Berkshire 2023
Everyday and Ontime
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage
September 15th is the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month. This year's theme is Latinos: Driving Prosperity, Power, and Progress in America. All of Berkshire will play a part in celebrating. We will be learning about Latino culture in all special areas, decorating our building, and also having a dedicated Chat&Chew for our ESOL families.
As the year moves on, Berkshire will celebrate every student. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can better celebrate your culture, feel free to contact Mrs. Lemus at rlemus@bcps.org.
Mark the calendar!
12th- Back to School Night 5:30-7
14th- PTA Spirit Night at Chick Fil a 6am-8pm
15th- No school, Professional Development
25th- No School, Professional Development
27th- PTA Fundraiser and Bakesale Night at Texas Roadhouse
4th- 1st PTA General Meeting 4:30
17th- Fall Picture Day
19th- Trunk o Treat 5:30-6:30
20th- No school, Professional Development Day
Meet Ms. Wright
Ms. Wright is the new Community School Facilitator. She is here to help our students, families and staff get the resources they need to succeed. Her office in located in the resource room in 108. To make an appt to visit her, call the main office or email at mwright13@bcps.org.
Message from the PTA
If you have not had a chance to sign up to become a member of the PTA, it is $10 a person and all of the funds raised go back to Berkshire Elementary and Community. You contact Rachael Lemus at rlemus@bcps.org or Angela Heinerichs at heinerichs5@yahoo.com.
Once again, we appreciate the continued support and look forward to an amazing year!
Volunteer Training
Field trip plans will be out soon. We encourage parents and guardians to complete the volunteer application and training as soon as possible. This makes the process to become a chaperone easier. If you need any assistance, you may email rlemus@bcps.org or call Mrs. Lemus in the front office at 443-809-7008.
BCPS Handbook
Mrs. Koslowsky has been presenting the BCPS handbooks to all grades. The handbook outlines expectations for students, families, and staff. Be sure to review, sign and return to your child's homeroom teachers.