The Bee's Knees
Barfield Early Childhood November 2022 Newsletter
Message from Mr. G
Our curriculum is divided into a total of five units. Each unit has a theme; Approaches to Learning is the first unit, followed by Planting and Harvesting, Families, Community and Occupations and the last unit is Wildlife and Habitat. We just started the Families Unit and we will remain in this unit through January 26. The units are grounded within the calendar to encompass various seasons/holidays in an attempt to make the curricular content more personal and meaningful to our students. This is the perfect time of the year for our Families Unit because many families gather to celebrate a variety of holidays over the next two months.
While our Families Unit does not directly address/teach about any one holiday in particular, we hope to help our students learn about and accept all holidays without endorsing any single holiday. A tradition we have established at Barfield is the Polar Express. We will decorate the building creating a book walk in the halls for our students. I will set up a train display and Santa Claus will be coming to Barfield too. We do all of this to celebrate the magic of childhood and to bring joy to our students, not to endorse or advance one holiday or one set of beliefs over any other.
At Barfield, we are working to build an inclusive school in which each child feels accepted. One way we hope to achieve this goal is to introduce our students to the customs/holidays of all of our families and to create traditions that everyone can enjoy. The Polar Express is wonderful Barfield tradition and we are excited to share it with you this year. The students will participate in the Polar Express during the school day from December 13 through 15. We will have a Polar Express Open House on Saturday, Dec 17, from 9:00 to noon. Families are welcome to join us during the Saturday Open House.
Kevin Garcia
Costume Parade Day at Barfield
Important Dates
Nov. 21 - 4:00 to 8:00 BEC PTO Red Robin Dine Out Night @ Dardenne Prairie Location
Nov. 23-25 - No School-Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 13-15 - Polar Express-Your teacher will inform you which day your child will board the Polar Express.
Dec. 1 - BEC Spirit Wear Day-Staff and students wear your finest BEC spirit wear to school!
Dec. 1 - BEC PTO Meeting 6:00
Dec. 17 - 9:00 to Noon Polar Express Open House
Keep Up with All that is Going On!
Note From the Nurses
Increase In Cases of RSV
Signs and Symptoms include:
* Stuffy or runny nose
* Headache
* Cough
* Wheezing
* Fever
* Decreased appetite
* Not drinking well
Call your doctor if you child:
* Has a high fever
* Has a cough that gets worse
* Wheezing
* Show signs of dehydration
Get medical help immediately if your child:
* Has trouble breathing or has lips that look blue. Rashes can be especially confusing. I wanted to go over some common childhood rashes and what our practice is when it comes to sending your child home or not.Sheila McAlister
School Nurse
Staff Spotlight
District News
Staff Shortages at Barfield and Across the WSD
We critically need substitute teachers to help support our staff, and we're asking for your help! Step into our classrooms as your schedule allows as a BEC sub. Subbing gives you the opportunity to get involved at Barfield at your convenience! And, as an added bonus, you can see what your child is up to each day! We're not looking for a long-term or daily commitment, but rather help as you are available. Learn more and apply today.
Instructional Assistants
BEC needs instructional assistants to help support our building too. Get to know our school, help our kids, and build relationships within BEC. Learn more and apply today.
Apply now for our various full-time and substitute custodial opportunities in Barfield. We need your help keeping our building clean and ready for learning! Team members are provided with uniforms (5 sets) and a $75 annual shoe reimbursement. Learn more and take advantage of our newly increased custodian pay. Learn more and apply today.
Fall Book Fair
Thank You For Supporting Our Book Fair
We had an excellent Fall Book Fair! Thanks to everyone for shopping our fair and supporting our school's library. Our book fair generated a sales total of $3938.00 and we earned $1818.00 in
Scholastic Dollars that will be spent on new library books!
The Beginning of Jack's Pumpkin Patch at BEC
About Us
Location: 2025 Hanley Road, Dardenne Prairie, MO, USA
Phone: 636 561-5757