M 'n M
April 23, 2022
PTA SPONSORED: Testing Day Snack Packs/Staff Appreciation & End of School Celebration
Math tests will begin April 28 and 29th, Science (8) May 3. Order your snack pack for these testing dates!
To support your student and reward them for their hard work, the PTA is offering snack packs for advanced purchase online. Water and treats for $1 each will be available for each testing day.
We are also collecting donations for our annual Staff Appreciation week and End of School Student celebration. We plan to show our gratitude to the SMS staff with lunches and treats all week. Last year we were able to book the Kona Ice truck for students to enjoy at the end of the school year and we hope to do it again this year.
Click here to donate for all these great events, and thank you in advance for your support!
Announcements & Reminders
Media Center Updates
Students with library books that were due before March 15 that have not been returned have been charged the missing book fee. If your student finds the missing book, please have them return it to Mrs. Smith in the media center, so the fine can be removed.
HERE is the link to our Daily/Weekly announcement slides!
DARE Dance 5/6th graders
Happy Friday!! The DARE Dance for the 5th & 6th grades is scheduled for Friday, April 29th. This year tickets can be purchased ($15.00) online only. Would you please post the link and QR code in your school newsletter and make a few morning announcements. Below please find the link with all the details:
Last Day of School Lunch 5/27
Middle School Summer Learning Program - Currently Enrolled in Grs. 6-8
Middle School Summer Learning Program - Currently Enrolled in Grs. 6-8
Our Summer Learning program is back again for students currently enrolled in Grs. 6-8. This summer, our offerings for English Language Arts and Mathematics will be by invitation only so that we can provide targeted support to our students. Applicable students will receive an invitation by mail to attend the summer learning programming in ELA and Mathematics. All interested students currently enrolled in Grs. 6-8 that would like to participate in our MakerSpace camp are welcome to attend. This year there will be a fee of $25.00 to cover consumable materials. Those who are interested may sign up during the registration window of Monday, April 11th - Thursday, April 28th. For additional information and FAQs, please CLICK HERE. The link to register for MakerSpace will be sent out on April 11th.
Football Update
Attention 6th Grade Parents: If your Son or Daughter would like to play or will be playing Football for SMS in the 7th Grade this upcoming season, there will be a mandatory Parent meeting on Tuesday May 17th from 6:30pm till 7:30pm in the Strongsville Middle School Auditorium. Please make sure that at least one parent per player attends this meeting. The Coaching Staff will go over the Summer Schedule which begins June 2nd and what to expect as a Parent and a Player playing football at SMS for the upcoming 2022 season.
Attention 7th Grade Parents: If your Son or Daughter would like to play or will be playing Football for SMS in the 8th Grade this upcoming season, there will be a mandatory Parent meeting on Tuesday May 17th from 6:30pm till 7:30pm in the Strongsville Middle School Auditorium. Please make sure that at least one parent per player attends this meeting. The Coaching Staff will go over the Summer Schedule which begins June 2nd and what to expect as a Parent and a Player playing football at SMS for the upcoming 2022 season
Run Like a Pro
Join us for the train like a pro 5k at the high school.
On Saturday April 30th at 9:00 am the 5k and wellness fair will begin. Proceeds will be going to our Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports programming.
PBIS incentives are good for student morale and supports Strongsville High School having a good culture for students.
The QR code for the race is in the flyer!
Follow SMS on Instagram @ STRONGSVILLEMIDDLESCHOOL or @TheSMSMustangs on Twitter!
Strongsville Middle School
Mrs. Boytim: jboytim@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Peters: jpeters@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Bailey: jbailey@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Ray (6): eray@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Gerber (7): kgerber@scsmustangs.org
Mrs. Pietrocini (8): spietrocini@scsmustangs.org
Website: https://www.strongnet.org/Domain/411
Location: 13200 Pearl Road, Strongsville, OH, USA
Phone: 440-572-7090
Twitter: @mrsboytim