Feb. 9, 2023

Calendar reminders, update; new last day of school
Holiday: No school on Feb. 20 in honor of Presidents Day.
Memorial Day weekend: School will be in session on May 30. This is a weather make-up day from when schools were closed on Dec. 1.
- Last day of school: Due to the Feb. 14 school closure, the last day of school is now June 22 with a half-day/early dismissal.
View a complete list of key dates for the 2022-23 school year.
Recreation Program update: Changes to before- and after-school care
Rec Program childcare transitions from City of Bonney Lake to SBLSD for coordination, expansion
The long-standing partnership between the City of Bonney Lake and the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District has offered a Recreation Program with two major components – recreation and childcare. With the opportunity for SBLSD to expand the childcare portion, the organizations will divide oversight.
Starting with the 2023-24 school year, SBLSD will bring together a new and expanded before- and after-school program with Right at School. The City will continue to coordinate recreational activities through the Recreation Program.
The City and SBLSD believe this change will best serve residents with the recreational opportunities and quality childcare they’ve come to enjoy and rely on. We have communicated details directly with Recreation Program employees and current families in the Before- and After-School Activities Club.
SBLSD partners with Right at School for expanded, flexible childcare
We are excited to announce a new partnership with Right At School, a nationally-recognized school enrichment provider for before- and after-school care for elementary-aged students at all of our elementary schools and the Sumner Early Learning Center starting with the 2023-24 school year.
About Right at School
Right at School provides families flexibility in enrollment options and a comprehensive enrichment curriculum to keep students engaged while they participate. Students will have a healthy snack, engage in dynamic fitness activities, student-driven projects, team building, leadership development, and have the opportunity to complete homework assignments.
Program highlights:
Open from 6:30 am to 6 pm
Flexible schedules and pricing options
Tuition discounts available
Childcare available during breaks, non-school days, and summer
Please visit Right at School’s SBLSD website for more information, including program offerings, curriculum, registration and billing, electives, camps and more.
Parent Information Night
You are invited to attend a virtual Parent Information Night hosted by Right at School to learn more about the program and to have your questions answered. The meeting will be recorded for those who are unable to attend.
Date: Tuesday, Feb. 28
Time: 6-7 pm
Location: Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 885 2484 5162
Passcode: 7pa2Bm
Register for 2023-24 School Year
Registration for Right at School is now open.
We look forward to enhancing the educational experience of our students and families through this partnership.
Black History Month school spotlight: Victor Falls
Bright Star Theatre
To celebrate Black History Month, students at Victor Falls Elementary enjoyed a visit from Bright Star Theatre Group. Kindergarten-2nd grade watched a performance about African Folktales and 3rd-5th grade watched a performance about Freedom Songs.
Research project
In addition to Bright Star Theatre, Victor Falls is collaboratively researching and presenting prominent figures in American life:
Kindergarten: Astronaut Mae Jameson
First grade: Michael Jordan and his impact beyond basketball
Second grade: Misty Copland
Third grade: Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Fourth grade: Serena Williams and her contribution to society on the tennis court and beyond
Fifth grade: Maya Angelou
Jobs of the week
Are you looking for a job or know someone who is? We’re always hiring and looking for great people to join our team with a commitment to know, value and support every student, helping them graduate ready to pursue a promising future. Below are just a couple of jobs we’re highlighting this week. View all of our jobs.
Principal, Sumner High School
Announcement | Job DescriptionAssistant Principal, Donald Eismann Elementary
Announcement | Job Description
District seeks members to serve on Capital Facility Advisory Committee
Do you have experience with large capital program activities? Consider applying to be a volunteer member of the District’s new Capital Facility Advisory Committee (CFAC). The 30-member committee will represent a broad cross-section of community members and staff, who will work in an advisory capacity to the administration on issues such as capital planning, funding measures and boundary recommendations.
Meeting monthly from spring 2023 to June 2024, the committee’s goal is to make recommendations for a long-term capital facilities plan that includes funding measures. Activities include studying facility needs, reviewing data, and developing a plan designed to meet the needs of students over the next 10 years. The committee's work will culminate in a working list of future priorities and a recommendation to the school board for future funding.
Members interested in serving on the CFAC must be able to commit to evening, in-person participation once a month at the Central Office Administration Building. Apply electronically or by mail (1202 Wood Ave, Sumner, WA 98390) by Feb. 20.
Find details about member qualifications, selection, meeting dates and application at sumnersd.org/CFAC.
STEM Fair & Art Show + Myth #2
Did you know ... There are many free tools to explore STEM, including www.code.org, which provides a K-5 coding curriculum at no cost!
Don't forget to check out our students' STEM projects at the upcoming STEM Fair & Art Show from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 25 at Sumner Middle School. Admission is free. Learn more about the event at sumnersd.org/STEMFair.
All-District Choral Festival: Feb. 23
The community is invited to enjoy student voices coming together from all of our elementary, middle and high school choirs at the All-District Choral Festival at 7 p.m. on Feb. 23 at the Bonney Lake High School gym.
SHS Theatre Company: ‘Radium Girls’
The public is welcome to attend Sumner High School’s winter theater production, The Radium Girls, a drama based on the true story of young women working in factories in the 1920s who begin to fall ill with a mysterious illness.
Date: Feb. 24-25; March 2-4
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Sumner High School PAC
Cost: (tickets sold at the door):
$12 - Adults
$8 - Students/Military/Seniors
$5 - Students w/ASB
Cash concessions available for purchase
Free Dental Days for kids, adults
Visit the Sumner Community Food Bank on Feb. 20 or 21 for free dental services, sponsored by the Pierce County Local Impact Network. There will be two events:
Feb. 20: Free Kids Dental Day, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free screenings and sealants.
Feb. 21: Free Dental Day, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Urgent adult dental care, insurance sign-up assistance and free referrals.
Both events will be held at Sumner Community Food Bank, 15625 Main St. E. in Sumner. Appointments are encouraged. Schedule one now at this link.
School Board Feb. 15 meeting highlights
Link (Passcode: 9#!.cicB)
Upcoming meetings
March 8: Study Session
March 15: Board Meeting