Weekly Update
September 20, 2019
Raffle Tickets and Festival Announcements - THIS WEEKEND!!!
Raffle Tickets - Festival Raffle Tickets and money are due to the office TODAY by 3:30pm. We cannot collect money at the festival. Money not turned in today will be billed to each families account.
Confetti Eggs - We received many egg donations. Thank you so much and keep it coming. You can bring them directly to the school booth so that we can record your donation for service hours.
Volunteers - Please be sure to arrive on time for your volunteer shift. We have attached the schedule below and we still have several available spots to signup. You are welcome to volunteer in another booth (not your child's class). Each booth will have rules and we have arranged for Ms. Pacheco to stop by every two hours to collect bundled tickets. All the booths are TICKET ONLY. Thank you for volunteering. We are a small community and cannot run the games or Bingo without your help!
Talent Show - starts at 4pm on the main stage. All classes are performing. Please bring your children no later than 3:30pm to prepare for the show.
Bingo - starts at 5pm in the large hall. Bring cash and your friends! Big shout out to Ms. Salas and Ms. Vinoya for being on the BINGO Team! Please join us...we need help! :)
Picture Day is coming up on Thursday, September 26.
(We will have another picture day in the Spring where students can Free-Dress.)
Sweatshirt/T-shirt Order Form - Place your orders ASAP!
Art Classes for St. George Students at St. Mary's High School
This is not a school sponsored event. Please arrange for your own transportation, supervision, and payment schedule.
Need more info - contact Ms. Aguilar (209) 988-8298 or by email at jaguilartist@aol.com