Wolf Call Newsletter
October 20th
Happy Fall Wolf Pack!
Check grades regularly through Infinite Campus and email teachers with questions. We also encourage students to attend tutorials or use the TutorMe service through Schoology when needing assistance with their school work.
WHHS Administration,
April Baker, Principal
Mike Falconer, Assistant Principal (A-El)
Carrie Gaeir, Assistant Principal (Em-Le)
Brie Pagano, Assistant Principal (Li-Rh)
John Hoadley, Assistant Principal (Ri-Z)
Johana Suarez-Evans, Manager of School Facilities
Safety Supports
Dealing with cyber-bullying:
Sadly, cyber-bullying is a reality of the age in which we live. While this is a difficult problem to solve, there are things we can do. In our District’s Responsible Use Policy, we inform students that:
There is NO distinction between online and offline activities regarding school behavior and the assignment of disciplinary consequences.
Rules for behavior set by the district and school cover both physical and digital actions by students and interactions among students
These rules apply to use of district and personal devices both ON and OFF campus.
Students or parents that see a post they believe to be bullying should report it to school administration for investigation and potential school disciplinary action. If students or parents see a post that makes any kind of threat, it should also be submitted to San Diego Crime Stoppers through P3 Tips. School administration will investigate the matter in partnership with law enforcement, and the poster could face both criminal charges and school disciplinary action.
A note about anonymous social media posts: It’s important to understand that when posts are made anonymously, our school does not have the tools to track the posts to their source (we also do not have the ability to take any social media posts down). In these situations, we encourage families to report the post to school administration for our awareness, share the post directly with the platform on which it was posted (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), and request that the platform have the post removed. Any information gathered about the source of the post from the platform during the process of reporting it could be shared with school administration as well for our investigative purposes. Again, if the post contains a threat of any kind, please submit a tip through P3 Tips.
The mission of West Hills High School is to graduate critical thinkers and problem-solvers who contribute positively to society as productive, responsible citizens.
Important Dates
November 3 - Minimum Day (End of the grading period)
November 8 - Minimum Day (Staff Meeting)
November 10 - Veteran's Day (No School)
November 20-24 - Thanksgiving Holiday Break (No School)
December 15 - Winter Formal Dance
December 19-21 - Final Exams (Normal bell schedule)
Please see our school Bell Schedule and other important dates/information HERE.
Buy a Birthday Marquee Message
Classroom Door Decorating - Haloween Contest
College Application Tutorials
Seniors - College Application tutorials are every Wednesday from 7:15am - 8:15am in our College/Career Center L-1 for all of October, November, and December. Be there to get help from counselors.
Attention Winter Sports Athletes
If you plan to play a winter sport the following clearance process needs to be done. If you have already been cleared, you do not need to clear again.
CLICK HERE for information about how to get cleared. Students who are on the Loss of Privilege list will not be cleared until they are off the list.
Parent Access Night - Tuesday, October 24
Families! Come learn to utilize the important digital tools – such as Infinite Campus and Schoology and TutorMe – that your students use.
Community and school resource tables will also be on hand to offer information and answer questions.
El Cajon Valley High School
SDSU: Educational Opportunity Programs, Outreach and Success
Grossmont College Visual Arts Program Career Visit
Cuyamaca College Field Trip
UCSs Filed Trip
Miramar College Field Trip
Southwestern College Field Trip
Northern Arizona University
WHHS "Caught" Your Student!!
We love when we CATCH our students displaying the WEST HILLS WAY of being Respectful, Responsible, and Honorable!
Click HERE for more details.
Way to go Wolf Pack! Keep up the good work!
PTSA Announcements
Join WHHS PTSA today!
Your membership dues help WHHS PTSA support students, teachers, and staff at WHHS with programs such as Staff Appreciation, Teen Night Out events, Senior Grad Bash and many more.
Anyone planning on attending a lot of sporting events at West Hills this year?
Volleyball? Water Polo? Wrestling? Basketball? Want to get in for FREE to these events the entire school year? We have the All Sports Pass you need!
Here are the details:
Home football game ticket helpers needed (must be over 18 and not a student.) Eight shifts available for each JV and Varsity home football game. Shifts are approximately 2-2.5 hours long.
In exchange for your volunteer time AND if you are a current WHHS PTSA member, you will receive an WHHS 2022-2023 ALL SPORTS PASS which gives you free entrance into all WHHS home sporting events for the 2022-2023 school year. (The sports pass does not include any CIF events.)
This pass is available at the first home football game even if your shift is later in the season.
By signing up, you are committing to the shift you selected. If you have to cancel, please let us know immediately but it would be more helpful, if you find your replacement. programs@whhsptsa.com
CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR FOOTBALL GAME SHIFT (https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4AAEA72EA1F4C52-2022)
It is never too late to become a member and support our PTSA!
Connect with WHHS
Main: @whhswolfpack
Seniors: @whhsclass2022
Juniors: @packof2023
Sophomores: @whhsclass2024
Freshman: @wolfpackclass2025
Athletics: @westhillsathletics
ASB: @whhsasb
Guidance/Counseling: @whhs.counseling
Library: @westhillslib
Yearbook: @wolfpackyearbook
AVID: @whhsavid
Mending Matters: @mendingmatters
Homepage: http://wolfpack.guhsd.net
Email: jlhoadley@guhsd.net
Website: wolfpack.guhsd.net
Location: 8756 Mast Boulevard, Santee, CA, USA
Phone: 6199560400
Twitter: @WHHSWolfpack