MES Monday Messenger
September 11, 2023
Admin Corner
We are committed to our targeted learning focus for the school:
Ponder, Persevere and Prove It!
MES Back to School Night
Thank you to all of the families who attended our MES Back to School Night event. We appreciate your support in the education of our students.
School Policies
Please send students to school with healthy snacks and/or lunches. At MES, we do NOT allow energy drinks, sodas, or candy. Additionally, we do not allow students to bring "one chip challenge" chips. Please go through your students' backpacks to ensure they are bringing appropriate healthy snacks to school. We appreciate your support in this.
We have many students on campus with cell phones and smart watches. Our school policy is to have cell phones turned off and put away in backpacks. If you are able to put your student's watch on a quiet or school mode so as not to accidentally disturb class, that would be greatly appreciated.
Opportunities for Giving
Mammoth Elementary School is so grateful to our community partners. We have had a number of parents reach out to ask about donating to our school. We do have a wish list of items if you are interested in donating. (Click here.) Additionally, our MES PTO is a supportive partner who also accepts donations and volunteers if you are looking to get involved. (Click here for more info about MES PTO.)
Data Verification
If your student still needs his/her emergency information verified, please log into the Aeries Parent Portal to complete data verification. This is an important safety step to ensure we have proper permissions and contact information. Once you log into Aeries, click on “Student Data Confirmation” to proceed through the tabs and complete the data confirmation process. Please print the emergency card at the end and sign and return it to your child’s teacher prior to September 14. If you need additional help with this, please make an appointment at the front office.
Video- How to complete Data Confirmation-English
Daily attendance is so important. Please remember to have your student attend every day and arrive on time to school. Our goal is to get above 95% daily attendance! Help us by ensuring your children come to school daily. Additionally, please plan vacations around school holidays as much as possible. Read the attached handout about the importance of school attendance.
We have a new system integrated with our attendance program that is making automated contact with families when a student is marked absent. If you have already called in your child's attendance for the day, you can ignore the message. If you have not already made contact, please call our attendance hotline to report why @ 760-934-7162. If your child’s absence is not reported, it is considered truant. Also note that this is a monitored line for leaving an attendance message only. You will not receive a call back.
MES PTO will be putting on our annual Fun Run this October 13, 2023. We will be sending updates via Parent Square, and you can find updates online at: https://www.mammothpto.org/home.
Fun Run Fundraising Website: https://www.mightycause.com/event/2023funrun
Fun Run Volunteers: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4FA9A72AA1FBC07-mesfun1/4003607#/
Community News
Violin & Cello
Join the MAMMOTH STRINGS – 2023/24
VIOLIN/CELLO LESSONS: There are two classes offered for new beginners: Violin Grade 2 and Cello Grades 3-5, both taking place after school on Mondays starting September 18th. For enrollment information, please email Felici@ChamberMusicUnbound.org or text 760 914 0067
Mammoth Lakes Youth Hockey
See attached flyer below for information regarding hockey registration.
Upcoming MES Events
9/12/23 - Minimum Day - Dismissal @ 12:35pm
Mon-Wed 9/11-9/13/23 - PBIS PAWS grade level assemblies
9/14/23 - School Site Council Mtg. 3:00 - 4:00pm
9/26/23 - Minimum Day - Dismissal @ 12:35pm
10/05/23 - PTO Meeting 7:30 in STEAM Lab
10/10/23 - Makeup Picture Day
10/10/23 - Minimum Day - Dismissal @ 12:35pm
10/12/23 - ELAC Meeting 5:00 - 6:00pm
10/13/23 - Husky Pup Fun Run - Schedule TBA
Mammoth Elementary School
Learning Director - Mrs. Polanco
Instagram - @mammothelementary
Attendance line - (760) 934-7162
Email: mmcmillian@mammothusd.org
Website: Mes.mammothusd.org
Location: 1500 Meridian Boulevard, Mammoth Lakes, CA, USA
Phone: 7609347545
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MammothES/?view_public_for=1432211007057906
For questions or complaints, contact Title IX Compliance Officer:
461 Sierra Park Road, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546, 760.934.6802