Patriot News
February 2023
Message from Ms. Jaworski
Last week we reached the 100th day of school! Believe it or not, we are also half way through quarter 3 and your child’s Q3 progress report was released in your parent portal on Friday, February 3rd. Please make sure to view your child's progress and request a conference with your child's teacher.
Safety is always a priority at Pine View, and we thank those parents that are diligent and attentive in our car line. Please remember that dropping off students on the main road or in the parking lot at Pine View is not permitted. We have a system that is supervised and a safe method during student arrival and dismissal. We understand the line may be long, but it is safe, and worth the time. We have been forgiving of the four-minute start time change as we understand that we have several cars still in the loop at 9:16. We appreciate your cooperation and attentiveness in using our car loop, as designed. We are dedicated to keeping it safe and efficient for our families.
Your partner in education,
Jennifer Jaworski, principal
Run for Funds
Below is the running schedule for February 17th. Please note that lunch times might be different, so check with your child's teacher if you are planning to come for lunch.
All money raised will go towards building a covered shelter over the playground.
- 9:45-10:45: 4th and 5th grade (in the bus loop)
- 11:15-12:15: 2nd and 3rd grade (in the PE field)
- 1:00-2:00: Kdg and 1st (in the PE field)
- 2:15-3:00: SBC (in the PE field)
Learner Profile of the Month-Caring
IB Learner Profile: Caring
The IB Learner profile aims to develop students who are caring. Students who are CARING show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. They remember to treat others how they themselves would like to be treated.
IB students tell us they bring this commitment to community and others to their activities and leadership roles at university and carry it throughout their lives.
How can parents help to develop students who are CARING?
- Start by practicing empathy. Model the caring behavior you would like to see in your child. Your child notices everything you do! Using kind words, helping others and being an active listener will show your child that you care about other people.
- Help your child consider the feelings of others. Ask, "What do you think she's upset about?" "How would you feel if that happened to you?"
- Read books that demonstrate caring and kindness. Discuss the message of the story and how it can be applied in your every day lives. Ask, "What are some things we can do to show kindness?" "Is there anyone we know that could use some extra caring right now?"
- Brainstorm ways your family can get involved in the community. Send cards to residents of a local nursing home. Donate food, clothing or toys to those in need. Place inspiring quotes around the neighborhood for others to see.
- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Sometimes this can be challenging for busy families, but make an effort to establish these habits in your home. By developing children who care about the environment, you are helping the future of the globe.
- Emphasize social skills like saying please, thank you, sharing with siblings and recognizing when others may be having a difficult day.
- Smile
PTO Reading Under the Stars
Thursday, Mar 2, 2023, 05:30 PM
Pine View Elementary School, Parkway Boulevard, Land O' Lakes, FL, USA
Mark Your Calendar
February 17th: Run for Funds
February 21st: Girls on the Run begins
March 13th-17th: Spring Break
March 20th: No school for students/Teacher Planning day
Stay Connected to PVES
Location: 5333 Parkway Boulevard, Land O' Lakes, FL, USA
Twitter: @PatriotsPves