WCCMH Quarterly Provider Newsletter
August 2023
Fun in the Sun!
We hope you enjoy, and as always, we welcome your feedback!
Reminders from the Office of Recipient Rights (ORR)
- New Distracted Driving Law Took Effect June 30, 2023
Governor Whitmer recently signed a law making it illegal to manually use a cell phone or other mobile electronic device while operating a vehicle on Michigan roads. Under the law, a driver cannot hold or support a phone or other device with any part of their hands, arms, or shoulders. Also, you cannot manually use a cell phone while stopping at a light. Hands-free use is ok so long as it doesn’t take more than “one touch” to get it working. Lastly, this is a primary offense, meaning a police officer can stop and ticket you if they suspect you are violating this law.
With this new law comes a new standard of care for the recipients we serve. Accordingly, instances of staff taking calls or texting directly on their cell phone while driving could be considered a form of neglect under the Mental Health Code.
For more information visit: https://www.michigan.gov/msp/divisions/ohsp/distracted-driving
- Incident Reports
Provider staff who quickly enter, review and sign Incident Reports (IRs) in CRCT are getting IRs into the hands of the clinical team and ORR faster. This allows swifter follow up by the clinical team and, if necessary, the ORR.
The Office of Recipient Rights is always available to you for consultation and reporting. Please reach us by calling 734-219-8519.
Network Management Updates & Reminders
Claim Submission Updates
- End of Fiscal Year: The end of FY2023 is fast approaching; therefore, all claims for services rendered in FY2023 will need to be submitted soon. An email will be sent out in September with claim submission deadlines.
- New ABA Logic: As of August 1, 2023, new adjudication logic has been updated in CRCT for 97155. ABA adaptive behavior treatment (97153/97154/0373T) codes and the clinical observation and direction (97155) code need to be submitted on the same claim. If you are having issues with submitting your ABA claims or have any questions, please reach out to Shelby Duca at ducas@washtenaw.org.
- Face-to-Face Billing: Just a friendly reminder, when you are submitting claims, you should only be billing the face-to-face service times.
Contract & Compliance Reminders
- Washtenaw County Living Wage Ordinance: As a reminder, Washtenaw County's Living Wage Ordinance Exemption process is underway. Please ensure your agency submits a response no later than 5pm on August 15, 2023.
Incident Reports: Per our policy, an Incident Report (IR) should be completed in our electronic health record, CRCT, as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the shift in which the incident occurred. If your agency needs to request access to the Incident Report Module in CRCT, please contract Shelby Ducas: ducas@washtenaw.org.
- Trainings: Please ensure that staff are completing their trainings on time to avoid a lapse in trainings.
- Referrals: If your agency is receiving referrals, please ensure that you respond as soon as possible. We understand that staffing is an ongoing struggle, but we really do need a response so we can make sure our consumer's are able to obtain the services they need. Thank you for all that you do!
MDHHS Medicaid Renewal Reminders
- The Michigan Department of Health and Human services announced Medicaid beneficiaries will continue to have an extra month to submit eligibility renewal paperwork. Beneficiaries have been given more time to submit paperwork to avoid loss of health care coverage due to not responding. This timeline will continue through May of 2024. Please see the Eligibility Notification Timeline for additional details: Eligibility Timeline.
- MDHHS advises all Medicaid enrollees to check their renewal month at Michigan.gov/MIBridges.
- What Michigan Medicaid beneficiaries need to do to prepare:
- Make sure your address, phone number, and email address are up to date at gov/MIBridges. You can also call your local MDHHS office. If you do not have an online account for MI Bridges to access your Medicaid case or report changes, visit Michigan.gov/MIBridges to sign up for an account. You can also locate organizations that can help you by searching for community partners.
- Report any changes to your household or income. You can report changes at gov/MIBridges or by calling your local MDHHS office.
- If you get a renewal packet, be sure to fill it out, sign the forms, and return it by the due date with any proof needed. NOTE: If you do not complete and return the renewal, you may lose Medicaid coverage.
Provider Shout-Outs!
Congratulations to the following providers for achieving 100% on the following compliance items in Quarter 3:
Administrative Site Visits:
Medicaid Verification Audits:
Beacon Specialized Living Services
Creating Brighter Futures
Ivyrehab Michigan
INI Group
Maxim Healthcare Services
Work Skills Corporation
Helpful Links and Resources
Main Dish
Yummy Side
Lunch Ideas
Time To Test Your Memory!
Now that you have read our WCCMH Quarterly Provider Newsletter for Q3, we thought it would be fun to quiz you on the content. The first person to answer all four questions correctly will win a prize!
- What month will an email be sent out in regards to fiscal year end?
- List 1 link of where trainings can be found?
- What date did the new law for Distracted Driving become effective?
- How many recipes can be found in this quarter's newsletter?
The winner and the answers will be published in the next newsletter.
You can enter your answers to the quiz when completing the newsletter feedback survey!
Riddle Challenge Answers
Sadly, we did not have a winner for the Q2 WCCMH Quarterly Provider Newsletter riddle, but here are the correct answers:
1. Jenny has four daughters, and each of her daughters has a brother. How many children does Jenny have?
Answer: Four
2. What belongs to you, but everyone else uses it?
Answer: Your Name
3. What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in thousand years?
Answer: The Letter M
Thank you so much for taking the time to read our WCCMH Quarterly Provider Newsletter! We hope you enjoy the rest of your summer and please do not hesitate to contact any member of our Network Management Team!
Heather Linky at linkyh@washtenaw.org
Megan Taylor at taylormr@washtenaw.org
Shelby Duca at ducas@washtenaw.org
Sara Hungerford at hungerfords@washtenaw.org
Karrie Onyskin at onyskink@washtenaw.org
Delissa Weston at westond@washtenaw.org