Distance Learning
Letter to SVDP Community
Dear SVDP Community,
In our last posting, we told you to expect these updates once a week, but the news and changes are too frequent, so here we are again. We must start this communication with kudos to our parent community. Your perseverance is admirable! Now that we are all getting the hang of distance learning, we encourage you to see this time as an opportunity to build your child’s independence. With routine and responsibility, your child will grow from this experience.
Yesterday, we shared confirmation that Diocesan school buildings will remain closed through Easter Break, resuming classes (distance or in person) on April 20th. Later, SFUSD extended their school closure through May 1st. We will await updates from the diocese regarding our own calendar adjustments.
Expectations for distance learning:
Yesterday, our staff worked together to revise the expectations for remote learning. We understand that every household is unique, and this list is designed to guide you to the ideal home learning environment. Please strive to put all these elements in place for the success of your own child and the class as a whole.
- Students will assume a readiness (in attire, sitting posture and general engagement) for the class meetings of the school day.
- Students will be in a distraction-free environment including distracting behaviors.
- Students will refrain from snacking and use of other devices during online class meetings.
- Students will access their class meetings by clicking a Zoom meeting link found on the class page on Beehively. Click on the Zoom link at the time of your class period.
- Students will join their class meeting on time, at the beginning of the period, for attendance purposes and remain in class until dismissed.
- Students will complete the assigned work and submit it by the due date. If student can not submit on time, they will contact their teacher to make other arrangements.
Our focus is on building up our students into independent life-long learners. As we partner with parents to support the education of each child, we ask the following of our parents:
- Designate an area in your home as the Learning Hub - similar to a shared space in a library.
- Minimize distractions for your student - just turning a desk or chair toward a wall limits diversions.
- Technology and materials should be readily available each morning for online learning.
- Step away when students are participating in online learning - promote the development of responsibility and independence.
A note about recording class sessions: The school will record class time and archive them for internal use. Students and parents are prohibited from recording, sharing or public posting of class sessions or other online engagements. All class meetings are the intellectual property of the school.
Building independent readers (K-4):
To aid in balancing your home workload and building your child's independence, we should focus on reading. The Daily Five reflects the practices that we use in school to support and build reading stamina. Use the link above and begin with the parent introduction and then view the following sessions with your student.
The goal is to get your student reading independently so that you can "step away" and get some work done.
Based on parent distance learning survey feedback, and the teachers' own experiences last week, each grade level is enhancing their daily agendas and they are posted below and pinned to your Beehively class page.
Co-Curricular Schedule:
Remember your child now has co-curriculars to round out their school day. Our co-curricular teachers are posting assignments to the classroom page and/or on Seesaw. Most of these assignments are to be self-directed and flexible, meaning that there isn't a set time of day for students to complete. After taking a break for lunch and/or some play time, students can then move into homework and co-curricular activities. It will be helpful to refer to your weekly classroom schedule and have students visit co-curriculars on the days they would normal have them. For example, PE classes take place on Wednesdays and Fridays, so students can participate in those activities on those given days.
Every school day our students are required to respond to our ROLL CALL form*. It will be emailed out every morning at 7:30am and remain open till 8:30am. If you miss the opening time, please email attendance@svdpsf.com.
Together we are...SVDP
Saint Vincent de Paul School
Email: administration@svdpsf.com
Website: svdpsf.com
Location: 2350 Green Street, San Francisco, CA, USA
Phone: 4153465505