Tiger Tales for Parents
February 4, 2024
A Note from the Principal's Desk
Thank you for having your child at school each day! Last week, we had a great STEM day and attendance celebration. 5th graders enjoyed pizza to celebrate their 93% attendance rate!
This week HHES will celebrate our counselors for national counselor's week! Check out their counselor's corner to sign-up for school events.
Please stay connected to your child class through Dojo and completing homework assignments. Our focus this month is writing. I've included website with ideas to help with writing at home. We are also purchasing "Being a Writer" this year to support our writing program.
Below is our schedule:
Monday-Purchase Candy Grams in the morning!
Tuesday-PTA council meeting; Class pictures; afterschool tutorial
Friday-PAC 7:30am-8:30am
We hope to have our MTSS vacancy filled soon!'
School attendance is crucial for student success. We understand this is flu/COVID season, but if your child is not sick, please make sure he/she is at school every day.
We have several things happening in February. Check out the remainder of the newsletter!
Proud to Serve,
Mia Bradshaw, Principal
Attendance Matters! Congratulations 5th grade at 93%
K-89% (down from last month)
1st-91% (down from last month)
2nd-91% (down from last month)
3rd-88% (down from last month)
4th-91% (down from last month)
5th-93% (down from last month)
Congratulations to 5th grade the TOP percentage at 93%!
We appreciate your continued partnership.
Picture Day!
BPI will be on camps to take class photos, club photos and any individual make up photos on Tuesday, February 6, 2024.
Parents can now pay online via this prepay link. This is a great option, so parents do not have to worry about sending their students back to school with an order form and money!
Book Fair! February 12-15, 2024
Book Fair with Literati
February 12 - 15, 2024
Hosted by HHES PTA
The Book Fair will be at the school February 12th-15th but families can also shop our book fair from home from January 15th-February 15th. This is also where parents can purchase digital gift cards for their students to use at the fair (click the link below).
Shop with your student during these events:
- 2.15 Valentine's Dance
Gingerbread House Incentive!
There is a gingerbread house in the media center and is ready for kids! Ms. Madsen has given "Read in the Gingerbread House for 15 minutes" coupons to each homeroom teacher. The passes are to reward students!
So much fun! 😃
General PTA meeting
PTA General Membership Meeting
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
7:45 - 8:15 AM
HHES - Music Room
This meeting is for our PTA board members to give a brief update on goals and upcoming events/needs. After the update, we will open the floor parents to share any ideas or concerns that they want to share with PTA.
Spirit Night!
HHES Spirit Night
February 27, 2023
5:00 PM to 9:00 PM
D'Cuban Cafe Chamblee
3665 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Chamblee, GA 30341
Hosted by HHES PTA
Enjoy dinner at D'Cuban Cafe who has generously agreed to donate a percentage of profits to our school! Be sure to mention HHES when you order to ensure the fundraiser is added to your check!
Our morning announcements are now broadcast by students!
ACCESS Testing for ELs
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS for ELs is administered, annually, to all English learners in Georgia. ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS for ELs is a standards-based, criterion referenced English language proficiency test designed to measure English learners’ social and academic proficiency in English. It assesses social and instructional English, as well as the language associated with language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies within the school context across the four language domains.
ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS for ELs meets the federal requirements that mandate states to evaluate EL students in grades K through 12 on their progress in learning to speak English. Additionally, the ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS for ELs is used to determine the English language proficiency levels and progress of ELs in the domains of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS for ELs serves five main purposes. These are:
determining the English language proficiency level of students,
providing districts with information that will help them evaluate the effectiveness of their ESOL programs,
providing information that enhances instruction and learning in programs for English language learners,
assessing annual English language proficiency gains using a standards-based assessment instrument, and
providing data for meeting federal and state requirements with respect to student assessment.
Our school will administer the ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS as indicated below during the testing window of:
January 10, 2024-February 26, 2024
Every EL student enrolled in our school is expected to take the ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS.
Estimados padres de familia(s)/tutore(s), El examen ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS for ELs es administrado anualmente a todos los aprendices del inglés en Georgia. ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS for ELs es una prueba del dominio del idioma inglés basada en criterios y estándares diseñados para medir el dominio del inglés social y académico de los aprendices del inglés. Evalúa el inglés social y educativo, al igual que el lenguaje asociado con las clases de matemáticas, lenguaje, ciencias y estudios sociales dentro del contexto escolar en los cuatro dominios del idioma.
El ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS for ELs cumple con los requisitos federales que ordena a los estados a evaluar a los alumnos aprendices del inglés en K hasta 12o grado en su progreso de aprendizaje del inglés. Además, el ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS for ELs es utilizado para determinar los niveles de competencia del idioma inglés y el progreso de los ELs en las áreas de expresión oral, comprensión auditiva, lectura y escritura. El ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS for ELs sirve cinco propósitos principales. Estos son:
• Determinar los niveles de competencia del idioma inglés de los alumnos,
• Proporcionar a los distritos con información que les ayudará a evaluar la efectividad de sus programas de ESOL,
• Proporcionar información que mejora la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en los programas para aprendices del idioma inglés,
• Evaluar las ganancias anuales de dominio del idioma inglés utilizando un instrumento de evaluación basado en los estándares, y
• Proporcionar información para cumplir con los requisitos federales y estatales con respecto a la evaluación de los alumnos. Nuestra escuela administrará el examen ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS como se indica a continuación: Todos los alumnos EL (Aprendices del idioma inglés) inscritos en nuestra escuela deben tomar el ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS.
Montessori Events in January
DCSD School Choice K-5- Montessori Program
Huntley Hills is a part of the DCSD School Choice for our Montessori program. The Montessori program and its diverse community assist in establishing a strong educational foundation for all students by providing a safe, nurturing learning environment. Montessori programs feature multi-age classrooms where children learn at their own pace through hands-on experience, using materials especially prepared for investigation. This environment enables our students to become life-long learners in a rapidly changing society. The Montessori program stresses the importance of adapting the child’s learning environment to his/her developmental level and of the role of physical activity in absorbing academic concepts and practical skills.
2024-2025 School Choice Open Enrollment
January 5, 2024—February 9, 2024
Lottery Notification | March 29
1st Round of Seat Expirations | April 15
Late Application Window | April 1—August 23
Last Date for Placement | August 30
HHES is affiliated with Montessori Networks
Do you know your child's reading level?
GA Milestones Passing Lexile Level
DeKalb County School District Announcements
What's Happening @ the Hills?
100 days of School
GA Power works with our 5th graders!
Staff Chili/Soup cook-off winner! Ms. Lubatkin!
Silent Journey Through Montessori
PBIS tiger buck events
Save the dates
Jan. MAP Testing
Jan. 1-Montesori tours
Feb. 1-Black History Month kick off!
Feb. 5-National Counselors appreciation week!
Feb.6-Clas Pictures
Feb 9-PAC @ 7:30a-8:30a
Feb. 12-Book Fair all week!
Feb. 13-PTA meeting @7:45
Feb. 15-Valentines Dance @6pm
Feb. 16 & 19-No School
Feb. 22-International STEM night
Feb. 23-Black History Wax Museum
Feb. 27-Spirit night D'Cuban Cafe
Mar. 1-Read Across America
Mar. 7-5th Grade Transition night @6pm
Mar. 22-Career Day!
Mar. 25-29-FUN RUN fundraiser
Upcoming Dates
Join PTA!
- Join our PTA by making a donation here
- Volunteer for a Leadership Role here
- Sign up for Tiger Talk emails here
- Explore our *updated* PTA website here
*NEW* Join our private Facebook GROUPS designed to unify and support our families! Choose your group(s) based on the grade your student(s) Find your groups here.
We welcome your support and look forward to serving our school together!
PTA President, Amanda Hall
Calling ALL GIRLS! Sci Girls Club is here!
SciGirls is a club that encourages girls to consider a career in science, technology, engineering and mathematics or STEM. Each month we will learn about a particular scientist and will experiment with materials related to their profession.
This year we will be meeting on Wednesday mornings from 7:00 until 7:45. We will begin in September and the club will go through February. Students will come once a month, during their grade level week. The schedule is as follows:
Jan. 31: 4th and 5th
Feb. 7: K
Feb. 14: 1st
Feb. 21: 2nd and 3rd
Feb. 28: 4th and 5th
I look forward to working with your girls!
Amy Chandler
Parent Volunteers Directions
If you plan to volunteer as a reading buddy, field trip chaperone, help in the media center this school year, you will need to be approved by public safety.
Level III volunteers must be approved by Public Safety AND the local school principal prior to the volunteer participation in activities involving direct, unsupervised interaction with students. Examples of Level III volunteers include chaperones on overnight field trips, chaperones or volunteers for local school events, volunteer tutors, office/media center volunteers, or any other volunteers who will have any unsupervised interaction with students. Level III volunteers shall be fingerprinted by the district and have GBI/FBI criminal background checks on file prior to rendering volunteer services.
Directions for Level 3 Volunteers!
DeKalb County School District’s Volunteer Training By signing on as a volunteer, you become a member of our team of professionals that proudly provides educational services to more than 93,000 students in our DeKalb County School District. This webpage is designed to assist you in registering to be a volunteer with the DeKalb County School District. Please complete the following steps to become a DCSD Volunteer.
1. Complete the Volunteer Application And Release Form (see qr code below, #1)
2. Complete the DCSD Volunteer Code of Conduct (see qr code below, #2)
3. Complete the Mandated Reporter Video & Quiz (see qr code below, #3)
Create an account (no cost)
Choose State: GA
Click Child Abuse and Neglect Course: Mandated Reporter
Click Start Course
Complete Quiz Save or print your certificate.
4. Send a Copy of your certificate to DCSDvolunteer@dekalbschoolsga.org
5. Attend Volunteer Training (either in-person or via Zoom) Weekly Face-to-Face Volunteer Training is available at the IMPACT HUB every Thursday at 1:00 PM. 1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard Stone Mountain, GA 30083 OR Zoom meeting of your choice https://dekalbschoolsga-org.zoom.us/j/85757845773
Time: August 30, 2023, 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM
September 13, 2023, 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM
September 20, 2023, 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM
September 27, 2023, 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM
October 4, 2023, 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM
October 11, 2023, 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM
October 18, 2023, 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM
October 25, 2023, 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM
6. Background Check -Once you have completed the Volunteer Training (either face-to-face or zoom) you will be emailed a link that will direct you to get your background check (offered Tuesdays & Thursdays at NO COST). You will be given a picture ID badge that is to be worn when you volunteer.
Please contact Demone Gunter via email @ DCSDvolunteer@dekalbschoolsga.org if you have any questions
You may view Board Policy IFCD: School Volunteers by clicking below.
Afterschool/Tiger Time-REPEAT
To register submit your application to the front office M-F; 7:30am-3:00pm.
Communication: Stay Connected!
School Dojo: The school code is here to receive message from the school (text messages from Dr. Ford)
Weekly Tiger Talk: (https://hhespta.square.site/#ZEQvWw) emails from PTA/school)
School Messenger-See flyer below to opt-in to receive text messages/emails from DCSD (text messages/emails from DCSD)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/huntleyhills?lang=en (follow me)
PTA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/huntleyhillselementary/ (follow PTA)
DCSD School Messenger
School Uniforms
Important Contacts
PTA President -Amanda Hall-ptahhes@gmail.com
Principal Advisory Council Chair-Yane Yoo
School Counselor (504's & SST)-Sonya Nelson sonya_nelson@dekalbschoolsga.org
Registrar (registration & withdrawals)-Brenda-brenda_zendejas@dekalbschoolsga.org
Title I Parent Liaison (Spanish)-Rebeca Arbona rebeca_arbona@dekalbschoolsga.org
Nurse-Faiza Khan faiza_khan@dekalbschoolsga.org
Assistant Principal & Testing Coordinator-Amanda Moss amanda_moss@dekalbschoolsga.org
Principal-Mia Bradshaw mia_ford@dekalbschoolsga.org