Easley Weekly Update
November 27, 2023
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend!
Easley Literacy Night - December 7th
We hope you can join us for our Literacy Night on Thursday, December 7th from 6-7 PM. Cozy up in your pajamas and join us for a night of reading with some of your favorite Easley teachers. Milk and cookies will be served in the cafeteria.
A Few Reminders...
Reading Homework
We have been very intentional about our choice in selecting reading as the only required homework each evening as we know how important it is for students reading growth. Please work with your child to ensure they are meeting the required minutes of reading each night and complete the provided reading log.
Why just reading?
Homework has been a hot topic of discussion on both the news outlets and social media for a long time. What parents and teachers of elementary age children have known for years finally came into the public light; research indicates that homework (other than reading) does not help elementary age children perform better in school, and may even hurt them. In 2016 the Easley faculty, SIT, and parent community took the research into account and discussed the pros and cons of homework at the elementary level and decided to make some changes.
Easley’s Homework Policy
Teachers give students ample time to get tasks accomplished at school but if a student does not complete his or her work as a result of off task behavior, he or she will have to take the incomplete work home for completion. This is a natural consequence and provides incentive for students to stay on task and complete classwork in a timely manner.
Research indicates that at the elementary level, reading is the only homework that is proven to be of benefit to students. Oftentimes the reading is what gets pushed aside to complete the worksheets. Students should be reading and/or read to every evening. Below are the reading homework guidelines per grade level:
Spend at least 15 minutes reading a just right book* and/or being read to by an adult or older sibling.
First Grade:
At least 15 minutes reading a just right book*
Second Grade:
At least 20 minutes reading a just right book*
Third Grade:
At least 30 minutes reading a just right book*.
Fourth Grade:
At least 40 minutes reading a just right book.*
Fifth Grade:
At least 50 minutes reading a just right book*.
*Just right books are books at your child’s instructional reading level. Classroom teachers will make sure that students have access to these books on a daily basis at both home and school.
If you feel as though your child needs additional homework, please contact your child’s classroom teacher and he or she will be able to provide you with some additional resources.
Absences and Educational Leave
When students are not in school they are missing out on valuable learning opportunities. Recently, seen a big increase in the number of student absences and there have been some questions about what constitutes an excused absence and what does not. An absence may be excused for any of the following reasons:
- personal illness or injury that makes the student physically unable to attend school;
- isolation ordered by the local health officer or by the State Board of Health;
- death in the immediate family (immediate family includes, but is not necessarily limited to, grandparents, parents, brothers, and sisters)
- medical or dental appointment
- attendance at the proceedings of a court or administrative tribunal if the student is party to the action or under subpoena as a witness in
- a minimum of two days each academic year for observance of an event required or suggested by the religion of the student or the student’s parent or legal guardian
- participation in a valid educational opportunity, such as travel or service as a legislative or Governor’s page, with prior approval from the principal
- pregnancy and related conditions or parenting, when medically necessary
- a minimum of two days each academic year for visitation with the student’s parent or legal guardian if the student is not identified as at risk of academic failure because of unexcused absences and the student’s parent or legal guardian (a) is an active duty member of the uniformed services as defined by policy 4050, Children of Military Families, and (b) has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or has immediately returned from deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting.
In the case of educational leave, please be sure you contact me, Principal Hauser, PRIOR to the requested leave. I will no longer be signing forms after the fact just to avoid students having an unexcused absence. If you know your child needs to be out of school AND you plan on having an educational experience while away, I don’t have a problem granting educational leave. However, in addition to prior notification, there is a packet for students to complete reflecting on the educational opportunity and they are responsible for any missed work. Please don’t hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.
Morning Carline Reminder
Just a quick reminder to please wait patiently in the carline during morning drop-off. We’ve seen an increase in parents pulling out of the line once students exit the vehicle. This causes a safety concern for students, staff, and other vehicles who are exiting in the left lane when the line is stopped for unloading. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring a safe and smooth morning drop-off!
Attention Fifth Grade Parent
Due to the new Parents’ Bill of Rights, parental consent is required for students to participate in school and district surveys. Each year all fifth, seventh, and eleventh graders are asked to take a student climate survey to tell us how they feel about attending school. We want to know what makes them feel good or proud to be an Easley student, and if there are things we need to improve so that they can feel good about learning in DPS. We would appreciate your consent using the Google form that you should have received via email. The opt in form is also linked HERE for your convenience. I would greatly appreciate you allowing your child to participate in the survey and this gives us valuable information about how students feel at school. The survey will be administered before we leave for winter break. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your consideration.
A Message From the PTA
Easley Holiday Giving Tree
As the holiday season approaches, we often take time to reflect on our blessings. However, not all families find themselves in favorable circumstances and there are children and families within our own school community in need. This holiday season the PTA is continuing the Easley tradition of the "Holiday Giving Tree" to help these students and families.
How can you help? After the Thanksgiving break, you will be able to sign-up online through a Sign-Up Genius for items you would like to purchase for donation. From November 30th to December 13th, you may purchase the items and return them to the school office. Please do not wrap your donations. Items may also be ordered on Amazon and sent directly to school.
If you have needs within your own family or are aware of the needs of another family in our community, please contact me, Principal Hauser, directly before November 25. I will be able to discuss the needs and maintain complete confidentiality. You can reach me at Jennifer.Hauser@dpsnc.net or 919-560-3913, x13225.
Thank you for making Easley a great community for our children and families.
Easley Calendar
Here is the link to the Easley Calendar that is posted on the school website.
PTA Updates and Reminders:
2023- 2024 PTA Fundraiser Dates:
Elmo’s Diner fundraiser- August 28-31, 2023
Fall Book Fair - August 28 - September 1, 2023
Apex fundraiser - February 26 - March 8, 2024
Spring Book Fair - May 6-10, 2024
2023 - 2024 PTA Meetings
All meetings are at 6:30 pm in the Easley Media Center and via Zoom. Spanish interpretation will be provided.
August 14, 2023
September 18, 2023
October 16, 2023
November 13, 2023
December 11, 2023
January 8, 2024
February 12, 2024
March 11, 2024
April 8, 2024
May 13, 2024
Meet the Easley Staff
Please click here to learn more about the Easley teachers and staff.
Easley Spirit Wear
Spirit wear Store. Get all your Easley gear here.