Emerson Middle School News
Friday, November 17th
Dear Emerson Families,
I want to take a few minutes and express my true gratitude for our school community. I consider myself extremely lucky be apart of the Emerson community. I hope you all have a wonderful Fall Break and a Happy Thanksgiving! We'll see everyone on the 27th!
All the Best,
Emerson at a Glance
This Week
11/19 - 11/24 - Fall Break, NO SCHOOL
Looking Ahead
11/28 - Boys Basketball @ Holmes
11/30 - Boys Basketball @ Grove
12/1 - Report Cards Available Online
End of Trimester 1
The end of the first Trimester is approaching quickly. Please take note of the important dates below. Report cards will be available through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you need help setting up your parent portal, please contact the office. We will not be mailing physical report cards home unless you request one. Please email the office at em-office@d64.org if you wish to have a physical report card sent to your address.
- 11/16 - Parent portal closes. Teachers finalize grades.
- 11/20 to 11/24 - Fall Break
- 12/1 at 4PM - Parent Portal opens - Report Cards available
WEMS - Friday November 17th
Yearbook Orders
Yearbook sales are live for the 23-24 school year. The cost for a copy is $30. Yearbooks can be purchased online through My School Bucks, OR with cash or check in the main office. The deadline to secure a copy is Wednesday, December 13. After this date, yearbooks will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. If you have any questions, contact Ms. Apuli (mapuli@d64.org) or Ms. Dobrydnio (edobrydnio@d64.org).
We are also seeking student photos from any and all school events. If you have any to share, you can send them over through either of the following options:
Upload through yearbookforever.com (code: eagles)
Download the Yearbook Snap mobile app from the App Store or Google Play (code: eagles)
Email your photos directly to the yearbook sponsors → mapuli@d64.org / edobrydnio@d64.org
Resources for Families
We want to share some resources with you all. The ongoing violence in Israel and Gaza is heart wrenching. In a recent administrator newsletter from the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), state superintendent Dr. Tony Sanders shared the following items, which we found helpful in navigating these conversations at home.
The National Association of School Psychologists has a downloadable flyer called Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Families and Educators, strategies for each grade level, and suggested talking points.
From Common Sense Media, an article called How do I talk to my kids about violence in the news? reminds us to get a sense of what children know before launching into an explanation, by using open-ended questions, like “What did you hear?” or “What do you know?” and “What do you think about it?”
We hope these resources are helpful to you, if your children have questions at home.
Dine to Donate - BOPA
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20 from 4:00-8:00pm
For Questions, please contact:
Christine Erickson bopa64@gmail.com
Emerson Spelling Bee
Did you hear the buzz??? The (Spelling) Bee is back!
The Emerson Spelling Bee will take place on Friday, January 19, in the LRC at 3:15 PM. See the flier for more details and to register your student. For questions, please email Mrs. Contreras (kcontreras@d64.org).
Teen Leisure Clubs
Hey Eagles!
Have you joined a TLC (Teen Leisure Club)? Are you interested in starting your own?
Check out the TLC Website for more information on how to start a TLC, descriptions of available clubs, and the calendar of when you can join in the fun!
Email Mrs. Contreras or the TLC sponsor(s) with any questions.
Kiwanis D64 Holiday Food Basket Drive
Help us help those in need through the annual Kiwanis District 64 Holiday Food Basket Drive.
A child’s smile means everything to a parent, especially at holiday time. The Kiwanis Annual District 64 Holiday Food Basket Drive is designed to do just that.
This year, we have approximately 150 families in need. 100% of funds raised are used to provide a grocery gift card to help families keep holiday traditions alive and well.
Donations can be made online or by check from 10/18/2023 to 11/30/2023. Donate online at KiwanisPR.org or send a check to :
Kiwanis of Park Ridge, 19 North Seminary Avenue, Park Ridge, IL 60068-3037
Parent U K-8 Math Lesson
K-8 Families,
We are offering an exciting opportunity for all K-8 parents/guardians that pertains to our new mathematics curricula. On November 28th, at 7pm, at Emerson Middle School, we invite parents/guardians to engage in a lesson simulation with a D64 grade-level teacher.
You will sit in the seats as a student and fully understand what it means to be part of a math class with our new curriculum resources (Eureka Squared: K-5, and Carnegie Math (6-8))!
A teacher will offer a brief introduction to the program and then teach an actual lesson your child would experience this year. Space is limited, so please RSVP using this form. Be sure to click the appropriate math placement for your child.
If you are not sure of your child’s placement, please call your school’s main office. We look forward to seeing you there!
*Note: Students in 7th or 8th Grade Channels of Challenge or 8th Grade Accelerated Math are not utilizing the Carnegie resources. Therefore, this opportunity is not available right now for those parents/guardians.
Samantha Alaimo
Assistant Superintendent of Student Learning
D64 Spectator Expectations
Sports are an excellent way to develop character and valuable life skills in our middle school students. Not only do athletics promote physical fitness, but it also allows students to show perseverance, self-motivation, and teamwork.
We encourage fan participation at our events and know our community takes pride in supporting our District 64 students. Our families’ support and positive engagement are vital in creating a safe and enjoyable environment for our student-athletes.
As a District, we have high expectations of our student-athletes in regard to behavior, and we expect our parents and fans to adhere to those same expectations at all sporting events.
Maine South Spectator Guidelines for Middle School Families
Information For Incoming Freshman from Maine South
Below you will find active links with important information that will help guide you and your child
in navigating the incoming 9th grade transition as it relates to upcoming events for parents and
students, pre-registration, course planning and selection process, activities & athletics fair and
much, much more!
Notre Dame College Prep
Vocal Music Notes Newsletter
Here is this week's Vocal Music Notes newsletter. Have a good Friday and wonderful weekend!
Emerson PTO News
Gift Card Donations
PTO is looking for gift card donations to be distributed as prizes for the students at the holiday assembly in December. Please purchase gift cards from popular places in increments of $5 or $10 and just drop them off at the school office. THANK YOU!
PTO’s Dine to Donate continues at Superdawg until Sunday!
PLEASE remember to bring the FLYER below for PTO to receive the credit.
Dine out any day (or everyday!) the week of November 13th to support Emerson PTO. Superdawg Drive-In is donating 20% of the sales from November 13th - November 19th at either of their locations. A copy of the flyer does need to be provided at the time of your order — this is how Superdawg tracks all of the orders and how Emerson PTO is given a % of the sales. Make as many copies as you want — pass along to your family, friends and neighbors!
Thanks for the continued support.
Emerson PTO
Lakeview Bus Lines is Hiring!
Lakeview Bus Lines is actively hiring school bus drivers for their Niles facility. Experience is not needed for this position, their team of trainers will teach and train you to be a licensed and certified School Bus Driver.
- Starting pay $35/hr
- Healthcare benefits for full-time employees
- Paid vacation
- Flexible work schedules
Apply online at sunrisebus.com or scan the QR code on the attached flyer. Call to schedule an interview at 630-442-1004.
Emerson Middle School
Email: em-office@d64.org
Website: https://www.d64.org/ems
Location: 8101 North Cumberland Avenue, Niles, IL, USA
Phone: 847-318-8110