Tarbiyah Academy Parent Newsletter
Updates, Information, and Reminders for our TA Families
September 27, 2022
Assalamu Alaikum Dear TA Parents and Families!
I hope that this finds all of our families well and in the best of conditions! We are very excited to wrap up the first month of the academic school year. Alhamdullilah, we have been off to a great start, as our students dive into their inquiries, adjust to routines and procedures, and continue to build friendships with their peers. As always, we thank our parents for their continued support of their teachers, staff, and of course, the children! May Allah guide us in all we do.
Our families can expect this newsletter in their inboxes every few weeks, or as needed, and will serve to keep our families abreast of school-wide announcements and updates. I will also use this newsletter to remind families of any important matters or to inform our families of any school-related issues. Please take a few minutes to take a look and read through these newsletters, as they will contain lots of relevant information for our families! As always, do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns, or feedback.
Thank you and jazakum Allahu khairun.
Hagar Aboubakr
Head of School
Fostering Strong Identities-Parent Workshop
Join the school counselor for a discussion on how to help children develop resilience and a strong sense of self-esteem. We will cover ways to help students identify their strengths, build confidence, and become sure of themselves and their abilities as they make their way through childhood and adolescence.
The workshop will be on-site and light refreshments will be served.
Be sure to register here: Fostering Strong Identities - Parent Workshop - Tarbiyah Academy | Playpass
Wednesday, Oct 5, 2022, 09:00 AM
Tarbiyah Academy, Business Parkway, Elkridge, MD, USA
Counselor Parent Workshops
If you haven't already done so, be sure to take Ms. Khan's parent workshop interest survey.
Extra Curricular Activities (ECA) Start This Week!
Back to School Barbeque
Saturday, Oct 22, 2022, 02:00 PM
Cedar Lane Park East, Columbia, MD, USA
Thank You!
Elementary Parents Invited to Attend Morning Assembly
If PYP parents wish to attend the assembly, please abide by the following procedures:
- Do not enter the classrooms in the morning with your child. Please drop your child off as usual; parents may then enter into the common area in the morning, after 8:30 p.m. Please stand at the back area of the common area, behind where the students will be lining up.
- Once the assembly is completed, we ask that parents exit the building through the front entrance/exit. Please do not linger around inside the common area or front lobby areas.
- Please do not approach teachers about student or classroom issues at this time. As always, when communicating with your child's teachers, email or leave them a message at the school for them to call you.
We appreciate our parents' cooperation and understanding as we transition into more and more parent and community engagement. We are very excited to involve our parent community again with the PYP assembly and we hope you find it beneficial for yourselves and your families, insha Allah!
The Learner Profile
At TA, we have an attribute focus each month. The attribute focus for the month of September is Caring. Ask your child how they've reflected on what it means to be Caring! Some elements of caring that students have inquired into are the following:
- Empathy; Understanding from Another Perspective
- Obstacles to Showing Caring; Emotions, Anger, Feeling Unappreciated
- Respect and Caring for our property and things
Students are NOT allowed to wear non-TA hoodies to school. Students will be asked to remove any non-TA hoodie or jacket during the school day.
PE Uniforms are available for purchase at the school. Please reach out to Ms. Ghada Elkody for help in purchasing PE uniforms. She can be reached at gelkordy@tarbiyahacademy.org, or by calling the school.
Device and Headset Reminder
Lunch Items Price Changes
Mozzarella sticks: $6 (from $5)
Fries: $4 (from $3)
All other prices have remained the same.
Lunch Menu (Repeated Reminder)
Lunch Menu
Mondays/Wednesday: provided by Flip’s Pizza
- Pizza by the slice - $2
- Mozzarella sticks (5 sticks) - $6
- Medium fries - $4
- Small garden salad - $5
- Grilled cheese sandwich with fries - $5
Tuesdays/Thursday: provided by Ziza Kabob (thabiha options)
Chicken kabob (includes rice, salad, juice) $7
Kofta kabob (includes rice, salad, juice) $8
Chicken tenders (with fries and juice) $7
Chicken kabob salad $7
Chicken wrap with fries and juice $8
Lamb wrap with fries and juice $8
Fries $4
2022-2023 Academic School Year Calendar (Repeated Reminder)
Parent BAND Groups (Repeated Reminder)
All Parents https://band.us/n/a9a878baxcX9N
TA Correspondence (Repeated Reminder)
BAND: Each grade level has a BAND group; BAND is mainly for sharing snippets of teaching and learning with parents; here is where teachers post pictures and sometimes videos of learning engagements. Teachers update BAND groups on a weekly basis. There is also a Parent Band group for all parents for posting reminders and sometimes, for sharing pictures and other information. Use the links provided above to join!
Email: Parents receive email updates from individual teachers about every 1-2 weeks. Email is also used by teachers and other staff members to send requests, updates, reminders, announcements, etc. to parents.
Head of School Newsletter: This newsletter is sent to parents about every 2 weeks, or as needed, and contains school-wide updates, announcements, and reminders for parents. If you are not receiving the Head of School newsletter, please contact me at hagaraboubakr@taribyahacademy.org.
IB PYP (elementary school) Coordinator Newsletter: Our PYP Coordinator, Ms. Shabana Ahmed, will send out curricular and IB updates about two times a term (6 times a year). These newsletters will provide our elementary school families with curricular overviews and updates, in addition to school-wide learner engagements and other applicable information.
Events Team Newsletter: The Events Team newsletter is written by our Events Team, Ms. Ranya Mike and Sadaf Siddiqui. It is sent to families about once a month and contains important information about upcoming school events organized and led by the Events Team. If you are not receiving the Events Team newsletter, please contact Events@tarbiyahacademy.org.
Counselor Newsletter: The Counselor Newsletter is written by TA's School Counselor, Ms. Fatima Khan. It contains relevant information on the Social-Emotional Learning program here at TA. If you are not receiving the Counselor Newsletter, please contact fatimakhan@tarbiyahacademy.org.
Managebac: Managebac is the platform used by parents to view descriptions of lessons as well as grades and comments by teachers on your child's performance on some tasks. Managebac is updated weekly by teachers with grades and tasks. Managebac also has a feature where teachers can choose to alert parents when a grade has been posted. Some teachers may use this feature, so parents may also receive emails from Managebac as well, alerting them that a grade has been posted. Finally, Managebac is also used for behavior logs and for publishing report cards. Again, parents may receive alerts from time to time from Managebac alerting them of updates or postings. If you do not know your Managebac login information, please contact virtualhelpdesk@tarbiyahacademy.org.
Although not an official mode of communication for our TA families, we also have social media accounts managed by our Marketing Coordinator, Ms. Amina Jamil, where we share snippets of TA life and happenings with the wider community. If you are on social media, please do follow our pages as follows:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TarbiyahAcademy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tarbiyahacademy
Please do support our posts on social media, if you see something you like and are so inclined!
Nut Free (Repeated Reminder)
Upcoming Important Dates
Wednesday, October 5: Parent Workshop; Fostering Strong Identities with School Counselor
Tuesday, October 18: Discovery Day for Interested Families
Friday, October 21: Spiritual Reflection Day; No School for Staff or Students
Saturday, October 22: Back to School Barbeque; details forthcoming
Monday, October 24: Professional Development Day; No School for Students
Previous Newsletters
Hagar Aboubakr, Head of School
Email: hagaraboubakr@tarbiyahacademy.org
Website: www.tarbiyahacademy.com
Phone: (844) 827-2492
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TarbiyahAcademy/