, is that they put their fingers to the keyboard to share parts of their life experiences. The contributors of the book share a diverse tapestry of insight, which is woven together by the drive to define their own successes.
They share their stories of tragedies and triumphs with the prayer that, a sentence, a paragraph or a chapter will empower others to push a bit harder and to be their authentic self. In this collaboration, each woman’s testimony lets readers know that regardless of what you have been through you are extraordinary too!
Asia Williams’ Contribution: The experience I chose to share was about how I have dealt with being the daughter of a father, whom I love very much, but has been incarcerated most of my life, and how that impacts me and my children. For additional information go to: http://www.delayedbutnotdenied.info/asia-williams
About the Co-Author
Asia Williams is an English teacher turned assistant principal for NYC. For 15 years she has dedicated her life to building and uplifting children while raising two of her own. Her son, Kamari who attends Howard University and her daughter Khloe that is beginning her school career as a kindergartner. Asia was very reluctant to share her story, but she believes that being transparent about her life has the potential to help millions of children and adults who are going through a similar situation.
Purchase Delayed But Not Denied 3
Website to Purchase: http://www.delayedbutnotdenied.info/asia-williams
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Delayed-But-Not-Denied-Sharing/dp/1732840520
Seeds of Deception by Arlene L. Walker
A clash between Cherokee Indians and their former African slaves comes to a head in the tribal town of Feather Falls.
On the same day Sput Louie McClendon is evicted by reviled town tycoon Goliah Lynch, her husband mysteriously vanishes. Has he fallen prey to bushwhackers or timber thieves? Or is Lynch behind his disappearance?
Alone and desperate, Sput Louie turns to town elder Two Bird for help, but with racial tension between the two factions, are his intentions pure?
As Sput Louie’s frantic search for her husband intensifies, she stumbles onto a dark twisted family secret – one that could not only have devastating implications for her, but the entire town of Feather Falls.
Reviews for Seeds of Deception by Arlene L. Walker
“Seeds of Deception has characters you’ll love, a plot that pulls you in and twists you’ll never see coming.”
— Pamela Samuels Young, author of Anybody’s Daughter, NAACP Image Award winner
“Hypnotic prose, vivid characters. I was blown away. A masterful first novel.”
— Dwayne Alexander Smith, author of Forty Acres, NAACP Image Award Winner
“I wish I could go back and meet all her characters again. Haven’t stopped thinking about them yet. Easily one of my favorite reads this year.”
— Lisa Bobbit, reviewer, ReadInColour.com
“Ms. Walker’s writing is uninhibited and honest.”
— C. Knight, Book-a-licious Book Club
Purchase Seeds of Deception by Arlene L. Walker
Genre: Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, and Mystery
Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45420608-seeds-of-deception
Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Seeds-Deception-could-hurt-truth-ebook/dp/B07R7J2FN1
About the Author
Arlene L. Walker is a graduate of UCLA Extension Writers’ Program and is a winner of the PEN USA CASP award as well as a finalist in the 2011 PEN Emerging Voices Fellowship. Her fiction and nonfiction have appeared in A Letter for My Mother, WOW-Women On Writing. Ms. Walker resides in Southern California where she is currently at work on her second novel. You can connect with her at https://www.arlenewalker.com. Tour Page: https://www.smore.com/kwejs-arlene-l-walker-presents
My Son's Fugacious Life: Two Murderers, One Conviction by Tonda Wright
(fyoo-gey-shuhs) – adjective 1. Fleeting; transitory: 2. Falling or fading early.
My Son’s Fugacious Life is the story of my son, Johnquan. Shot at eighteen years of age, Washington, DC’s Fire and Emergency Medical Service Department failed to transport him to the hospital.
My son’s death was tragic and unnecessary. From that devastating phone call to
the burial to two trials during the course of one year—a murder trial and wrongful
death suit—it has all truly been so tiring and emotionally draining.
By writing this book, I hope to answer the same questions I have posed to myself: How do you overcome your fears? How do you overcome the bitterness inside? How do you forgive and move on with your life? And, most importantly, what happened on August 14, 2008, and what actions could have been taken to save my son’s life?
And, I’m hoping to uplift parents who have suffered the loss of a child. I hope to give solace to those who feel as if their backs are against the wall and have nowhere to turn.
Purchase My Son's Fugacious Life by Tonda Wright
Memoir > Self-help > Parenting > Love & Loss > Death & Grief
Tonda Wright: Author, Speaker and Entrepreneur, is a powerful force in the community.
As an Emergency Medical Technician with the Washington, DC Fire/EMS Department, Tonda dedicates her life to bringing healing to those who are affected by the loss of a loved one and awareness to the Public Duty Doctrine that protects local government from their
responsibility. Being a part of the healthcare industry for over 25 years and with DC Fire and EMS for 17 years, Tonda has found her love for being a mentor, mother, daughter, and a friend.
With her love for helping people, she is in the process of creating a magazine that will spotlight our unsung heroes. She is also collaborating on a children’s book with her beautiful granddaughter to inspire and impact the community.
Through her book, speaking engagements, and building several businesses, Tonda encourages people to create memorable brands and use them to inspire, impact the community, and create opportunity. Her goal is to continue writing books, style her own shoe line, and continue to move in God’s purpose. She’s on a mission to complete her assignment from God.
Visit Tonda Wright's website today: http://tondawright.com
Tour Page: https://www.smore.com/nhbfj-tonda-wright-motivational-speaker
Stripped For Greater: Walk By Faith by Michele Nicole
I had $0.06 in my bank account and $5 in coins in my purse. As I sat in the car, the reality of this season of my life just hit me...homeless.
I am homeless.
I looked at myself in the mirror and the conversation in my mind began. "It's all your fault. You did this to me. You. YOU failed us. You are 46 years old and you have nothing. You are stuck. You are yet again in "starting over" mode. You are not all here, you are functioning broken.
How do you go from having a job with benefits, having your own business as a travel agent, having almost paid off all your debt and making plans for the next season of your life, to sitting in the front seat of a car with $0.06 in the bank and $5 in your purse, your items in a borrowed storage unit, your clothes in a travel garment bag, a job paying $8.50 per hour working 15-25 hours per week and you have two college degrees?
How the hell did this happen to us Michele...please tell me...I would like to know."
“Michele’s book reminded me of my own story of struggle. Her words painted a very clear picture for me that immediately took me back to when I lived in my car. This book will inspire and encourage anyone that is currently down, that they can recover and excel.” -Pastor Johnson
"Your book has truly inspired me to be a better me. While reading, I found myself reading the scriptures that you referenced. It has motivated me to let peace be still, and listen for my directions from the most high." - Ms.Tracy W.
"Truly an easy, inspirational page turner. As I was reading, I laughed and reflected on God's amazing grace. The author is truly gifted. I look forward to sharing and reviewing this book with my book club."- Ms. Karese M.
"I loved everything about the book , the emotional roller coaster, the scare, the bravery, the encounter with strangers later to know they was messengers God angels ,the willingness to learn how to obey and trust in oneself and in God. I recommend this book to anyone who needs reassurance that you'er not alone. This book goes to show you that no matter the place ,the time, the situation , if you feel you are lacking something in life or you feel lost, need change in yourself take a leap of faith ,believe , in the journey ,the change the season. Thank you Michele Nicole. P.S part 2 please" - Ms. Michelle J.
"I do not know where to begin. When I started reading, I immediately felt chills and the tears started. I found that the book is so relatable because a lot of the experiences that Ms. Michele went through or have gone through. I remember being homeless for half the time that she was when I was in high school with my mom and twin. We stayed in a couple of family houses for no more than a week and then in an extended stay. There were days were money was so tight and we both went to different schools.
I was in Atlanta and my sister in East Point. My mom works in Riverdale and I was in the Magnet Program where I was miserable due to being overweight, teased and bullied. Talk about a wake up call and stress build up, huh?? We made it through after a while and discovered who was really for us. I am so thankful that Stripped For Greater was written because I can start to finish my healing from grief and put my energy into my livelihood. Its a new dawn, its a new day and I a feeling good. Ms. Michele, this book is powerful, motivational and life changing and the best 10 hours spent. I appreciate you. Thank you!! - Ms Mariah
Watch the Stripped For Greater Video Book Trailer (The How) - https://youtu.be/Z3tdtcNpH7U
"I am a Believer, who was struggling with un-belief. Out of desperation I became bold enough to ask God to teach me to trust Him. What I did not prepare for was the process He would use to bring it to pass. Let me tell you something, when you ask God to teach you, you do NOT get to choose the HOW." - Michele Nicole Mitchell
Josephine Baker's Last Dance by Sherry Jones
From the author of The Jewel of Medina, a moving and insightful novel based on the life of legendary performer and activist Josephine Baker, perfect for fans of The Paris Wife and Hidden Figures.
Discover the fascinating and singular life story of Josephine Baker—actress, singer, dancer, Civil Rights activist, member of the French Resistance during WWII, and a woman dedicated to erasing prejudice and creating a more equitable world—in Josephine Baker’s Last Dance.
In this illuminating biographical novel, Sherry Jones brings to life Josephine's early years in servitude and poverty in America, her rise to fame as a showgirl in her famous banana skirt, her activism against discrimination, and her many loves and losses. From 1920s Paris to 1960s Washington, to her final, triumphant performance, one of the most extraordinary lives of the twentieth century comes to stunning life on the page.
With intimate prose and comprehensive research, Sherry Jones brings this remarkable and compelling public figure into focus for the first time in a joyous celebration of a life lived in technicolor, a powerful woman who continues to inspire today.
Purchase Josephine Baker’s Last Dance in paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats on Simon and Schuster’s website ( also available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, BooksAMillion, Indiebound, Kobo, and other sites).
Join the #SeducingThePen Tour, share the material from this page:
Media Coverage and Contests: https://www.smore.com/rxa3d
Memphis Blues by Cheryl Mattox Berry
Set in the powerful backdrop of the 1960s civil rights movement, Memphis Blues will test the loyalty and strength of three people whose dreams were deferred. Will the women and the handsome doctor who controls them find their true callings? If so, at what price?
It was not the life she had planned. Nadine was looking forward to getting her first real job, then starting a business. But when she finds herself pregnant before she even finishes high school, the young man’s mother forces them into wedlock.
Carrie also saw her plans for a better life derailed after a fling leaves her pregnant with twins.
At the center of their angst is Cyrus, a man not yet ready to be a father…with his wife…or his girlfriend. Still, Cyrus manages to keep the two lives separate while coveting the life he really wants.
What’s Done in the Dark
Secrets don’t stay buried for long. Years later, when the three of them accidentally meet at a protest rally, everything changes. The fireworks that ensue suddenly alter the dynamic of these relationships forever.
Purchase Memphis Blues by Cheryl Mattox Berry
Get your paperback copy of Memphis Blues SIGNED by the Author!
$15 plus Shipping and Tax - http://www.cherylmattoxberry.com/memphis-b
Capital Sins by Cheryl Mattox Berry
Lust…Betrayal…and Dirty Deals
Savvy newswoman Jan Malone finally earns a coveted anchor spot at a Washington, D.C., television station when unforeseen circumstances turn her world upside down.
To regroup, she and her best friend Kelly Mahoney take an adventurous African vacation where they meet wealthy businessman Abdou Nyassi. He and Jan begin a hot and heavy romance that has him talking marriage.
Jan’s socially connected mother does some digging and gets a tip about Abdou that sets off alarms. Her warning prompts Jan to put her investigative skills to use.
Soon, Jan unravels a nefarious plot that thrusts her into a world of crime, corruption, and political deceit. She turns to Kelly and street hustler Darius Hooks for help, but will their motives be pure?
CAPITAL SINS exposes dark truths about ambition, greed, and human nature.
Purchase Capital Sins by Cheryl Mattox Berry
Get your paperback copy of the NEWLY RELEASED Capital Sins SIGNED by the Author!
$15 plus Shipping and Tax at http://www.cherylmattoxberry.com
The Designated Ones Trilogy by Karen Sloan-Brown
Find all of the information, graphics and excerpts on the author's Seducing the Pen Tour page:
The Designated Ones: From Jerusalem to Ethiopia
It’s 2014. Grieving the loss of family members and friends killed in a plane crash, renowned megachurch pastor Priscilla Sinclair sits on her patio, prepared to take her own life. But before she can end it all, a stranger shows up at her Virginia home and changes everything.
Trying to strengthen her faith, the stranger challenges Priscilla to lean on God's promises and on the examples of faith left to her by her ancestors. He tells her a story she has never heard before. The story goes back over 3,000 years, beginning with Aaron, God’s designated high priest during the Exodus, and explores the line of designated ones through the times of King David, Solomon, the exile in Babylon, the crossing of the Arabian Desert into Saba, the migration across the Red Sea into Axum, the birth of Christ, and the lives of the generations that have followed.
In this thrilling journey through history, Priscilla is given a chance to go from failure to faith and live to fight another day. But will she accept the stranger's challenge?
Purchase The Designated Ones: From Jerusalem to Ethiopia
The Struggle: From Kenya to Jamaica
In part two, The Struggle, in the year AD 490, Priscilla Sinclair's ancestors battle in religious wars for 1000 years until the beginning of the Transatlantic slave trade. They are sold as slaves and shipped to a sugarcane plantation in Jamaica. Two hundred years later, Adam is sold and shipped to a tobacco plantation in Virginia.
In this thrilling journey through history, Priscilla is given a chance to go from failure to faith and live to fight another day. But will she accept the stranger's challenge?
Purchase The Struggle: From Kenya to Jamaica by Karen Sloan-Brown
The Last Tribe of Levi: Richmond, Virginia
In part three, The Last Tribe of Levi, Priscilla Sinclair's ancestors gain their freedom in Virginia. Her great- great-grandfather, Thomas Freeman begins to build on the legacy that she hoped to continue. Except her father won’t accept her calling to preach God’s word.
In this thrilling journey through history, Priscilla is given a chance to go from failure to faith and live to fight another day. But will she accept the stranger's challenge?
Purchase The Last Tribe of Levi: Richmond,VA by Karen Sloan-Brown
I Am God's Work of Art by Yvonne Strachan
Every child is a blessing from God. No matter where they come from, how they look physically, their gender, or nationality.
Find all of the information, graphics and excerpts on the author's Seducing the Pen Tour page:
I Am God's Work of Art inspires children to become one with themselves and to embrace their unique characteristics, personality, and appearance.
This book empowers children always to know that they are special, creative, wonderful, and love unconditionally by God. Each reader is assured that they have a special purpose to fulfill.
I Am God's Work of Art builds the confidence of children, reminding them to be confident and courageous in everything that they do. Children will also be inspired to do everything that they desire to do in life and to stay in their own unique lane.
This book is filled with beautiful graphics and powerful messages that will assist children in becoming victorious and comfortable in embracing their greatness.
Purchase I Am God's Work of Art by Yvonne Strachan
This Book is the Road Map to the Kind of Life You Deserve
Most people want to accomplish great things—improve their own lives and make the world better in some way. You might be thinking, But why does it have to be so hard?
Life can seem like a constant battle—helping a loved one who just won’t listen, paying the light bill when there’s not enough money to go around, finding happiness when everyone around you says it’s impossible.
Yet some people make “impossible” things happen: someone becomes a millionaire; somebody breaks a world record; someone else reaches the summit of a mountain; one person inspires millions while many struggle to even influence a single person.
What Draws Out the Greatness We Have Inside?
Contrary to popular belief, we all have the potential to do great things, to create the kind of life and happiness we desire. If you felt even the slightest doubt as you read that, you need to read this book!
You don’t have to be told that there is a lot of negativity and opposition in life; if not from the people and things around us, then from our own insecurities from within.
Seeing the accomplishments of others gives us hope . . .it inspires and motivates us. We are able to see that “doing the impossible” is in fact possible. But this isn’t enough. We need to know how!
The Secret
There is one thing that every person who achieves something great has, and it is how to tap into the mother lode of power and unstoppable greatness that lies mostly dormant within us all! The answer is having a GUIDE.
Many things seem impossible to us; especially when trying to solve them with no real guidance, no know-how to doing it right. The smart way to proceed is by learning from those who can show you the road map. The Mountain We Climb is your secret road map to the life you deserve.
"I can only compare the experience of reading The Mountain We Climb to being guided through life’s challenges by a wise mentor, a loving father, and a caring best friend. Dr. Swan has achieved that rare feat of successfully combining inspirational and practical guidance with a moving personal story." — Liana Hall, Esq., Writer and Mental Health Activist
View an excerpt from The Mountain We Climb on Amazon - http://a.co/gFwA4Or
The Mountain We Climb by Wayne Swan tour page: https://www.smore.com/yr1pt
About the Author
Dr. Wayne Swan is a Motivational Speaker, Mentor, Life Coach, Entrepreneur & Certified Divorce Coach. He regularly speaks to and works with clients in Bermuda as well as internationally in places such as: Africa, Europe, UK and the USA.
Wayne has accomplished the feat of reaching the summit of the world's tallest free-standing mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro. Returning to the base of the mountain a different man, he shares his revelations and learnings for overcoming "impossible" odds in life, as they apply to mountain climbing or life's daily struggles.
Visit his website today: http://drwayneswan.com
The Pride of an African Migrant by Massocki Ma Massocki
The Pride of an African Migrant: In Remembrance of Jimmy Mubenga, a Martyr of Globalisation, Murdered by the UK Border Regime on a British Airways Flight to Angola by Massocki Ma Massocki
The Pride of an African Migrant outlines barbaric acts of torture to which African asylum seekers are being subjected to in the United Kingdom.
The book was written in remembrance of Jimmy Mubenga, an African asylum seeker who was tortured and killed by the UK border regime at London Heathrow Airport on a British Airways flight to Angola on October 12, 2010, after resisting his deportation.
Having peacefully protested against the killing of Mubenga, a fellow asylum seeker, Massocki Ma Massocki, the author, was arrested and detained naked in a cold cell. After some time, even the place he was staying at was set on fire, ready to kill him.
Despite this, each year, the terrifying Mediterranean Sea and the dreadful Sahara desert claim the lives of at least 5,000 African migrants en route to Europe. And those who have conquered the sea and the desert still have to survive, in the land of Europe, the barbarism and inhumanity of immigration officers.
The Pride of an African Migrant aims to fight xenophobia and promote harmonious coexistence between all living beings, in particular, between migrants and Europeans, and heighten people’s compassion and wisdom, which are imperative for world peace. The book’s goal is also to make Africans aspiring to migrate to the European Union or the US be more informed of the issues related to their plans so that they can be better prepared.
The Pride of an African Migrant is a frank expository conversation for today and of all time. It is a book that every immigration player should read—from potential migrants to diplomatic staff, immigration officials, foreign policy advisors… every person with a migrant family member or neighbour.
About the Author
Massocki Ma Massocki is a columnist, activist and pan-Africanist. He has written columns for newspapers around the world as well as articles for regional and international organisations.
Massocki has also given talks and conferences in Africa, Asia and Europe on Pan-Africanism and global issues. Massocki was born in Cameroon, West Africa. Massocki Ma Massocki is a columnist, activist and recognized Cameroonian refugee in the Philippines, under the United Nations 1951 Geneva Convention.
Follow his Seducing the Pen tour page - https://www.smore.com/q48yd
The Pride of an African Migrant: In Remembrance of Jimmy Mubenga, a Martyr of Globalisation, Murdered by the UK Border Regime on a British Airways Flight to Angola by Massocki Ma Massocki
Where is the human in migration? In an age of immigration as political posturing and propaganda, Massocki Ma Massocki presents a collage of dreams, journeys, tears, wills... even death. This book is an intimate retelling of lives and stories that strips migrants of convenient agenda-driven labels, baring them stark to the reader. With blood running in their veins, vulnerable to fear, driven by ambition--the emotive human is at the centre of Massocki's latest work.
The Pride of an African Migrant is a frank expository conversation for today and of all time. It is a book that every immigration player should read--from potential migrants to diplomatic staff, immigration officials, foreign policy advisors... every person with a migrant family member or neighbor.
Kindle eBook
Barnes & Noble
The PhD Game: Confessions of a Black Academic
The PhD Game: Confessions of a Black Academic, is a collection of essays detailing the doctoral journeys of 15 African American doctoral degree holders. Although the National Center for Education Statistics named African American women the most educated group in the United States, the quest for doctoral and other advanced degrees is not easy, and is often not completed.
Antoinette Franklin, the book’s managing editor, explained that she started this project to serve as a source of inspiration to future doctoral holders to complete their advanced education.
“The book is a collection of stories of glory, racism, sexism, and happiness,” she said. “It shares their experiences and how they overcame those misfortunes and achieved the pinnacle of education attainment. The book also discusses the issues facing America’s colleges and universities concerning diversity in with the faculty and administration.”
Each contributor to The PhD Game is a current business professional with a background in military, public relations, education, medicine, or law with affiliations with the San Antonio Talented Tenth of San Antonio, Gamma Delta Phi National Honor Society, Catholic Charities, and various fraternities and sororities.
In addition, they have as nationally and internationally, appearing in such publications as the San Antonio Observer, Entrepreneur Magazine, Black Enterprise, and Women of Distinction Magazine.
The authors are as follows:
• Antoinette Franklin, managing Editor of the Ph.D Game, instructor, doctoral student.
• Dr. Loren Alves, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics at East Carolina University School Of Dental Medicine
• Dr. Willie J. Black, Educator and Administrator, Judson Independent School District
• Dr. Sharon Michael Chadwell, Higher Education Professional, Expert in Black Males in Gifted and Talented Programs
• Dr. Nicolas Cormier, Administrator and Educator (Retired)
• Dr. Jacqueline Dansby, Executive Director and Professor, St. Mary’s University
• Dr. Michael J. Laney, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Savannah State University
• Dr. Rhonda M. Lawson, Public Affairs Specialist, U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Founder, Meet the World Image Solutions, LLC
• Dr. LaJoyce Lawton, Principal Consultant, Lawton International
• Dr. D. Anthony Miles, Marketing Expert and Statistician, Miles Development Industries Corporation®
• Dr. Doshie Piper, Professor and Researcher, University of the Incarnate Word
• Dr. Lawrence Scott, Professor and Researcher, Texas A&M University-San Antonio
• Dr. Caroline Sinkfield, Professor and Researcher
• Dr. Sharon Small, CEO/Early Head Start Director, Parent Child Incorporated (PCI)
• Dr. Linn R. Waiters, Principal and Founder, Waiters Educational Vision, LLC
• Dr. Chanel Young, Clinical Psychologist, Fort Hood Army Base & Private Practice
“Each author has a unique story to share about the struggles we face in academia as African Americans,” Franklin said. “It is our goal to inspire our young people to greatness!”
The PhD Game: Confessions of a Black Academic will be published by San Antonio publishing house Prosperity Publications, http://www.prosperitypublications.com and will be available in paperback and e-Book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Books A Million.
Unfortunately Francine by Joan Vassar
Georgia, 1995–A gentle push from her sister causes Francine Adams to agree to one date with the handsome, Jalal Dorsey. When his ex-girlfriend makes an appearance, a perfect evening takes a turn for the worse. Blinded by humiliation and desperate to put distance between herself and the drama, Francine flees the upscale eatery. Unfamiliar with Atlanta, she wanders down a dark side street and encounters a series of unfortunate events.
Troy Bryant has spent seven years in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. Upon his release, he realizes the man he was before prison is gone. Now, he’s everything he was wrongfully accused of. After witnessing a young woman running from a restaurant in the heart of Atlanta, Troy follows her hasty retreat down an unlit side street, forever changing the course of both their lives.
Troy decides to keep her–no matter the cost, and Francine is forced to need the man who stole her from her life. Two souls collide, and a dark romance begins to bloom. Unfortunately Francine spins an erotic tale of anger, love and acceptance.
Purchase Unfortunately Francine
Joan Vassar is now an Author on BookBub
Find Joan: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/joan-vassar
Follow the Seducing the Pen Tour: https://www.smore.com/9y2c0
Listen to a reading from Unfortunately Francine by Joan Vassar: http://www.audioacrobat.com/note/CH1BJWvX
Carolina Soul: The Down Home Taste of the Carolinas by Chef Jerome Brown
Celebrity chef, Army veteran, and health correspondent Jerome Brown celebrates his Southern roots with his new cookbook Carolina Soul: The Down Home Taste of the Carolinas.
Read about his mission in sharing his Southern legacy: https://wp.me/p2Tdmv-27W
In the book Carolina Soul: The Down Home Taste of the Carolinas, the Personal Chef to the Stars showcases a compilation of family recipes, client favorites and low-calorie meals featuring frog legs, oxtails, marsala meatloaf, and other Southern delicacies indigenous to North and South Carolina.
Chef Rome makes it no secret that he loves his home state of North Carolina, so it should be no surprise that his newly released cookbook is a celebration of sorts to the state’s cuisine and culture.
Courage to Pursue by Lisa Blackmon
Courage to Pursue is a guide in which readers will experience how they can conquer the spirit of fear to turn their dreams into reality. Each part of this book encourages readers to move out of their comfort zone to find the courage they need to succeed.
Courage to Pursue encapsulates LisaB’s coaching and helps other to discover their God given purpose, create a action plan to make it happen and move forward in manifesting their dreams.
Book Review: Courage to Pursue by Lisa Blackmon
Courage to Pursue by Lisa Blackmon is a guided tour in practical advise. Lisa masterfully helps people get out of their own way, guiding them in becoming fully confident in knowing everything necessary to win at the game of life, they already possess inside. By the time one finishes this book, they’ll conclude that success is about being their best, and that alone will lead them to have the “Courage to Pursue.”
---Willie J. Parker, MD, MPH, MSc, Author of Life’s Work: A Moral Argument for Choice
Seducing the Pen Tour Page for Courage to Pursue by Lisa Blackmon
Purchase Courage to Pursue by Lisa Blackmon from the author:
Purchase Courage to Pursue by Lisa Blackmon from Amazon:
About the Author
Lisa Blackmon fondly known as LisaB, is a motivation speaker, coach, mentor, author and business woman. She is passionate about seeing lives changed and when necessary resurrected.
After 20 years in the legal field as an attorney, she felt a prompting to do more and serve on another level in order to reach the masses that she has been divinely destined to impact.
From this revelation, #LisaBTheLifeChanger was birthed, motivational videos hit social media and inspiring information flooded her page calling an audience of ordinary people like herself to become their own rescue.
Those that engaged have become known as a tribe of Lifechangers. This tribe is not only changing their own lives but creating a culture of change in the lives of others.
Lisa Blackmon's website: http://lisabthelifechanger.com
Closer To You by Sheryl Lister
Located an hour away from San Diego, the small town of Blackmont, California is known for its peaceful surroundings and majestic lakes. However, secrets and danger lurk just below the surface. And some secrets could prove to be deadly.
Love may be a distraction neither of them will live to enjoy…
When Zahra Chandler unexpectedly inherits her grandfather’s small-town home and bookstore, she jumps at the chance to leave LA. There’s just one problem: she also, unknowingly, inherits a long-buried secret that someone would go to any lengths to protect, including murder. The only thing standing between her and a killer is the town’s arrogant, but irresistibly sexy sheriff—a man who ignites in her a passion she’s never felt.
Kendall McKnight takes his job as sheriff seriously and is always prepared for anything…except his instant attraction to newcomer Zahra. As they’re drawn together in their search for clues, protecting her becomes less about civic duty and much more about carnal desire and he’s in danger of losing the one thing he vowed never to risk again—his heart. But the threat is closer than they realize and the truth, when revealed, could tear them apart forever.
Purchase Closer To You by Sheryl Lister
Genre: Romantic Suspense, Mystery
Amazon: http://bit.ly/CloserToYouSL
Find all of the information, graphics and excerpts on the author's Seducing the Pen Tour page: https://www.smore.com/shbwd-books-by-sheryl-lister
Sheryl Lister is a multi-award winning author and has enjoyed reading and writing for as long as she can remember. She is a former pediatric occupational therapist with over twenty years of experience and resides in California.
Sheryl is a wife, mother of three daughters and a son-in-love, and grandmother to two special little boys. When she’s not writing, Sheryl can be found on a date with her husband or in the kitchen creating appetizers.
See all of Sheryl’s published books by visiting her books page.
Explore Books by Sheryl Lister
Her Passionate Promise: Women Of Park Manor by Sheryl Lister
Order your copy today: http://bit.ly/HerPassionatePromiseRGP
After kissing one frog too many, Kathi Norris is content to remain unattached. But her well-ordered plans are turned upside down the moment she meets Eric Dawson. The skillful attorney by day and soulful musician by night, fires her up in more ways than one. The closer she gets to him, the more she realizes he's her prince charming …if he can let go of his past.
Eric risked his heart, only to see his world shattered by tragedy and betrayal. He's spent years running from relationships, but with Kathi's tender embrace and sultry kisses, Eric finds her hard to resist. He'll have to come to terms with his deepest hurts to win her trust and claim a love that promises forever.
Kathi turned at the sound of a voice as smooth as black velvet. The same could be said about its owner when he appeared. She felt a whisper of recognition, and it took her a moment to realize that the cute little boy in the pictures hanging on the wall had grown into a heart-stopping Adonis. He had the same coffee-colored skin tone as his grandfather. With his towering height, dark, piercing eyes and slim, muscular build, she was certain women fell in his path wherever he went. Even she had trouble taking her eyes off him. Kathi shook herself mentally.
“Hey, son.” Mr. Dawson engulfed the man in an affectionate hug. “Kathi, this is my grandson, Eric. Eric this is Kathi Norris.”
Eric’s gaze traveled slowly down her body and back up and his gaze locked on hers. For a split second she saw what looked like interest…attraction? But it was gone so fast, she might have imagined it. She didn’t imagine her response, however—the sudden skip in her pulse and the warmth flowing through her. Kathi stopped staring long enough to extend her hand. “It’s very nice to meet you, Eric.”
“He’s a little old for you, don’t you think?” Eric said.
Mr. Dawson swung his shocked gaze Eric’s way. “Eric!”
Her hand slowly dropped and she eyed him critically. “Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today or is that how you usually respond during an introduction? Usually, when a person says nice to meet you, the appropriate reply is ‘nice to meet you, too’, ‘the pleasure is all mine’, or something of that nature.” Mr. Dawson’s eyes widened and he chuckled, but she wasn’t finished. “I’m certain you didn’t inherit those manners from your grandfather because he’s a perfect gentleman.” She shifted her gaze to the older man. “I know you’d like to visit with your grandson, so I’ll get out of your way.” She was so mad, she wanted to punch Eric’s lights out. He’d made an assumption about her without even knowing her.
Be sure to order the other books in the anthology. They can be read in any order.
Her Forbidden Fantasy: bit.ly/HerForbiddenFantasyRGP
Her Essential Love: bit.ly/HerEssentialLoveRGP
Her Little Secret: bit.ly/HerLittleSecretRGP
Her Undeniable Distraction: bit.ly/HerUndeniableDistractionRGP
Explore Books by Sheryl Lister
Quick and Easy Guide to Signing by Lauren K. Bell
The Quick and Easy Guide to Signing – These learning tools provide the basic building blocks with which a creative and active mind will succeed. This is a significant contribution for American Sign Language. English and Spanish are dominant languages. Lauren K. Bell has provided the hearing impaired community with the strategies and tools needed to improve student retention and performance.
The five books in this series, with clear illustrations and DVDs, are required for anyone who wants to understand the most important means of communication for the Deaf. Lauren K. Bell has thrown open the doors, revealing distinguished ways to share learning previously known to only a few. She has written a whole new chapter in American Sign Language.
–Dr. Odie H. Tolbert, Jr., Deaf for 30 years
Associate Professor Emeritus (retired), University of Memphis, TN
Trilingual Publications Presents a Quick and Easy Guide to Signing in American Sign Language in English and Spanish. Includes DVD with over 200 Signs. American Sign Language is a natural language that serves as the predominant sign language of Deaf communities.
Volume 1 covers Alphabets (Alfabetos), Numbers (Numeros), Education (Educacion), Careers (Carreras), and Feelings (Sentimientos)
Volume 2 covers Family (Familia), Home (Hogar), Clothing (Ropa), and Food (Comida)
Volume 3 covers Sports (Deportes), Action (Accion), Animals (Animales), Colors (Colores), and Religion (Religion)
Volume 4 covers Medical (Medico), Time (Tiempo), and Opposites (Opuestos)
Volume 5 is a Children’s Book (Libro De Los Niños) which covers a variety of signs
Visit the Trilingual Website: buytrilingual.com
The Quick and Easy Guide to Signing | English Spanish American Sign Language
Unveiled by La Rhonda Crosby-Johnson
Attorney L. Morgan Franklin finds her well-ordered life at a prestigious New Orleans law firm, turned upside down when her half-brother, Winston, dies in their small hometown of L’Ouveture, Louisiana.
When it becomes evident that Winston’s death may not be as it appears, Morgan begins a search for answers that lead her to new discoveries about the people she loves the most.
The mysteries of family, life and love all converge in this story of one woman’s refusal to accept things as they are.
Excerpt from Unveiled by La Rhonda Crosby-Johnson
Listen to a reading from the book: http://www.audioacrobat.com/sa/Wl07xwzr
Grief and the sickeningly sweet smell of too many flowers hung heavy in the warm air of the late August afternoon. Morgan felt the weight of tears shed and hearts breaking. She rubbed her hands down her black silk suit when she walked slowly toward the simple wooden coffin that held the body of her beloved baby brother, Winston. “Half-brother.” She could almost imagine her mother, Marie, standing in front of her and uttering the word “half” as if it were some sort of disease. Morgan breathed deeply and pushed Marie’s words from her mind as she exhaled. They had no place here.
Winston’s mask-like, powdered face somehow belied the words “heart attack” that still echoed in her head. Morgan stepped away from the coffin and quickly brushed away her tears. She fled the church and barely heard the words of comfort tossed her way. Outside there would be air she could breathe without inhaling the pain of the mourners.
Morgan moved quickly once outside. Her legs felt somehow lighter than they had only moments before. She breathed deeply for the first time since she had received the news of Winston’s death a week ago and headed for the sanctuary of her car. The tinkling melody of the car alarm signaled her safe haven. She slid onto the butter-soft, caramel-colored leather seat and found comfort in its warmth. She cranked up the car, rolled down the electric windows, and turned on the CD player.
The soulful sound of Jill Scott’s voice surrounded her as she watched the family file out of the church and head toward limousines with the words Garrett Bros. painted in gold across the rear doors and windows. Of course, it would be Garrett Bros. They were still the only mortuary in town that “knew how to do colored.” Morgan had heard her maternal grandmother, Essie Baptiste, say that many times while she was growing up.
Mama Essie, as everyone lovingly called her, had made everyone in the family vow to take her body to Garrett Bros. when her time came. Although it had been three years since Mama Essie passed, Morgan still felt her presence in this place. This thought alone eased the tension in her neck and removed the large knot that had taken up residence in the pit of her stomach.
Morgan fanned herself slowly with the funeral program, which created a pleasant albeit warm breeze. Winston’s high school graduation picture grabbed her attention as she placed the program on the seat of the car. At eighteen and dressed in his tuxedo, he still had the face of a little boy. Her stomach tightened as she remembered missing his graduation because of a last-minute work assignment.
Things had changed so suddenly, Morgan thought as she eased her car into the funeral procession. Weeks before Winston was to report to Grambling University on a football scholarship, his girlfriend, Tanya, told him she was four months pregnant.
Winston stayed in St. Vincent, married Tanya, and took a job driving a delivery truck for a local market. They named their son, William. Winston continued his training after he promised Morgan he would make good on his scholarship “one day.” Now six years later, he laid dead of a heart attack at the age of twenty-four.
The gravesite ceremony was sad; final. Morgan felt goose flesh rise on her arms, despite the wet heat of the afternoon. Her stomach churned as she cast her eyes downward away from the flailing arms of the mourners surrounding the freshly dug grave. Morgan clinched her teeth and willed herself not to cry. She feared if she started she might never stop.
Irene, Winston’s mother, had to be carried away by relatives and friends as she kicked, screamed, and threw herself at the coffin to stop it from being lowered into the ground. Family and friends encircled her and tried unsuccessfully to quiet her before getting her seated in the back of the Garrett Bros. limousine. Morgan was drained and suddenly felt the reality of Winston’s death like a weight tied around her heart. She decided to forego the traditional after funeral gathering at Irene’s and instead went straight home after leaving the cemetery.
“Mama! Mama!” Morgan called as she entered the living room of her mother’s home. The hardwood floors and rich mahogany wainscoting gleamed in the shadows of the early evening. The silver tea service shone brilliantly atop the highly polished buffet and was only rivaled by the matching silver candelabras that stood guard on each side. Morgan smiled as she wondered whose house had all the extra dust that was forbidden in Marie’s home. She spied a note leaned against a crystal vase filled with white tulips on the dining room table.
Lisa, I hope you have not exhausted yourself
completely with the day’s events. I am giving a
lecture at the university, followed by a reception
sponsored by the Deltas. I’ll be late.
Your uncle Raymond wants you to call him.
Lisa. Here was another reminder that she was no longer in New Orleans. No one there knew the “L” in L. Morgan Franklin stood for Lisa. For that matter, no one there knew much about the Rockhurst District of L’Ouverture, Louisiana.
( Continued in the book. )
Order your copy today at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QTP82XB
About the Author
La Rhonda Crosby-Johnson is a contributor to the award-winning Life Spices From Seasoned Sistahs anthology series and has also published work in Go, Tell Michelle: African American Women Write To The New First Lady, Sassy, Savvy and Bold After 50, Jubilee’s Journey an e-book, serial novel, and All The Women In My Family Sing edited by Deborah Santana.
La Rhonda is co-founder of Ideate Publishing, LLC. Ideate’s debut project, an anthology of short stories by women writers titled Where’s My Tiara? was released in the fall of 2017. Unveiled, her first novel was released in 2019. Website: www.ideatepublishing.com
Maxine Listens by Dr. Lynda Mubarak
Maxine Listens by Dr. Lynda Mubarak (Book II, Detective Maxine Hill Series)
Young Detective Maxine Hill is always busy performing community service, investigating issues, and exploring future careers. However, Maxine is facing a special challenge this year. This time it’s very personal. Follow our little problem solver as she finds a solution for a unique situation. Detective Maxine HIll is on the case again and she’s on the way back! If you enjoyed Maxine’s New Job, you will like Book II of the series; Maxine Listens.
El Trabajo Nuevo de Maxine (Spanish Edition) by Lynda Jones-Mubarak
Maxine’s New Job by Dr. Lynda Jones-Mubarak
Shorty y los Sullivans son mis vecinos. Los Sullivans parecen agradables y amistosos, pero tengo algunas dudas acerca de la Sra. Sullivan. Hmmm, creo que la Sra. Sullivan está ocultando algo. ¿Es una agente secreto? ¿Es una espía alienígena? ¿Es un robot? Mi mamá piensa que hago demasiadas preguntas, ella dice que debería convertirme en una científica forense o una detective. ¡Guau!, Es para pensarlo. Ambas carreras resuelven misterios. ¡Genial! ¡Sigue a Maxine Hill a medida que revela el misterio de la Sra. Sullivan, su vecina!
Maxine’s New Job by Dr. Lynda Jones-Mubarak available in paperback, hardcover and Kindle ebook.
Maxine Escucha (Spanish Edition) by Lynda Jones-Mubarak
Maxine Listens by Dr. Lynda Jones-Mubarak
Maxine Hill continúa con sus técnicas de investigación para revelar misterios and acertijos mientras practica servicio comunitario y la compasión humana en la escuela y en su comunidad. Un diagnóstico médico envía a Maxine en un viaje para conseguir respuestas a una inquietud muy personal. ¿Qué descubrirá Maxine esta vez? ¿Tendrá éxito? Sigue a la joven Maxine Hill a medida que busca revelar y abordar otro reto importante.
Maxine Listens by Dr. Lynda Jones-Mubarak available in paperback, hardcover and Kindle ebook.
The Stations for Kids Series is a collection of stories emphasizing early childhood literacy, human compassion, and community service. Each story can be used as a classroom supplement to teach social skills, personal and civic responsibility, and encourage career exploration. The characters are family members who find themselves facing everyday life challenges, but they find ways to address, solve or cope with each situation.
Dr. Lynda believes that social skills and community service are an integral part of early childhood education. In addition, these two components are essential in creating a balanced child who understands that he or she is part of a global community. All of the books are published in English and Spanish. Visit our website today: https://www.stationsforkids.com
Black Pearls Magazine Intimate Conversation with Dr. Lynda Mubarak
BPM: Introduce us to the people in the book, Maxine Listens.
The main characters in Maxine Listens are 5th grader student Maxine Hill and her parents, the Hills. Maxine is an only child with a pet cat named Amos. She spend hours reading, doing community service with her family at a local food pantry. Maxine enjoys solving mysteries, puzzles, and other family, neighborhood and school events. She is often told by her mom that she asks far too many questions. Her family thinks she may have a future career in law enforcement as a detective or in forensic science as an investigator or researcher.
Maxine reads constantly, is president of her school book club, plays Scrabble with her BFF, Amanda Grayson, and often enrolls in courses offered at the local library including American Sign Language and Creative Writing. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are often amazed by Maxine’s interest in anything and everything from architecture and engineering to learning Mandarin Chinese.
BPM: Share one specific point in your book that resonated with your present journey.
Maxine’s mothers tells her, “Max, if you want to learn the truth about a person or a group of people, take some time to learn how they live, work and play.” I think so much time is spent analyzing or over-analyzing people or other cultures that we often forget that life experiences are different for all of us and we are all products of the events and backgrounds in our life.
Your view of life can transition as you mature and grow. How you feel about a person or situation at 20 may be totally different by the time you reach 35. We all live our lives in phases.
BPM: Tell us about you most recent work with the community.
I have a lifetime partnership with the Community Food Bank of Fort Worth, TX. A percentage of each book sold by Stations for Kids is donated to the food bank to assist families in need and displaced workers. I am honored to part of an organization that provides so much for so many!
BPM: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your book?
I was surprised by the families that related to my themes in my first and second Maxine books. The story topics are common to all families and Maxine offers some simple solutions to the challenges faced by each family in the stories. The solutions are doable and simple to implement.
Maxine Listens by Dr. Lynda Mubarak is now available.
Maxine Listens is a Picture Book for ages 6-10. Genre: Children's Literature
Purchase books: https://www.amazon.com/Lynda-Mubarak/e/B01ELLYYGO
Check out this 5-star book review for Maxine's New Job by Dr. Lynda J. Mubarak is #RWYK Great Read Certified. Listen to a live reading: https://www.audioacrobat.com/note/CwnKcptX
Dr. Lynda Mubarak reads a selection from her new Ya book, "Maxine's New Job." Dr. Mubarak is generously donating a portion of the book's sales to the Community Food Bank located in Fort Worth, TX. Listen to the author actually discuss the book at 3:40. This is awesome: https://youtu.be/6caZUzTPpd8
Telling Stories by Cheri Paris Edwards
Sometimes life throws you a curveball…
Navigating middle-age is a challenge for 45-year old Genelle “Gigi” Golden. First the death of her mother, then her long time live-in boyfriend abruptly trades her in for a new model. Determined to restart her life Gigl packs her bags and heads to the Southwest. When things don’t go as planned, Gigi finds herself caught between the proverbial ‘rock and a hard place’; and an impulsive decision turns her life in an unexpected direction.
Then ex-military man Desmond Wright enters her life. Although physically changed by a skin disease it hasn’t dampened Desmond’s confidence or lessened his appeal to the opposite sex. But, Desmond’s life is complicated by an spoiled adult daughter, who treats his home like it has a revolving door, and a mother who won’t let him forget that he’s yet to find the love of his life. When things falls apart, Gigi discovers that true friends reveal themselves in the toughest times and that grace comes when you least expect it.
Purchase Telling Stories by Cheri Paris Edwards
Contemporary Fiction > Romance > Romantic Comedy
About the Author
Dr. Cheri Paris Edwards is the author of three fiction books and is also a published poet. She’s been a featured speaker at the Indy Expo and at The Virginia Festival of the Book. He first novel, Plenty Good Room was praised by Booklist and Publishers Weekly.
The Other Sister, Something About April and her latest Telling Stories are self-published through her own company PurelyParis Publishing. Edwards will soon host a weekly podcast series on Anchor.
Edwards received her PhD in English in Contemporary American Literature in October, 2019 from the University of North Texas, after completing her Master’s in Composition/Rhetoric at Texas Woman’s University.
She is the mother of adult sons, Charles and Sam, and the grandmother to Zaara Serenity. Edwards lives in SW Dallas County with her mini poodle, Sienna, and is a Professor of English at Mountainview College.
New Book Poised to Spark Fresh Debate On The Rising Trend Of Skin Bleaching
A new fiction book written by Award Winning Author, Marian L. Thomas, will no doubt spark fresh debate on the alarming trend of young women who have engaged in skin bleaching.
The book, The Caged Butterfly, is a fictional story that follows three characters as they navigate life’s often rocky terrain in search of hope, courage, and forgiveness. One of the main characters, Nina Taylor—is convinced that having white skin is the only way to make it successfully in the entertainment industry and thus begins bleaching her skin to hide her black heritage.
"At the heart of Nina's story, lies a very dangerous obsession that has become an authentic reality for young women today, " Thomas stated. A New York essay called "Mourning for Whiteness" written by Nobel Prize-Winning author Toni Morrison, addresses the assumption that being white is better.
The Caged Butterfly is the third contemporary fiction book that Thomas has written that broaches on the issue of race. The other being- I Believe In Butterflies. She said: "The Caged Butterfly provides an imitate look at a young woman who must go through the caterpillars of life to learn that one must love the skin they're in. It's a tough lesson for Nina, but the end is beautiful."
The Caged Butterfly will be available in paperback, hardcover, and digital formats. The author will conduct book signings for the novel at Barnes & Noble bookstore. For further details, visit http://www.marianlthomas.com.
Marian L. Thomas Seducing the Pen Virtual Author's Tour
About Marian L. Thomas:
Award-Winning Author and Speaker, Marian L. Thomas, has penned six contemporary fiction novels to date. Her books have been seen on national television stations such as the Oprah Winfrey Network, Ovation, and the A&E Network. She has been featured in print magazines, newspapers and a guest on local, national and online radio stations.
For her book, I Believe In Butterflies, Marian ranked among the top 100 Most Popular Authors in Literary Fiction on Amazon. She spent most of her teen years in Oak Park, Illinois, but now resides in a suburb of Atlanta with her husband.
African American Poet Releases New Book With Poems That Explore the Heart of Today’s Woman
The genre of inspirational poetry has encouraged scores of people. Revered poets, William Ernest Henley, author of “Invictus.” and Robert Frost, author of “The Road Not Taken,” offered hope and inspiration for decades.
Author, Janet Autherine’s newly released title, Wild Heart, Peaceful Soul: Poems & Inspiration to Live and Love Harmoniously (available on Amazon), was written to be a source of inspiration to women of this generation who lead with their hearts, especially young women.
An attorney-at-law by trade, helping others has always been her passion. Autherine recognized that many women choose to face personal struggles by isolating themselves, out of fear or embarrassment or the need to show strength even when feeling vulnerable.
Motivated by her faith and passion for writing, she created this book of inspirational poetry to capture the pain and struggle of women who love deeply and pour into others without first filling their own jars. Both strength and vulnerability are recurring themes, as well as embracing self-love and reclaiming your heart.
Wild Hearts, Peaceful Soul: Poems & Inspiration to Live and Love Harmoniously is a 170-page book that reminds us that moments of despair and heartache are a normal part of life’s journey but are also only temporary.
“Heartbreak, rejection, abandonment are universal struggles, even though they may cause us to feel alone,” says Autherine. “Regardless of how others may have treated us in the past, we are worthy of love. We are not alone; our friends are facing very similar struggles. We have to love ourselves enough to allow those past hurts to heal, so that we can live and love in a physically and emotionally healthy way.”
About the Author:
Janet Autherine is the founder of Autherine Publishing and author of Wild Heart, Peaceful Soul: Poems & Inspiration to Live and Love Harmoniously. Born in St. Thomas, Jamaica, she moved to the United States at age 12, settling in Philadelphia.
Janet is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University, Boston College Law School, and the Georgetown University School of Law. Her poetry is inspired by her own journey of the past 30 years, and also explores the hearts of women from around the world. She hopes that her poetry collection resonates with women globally, and becomes a catalyst for healing and empowerment. For more details, visit her official web site at www.JanetAutherine.com
For media inquiries, including promotional photos & interviews, for booking requests and speaking engagements, and for bulk orders, please contact by phone to (407) 270-0869 or by email to JanetAutherine@growintogreatness.com.
The Key to My Pain by Antoinette R. Davis
The Key To My Pain takes place in Baltimore City in the early to mid-seventies, when racial tension is still high from the late nineteen sixty’s riots.The family of five are living just enough with Mr. Batchler being a police officer after leaving Vietnam and Mrs. Carolyn Batchler is a loving mother and wife to three aspiring sons.
Mrs. Carolyn Batchler is in love with her husband Rodney Batchler Sr. He promised to give her the family she never had but always wanted but she didn’t know her dreams of a happy ever after would unlock doors she never dreamed of.
Rodney Batchler Jr. the eldest of the three sons, he wants to be a basketball superstar, Edwin Batchler wants to be an artist and the youngest of the three Corey is just trying to find himself.
Rodney Sr. runs his house like a jail and his family like a warden. Carolyn is forbidden to work because Rodney Sr. wants to keep her subservient and he controls his sons with pure fear.
Verbal, mental and physical abuse happens every single day in the Batchler home. There is not day Carolyn can open her eyes and enjoy the beauty of the sun nor the sound of the rain. Rodney Sr. has single handedly put her internal light out with abuse and now her sons are starting to look at their mother as weak, helpless and a fool. The abuse is not limited to Carolyn, oh no. Rodney Sr. keeps his sons in line with the same mental, physical and emotional abuse he uses for his wife.
Experiencing abuse will and can lead you to the arms of people you think you can trust until the day that person unlocks the pain you gave them the key to.
Love, Pain, Forgiveness and Hurt are all wrapped up in this 230 page novel. Follow the journey of the Batchler family as they discover life through tainted vision.
Purchase The Key to My Pain by Antoinette R. Davis
The Key to My Pain is available as a paperback novel, on audiobook and Kindle Unlimited ebook.
The Way Eye See It by Antoinette R. Davis
Located in the deep South of Jackson Mississippi there’s a brown skin girl full of bitter and hatred determined to make a difference in a Jim Crow State.
Brandi has just been promoted to co-anchor for WBLT; she’s the first African American anchor for the station however she is meeting opposition when she wants to be radical instead of practical.
Everything Brandi touches seems to go bad including the love of her life Chase Ware because of her prejudices. Brandi is not trying to play by anybody's rules but her own and if that means she has to sacrifice love, friends, and family she is willing to do that.
Brandi’s father was killed by a white man in the streets of Jackson, Mississippi when she was just five years old; that sparked a fire in her that she can’t let go of. Everywhere she goes trouble seems to follow her because she only sees black or white.
There’s change in her heart when an unexpected hero saves the day and touches her right in the center of her hatred, LOVE ALWAYS WINS.
Read excerpts from The Way Eye See It by Antoinette R. Davis - http://a.co/6EQC4qM
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Here are the featured books in Black Pearls Magazine. Turn on your speakers and listen to today's featured author read from their book. The authors will change each week. Click on the the book covers to purchase.
#BondingThruBooks - Celebrating Our Legacy 365!
Our purpose for hosting this month long, online community festival, Bonding Thru Books, is to connect readers with community leaders and the authors of quality books.
Each year thousands of people - life coaches, educators, concerned parents, community leaders, authors, poets and publishers - devote their time and resources to presenting society with great books and means to uplift our communities! However, too many outstanding projects do not get the attention and support that they deserve.
BONDING THRU BOOKS Days 1-4, see here: https://bit.ly/2Tjdub1
BONDING THRU BOOKS Days 1-5, see here: https://bit.ly/2A1c0Jy
BONDING THRU BOOKS Days 5-10, see here: https://bit.ly/2FqyTwb
BONDING THRU BOOKS Days 10-12, see here: https://bit.ly/2qYBMKA
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Explore More Books By Nina Foxx
Nina Foxx is an award-winning filmmaker, playwright, and novelist. She writes as both Nina Foxx and Cynnamon Foster. Her work has appeared on numerous bestseller lists around the country, and her films have won awards at the Sundance Film Festival, the Tribeca Film Festival, Cannes, and the Rome International Film Festival.
Originally from Jamaica, New York, she lives with her family near Seattle, Washington, where she works in Human-Computer interaction for a major software company. Nina is a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc, The Links and Jack & Jill of America. Visit her at www.ninafoxx.com or her blog at ninafoxx.blogspot.com
Explore More Books By Nina Foxx
Read more about the books: https://www.smore.com/1pdp
Topic: Green-light Your Own Projects - Funding the Dream. Women Entrepreneurship
Listen to Nina on her Sisterhood empowerment message: http://www.audioacrobat.com/sa/WlGwkvlT
They Come in All Colors: A Novel by Malcolm Hansen
2019 First Novelist Award from the Black Caucus of the American Library Association
An “urgent and heartrending novel about an America on the brink” (Matt Gallagher, author of Youngblood), They Come in All Colors follows a biracial teenage boy who finds his new life in the big city disrupted by childhood memories of the summer when racial tensions in his hometown reached a tipping point.
It’s 1968 when fourteen-year-old Huey Fairchild begins high school at Claremont Prep, one of New York City’s most prestigious boys’ schools. His mother had uprooted her family from their small hometown of Akersburg, Georgia, leaving behind Huey’s white father and the racial unrest that ran deeper than the Chattahoochee River.
But for our sharp-tongued protagonist, forgetting the past is easier said than done. At Claremont, where the only other nonwhite person is the janitor, Huey quickly realizes that racism can lurk beneath even the nicest school uniform. After a momentary slip of his temper, Huey finds himself on academic probation and facing legal charges. With his promising school career in limbo, he begins to reflect on his memories of growing up in Akersburg during the Civil Rights Movement—and the chilling moments leading up to his and his mother’s flight north.
With Huey’s head-shaking antics fueling this coming-of-age narrative, the novel triumphs as a tender and honest exploration of race, identity, family, and homeland, and a work that is “emotionally acute…eye-opening and rewarding for a wide range of readers” (Library Journal, starred review).
Raves & Reviews
“An urgent and heartrending novel about an America on the brink. With force, Malcolm Hansen writes about race, identity and the fleeting deceptions of youth.”
—Matt Gallagher, author of Youngblood
“This is a voice so honest and alive it feels like a stranger whispering a confession in a dark room. Malcolm Hansen's novel is a prodigious debut of a rare literary talent.”
—Mat Johnson, author of Loving Day and Pym
“In They Come in All Colors, Malcolm Hanson is not writing about saints or monsters, just vivid human beings. And does so with humor and insight.”
—Victor LaValle, award-winning author of The Changeling and The Ballad of Black Tom
"Emotionally acute...eye-opening and rewarding for a wide range of readers."
—Library Journal (starred review)
“It's possible to imagine literary recluses J.D. Salinger and Harper Lee coming out of hiding to forge this shaggy, rakish, yet haunting account of a smart aleck's coming-of-age in harsh times.”
Purchase They Come in All Colors: A Novel by Malcolm Hansen
About the Author
Malcolm Hansen was born at the Florence Crittenton Home for unwed mothers in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Adopted by two Civil Rights activists, he grew up in Morocco, Spain, Germany, and various parts of the United States. Malcolm left home as a teenager and, after two years of high school education, went to Stanford, earning a BA in philosophy.
He worked for a few years in the software industry in California before setting off for what turned out to be a decade of living, working, and traveling throughout Central America, South America, and Europe. Malcolm returned to the US to complete an MFA in Fiction at Columbia University. He currently lives in New York City with his wife and two sons.
Let Love Have the Last Word: A Memoir by Common
Common—the Grammy Award, Academy Award, and Golden Globe–winning musician, actor, and activist—follows up his New York Times bestselling memoir One Day It’ll All Make Sense with this inspiring exploration of how love and mindfulness can build communities and allow you to take better control of your life through actions and words.
Common believes that the phrase “let love have the last word” is not just a declaration; it is a statement of purpose, a daily promise. Love is the most powerful force on the planet and ultimately, the way you love determines who you are and how you experience life.
Touching on God, self-love, partners, children, family, and community, Common explores the core tenets of love to help others understand what it means to receive and, most important, to give love. He moves from the personal—writing about his daughter, to whom he wants to be a better father—to the universal, where he observes that our society has become fractured under issues of race and politics. He knows there's no quick remedy for all of the hurt in the world, but love—for yourself and for others—is where the healing begins.
Courageous, insightful, brave, and characteristically authentic, Let Love Have the Last Word shares Common’s own unique and personal stories of the people and experiences that have led to a greater understanding of love and all it has to offer. It is a powerful call to action for a new generation of open hearts and minds, one that is sure to resonate for years to come.
Praise for One Day It'll All Make Sense
"Common distinguishes himself here as a true artist and a writer of deep talent. This book is the story of an artist in constant evolution, one who embodies the strength of the brilliant woman that raised him, the love of the Southside Chicago land that spawned him, and the raw spirit of the pro basketball player who fathered him. I’ve always heard that the people of Southside Chicago were special. I’m glad their native son Common shows us why."
— James McBride, The Color of Water
“Common has written a magnificent memoir. It states that it is a book about his fascinating life. That is true. More importantly, his story is the story of all young people trying to grow up. His saga reminds the reader that love liberates and poverty cripples. Common writes beautifully, like the poet he is.”
— Maya Angelou
"Common is a 360-degree human being, and I don't say that about many people. He never needed to "pimp the hood" to achieve his deserved success. He is an eloquent and honorable role model and his memoir is a perfect example of his depth as a human being. In addition, reading about his childhood and upbringing in Chicago is really a trip - because we went through so many of the same experiences albeit decades apart. Chicago is still the roughest and primary "Institution of Hard Knocks," and if you can make it there, you can truly make it anywhere!”
— Quincy Jones
“Raw in its honesty, profound in its insights, One Day It’ll All Make Sense establishes Common as a voice that is as compelling on the page as it is on a record. This is not simply the story of an individual artist but a crucial page the history of hip hop itself.”
— Jelani Cobb, The Substance of Hope
“A powerful memoir that speaks to all audiences.”
— Queen Latifah
Purchase Let Love Have the Last Word: A Memoir by Common
About the Author
Common is an Oscar, Golden Globe, Emmy, and Grammy Award–winning music artist. He is an actor and producer and has appeared in numerous critically acclaimed films as well as hit TV series. Common is the author of One Day It’ll All Make Sense, which was a New York Times bestseller. He was raised in Chicago and currently resides in Los Angeles and Brooklyn.
The A List by J.A. Jance
In the next “devilish page-turner” (People) from New York Times bestselling author J.A. Jance, Ali Reynolds learns that no good deed goes unpunished.
More than ten years after the abrupt end of her high-profile broadcasting career, Ali Reynolds has made a good life for herself in her hometown of Sedona, Arizona. She has a new house, a new husband, and a flourishing cybersecurity company called High Noon Enterprises, where her team of veritable technological wizards hunts down criminals one case at a time.
But the death of an old friend brings Ali back to the last story she ever reported: a feel-good human interest piece about a young man in need of a kidney to save his life, which quickly spiraled into a medical mismanagement scandal that landed a prestigious local doctor in prison for murder.
Years may have passed, but Dr. Edward Gilchrist has not forgotten those responsible for his downfall—certainly not Ali Reynolds, who exposed his dirty deeds to the world. Life without parole won’t stop him from getting his revenge. Tattooed on his arm are the initials of those who put him behind bars, and he won’t stop until every person on that Annihilation List is dead.
In this gripping suspense novel from the New York Times bestselling author praised for her “inimitable, take-no-prisoners style” (Kirkus Reviews), Ali Reynolds and her team race against the clock to stop this ruthless killer—before her own name is crossed out for good.
Purchase The A List (Book #14 of Ali Reynolds Series) by J.A. Jance
About the Author
J.A. Jance is the New York Times bestselling author of the Ali Reynolds series, the J.P. Beaumont series, and the Joanna Brady series, as well as five interrelated Southwestern thrillers featuring the Walker family. Born in South Dakota and brought up in Bisbee, Arizona, Jance lives with her husband in Seattle, Washington, and Tucson, Arizona. Visit her online at JAJance.com. Photograph by Mary Ann Halpin Studios
Mine by Courtney Cole
Tessa was prepared for the hurricane. Lindsey was the storm she didn’t see coming.
When Tessa Taylor unlocked her husband Ethan’s iPad to discover nude photos from a twenty-six-year-old bombshell named Lindsey, her seemingly perfect life came to a screeching halt.
With a hurricane barreling toward Florida and Ethan stuck on a business trip, Tessa finds herself imprisoned in her own home with a choice to make: Does she ride out the storm until she can confront Ethan in person, or does she take matters into her own hands?
Increasingly restless and desperate for revenge, Tessa resolves to act. And when she lures Lindsey over a few hours later, there’s no turning back.
What ensues is a battle of wills between two well-matched opponents, blinded by love for the same man but driven by demons of their own. Like storm-ravaged Florida, neither woman will be the same when the skies clear.
He’s mine. Both wife and mistress would stake their lives on it. But only one of them can be right.
Purchase Mine by Courtney Cole
About The Author
Courtney Cole grew up in rural Kansas and now lives with her husband and kids in Florida, where she writes beneath palm trees and is still in love with the idea of magic and happily-ever-after. She is the author of Saving Beck and Mine. Photo Credit: Christine Arnold Photography
Man of the Year by Caroline Louise Walker
Beware the Man of the Year. You may praise him, resent him, even want to be him: but beneath the elegant trappings that define him, danger looms. Caroline Louise Walker’s stunning debut novel, for fans of Herman Koch’s The Dinner and Shari Lapena’s The Couple Next Door, delves into the increasingly paranoid mind of a man whose life as the most upstanding of citizens hides a relentlessly dark heart.
Dr. Robert Hart, Sag Harbor’s just-named Man of the Year, is the envy of his friends and neighbors. His medical practice is thriving. He has a beautiful old house and a beautiful new wife and a beautiful boat docked in the village marina. Even his wayward son, Jonah, is back on track, doing well at school, finally worthy of his father’s attentions. So when Jonah’s troubled college roommate, Nick, needs a place to stay for the summer, Hart and his wife generously offer him their guest house. A win-win: Jonah will have someone to hang with, and his father can bask in the warm glow of his own generosity.
But when he begins to notice his new houseguest getting a little too close to his wife, the good doctor’s veneer begins to crack. All the little lies Robert tells—harmless falsehoods meant to protect everything he holds dear—begin to mount. Before long, he’s embroiled in a desperate downward spiral, destroying the lives that stand in his way. It’s only the women in his life—his devoted office manager, his friends, his wife—who can clearly see the truth.
Biting and timely, Man of the Year races along at an electric pace, with a wicked twist that you won’t see coming.
Purchase Man of the Year by Caroline Louise Walker
About the Author
Caroline Louise Walker grew up in Rock Island, Illinois. For her fiction and nonfiction, she has received fellowships from The MacDowell Colony, The Kerouac Project, Jentel Arts and Hambidge Center for the Creative Arts & Sciences. She holds an MA from NYU. Man of the Year is her first novel. Photo Credit: Jimmy Stewart, Blacksuit FM Photography
Survival Math: Notes on an All-American Family by Mitchell S. Jackson
Mitchell S. Jackson is the author of Survival Math. His debut novel The Residue Years was praised by publications, including The New York Times, The Paris Review, and The Times (London). The novel won the Ernest Gaines Prize for Literary Excellence, and it was also a finalist for the Center for Fiction’s Flaherty-Dunnan First Novel Prize, the PEN/Hemingway Award for First Fiction, and the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award.
Jackson’s honors include fellowships from the Whiting Foundation, TED, the Lannan Foundation, the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and the Center for Fiction. His writing has appeared in The New York Times Book Review, Salon, and Tin House, among other publications. He serves on the faculty at New York University and Columbia University.
Survival Math: Notes on an All-American Family by award-winning author Mitchell S. Jackson. Survival Math is about the calculations Mitchell made to survive his youth in 1990s Northeast Portland, and we wanted to reach out to you because it is absolutely perfect for book club discussion. The book explores difficult topics—addiction and gun play, masculinity and near-death experiences—all framed within the stories of the author and his family’s experiences in Portland. But of course, the book is about something much bigger than one family.
Mitchell illuminates the forces that led his family and his community to this point, from the Great Migration to gentrification, and he does so with humor and style.
So far, the book has been praised by some of the most talented writers on the planet. Two-time National Book Award winner Jesmyn Ward called the book “virtuosic.” Author of Orange Is the New Black Piper Kerman says Survival Math is “an unforgettable mix of sharp humor, wide interrogation, and indelible tragedy.”
Pulitzer Prize winning poet Terrance Hayes says Mitchell’s “insights into how black men survive become insights of everyone’s survival.”
Raves and Reviews
“Beyond his own past, Jackson juxtaposes his history with those of his male relatives to illustrate the hardships of class and race on a generational level, creating a timely narrative centered around what it takes to survive in America.”
—Time, 11 New Books to Read this March
"Jackson, the author of the novel The Residue Years, writes about his own childhood in Portland, Ore., and the entrenched racism and economic inequality that shaped his community. Along the way, he interweaves poems and narratives from members of his family. As Jackson puts it in his author’s note, “Our stories of survival are inseparable from the ever-fraught history of America.”"
—New York Times, 12 New Books to Watch for in March
"Jackson revisits his early years in a black Portland neighborhood, telling the stories of his struggling family members and analyzing the marginalizing cultural forces around them."
—Entertaintment Weekly, 20 new books to read in March
"Vivid and unflinching ... Mitchell’s memoir in essays chronicles the struggles of friends and family with drugs, racism, violence, and hopelessness and puts a face on the cyclical nature of poverty."
—Boston Globe, Most Anticipated Books of 2019
"An extensive and illuminating look at the city of [Jackson's] childhood, exploring issues like sex, violence, addiction, community, and the toll this takes on a person’s life.
—Buzzfeed, Most Anticipated Books of 2019
“This is more than Jackson’s story, and as he traces his great-grandparents’ exodus from Alabama to Portland and the subsequent lives of his relatives…he captures the cyclical nature of poverty and neglect…The prose is a stunning mix of internal monologue and historical and religious references that he incorporates to tell his story…Thanks to Jackson’s fresh voice, this powerful autobiography shines an important light on the generational problems of America’s oft-forgotten urban communities.”
—Publishers Weekly, starred
Purchase Survival Math: Notes on an All-American Family by Mitchell S. Jackson
The Designated Ones Trilogy by Karen Sloan-Brown
The Designated Ones: From Jerusalem to Ethiopia
It’s 2014. Grieving the loss of family members and friends killed in a plane crash, renowned megachurch pastor Priscilla Sinclair sits on her patio, prepared to take her own life. But before she can end it all, a stranger shows up at her Virginia home and changes everything.
Trying to strengthen her faith, the stranger challenges Priscilla to lean on God's promises and on the examples of faith left to her by her ancestors. He tells her a story she has never heard before. The story goes back over 3,000 years, beginning with Aaron, God’s designated high priest during the Exodus, and explores the line of designated ones through the times of King David, Solomon, the exile in Babylon, the crossing of the Arabian Desert into Saba, the migration across the Red Sea into Axum, the birth of Christ, and the lives of the generations that have followed.
In this thrilling journey through history, Priscilla is given a chance to go from failure to faith and live to fight another day. But will she accept the stranger's challenge?
Purchase The Designated Ones: From Jerusalem to Ethiopia
Books by Cheryl Mattox Berry
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Cheryl Mattox Berry has been writing stories since she was old enough to hold a pencil. Memphis Blues was her debut novel followed by Capital Sins. A Memphis native, Cheryl earned her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in journalism from Northwestern University.
Her diverse career has included stints as a press secretary for a U.S. congressman; television reporter in Ft. Myers and Tampa; reporter for USA Today; and an editor at the Miami Herald.
She has also taught journalism at Roosevelt University in Chicago, Northwestern University, Florida International University and the University of Miami.
Cheryl and her husband, Jim, a CBS4 sportscaster, live in Miami. They have two adult children.
RestoreHER 7 Steps to Healing Enlightenment, and Renewal by Cheryl Lacey Donovan
RestoreHER 7 Steps to Healing Enlightenment, and Renewal by Cheryl Lacey Donovan is now available!
We spend our days rushing from one task to another at work and home only to drop into our beds at midnight , completely exhausted. Our society has changed a great deal since our parents were in their prime.
Today we are addicted to speed, see busyness as a status symbol, take care of not only our children, but also our aging parents, and work as many hours as possible to keep ahead of the Jones’. It’s no wonder most of us ignore ourselves and our own needs. It seems like there is simply not the time to do more than grab food on the go and snag a few hours of sleep before starting it all again.
Read excerpts from the book and order your copy, go here: http://bit.ly/RESTORECLD
The Other Side of Cancer: Living Life with My Dying Sister by Annette Leeds
Join the #SeducingThePen Tour, share the material from this page:
The Other Side of Cancer: Living Life with My Dying Sister is a passionate story of two sisters and their extraordinary bond and friendship reignited in the face of cancer.
Theresa conquered many hurdles in her lifetime, with victorious highs and shattering lows, but at fifty-four years old, she took on the biggest challenge of her life: advanced stage pancreatic cancer. Like most families, there are those times when moments in life tend to strain or burden relationships. Theresa chose humor in the face of death. Confronting her fate with grace, she taught everyone the true meaning of living life without regret. To those who loved her, she gave an amazing gift—showing them how to move past the sadness and truly enjoy the precious time she had left.
Annette, her baby sister, didn’t realize her strength until she held her sister’s life in her hands. As a writer, she did the one thing she thought would have the most impact. She picked up a notebook and chronicled the journey with Theresa, revealing the strength and inspiration of an amazing woman.
The two siblings shared a room as kids, and in the end, it was the same. A week or so before Theresa died, she told Annette, “This has been the best year of my life.” Most people would have thought she was crazy, but her little sister knew exactly what she meant.
Josephine Baker’s Last Dance by Sherry Jones
From the author of The Jewel of Medina, a moving and insightful novel based on the life of legendary performer and activist Josephine Baker, perfect for fans of The Paris Wife and Hidden Figures.
Discover the fascinating and singular life story of Josephine Baker—actress, singer, dancer, Civil Rights activist, member of the French Resistance during WWII, and a woman dedicated to erasing prejudice and creating a more equitable world—in Josephine Baker’s Last Dance.
In this illuminating biographical novel, Sherry Jones brings to life Josephine’s early years in servitude and poverty in America, her rise to fame as a showgirl in her famous banana skirt, her activism against discrimination, and her many loves and losses. From 1920s Paris to 1960s Washington, to her final, triumphant performance, one of the most extraordinary lives of the twentieth century comes to stunning life on the page.
With intimate prose and comprehensive research, Sherry Jones brings this remarkable and compelling public figure into focus for the first time in a joyous celebration of a life lived in technicolor, a powerful woman who continues to inspire today.
Books by Sherry Jones
Author and journalist Sherry Jones is best known for her international bestseller The Jewel of Medina. She is also the author of Josephine Baker's Last Dance, The Sword of Medina, Four Sisters, All Queens, The Sharp Hook of Love, and the novella White Heart.
She lives in Spokane, WA, where, like Josephine Baker, she enjoys dancing, singing, eating, advocating for equality, and drinking champagne. Visit her online at AuthorSherryJones.com and at Facebook.com/SherryJonesFanpage.
Books by Sherry Jones
Black Dresses Stain by Chalet A. Jean-Baptiste
This book speaks openly about love and relationships - addressing the consequences and rewards and sex and its pleasure and pain. The stories portray different woman and their lives - each of them struggling to carry on while hiding insecurities, secrets, and lies.
Each of them triumphs in different ways. Each of them takes you on a journey - to feel what they feel but can never say. Embrace each character, breathe for them, and let yourself live again!
Purchase Black Dresses Stain by Chalet A. Jean-Baptiste
Stripped For Greater: Walk By Faith by Michele Nicole Mitchell
I had $0.06 in my bank account and $5 in coins in my purse. As I sat in the car, the reality of this season of my life just hit me...homeless.
I am homeless.
I looked at myself in the mirror and the conversation in my mind began. "It's all your fault. You did this to me. You. YOU failed us. You are 46 years old and you have nothing. You are stuck. You are yet again in "starting over" mode. You are not all here, you are functioning broken.
How do you go from having a job with benefits, having your own business as a travel agent, having almost paid off all your debt and making plans for the next season of your life, to sitting in the front seat of a car with $0.06 in the bank and $5 in your purse, your items in a borrowed storage unit, your clothes in a travel garment bag, a job paying $8.50 per hour working 15-25 hours per week and you have two college degrees?
How the hell did this happen to us Michele...please tell me...I would like to know."
Seducing the Pen Tour Page for Michele Nicole Mitchell
Purchase Stripped For Greater: Walk By Faith from Amazon
Purchase Stripped For Greater: Walk By Faith from Barnes And Noble
Unveiled by La Rhonda Crosby-Johnson
A New Orleans attorney, L. Morgan Franklin, finds her well ordered life turned upside down when her younger half-brother, Winston, dies in their small hometown of L’Ouverture, Louisiana.
When it becomes evident that Winston’s death may actually be a murder, Morgan begins a search for answers that uncover long-held family secrets and new discoveries about the people she loves the most.
The mysteries of family, life and love all converge in this story of one woman’s refusal to accept things as they appear.
Read excerpts and order your copy at: http://www.ideatepublishing.com
The Caged Butterfly by Marian L. Thomas
Who Would Think That One Act of Love Could Affect Four Generations?
Spanning from 1920 to 1996, this captivating tale of secrets, betrayal, and forgiveness will pull at the strings of your heart, and keep you turning pages while you pray for a happy ending. Read more: https://bit.ly/2P7tdr4
Maxine's New Job by Dr. Lynda J. Mubarak
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Carver Park by Dr. Lynda J. Mubarak
Shorty and The Sullivans by Lynda Mubarak
Dr. Lynda Mubarak Reads from Maxine's New Job
Dr. Lynda Mubarak reads a selection from her new book, "Maxine's New Job."
Dr. Mubarak is generously donating a portion of the book's sales to the Community Food Bank located in Fort Worth, TX. Listen to the author actually discuss the book at 3:40. This is awesome: https://youtu.be/6caZUzTPpd8
Children's Books by Dr. Lynda J. Mubarak
STATIONS FOR KIDS is dedicated to early literacy and community service. The best way to ensure your child's personal and career success is to begin the learning process as soon as possible. Academic success is always necessary, but your child also needs to see how he or she fits into the world community. A combination of community service and applicable educational concepts will give your child a balanced view of the world.
Pamela Samuels Young YA Adaptations
#AnybodysDaughter: The YA Adaptation by Pamela Samuels Young
#AbuseofDiscretion: YA Adaptation by Pamela Samuels Young
Books by Janice L. Dennie
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The Underwoods of Napa Valley Movie. Genre: Urban Romance
The Underwoods of Napa Valley Movie is a feature-length film based on Janice L. Dennie's novel, Kenton’s Vintage Affair part of her Underwoods of Napa Valley Book Series.
The Underwoods of Napa Valley Storyline
Unemployed chef, Briana Rutledge, inherits her grandmother's cottage in Napa, California. She sets out to turn the cottage into her dream restaurant, but Tiffany Young and her father, restaurateur Nathaniel Young, plot to run Briana out of town.
About the Producer
The Underwood's of Napa Valley is based on the book "Kenton's Vintage Affair" which reached #3 on the Amazon Best Sellers list. Janice L. Dennie is an Amazon.com bestselling author of The Underwoods of Napa Valley Book Series.
In 2016, Janice L. Dennie threw her hat into the film industry by forming Kente Productions LLC, her independent film company that develops scripts, handles casting and filming. For more information visit: http://bit.ly/UNVmovie
Share The Underwoods of Napa Valley Movie Tour Page
Join the #SeducingThePen Tour for author Janice L. Dennie and her romance novels, share the material from this page: https://www.smore.com/d1d3z-books-by-janice-l-dennie
Something New: An Interracial Romance by Janie De Coster
Follow the journey of an interracial couple who are not only from different worlds but worlds that goes beyond the color of their skin. Tobias Benton- a handsome, white rich and successful businessman who is soon to inherit his father's billion dollar company. Tobias has been dating Sharon English, a beautiful and wealthy lady who owns several Art Galleries. From the world point of view, they are the Barbie and Ken couple who are destined to marry and have a wonderful life together that is until.....
Brylane Robinson- a beautiful, bright and intelligent black sister who lives in the housing projects on the South side of Chicago, steps into the picture. Brylane fights for survival and a better life for herself in the hood.
One morning on her way to work, a handsome man literally runs into her. When their eyes met so did their hearts. Will Brylane and Tobias venture into Something New?
Purchase Something New: An Interracial Romance by Janie De Coster
Purchase Something New 2: An Interracial Romance by Janie De Coster
Fiction > African American > Women's Fiction > Romance > Multicultural & Interracial
When The Vows Break by Janie De Coster
Yasmin Lewis finds herself in love with a married man but not your ordinary married man. He is Pastor Sidney Teal, a fine and prominent leader of the megachurch, Holy Word Holiness, with a membership of thousands. Pastor Teal treats her well in and out of bed. However, Yasmin knows he will never be hers, and she longs for more.
More comes in the form of sexy, successful, and single Ambrose Hunter, a man who's willing and able to give her the kind of life she knows she deserves. Yasmin's sins catch up with her when Ambrose finds out she is not only seeing another man behind his back but a man of the cloth at that.
Now Yasmin's world spins out of control. Will she be able to redeem herself and find forgiveness in When The Vows Break?
When The Vows Break Book Reviews:
5.0 out of 5 stars Outstanding
The storyline throughout this story was very realistic and should be read in every women’s group. Women that read and share this story can talk about how easy judgments are perceived in the church, which often results in division, where true believers would understand the importance of forgiveness of self and one another, just as Christ forgave us from the cross, what better example can one follow.
5.0 out of 5 stars Enjoyed this book!
This story was so realistic I feel like I know these people. Sidney and Yazmin were both selfish and wrong, they both got what they deserved. Off to find other books by this author, another one added to my favorites list!
Purchase When The Vows Break by Janie De Coster
Genre: Contemporary Christion Fiction
The Author in You: New Writers Searching for a Theme by Dr. Lynda Mubarak
Often times when I speak with new authors, especially those who write non-fiction or poetry, they have a difficult time deciding exactly what they want to write about. Most of them have several topics that they are passionate about, but they don't all need to go in the same book! How do you fix this...
Dr. Lynda Mubarak is an award-winning author and educator! She has the answer in her new publishing guide: titled, The Author in You: New Writers Searching for a Theme - http://a.co/d/5oTwihA
New and Emerging Authors are you having trouble deciding on your topic or subject? Too many choices? You are torn between several subjects and you need assistance deciding what's best. Take a few minutes to investigate some areas of interest.
The Author in You will save time and provide some insight on selecting a theme that works for you and offer some simple steps on getting it done!
Invest in Your Success...Download Your Copy Today!
Telling Stories by Cheri Paris Edwards
Navigating middle-age is a challenge for 45-year old Genelle “Gigi” Golden. First the death of her mother, then her long time live-in boyfriend abruptly trades her in for a new model. Determined to restart her life Gigl packs her bags and heads to the Southwest. When things don’t go as planned, Gigi finds herself caught between the proverbial ‘rock and a hard place’; and an impulsive decision turns her life in an unexpected direction.
Then ex-military man Desmond Wright enters her life. Although physically changed by a skin disease it hasn’t dampened Desmond’s confidence or lessened his appeal to the opposite sex. But, Desmond’s life is complicated by an spoiled adult daughter, who treats his home like it has a revolving door, and a mother who won’t let him forget that he’s yet to find the love of his life. When things falls apart, Gigi discovers that true friends reveal themselves in the toughest times and that grace comes when you least expect it.
Loving You by Jessica Tilles
Sixteen years ago, Julian knew he would marry Grace the first day they met. He imagined living and loving his Gracie forever, never anticipating the unexpected would occur. Now, Julian’s struggle to come to terms with the inevitable battle of losing the love of his life pushes them both beyond physical and emotional pain.
Loving You is a gut-wrenching story of unconditional love that shows how one can go beyond living for the moment to enable a deeper value of an innate love beyond the surface.
The Key to My Pain by Antoinette Davis
Listen to a reading: https://www.audioacrobat.com/note/C4rGnBPX
Message from Antoinette
I dedicate this novel, The Key To My Pain, to every person who has ever witnessed domestic violence and to everyone who has shared their pain with a person they trusted and loved only to have them use your deepest darkest pain to hurt you. You can’t trust everyone with the key because they will unlock doors you have closed.
FOR YOU WOMAN Spirit Jewels by ME
Poetry and Essays by Author named ME, a Philosopher of Love and Truth
Wild Hearts, Peaceful Soul: Poems and Inspiration to Live and Love Harmoniously by Janet Autherine
African American Poet Releases New Book With Poems That Explore the Heart of Today’s Woman. Wild Heart, Peaceful Soul is resonating with readers around the world. Read more: https://bit.ly/2y3gMq0
My Last Baggage Call Aboard Air Force One: A Journey of Sacrifice, Service, Family, and Friendship by Glenn W. Powell
Listen Glenn read from book: http://www.audioacrobat.com/note/CHZnd3yX
Glenn W. Powell is a featured speaker on The Christian Authors on Tour TV Show. Hosted by Leroy Mckenzie Jr. and Lynn Pinder. Watch the CAOT TV replay of the interview: https://youtu.be/1OfUReG_VAk
Passport Wife by Terri D.
Passport Wife takes you beyond the fairy tale behind the scenes straight to my journals. Here is my story about how when I stopped looking for it love found me. It's been quite the journey and all along I've been asking myself how did I end up here?
Purchase Passport Wife by Terri D.
Genre: Memoir > Relationships
Listen to a reading from the book: https://www.audioacrobat.com/note/C701VWxX
There Is Sunshine After The Rain: Making It Through Life’s Struggle by Patricia A. Saunders
Listen to a reading from the book: https://www.audioacrobat.com/note/CpHlwJlX
This Too Shall Pass by Patricia A. Saunders
Listen to a reading from the book: https://www.audioacrobat.com/note/C2csrcxk
Better Late Than Never by Kimberla Lawson Roby
Do you like audio books? I have the collection for you! See them all: https://adbl.co/2H7Bafd. Kimberla Lawson Roby is the New York Times bestselling author the popular Reverend Curtis Black Series that can be found at Audible and Amazon.
Better Late Than Never by Kimberla Lawson Roby, the 15th & Final Novel in Reverend Curtis Black Series, is available in print, ebook and audio book. Kimberla has sold more than 2.8 Million copies of her novels!
Unlawful Series (Lawyers in Lust Books) by Sassy Sinclair
Explore the Lawyers in Lust Books by Sassy Sinclair
Engagingly erotic legal thrillers you’ll want to binge on!
Listen to a reading from the book: http://www.audioacrobat.com/note/CphW02zX
Stiletto Justice by Camryn King
Join the #SeducingThePen Tour, share the material from this page:
A successful businesswoman who used to live by the rules. A struggling single mother whose best is never good enough. A gorgeous rebel who lost by playing it safe. Each has a man unjustly sentenced to long prison terms by former prosecutor Hammond Grey. They've tried every legal remedy to get justice—only to see Hammond climb ever higher up the political ladder and secure himself behind power and privilege.
So when Kim, Jayda, and Harley meet by sheer chance, they've got no options left. Now it’s time for them to launch Plan B. And they won't stop at infiltrating Hammond's elite world and turning all his advantages into tempting traps. Because playing his weakness is the ultimate payback—and the kind of lethal justice they'll gamble everything to get…
Word Food for Doods by Duane Lance Filer
Listen to Duane read from the book: http://www.audioacrobat.com/note/C4X2T7dX/
Word Food for Doods by Duane Lance Filer
Action & Adventure > Mystery >Thriller & Suspense
The Legend of Diddley Squatt: A Novella from a Brother Fella by Duane Lance Filer
Listen a reading from The Legend of Diddley Squatt:
Longtale Children’s Books Series by Duane Filer
Listen to Duane reading and discussing the series: http://www.audioacrobat.com/note/ChkkwF1k
“LongTALES for ShortTAILS” here’s a quick look at what the stories are about:
• Fastjack Robinson – Like a young Jackie Robinson, Fastjack is the fastest rabbit in the world! Somebody in Bunny Junction has to stop the notorious Grabbit Rabbit, so it’s Fastjack to the rescue.
• Ms. Missy-Bishop’s First Dog – Do you remember what it was like when you got your first dog? Bishop’s first dog turns out to be the beautiful diva Missy. Plus, Missy soon has a surprise for the family.
• Duncan and the Chocolate Bar – A story of the futuristic Duncan as he wins a contest and is one of the youngest to ever travel to outer-space.
Afraid To Love You by J. Brinkley
After losing her husband in a tragic accident, Stephanie Dennard finds herself a single parent of two beautiful daughters. After years of struggling alone, she is suddenly swept off her feet and finds comfort in the arms of a new man, a handsome smooth talking truck driver named Mike. Mike soon moves into the home Stephanie shares with her young daughter, Anita, a teen who possessed exotic features much like her father. She had a passion for helping others and dreamed of one day becoming a nurse, just like her mother.
LaSonya, on the other hand, looked just like her mother, but possessed the business acumen of her father and pursued a career in business management. LaSonya was the perfect ‘big sister’ and loved Anita dearly. Anita and LaSonya, the both, dislike Mike but is their dislike for him misplaced or is there a more sinister side to him that hasn’t yet surfaced?
Stephanie finds herself torn between the man she loves and the daughters she adores. Will she be forced to make a decision between them? While Anita is left fighting the demons that accompany nightmares, bitter memories, and depression, LaSonya is left trying her best to hold the family together, while searching for her own piece of happiness.
Will the family ever regroup? Will Anita ever be the same innocent carefree spirit she once was before evil crept in to rob her of all that was pure?
Purchase Afraid To Love You by J. Brinkley
Genre: Women Fiction, Urban Fiction
Endgame Trilogy (3 Book Series) by Tiye Love
Explore the Endgame Trilogy (3 Book Series) by Tiye Love at Black Pearls: https://wp.me/p2Tdmv-26c
Psychologist Dr. Zoe Broussard has always been a no-nonsense, play by the rules woman until she meets her new client. From the moment the impossibly gorgeous Michael Carson walks into her office, she finds herself dangerously drawn to him and irrevocably hooked.
Michael is an NFL quarterback with a multi-million-dollar contract and a penchant for breaking hearts. He’s used to getting what he wants, and he’s determined to tempt his hot new therapist into exploring the obvious passion between them. Even though there’s another man in her life.
Can Zoe resist Michael’s charms and her growing feelings for him? More importantly, is she willing to risk everything for a man who may not be there tomorrow?
* Endgame (Endgame Trilogy Book 1) by Tiye Love
* Game Time (Endgame Trilogy Book 2) by Tiye Love
* Game Changer (Endgame Trilogy Book 3) by Tiye Love
Purchase all of Tiye Love books: http://www.gardenavenuepress.com/tiye-love.html
For Brooklyn’s Love (The Philadelphia Heights Series) by Quinteese
For Brooklyn’s Love (The Philadelphia Heights Series) by Quinteese on the BPM Blog: https://wp.me/p2Tdmv-24p
Brooklyn Myers loves her best friends, Tessa and Laila. They are indeed, sisters. They’ve each been on a journey of self-discovery since graduating from college. After a year of struggling to find work in their fields, Brooklyn is the first to find her groove and take a leap of faith into entrepreneurship. She writes a book, Brooklyn’s Basement, based on the four years she spent in a sex trafficking ring and launches an online boutique called, Brooklyn’s Closet. With Tessa and Laila as her business managers, things are starting to look up for them.
Then, one cold weekend in the fall, she goes to a business conference hosted in downtown Philadelphia. There, she meets Barry Carter, a handsome businessman, and owner of Carter Sports Management & Consulting, a sports management company.
They bump into each other at the food truck on their lunch break. As they share their personal stories over lunch, Barry notices a sadness in Brooklyn that makes him want to explore her world. He listens to her heart and decides that even with his recent heartbreak, she’s worth pursuing.
Months go on as Brooklyn and Barry get more acquainted, learning each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Eventually, Barry decides that he wants Brooklyn to be more than his friend and will do anything to protect their newfound courtship.
Walk in Your Authority (Unleashing the Divine Power from Within) by Allison Gregory Daniels
BAN Radio Show Interview with Ella D. Curry
Listen Allison Gregory Daniels on BAN Radio Show: http://tobtr.com/s/11240813
In this book, Walk in Your Authority: Unleashing the Divine Power from Within, author Allison Gregory Daniels shares how she weathered the storms of life by taking you through her life experiences and showing you how she stood trusting God in the midst of it all. Her refusal to allow life’s events to destroy God’s plan and solidified her identity.
This book is a step-by-step guide, offering powerful tips, strategies, and tools for overcoming your passed hurts, surviving emotional setbacks, and handling your emotions. Daniels offers testimony to the faith and trust she placed in God, as well as the reassurance that past experiences do not have to destroy future dreams. She knew that she would stand, live, love, and laugh again, once she changed her thinking and dealt with her past disappointments, which then reconnected her to her journey of wholeness.
Purchase Walk in Your Authority (Unleashing the Divine Power from Within)
Non-Fiction, Women and Teens, Learning How to Walk in your Authority with Confidence, Clarity and Consistency. Allison's books website: https://www.allisongdaniels.com/apps/webstore
Black Hearts White Minds by Mitch Margo
Listen to Mitch read from his book Black Hearts White Minds: http://www.audioacrobat.com/note/CPlHwp5k
Black Hearts White Minds (A Carl Gordon Legal Thriller) by Mitch Margo. Jo Lena Johnson, Publisher at Mission Possible Press, shares audio book reviews from Black Hearts White Minds by Mitch Margo, listen here: https://www.audioacrobat.com/note/CpPbfvck
The Black Series by Joan Vassar
Sexy Black Men in love with Sexy Black Women
Black shares the appealing tale of a passionate love between a man and a woman bound together to change their destiny.
Elbert: The Uncaged Mind is a passionate story of love and healing despite the ugly backdrop of slavery.
Emancipating James reveals the complicated facets of the human soul exposed against the backdrops of Civil War, slavery, and romance.
Anthony: Unshackled is a gripping tale of redemption, love and liberty. Join Joan Vassar, Black and the men on yet another nail biting, heart-pounding journey.
Join the blog tour and help spread the word about The Black Series by Joan Vassar
Elbert: The Uncaged Mind by Joan Vassar
The Black Series by Joan Vassar
Listen to a reading from the book: http://www.audioacrobat.com/note/ChSb01CX
Elbert: The Uncaged Mind by Joan Vassar
Listen to a reading from the book: http://www.audioacrobat.com/note/CR5jB6mX
The Black Series (4 Book Series)
Join the #SeducingThePen Tour, share the material from this page: https://www.smore.com/fe7qv
Books in the Black Series by Joan Vassar
* Black by Joan Vassar
* Elbert: The Uncaged Mind by Joan Vassar
* Emancipating James by Joan Vassar
* Anthony: Unshackled by Joan Vassar
Family Is Not Everything: How To Minimize Their Mess, Maximize Your Happiness and Enjoy Emotional Baggage Breakthroughs
In Family Is Not Everything: How To Minimize Their Mess, Maximize Your Happiness and Enjoy Emotional Baggage Breakthroughs, author Anita Washington details personal stories of surviving a homicidal alcoholic father, a neglectful mother and an emotionally and physically abusive brother to show you how childhood trauma turns into adult dysfunctional behavior.
She includes lessons to learn from her abuse and her life-altering mistakes, along with teaching you how to use the affirmations, techniques and activities of her 7-Step Method to resolve the effects of emotional baggage and create a life of purpose and meaning.
The 7-Step Method is a process of seven sequential steps she had seen produce the greatest results. It has not only worked for her and her previous clients, it can also work for you!
AnitaTheAuthor.com/FINEAmazon (Amazon)
AnitaTheAuthor.com/FINEbn (Barnes and Noble)
Listen to a reading from the book: http://www.audioacrobat.com/note/Cl9Y5J4X
Overcoming Bias and Racism in Your Workplace: A Primer for Minorities in the Business World by Gregory L. Harris
Leadership > Discrimination & Racism > Career Development
Bound by Passion by Makayla Smyles
Two Steps Past the Altar by Patricia A. Bridewell
Broken Conditions by Jo Lena Johnson
Join the #SeducingThePen Tour, share the material from this page: https://www.smore.com/cgdw2
Listen to a reading from the book: https://www.audioacrobat.com/note/CCnZdQ2k
Caught Up by Kristina Smith
Listen and share a reading from the book:
Two-Sided Heart by Patricia Anne Phillips
Order the new edition here: http://a.co/d/jbf7hLs
Tradition by AlTonya Washington
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Kairos The Perfect Time for Love
Head Games by Mary B. Morrison
Join the Seducing the Pen Book Tour as a Host or Author!
FOR AUTHORS SEEKING TO JOIN THE TOURS: EDC Creations and The Sankofa Literary Society are proud to announce the launch of the Seducing the Pen Book Tour bringing readers and authors together to help improve OUR visibility in the marketplace. We specialize in reaching bookclubs online and on the ground.
Give us a chance! Go Here: http://www.edc-creations.com
Book clubs, bloggers and social media influencers, thank you so much for exploring the authors on the Seducing the Pen Book Tour! We are promoting some of the most talented authors in the business! EDC Creations virtual book tours are geared toward bringing authors and readers together in more intimate settings. The reader will receive great books to add to their library, while taking a trip inside the world of a published author for a few weeks. Many of you might decide to write your own book before it’s over!
Thousands of people — educators, concerned parents, community leaders, authors, poets and publishers — devote their time and resources to presenting the reader with great books! However, too many outstanding books do not get the attention and reader support that they deserve. It is our mission to connect readers with these hidden gems and bring them books that will change their lives! Please consider hosting the authors showcased here for at least one week on your FaceBook page, Twitter feed, Instagram page or your personal blog.
Simply click on any of the links or BLUE ORBS, and you will be taken to the author's page. Share this page with the buttons along to top. You have permission to share and repost the text and images on the page to share on your blog, Facebook page or Twitter feed. You can not change, edit or alter the text or images! All credits, disclaimers and copyrights have to be left in place.
Ella Curry, President of EDC Creations
Website: www.edc-creations.com
Crown Holders Transmedia - Founder
Black Pearls Magazine Online - Founder
Black Authors Network Radio - Founder
Sankofa Literary Society - Founder
Social Media Strategist - Internet Publicist - Branding Coach
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The views, opinions and positions expressed by the authors and those providing articles for Black Pearls Magazine are theirs alone, and do not reflect the views, opinions or positions of Ella D. Curry, EDC Creations Media Group, Crown Holders Transmedia Group, Black Pearls Magazine or any employee thereof.
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