HISD 2021 Bond Quick Facts
#3 - Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Taxes for homeowners 65 years and older with a homestead exemption will NOT increase if the proposed 2021 Bonds are approved by voters.
For other homeowners, the Huntsville ISD 2021 Bonds will eventually increase the school property tax rate up to a maximum of $0.0994. This equals $74.59 per year or just over $6 per month on a $100,000 taxable home value (after exemptions). And, this increase would happen gradually over time, and may never actually reach the maximum projection, given historically low interest rates and other economic factors.
Huntsville ISD has the second-lowest tax rate compared to area school districts.
Huntsville ISD has decreased the tax rate 17.22 cents over the last 6 years, with 13.72 cents of the decrease being implemented in the last 2 years. Even with the proposed tax increase from the 2021 Bonds, Huntsville ISD would retain that second-lowest ranking in tax rate!