TVUSD Community Update
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
We know the following summary is detailed. However, there are a number of updates we want you to be aware of so that you have the latest, up-to-date information. We have tried to concisely bullet the highlights. For your convenience, we have also provided the video. The COVID19 School Report and discussions occur in the video timeslots from approximately 1:41 to 3:05. By clicking on the red play arrow below, the video will automatically begin at the 1:41 timeslot.
Board Meeting Update - COVID19 and Learning Update
COVID19 and Learning Update:
TVUSD is under the Governor's Order and therefore cannot reopen school campuses unless certain criteria are met. Riverside County is currently in the purple tier and has currently met one of the two metrics required to move to the red tier, which will enable schools to return to on-campus learning, TK-12. Once both metrics have been met 1) Positivity rate and 2) Daily case rate, Riverside County moves to the red tier. The County must then remain in the red tier for 14 days in order for schools to reopen.
Focus on Alternate Education Attendance:
The Board requested and received a report from staff regarding focused efforts in place for our alternative education students. This is a special report and is in addition to our efforts focused on all students.
- We are focusing now on period attendance.
- We have created an attendance team of 5 teachers and our counselor who are spearheading efforts to increase attendance.
- We have a Mentor Team of 5 teachers and our social worker creating a system to match each student with a teacher/adult who will take a lead role in supporting the student.
- We meet twice per week with all teachers to focus on missing students.
- We have classified staff, teachers, and administrators calling students and families.
- We are now doing "porch visits,” tracking down those who are not answering calls or responding to emails. We will visit on Mondays and bring a week of Grab-N-Go lunches.
- We are creating a drop-in tech support hub for students needing 1:1 assistance with Canvas, Zoom, iPads, etc. on Tuesdays and Thursdays before and after school.
- Working to create a learning hub for students in need.
Tk-5 Elementary Waiver
As we shared in our last update, Riverside County Public Health has released information on the waiver process for TK-6 grade campuses. Because TVUSD's campuses are TK-5, 6-8, and 9-12, we are only able to consider applying for a waiver for our TK-5 campuses. There are no public schools in Riverside County that have reopened yet under the waiver. There are numerous challenges and logistics to be met to open TVUSD's 16 elementary schools with over 10,000 students and staff, within the required waiver criteria. To open under the waiver, the following implications need to be considered. Schools will not open in "business as usual" settings.
- Cohorts of students stay together.
- Cohort/hybrid schedule with students attending in-person school two days per week and learning from home 3 days per week.
- Teachers providing live instruction to half the class while the other half participates online w/asynchronous and independent learning.
- Likely requires many teacher changes.
- Masks required for grades 3-5; strongly encouraged K-2.
- Students and staff screen daily.
- If a student or staff member tests positive, 14-day quarantine for the cohort.
Current Waiver Status
- TVUSD's draft waiver is prepared.
- TVUSD's labor associations, TVEA and CSEA, as required per the waiver process, have provided input to administration indicating they have not received support from their membership to return to on-campus learning through the elementary waiver process, AT THIS TIME, within the current conditions.
- Temecula Valley Educators Association (TVEA) - surveyed elementary teachers. 84% of TVUSD elementary teachers participated: 48% no; 41% yes; 11% unsure.
- California School Employees Association (CSEA) - responded on behalf of their members that they have concerns regarding safety and ensuring compliance with the approved Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
- TVUSD is not ready to move forward with the elementary waiver AT THIS TIME based on levels of required labor association support and ongoing concerns.
- We want to reiterate that all input received from staff is focused on safely returning to traditional, on-campus learning.
- We will continue to evaluate and monitor both 1) Waiver support with labor associations and, 2) like San Diego and Orange counties, we are hopeful that we will move to the red tier and be able to open all TK-12 grade schools.
Next Steps
- Watch and closely monitor Riverside County indicators. We are optimistic that the indicators are moving forward to allow all TK-12 grade students to move from the purple to red tier that will allow us to transition to on-campus learning.
- Focus on refining our learning model development. We believe we are close to making the AM/PM model work.
- Continue to work on our in-depth reopening plans.
- Share follow up information with staff and families about what the on-campus learning environments will look like in the purple tier under the elementary waiver and red tier for all TK-12 grades.
- No additional surveys regarding the waiver at this time.
- We will prepare a model preference survey for families that will be distributed at the time that 1) TVUSD receives waiver support from labor associations, or 2) When Riverside County moves into the red tier.
TVUSD's Grab N' Go Meals - Will Be Free For TVUSD Enrolled Students AND THEIR SIBLINGS Only
Beginning, Monday, September 21, 2020, free meals will be available to TVUSD enrolled students and their siblings only. Families will need to provide a form of identification to receive meals:
- Parents must bring proof of enrollment or
- Parents may show the student barcodes that were distributed during the first weeks of meal service
- If your student is enrolled and you do not have the barcode, you may ask our staff at any of the middle schools for this card
- Non-enrolled siblings of enrolled TVUSD students must be present to receive a meal
We are committed to ensuring that all TVUSD students will be able to access the meal services they need. TVUSD families with questions or assistance requests can contact Nutrition Services via their website
1:1 Assessments and Targeted Learning HUBS/Cohorts
Current Status:
- 1:1 assessments are currently being rolled out and increasing.
- Last week, TVUSD began two non-instructional hubs for identified English learners who reside in areas that do not have cell carrier service in their homes.
- Special Education has been planning daily with site administration from ARES and CHES to begin our first Special Education Online Learning Centers (cohorts) to open on Thursday, September 17, 2020.
- Special Education Online Learning Centers will include:
- 6 classrooms (3 at CHES, 3 at ARES)
- 9:00 - 11:00 Tuesday - Friday
- Each class will have 2 cohorts, a T/TH and a W/F group
- Parents will be providing transportation
- Related services may be provided during this time
- An interest survey is currently circulating among elementary special education families for participation in the cohorts
- These are designed to be a roll-out process and will begin slowly to ensure that we are meeting the necessary logistical, safety requirements
- Secondary roll-outs will occur as we move forward
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All Information is available on TVUSD's 2020/21 School Year Website
Temecula Valley Unified School District