Deer Canyon Echoes
Oct. 13, 2023
Action Items
Monster Mash: Sign up to Host a Trunk for Trunk or Treat (we only have four sign-ups so far!).
- Join our next PSO meeting on Wednesday, October 18, 5-6:30 pm. Check out the meeting agenda.
- Please submit any questions to the Deer Deck by Tuesday, October 17, at 6 pm.
- We are still looking for a DC parent or community member to help us migrate our Google Workspace. Please contact Eve Lanham at: hello@deercanyonfoundation.org.
Save the Date:
10/18 - DCPSO meeting @ 5 pm
Week of Oct. 23 - Red Ribbon Week
10/24 - DC Dining: Mendocino Farms, 4S Ranch @11 am to close
10/27 - Monster Mash @ 5:30-8:30 pm
10/31 - Halloween Parade @ 9:10 am
Principal's Message đź“š
Good evening, Deer Canyon Families:
This week sure flew by! Today was an XP Day, where student lessons were focused on PE and STEM: Flight. We also hosted Coffee with the Principal; more debrief information to come next week. Throughout the week, students built bridges, participated in Art Adventures and Mystery Science, and thought critically each and every day. Check Instagram for some updates @deercanyonpusd!
On Monday, we hosted our first School Site Council meeting in person and on Zoom. At our meeting, we discussed Deer Canyon’s SPSA Goal 5: decreasing chronic absenteeism from 14% to 5%. I look forward to further collaborating with stakeholders on action items and systems to support progress toward our goal! Visit our Deer Canyon SSC Website for a link to the meeting agendas and minutes.
Pedestrian routes on Entreken Way and Russet Leaf Lane: Deer Canyon and Mesa Verde are working together to make a minor adjustment to pedestrian routes at this intersection. Please follow the posted signage and await an adult’s signal to cross. Each morning next week, Ms. Bendix or a Mesa Verde staff member will be at this intersection assisting with pedestrian crossing.
The month of October brings many exciting events! The week of October 23 is Character Counts & Red Ribbon Week for Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs Prevention. The 2023 Red Ribbon Campaign Theme is "Be Kind to Your Mind. Live Drug Free.™" This year’s theme is a reminder that everyday Americans across the country make significant daily contributions to their communities by being the best they can be because they live drug-free!
Additionally, I am so excited for Monster Mash on the evening of October 27 and our Halloween Parade on Tuesday, October 31, at 9:10 am. Mark your calendars! Staff is excited to rock our fun costumes; we’re already hard at work on them (okay, one crafty teacher is leading this charge)!
ParentVue and Individual Student CAASPP Data: As a reminder (information emailed on June 21), your student’s Spring 2023 CAASPP results are available as a Student Score Report in ParentVue. Later in October, we will be able to access state, district, and school-level data to inform our discussions around our schoolwide goals.
Check out PUSD’s October 2023 Parent Education Courses (ENROLL HERE).
Enjoy another warm fall weekend!
Katie Bendix
Updates from the Parent Staff Organization
DCPSO - New Meeting Time
We heard your feedback and have shifted our monthly meetings to now take place on Wednesdays from 5-6:30 pm.
Meetings will be hosted at school in Room 14 with a Zoom option. Please join us for our next meeting Wednesday, October 18, 5-6:30 pm. Planning ahead? Mark down the following dates for the remaining meetings this year:
- 11/8, 5-6:30
- 12/6, 5-6:30
- 1/10, 5-6:30
- 2/7, 5-6:30
- 3/13, 5-6:30
- 4/24, 5-6:30
- 5/15, 5-6:30
Upcoming Events
Monster Mash: Oct. 27
Save the date for Deer Canyon's annual Monster Mash on Friday, Oct. 27. More details below.
DC Dining on Oct. 24: Mendocino Farms
Get ready for some creatively delicious sandwiches, salads, deli sides and soups from Mendocino Farms in 4S Ranch!
On Tuesday, Oct. 24, from 11 am to close, Mendocino Farms will provide 50% of all proceeds to benefit the DCPSO. This level of generosity is rare! Please join us and help support our school.
Order online for pickup or delivery using the promo code “GIVEBACK.” You can also show the printed or mobile flyer (see below) when you visit. Thank you for your support. Bon appetit!
See the Mendocino Farms menu, including kid-friendly items.
Student Activities
Red Ribbon Week Poster Contest
In honor of one of the largest drug prevention programs in nation, we’re kicking off our annual Red Ribbon Week with a Poster Contest!
We are inviting students at every grade level to create a poster that promotes drug-free living. One winning poster will be chosen from each grade.
Important information:
- Please include this year’s theme: BE KIND TO YOU MIND. LIVE DRUG FREE.
- Posters should not contain specific brand names.
- Make sure to include your name, grade, and teachers name on the BACK of your poster.
- Turn in posters to the front office by 8:55 am on Thursday, October 19.
- Winners will be announced during morning announcements on Monday, October 23.
- Each winner will receive a prize and their poster will be displayed at the front of the school during Red Ribbon Week: October 23-27.
- All posters submitted will be displayed around the school during Red Ribbon Week.
This is a fun family activity and a great opportunity for parents to discuss making healthy choices and saying no to drugs with their kids!
For more details, or questions regarding Red Ribbon Week or the poster contest, please
contact Carla MacDougall at cmacdougall@powayusd.com.
DCES Yearbook Discount Available
Hold tight onto those Deer Canyon memories!
Order Deer Canyon yearbooks now and take advantage of 10% off if ordered by Oct 31. You get two free custom pages when purchasing a yearbook! Even if the yearbook is purchased now, the custom pages can be completed at a later date (deadline is mid April).
If you have any questions, please reach out to the yearbook committee at deercanyonyearbook@gmail.com.