News from Principal Lamothe
Hello PRS Wizards!
Happy New Year and welcome back!
I hope each and everyone of you had a restful and meaningful time on your break whether it was shared with family, friends, some alone time with your children or a mixture of any and all of those options. As we return to school this Tuesday, I cant wait to see everyone's smiling faces and refreshed and ready to learn.
This week we will begin taking our middle of year assessment using our program called i-Ready which we use to progress monitor students in reading (3-5) and math (K-5). This is a computer based program and students need headphones to take the assessment. As a friendly reminder if your child has a school headphone set please remind them to bring them in because they will needed.
Please check your child(ren)'s account to add to or pay off the balance.
Food Services will be phasing out the sale of single use water bottles. Once the current inventory is gone we will no longer sell 8oz waters. There is a filtered water hydration station available right in the cafeteria for any student that would need water.
Dear Families: Please be advised that we are seeing an uptick in cases of Flu, strep throat, stomach viruses and other communicable illnesses. One of the most important things to do, along with frequent handwashing and covering coughs and sneezes, is to please keep your child home when they are sick. Please be aware that students must be fever-free (without fever reducing medications) and/or no vomiting or diarrhea for at least 24 hours before returning to school. A fever is defined as a temperature of 100.4F or higher.
When reporting an absence due to illness, please inform us about the nature of the illness or if your child has been diagnosed with a communicable illness such as the flu, strep or COVID 19.
Thank you for your help and cooperation in keeping our students and our school healthy!
Kristin Godfrey, RN
Plymouth River School Nurse
In collaboration with the Department of Public Health and the Massachusetts chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, DESE is providing the attached letter which was developed for parents and guardians. This letter was finalized yesterday and we wanted to share it with you as soon as possible.
Presentation for Parents on Anxiety
How to handle anxiety, depression & your kids – Parents & Caregivers
Parents & Caregivers please join us for a discussion with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Nadja Reilly who will cover general topics about anxiety/depression/self harm - What to look for, coping mechanisms. Discuss grief and suicide - how to talk to children about this and answer questions from the audience. Heather Rodriguez, Director of HPS School Counseling, will cover Care Solace & discuss services offered in Hingham Public Schools. This presentation is being Sponsored by SEPAC & HPS PTO’s
Tue, Jan 17, 2023, 07:00 PM
Hingham High School, Union Street, Hingham, MA, USA
Social Emotional Wellness
We have added two new pages to the Hingham Public schools website please check them out as they have valuable information for families for Social Emotional Wellness and School Counseling contact information.
Kindergarten Forum - SAVE THE DATE
This is an informational session for new students entering kindergarten.
Wed, Jan 11, 2023, 06:30 PM
220 Central Street, Hingham, MA, USA
Upcoming Dates
January 3rd - Students return back to school
January 4th - Early Release
January 11th - 6:30 - 7:30 - Kindergarten Forum @ 220 Central
January 13th - 9:00 - 9:30 AM - Bus evacuation #2
January 18th - PTO meeting in the cafeteria with guest speaker Dr. Adams
By clicking on above "PRS PTO News" will bring you to the PTO website.
Important Information
SCHOOL SUPPLIES - You can order online through Yubbler or purchase on your own. Choose your incoming grade level supply list here
1000 BOOK CLUB - This is a great program for preschool and kindergarten students to check out book bags and read with families!
Kids in Action (KIA) Before and After-School Programs are for Hingham students in grades K-5. Our curriculum focuses on social and emotional development with support in academic skills through play and guidance.
FREE LUNCH FOR ALL - This year, due to Federal Assistance, lunch will be served free of charge. This year, there will also be a breakfast program ( also peanut/tree nut free) for students who wish to partake in that. There will be one “grab and go breakfast” offering daily. Bottles of water are not free and cost $1.00.
VOLUNTEERS - We are happy to have parent volunteers in our school again! As we enter a new school year, all volunteers in the schools (classroom volunteers, field trip chaperones, etc.) will require a new CORI check. Forms can be found in the main office or here
2022/2023 Staff
Administrative Assistants- Suzanne Price, Alisa Zimmerman
School Resource Officer - Officer McGillicuddy /Officer Carr
Nurse - Kristin Godfrey
Classroom Teachers
K - Amy Maescher, Kim O'Brien, Julianne Riley
1st - Nancy Bucey, Katie Burritt, Janette Harrington
2nd - Cyndi Bonani, Krystal Bilodeau, Michelle Shapiro
3rd - Laura Falvey, Meagan Ottatti, Shawna Reames
4th - Kara Kremer, Maura Talbot, Susan Willison
5th - Julie Harrington, Joan Kilban, Meryl Vella, Shannon Wragg
Art - Alice Caldwell
Computer Science - Rebekah Stahl-Bryant
Library - Mary Dunphy
Music - Dorothy Turner
Phys.Ed.- Mikayla Pagnini
Spanish - Kendelle Ingram
Special Education
Teachers - Colin Butler, Meaghan Gaven, Elizabeth Rubertone, Cassie Pacella, Lauren Smith
School Psychologist- Dr. Brett Bolger
Administrative Assistant - Susan Carey
Support Personnel
Adjustment Counselor - A.C. Decker
School Guidance Counselor - Carolyn St. Laurence
Literacy Specialists - Kati Osterman (K-2nd) and Jennifer Madden (3rd-5th)
Literacy Interventionists - Wendy Kirk and Nicole O'Brien
Math Specialist - Jessica Kitchen
Math Interventionists- Christine Lotano, Letitia Reil