Bulldog Tales
Blue Oak Elementary Happenings
Welcome"ish" Hilda Marinko!
Hilda has been a Teacher Associate for years here at Blue Oak. She has now stepped in to serve as our attendance secretary. We are so excited to have her join us in the office in her new role! Please welcome her next time you're in the office and email her at hmarinko@buckeyeusd.org for any attendance, enrollment, or independent study contract assistance.
Book Fair Help
Our Blue Oak Fall Book Fair is just around the corner! Our Library team needs help with various tasks to ensure everything runs smoothly. Please see this SignUp Genius if you are interested in helping.
Blue Oak Updates
- 🎁 Giving Tree - Our annual Giving Tree will be up in the office this Friday. If you are interested in selecting a tag to purchase a gift for a student who could use a little holiday cheer, please stop by to make your selection.
- ✔️ Attendance - Congratulations to Ms. Chambers' and Mrs. VanDalen's classes for having the best classroom attendance in the first trimester! They celebrated with a donut party the Friday before break. It is SO IMPORTANT for students to attend school every day possible for academic and overall school success. For the second trimester we are going to be looking for the two classes that make the most attendance improvement from first trimester. Please see the attendance information below or contact the office if you have questions.
- 👩🏻⚕️ Health - Please see the November update from our District nurses here.
- 🍴 Buckeye Food Services - Information regarding Food Services can be viewed here.
- 🎂 Birthday Marquee - Interested in celebrating your child's birthday with marquee recognition? Ask the office for the paperwork and information on the $20 donation.
Save the Date!
- 11/28 - 3rd Grade Rotary Dictionary Project (3rd graders will be coming home with a new dictionary!)
- 11/28 - 5th Grade overnight field trip parent information meeting 5:30 in the library or Zoom (link sent to parents from teachers)
- 12/1 - 4th Grade presentation by El Dorado National Forest Rangers
- 12/5 - PTA Dine Out at Wally's 5:00-9:00
- 12/11-12/15 - Fall Book Fair (each class will have an assigned shopping time during school and it will be open every day after school)
- 12/13 - Buckeye USD Board Meeting 7:00 at the District Office or Zoom
- 12/15 - PTA Santa's Pit Stop 2:15-4:00
- 12/20 - BOLT Spirit Day - Wear an ugly holiday sweater or red and green
- 12/21-1/7 - Winter Break! School resumes on Monday, January 8th
- 1/9 - PTA Dine Out at Los Pinos 5:00-9:00
Attendance Questions Answered
1. What is considered an Excused Absence?
By law [EC § 48205], excused absences are: illness [(fever 100° or more, persistent runny nose (not allergy related), vomiting, diarrhea, medical/dental appointments (doctor’s note required for verification)], death in the family, specific religious reasons, required appearance in court, and exclusion from school for contagious disease.
2. What can I do if my child needs to be out of school for a length of time?
If your child must go out of town for three (3) or more days, you may request that your child is signed up for an Independent Study Contract. Please note that teachers need at least one week’s notice in order to prepare materials without interrupting their instructional time.
3. I called in to verify my child's absence; why am I still getting truancy letters?
Unless the absence was for an excused reason (those stated in point #1), the absence is considered unexcused and truancy letters will be sent in accordance with Education Code of the State of California [EC § 48260-48273]. Ed Code states that any pupil who is absent from school for 3 days or more without a valid excuse (reasons specified in point #1), or tardy in excess of 30 minutes or more, is considered truant.
Contact Information
Attendance/registration - Hilda Marinko
Secretary - Lindy Murray
Staff email addresses are first initial of first name followed by last name with address @buckeyeusd.org
For example: John Smith - jsmith@buckeyeusd.org
Email: apirkl@buckeyeusd.org
Website: https://www.buckeyeusd.org/boes
Location: 2391 Merrychase Drive, Cameron Park, CA, USA
Phone: 5306760164
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Blue-Oak-Bulldogs-150579857123860/