Venture Day Lisbon 25th June 2013
Powered by Beta-i and IE Business School
Iberia's top Startups
Iberian Investor Forum by IE Business School and Beta-i
Join our 1 day conference where some of Iberia's most influential early stage investors and entrepreneurs share their experiences and judge our startup competition!
Win an investment of €40.000*!!!
EggNest has kindly committed a €40,000 investment for one of the 10 finalist startups. EggNest is a vehicle for investing in seed and early stage capital for the ignition of businesses by entrepreneurs based in the Portuguese market.
*To win the investment the startup must be a Portuguese based business.
WIN a 90% scholarship in IE's OWNERS & ENTREPRENEURS mngt program
Venture Day Registration
The speakers...
Paul Ford, Softlayer Technologies
Paul Ford is Vice President at Softlayer Technologies (Catalyst Startup program). He is putting a spotlight on the most vibrant and technically advanced cloud, dedicated and hybrid Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) community in the world, focused on customers, revenue, partnerships and new business development. The Catalyst startup program is the SoftLayer startup incubator, Catalyst provides free infrastructure and support to startups.
José Martín Cabiedes, Cabiedes & Partners SCR
Eiso Kant, Tyba
Tyba, founded by 4th year students of the BBA at IE University, won the Public Vote Award at The Next Web Conference in Amsterdam and the 1st prize for best start-up and audience pick, in IE Venture Lab Madrid May 2013. Eiso is Co-Founder & Managing Director at Tyba, a platform for junior talent to showcase their professional potential and for recruiters to connect with them.
José Miguel Herrero, Big Sur Venture Partners
Jose Miguel is the founder of Big Sur Venture Partners. He has extensive international experience in starting and running businesses of diverse sizes including managing a US Nasdaq listed company ($3.5B) and LaNetro (later divided into its separate businesses and today known as LaNetro and Zed).
Joe Haslam, Hot Hotels
Joe is Chairman at Hot Hotels and Associate Professor at IE Business School. Hot Hotels is a last minute Hotel Booking App that offers deep discounts on same day hotel rooms. Currently there are hotels available in 23 Countries and 167 cities, in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America.
Carlos Blanco, Akamon and Grupo ITnet
Carlos Blanco ( is one of the early entrepreneurs in the online industry in Spain, where he founded his first company in 1996. As entrepreneur, he is CEO and founder of Grupo ITnet, a holding that invests in companies in the online entertainment industry, and president of Akamon Entertainment, the online social gaming company specialising in traditional games leading the south European and Latin American markets. He is also cofounder of First Tuesday in Spain, the meeting point for entrepreneurs and investors in the Internet sector. Besides his activity as entrepreneur, Carlos Blanco is one of the most active private investors in Spain in the Internet Industry, having invested in more than 20 companies since 2006.
Hugo Pereira, Shilling Capital Partners and APBA
Pedro Janela, Eggnest
CEO of Wygroup and Partner at Eggnest, business ignition. EggNest is a vehicle for investing in seed and early stage capital for the ignition of businesses by entrepreneurs based in the Portuguese market.
Juan José Güemes, IE business school
VP Economic Affairs at IE Business School and Chairman IE International Centre for Entrepreneurial management. Previously Juan Jose was Madrid Regional Minister for Health and Employement and Spain Secretary General for Tourism.
Santiago Salazar, Busy Angels
Shareholder and Manager of Busy Angels. Busy angels invests in venture capital.
Pedro Trinité, ZUVINOVA (TTR)
Founding partner at ZUVINOVA, owner of business platform TTR. TTR - Transactional Track Record is a premium online service which supports decision-making and strategic planning by leading professionals, delivering highest quality transactional and financial information on Latin American and Iberian markets. Awarded 2013 CODiE Award and 2011 Red Herring Top 100 Europe Tech Startup
Daniel Neves, Biosurfit
Daniel is the Chief Marketing Officer of Biosurfit. Biosurfit is a Venture Capital backed diagnostics company founded in 2006. The company invented and developed breakthrough technologies that enable fast, precise and affordable blood analysis, aiming for the key parameters that doctors really want.
Michael Jackson, Venture Capitalist
Mentor at startupbootcamp and seedcamp. Worked as a VC at Advent Venture Partners
Liz Fleming, IE Venture Lab
Deputy Director for the Venture Lab, IE Business School´s MBA Accelerator Program, Liz is responsible for spinning out on average 10 startups per year from the program. Over the last 3 years she has worked indirectly with over 300+ High Potential Start Ups and has brokered 12 investments securing €3 million in seed capital. Liz was recently listed as one of Europe’s Top 100 Women in Tech by GirlsInTech.
Pedro Rocha Vieira, Beta-i
President & Co-Founder at Beta-i and Executive Board Member at APBA - Portuguese Business Angel Association. Beta-i is a non profit organization focused on the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship, with two core activities: events and acceleration programs.
Win a ticket to Web Summit Dublin
09h30 Registration
10h00 Welcome and Opening
Eduardo Junco (MAEC)
Antas Teles (CGD Caixa Capital)
Juan José Guemes (IE business school)
Pedro Rocha Vieira (Beta-i)
10h45 Inspiration I
Beginning with the end in mind! How to raise money from VC investors
Raising money from VC´s the inside story - Daniel Neves (Biosurfit)
Raising a VC round at age 22! - Eiso Kant (Tyba)
Venture Capital: The US vs the EU perspective - Michael Jackson
11h20 Coffee Break
11h45 Inspiration II
10 mins of magic! - Iberian Entrepreneurs share their stories and learnings
Welcome to the world of gaming! - Carlos Blanco (Akamon)
The singularity moment - Joe Haslam (Hot Hotels)
Building a cell therapy venture - David Braga Malta (Cell2B)
12h30 Startup Pitch: Tomorrow's Innovators
Recibos Online
13h30 Lunch
15h00 Workshop
The new era of the lean VC – The Cabiedes & Partners view of investing
15h30 Discussion Panel
What are Iberian BAs and VCs looking for?
Duarte Mineiro (ES Ventures)
Hugo Gonçalves Pereira (Shilling Capital/APBA)
Jose Miguel Herrero (Big Sur Ventures)
Jose Martin Cabiedes (Cabiedes & Partners SCR)
Pedro Janela (EggNest)
Santiago Salazar (Busy Angels)
16h45 Startup Pitch II: Tomorrow's Innovators
Table and Friends
17h40 Bloomberg Beta - Filipe Blackwood Oliveira
17h45 Keynote
Building successful companies: opportunities for startups in Europe - Paul Ford (SoftLayer Technologies)
18h15 Winners announced
Pedro Janela (EggNest)
Ines Holtreman (IE business school)
18h45 Cocktail
IE Business School
IE Business school International Venture Days
Given the international nature of the start-up projects in the Venture Lab and throughout IE Business School. We are delighted to offer students and alumni the opportunity to pitch their projects internationally or to an audience of local investors from their home markets or markets that they are targeting.
Entrepreneurship @ IE Business School
IE Business School is one of the most celebrated business schools in the world ranked No.1 in Europe by The Financial Times Jan 2013 ranking. IE Business School is also ranked No. 9 Worldwide for Entrepreneurship by Bloomberg´s Business Week.
IE Business School shapes leaders who promote innovation and change in organizations, equipping directors with an entrepreneurial mindset that generates employment, wealth and social wellbeing. Since its inception, IE Business School has embraced the entrepreneurial spirit as a core value, and is now an international reference in the field of entrepreneurship.
Location: IE Portugal Office: Av. António Augusto de Aguiar 5, 3A 1050-010 Lisbon
Phone: +351 96 3615181
Twitter: @IEBusiness
Receiving investment is one of the key moments for a startup. Once you’ve set the basis, understood the problem you’re solving and the solution you’re implementing, money is the fuel for growth! Beta-i has different programs which help entrepreneurs go from idea to business, including Beta-start and the Founder Institute Lisbon. The opportunity to present the projects to Iberian investors will be a key part in our offer to support entrepreneurs.
Beta-i is a non-profit, created in 2010, with the mission of innovating entrepreneurship. We do this through 3 lines of action: creating and promoting a culture and network around entrepreneurship and innovation, accelerate startups with global ambition and help them get funded, and create spaces, services and products focused on the entrepreneurs. During these past 2 and a half years, we’ve had more than 1.000 applications to our programs, we’ve accelerated 250 startups, 41 of wich are active today.
Location: Associação para a Promoção da Inovação e do Empreendedorismo, Rua da Moeda 6, 1200-275 Lisboa, Portugal
Phone: +351 926 667 633