The Counseling Corner
February 2024
School Counselor, Dr. Jennifer Zimmerman
Welcome to the Counseling Corner
I am your school counselor, Dr. Zimmerman. I have been a proud Park Street Panther for over 20 years., and I enjoy helping students be successful in school and helping parents model behaviors for their children. I offer services through classroom counseling lessons, group counseling, and individual counseling. I can also refer students to services outside of the school setting via our school social workers and counseling agencies. Feel free to contact me if I can help in any of these areas.
Monthly Counseling Lesson Topics
August - Welcome
September - Goal Setting
October - Bullying Prevention/Red Ribbon Week
November - Safety/Erin's Law
December - Mindfulness
January - Organization & Time Management
February - Diversity
March - College/Career Planning
April - Testing
May - Transitions
February Festivities
This month we will focus on Diversity and Inclusion
February is Black History Month. Teach your child to appreciate and respect the invaluable contributions made by African Americans in our society and there have been many. Black History Month not only focus on contributions made in the past, but those significant individuals still alive today and are making a big impact on our society.
Happy National School Counseling Week
Have you thanked your school counselor today? School counselors make a big impact in our school and community. Tell your school counselor thank you for all their support and services they bring to the school.
Book of the Month
Career Day 2024
Construction Ready
Exposing students to careers in engineering through hands on application with celebrity builders, Chip and Pauli Wade from the hit television show, Curb Appeal. They LOVED making their toolboxes.
Uniform Drive
We are collecting clean gently used uniforms. If you have any to donate, please bring them to the front office. We are also asking parents of kindergarten and first grade student to please send your child with a change of clothing in their backpacks daily. Please place the uniform in a gallon-sized zip lock bag with your child's name on it.
Highland Rivers Behavioral Health (School-Based Therapy)
By school counselor referral only. If you believe your child could benefit from therapy services, please contact me.