Parent Connection
Inaugural / September 2023 Issue
Superintendent's Pen
Building community, strengthening collaboration, and improving communication can profoundly shape the school experience for many of our students. By focusing on the home and school connection, we can help increase academic achievement for all learners, ensure strong social emotional supports are in place, and empower both educators and parents/guardians to help our students realize their full potential. Together, we provide the foundation that each student needs to achieve the dreams they have for their future.
I am proud of the HCPS Parent Academy for launching this new monthly newsletter for parents/guardians to stay connected and in the know about important topics, events, and resources. Be on the lookout for a new edition at the beginning of each month during the school year.
Thank you for your commitment and involvement in your child(ren)’s education. I look forward to a safe and successful 2023-24 school year.
In partnership,
Sean W. Bulson, Ed. D.
Superintendent of Schools
ParentGuidance.org: Mental Health Resources
Upcoming Parent Academy Events - Mark Your Calendar!
When: Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Where: Online (Zoom)
Register: http://cookcenter.info/Sep20Harford
Real Talk: Introducing the Summit Squad
Mary Beth Stapleton sits down with the Summit Squad in this latest Real Talk as they share with parents how to support their children for successful academic progress this school year and how they can enjoy this time as a family. Their insight and tips will help ensure a great start to the 2023-24 school year!
Care Solace
Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE): Positive experiences can ease toxic stress, helping children and youth to grow into more resilient, healthier adults. HOPE identifies ways that parents/caregivers and can better ensure that all children have more positive experiences and that all families have support to nurture and celebrate their strengths.
To schedule a HOPE presentation with your PTA or community group, contact ParentAcademy@hcps.org.
Join Your School's PTA!
Do You Need Help Paying for School Meals?
Want free meals this year? A Free and Reduced Meals (FaRMs) application is required to qualify. Complete the application to see if your student is eligible for free and reduced meals, and continue to receive meals free of charge. Click here to complete the application. For more information on student meals, visit www.hcpsmenus.com.
Family Friendly School Award Program
Is your child's school family-friendly? Nominate the school here for a chance to win this month's award!
Highlighted Resource: Childcare Scholarships
Did you know the annual household income requirements changed? More Maryland families are now eligible to receive help with child care costs. For example, a family of four with a household income of $90,033 is eligible for a Child Care Scholarship.
And, access to child care assistance is easier than ever! The new fast track Child Care Scholarship application cuts the wait time for approval to just three (3) business days.
Learn more about the Child Care Scholarship program and new fast track application: money4childcare.com.
Community Resources
- Harford County Public Library
- Harford County Parks and Recreation
- Boys and Girls Clubs of Harford & Cecil Counties
Additional resources may be found in the Harford County Community Services Resource Guide.
Top Tip from Mary Beth
Mary Beth Stapleton founded the HCPS Parent Academy and has over 30 years experience working on behalf of children and families. Mary Beth and her family live in northern Harford County.
Communication with Your Child’s Teacher
As a mom of four and a “MiMi” of two, I have learned over the years that my children are most successful when I advocate on their behalf. As a parent, you know them best, and you are the most influential teacher in their lives. But how can you advocate effectively?
No matter what grade your child is in, communication with your child’s teacher is essential. Over the years, research has shown that the key factor to a child’s success in school is the relationship between the teacher and the parent. You may prefer emails, phone calls, or texts; let your child’s teacher know how you want to be reached throughout the year. Start with the positive, and encourage your child’s teacher(s) by letting them know you appreciate them. If you are worried about your child, don’t panic…reach out. The teacher is performing superhuman tasks every day in the classroom and might not know what you are experiencing on the home front. Open dialogue with your child’s teacher about grades, behavior, and other issues can help your child have a great experience this school year.
I have “been there done that” with many challenges and struggles over the years. When I have taken the time to reach out and share my struggles or concerns, the teacher (or school counselor) has always been on the team to help our family.
Always remember that if you have a question about HCPS that the teacher might not be able to answer, email AskHCPS@hcps.org or email ParentAcademy@hcps.org.
HCPS parents/caregivers are our children’s first and best teachers! Have a great school year!
Stay Connected!
Also, bookmark the Parent Academy webpage on hcps.org where all workshops and Real Talks are archived, and where you can find information on other Parent Academy sponsored programs, like Family Friendly Schools.
HCPS Parent Academy
HCPS parents are students’ first and best teachers.
Mary Beth Stapleton, Manager of Family and Community Partnerships
Lindsay Bilodeau, Innovation Specialist
Email: Parent.Academy@hcps.org
Website: https://www.hcps.org/parents/ParentAcademy/Default.aspx
Location: 102 South Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, MD, USA
Phone: 410-588-5263