Principal's Weekly Newsletter
A Message from Mr. Ferrari, Apprentice Principal
Dear St. Mary’s,
It is with great gratitude that I write this final brief message to the St.Mary’s family. I can’t thank you all enough for this past year. It has been such a remarkable time where I have learned so much. I will always be in debt to this family for its loving and welcoming spirit.
I learned so much from every teacher, administrator, custodial worker, parent, and most importantly every student. Each person at the school has taught me something which I hope to bring to the next school I go to.
Also, I have learned so much from our principal Dr. Nadjarian and our Pastor Fr. Jonathan. I am deeply grateful to them for their patience and encouragement as I went through this year.
I would also like to thank our 5th and 8th-grade students who I had the privilege of teaching. Lastly, I extend my gratitude to our admissions team: Maureen, Renalyn, Dan, Maria E, Miss Annie, and Miss Gloria. Thank you so much for showing me the ropes and for walking with me this past year.
As I finish my time here, I must leave with one last reminder and encouragement.
At times it is easy to see how things could be better; however, I am convinced that today, at this very moment, there is something remarkably beautiful that is happening before us. We must only open our eyes and change our disposition to see the little moments that make life so special and nowhere else have I seen this more clearly than in our students.
So often throughout the year they always reminded me to look around and recognize all the little gifts which the Lord has placed in my life.
And so I encourage us (including myself) to remember that every once in a while let our students become the teachers and let them show us how to see things with eyes of wonder and gratitude.
Please know that you will always be in my prayers and I thank you for this wonderful year at St. Mary of the Assumption.
Additional School Announcements
1. Next week will be a dress-down week since we have our uniform swap on Wednesday.
2. Pizza Friday will be moved to Thursday
4. The last day of EDP is Thursday
5. Our last day of school is Friday, June 16th (dismissal at 11 a.m)
Congratulations to this week's featured graduates below!
Looking Ahead
June 13th
- Parent Volunteer Council Meeting at 8 a.m.
June 14th:
- Uniform Swap 2:15-3:15
- Last Day of School
September 4th
- No School - Labor Day
September 5th
- No School- Student/Teacher Meet and Greet
September 6th
- First Day of School (Grades 1-8) & Early Dismissal: 11:30 a.m. Bring a snack from home
- First Full Day of School (Grades 1-8) Bring lunch from home
- Orientation (PreK-K2), 9-10:30 a.m.
September 8th
- First Day of School with only PreK-K2 & Early Dismissal for PreK-K2 at 11:30 a.m. Bring a snack from home
- Second Full Day of School (Grades 1-8) Bring lunch from home
A Message from Nurse Catherine
I am once again happy to report 0 Covid-19 cases.
End-of-year medication pick-up: Students' Epi-pens, inhalers and medications will be available for pick up on the last day of school. MDPH requires that I hand these medications off to an adult. I will be in the cafeteria so please stop by to pick up any medication. Medications left after the last day of school will be discarded.
Enjoy your weekend
Graduation Convocation Mass and Ceremony
Nurse Catherine's Ice Cream Party
Drama Club Performance
Band Concert
K2 Ukelele- “The Wheels on the Bus”, and “Old McDonald”.
Grades 1+ 2 beginner violinists-“Walking Song” and “Morning Dance”
Grade 2 experienced violinists- “Song for Christine”
Grade 3 and 4 violinists- “Frère Jacques”
Grades 5-8 Band- “Mishuanga Boogie” and “Let’s Go, Band!”
Honors Band-“Seven Nation Army”
A special thank you to Livia Ho, who performed “Harlequinade”
All of the students who performed did an amazing job! We are so proud of the musical growth they have demonstrated this year.
French Performance
Following the French performances, one of our third-grade students, Lola, performed a famous Chinese folk song on the violin. She did a great job with this piece, and it was clear that she put a lot of time into practicing!
Field Day
To celebrate these last 10 days, PreK is doing a 10 countdown! Each day, they e will do a different fun activity.
Here are some of the activities from this week:
1. Field Day
2. Camp Day
3. Teddy Bear Picnic Day
4. Color Day
5.Pajama Day
Grade 1
Grade 1 students reflected on their year by creating their own memory books of their first-grade year! Students shared their favorite moments, field trips, and projects throughout the year. They also got to sign each other's memory books so they can always remember their friends!
Grade 2
Grade 3
Ms. Cafferky's students also wished their Swedish penpals a Happy Summer!
Grade 4
Grade 5
The 5th-grade students shared their biography presentations on a famous figure that they did research on. They put their research together into a beautiful presentation. They also included a self-portrait of themselves presenting their work. Students did a great job engaging their classmates in their presentations, leaving time at the end for other students to ask them questions.
Grade 6
Grade 8
8th Graders presented their final portfolios where they reflected on their favorite memories at St. Mary's and how much they have grown as students and as people. They did a great job presenting their creativity while reflecting on their experiences together as a class before graduation!
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