École Charlie Killam School
October 2023 Newsletter Welcome to OUR HOUSE!
We acknowledge that we are on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting grounds, gathering place, and traveling route to the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Métis, Dene, and Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.
Welcome to October. We would like to share our new and improved Vision Statement for ÉCKS, which was collaborated on by our entire staff!
“In Our House, we collaborate to create a safe, welcoming and inclusive community, where students, parents, and teachers build meaningful relationships and connections, empowering all to excel and grow together.”
ÉCKS is also looking for parents to help form our School Council for this school year. School Council is a great way to engage in events happening in our school, collaborate on community/school events, and also have a input on important school based decisions. Our next meeting is Nov. 7 at 7pm and will be our AGM to elect the different position. We hope to see you there!
Andrea Gutmann
Principal - ÉCKS
Assistant Principal - Grade 6 Representative - Donna Elaschuk - delaschuk@brsd.ab.ca
Assistant Principal - Grade 7 Representative - Sabrina Heydorn - sheydorn@brsd.ab.ca
Assistant Principal - Grade 8 Representative - William Klassen - wklassen@brsd.ab.ca
All are welcome!
The 2023-2024 Student Re-Enrollment & Verification(320-1) forms are due. Every student and parent/guardian must complete this document prior to October 15 for your Division account and access continue to be available to you and your student after October 15, 2023. This may include student access to ChromeBooks at school. (Included with the Student Re-Enrollment & Verification form is the Technology Acceptable Use Agreement and the FOIP Consent Notice of Activities.)
Please sign in to the PowerSchool portal and then click the link to SchoolEngage, please note the form must be completed on a web browser on a phone, tablet, or computer, the PowerSchool App does not have form capability. Your username is your Firstname.Lastname
Every year we are required to provide Alberta Education with a signed and dated Student Verification form for each of our students. We also use the form to ensure all of the information we have regarding your child(ren) is correct. This year we have moved to an electronic verification form for this process. In an attempt to streamline our process, the FOIP and Technology Use forms have been incorporated into the Verification form.
École Charlie Killam School is a live reporting school. What does this mean? It means that you can access your students' academic progress and attendance through the PowerSchool parent portal and the phone application in real-time. Student assessments will be reported digitally on PowerSchool so physical report cards will not be distributed. We encourage guardians to contact their students' teachers if they have any questions about their student's learning. We also welcome guardians to schedule an appointment for Parent/Teacher Interviews that will be taking place on Thursday, November, 9 from 4:00pm – 7:30pm. (Information regarding instructions on how to schedule an appointment will follow in a SchoolMessenger.)
Our school relies on SchoolMessenger to relay information to families regularly. If you have not been receiving messages from our school please check your spam file and confirm that you have not "unsubscribed" to our service.
Being "on time" for class is directly linked to student academic success. Our doors open at 8:30am for students. A complete bell schedule can be found on our website. https://ckillam.brsd.ab.ca/about/bell-schedule
Safety is top priority at École Charlie Killam School. Part of keeping our school safe is reducing the number of people that enter our building. As much as we all love the convenience of deliveries, we do not allow "Skip the Dishes" or any delivery service workers in our school for our students. With close to 500 students in our building this can add up to a lot of strangers entering our building if we allowed this. If students have forgotten their lunch please remind them that we always have extra food in the office. We will make sure they are fed!
Cutlery and water bottles are not provided in our school.
Please be sure your student brings whatever they require to have a successful day!
We also ask that your student please dress for the weather.
At some point during the school day every student goes outside.
Friday, October 27 - PICTURE RETAKES (1:00pm)
Wednesday, November 1 - NO SCHOOL (Professional Learning)
Thursday, November 2 - 12:27pm EARLY DISMISSAL (Staff Meeting)
Monday, November 13 - NO SCHOOL (Day in lieu of Remembrance Day)
Tuesday, November 14 - NO SCHOOL (Schools Closed - Day in lieu of Parent/Teacher Interviews)
Wednesday, November 15 - NO SCHOOL (Schools Closed - Day in lieu of Parent/Teacher Ints)
Thursday, November 16 - NO SCHOOL (Schools Closed - Fall Break)
Friday, November 17 - NO SCHOOL (Schools Closed - Fall Break)
Thanks to all parents who attended our Music Parent AGM on September 27. This group exists to assist Mr. Bailey in providing a high quality music program for our students, as well as to advocate for the importance of music in the schools. This year our executive consists of the following:
Jason Silbernagel - President
Michelle Broekhuizen - Vice President
Michelle Kennedy-Hawkins - Secretary
Crystal Clinton - Treasurer
Directors: Rachelle Posein
Vanessa Gaviotakis
Candi Arrowsmith
Kymberley Finnemore
Krystal Dyer
Thank you to these people for being willing to help with our association!
Our beginner band students will have an opportunity to get off to a fantastic start by attending our annual "Jump Start Clinic". This activity is set for Saturday, October 14 in the music room. It will run from 8:30am - 12:30pm. Students will be taught by professional players on their individual instruments. There will be a small fee associated, and more information will follow soon. Please mark your calendars and make every effort to have your child attend this valuable experience!
There are a number of extracurricular music groups at ECKS!
Our Grade 6-8 Choir is up and running. Currently consisting of 30 members, we meet Mondays during lunch hour. Students are required to eat their lunches in the music room. We will then spend the second part of their lunch practicing their songs. Upcoming activities will include a mini tour of senior homes in order to share some Christmas music.
The Jazz Band has also started. Rehearsals are during the lunch hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students are required to eat their lunches in the music room. We will then spend the second part of their lunch practicing their selections. Upcoming events will include a field trip to Edmonton to watch the Grant MacEwan Big Band in concert, on Thursday, December 7.
Please mark Monday, December 18 at 7:00 pm on your calendars. This will be the date of our Christmas concert. The program will include the choir, beginner band demonstration, Grade 7 and 8 Bands, and Jazz Band. All music students need to attend, so please notify coaches, instructors and other teachers well ahead of time.
Our annual VIP meats fundraiser is well underway. Students and parents have received order forms. We are hoping that all music students will make an effort to sell some items to family, friends, neighbours, coworkers, etc. All profits will go toward student band activities such as festivals, field trips, concerts, guest artists, camps, and tours.
There will be a random draw prize of $50 cash for anyone who sells five items or more. In addition, there will be a prize (TBA) for the overall top seller (who sells the most items)
Orders are due on the paper forms by October 23. (Click on the link below for a copy of the order form.) Money for the orders should be e-transferred to ckmusicparents@gmail.com or sent by cheque made out to Charlie Killam Music Parents. Please send one cheque or e-transfer only for your student. Do not send multiple cheques or e-transfers for your various customers.
Please feel free to contact Mr. Bailey at bbailey@brsd.ab.ca if you have any music related questions.
Congratulations to Mr. Bailey on his recent recognition by Royal Canadian Legion for performing as trumpeter for its functions for many years.
We would also like to congratulate him on his recent Mayor's Arts Awards nomination for the Creator Award. This award recognizes achievements demonstrating creating, practicing, and/or performing art.
We are so lucky to have Mr. Bailey at École Charlie Killam School!
Our 4 junior high teams and our grade 6 program are half way through their seasons. The players are having fun and improving and those are the main goals for our athletes. We are very proud of all of our student athletes. Great work Cougars!
École Charlie Killam School will be hosting the Cougars Invitational Junior High Developmental Volleyball Tournament on October 14.
(Please click on the Tournament Schedules and Season Schedule for more information.)
We have had a fantastic race season so far! October 12th is our Regional Championships where we compete as a team. Students have also been involved in a series championship where they take everyone's top three races, and compare it to other athletes in their category! We currently have several students in the running for that prize, as well as a good chance to take the team championships home! Thanks in advance to all the athletes who participated in a fantastic season representing our school!
The fifth and final race of the season will be the Bashaw Town and Country Run on Thursday, October 12, 2023. (Clink on the link below to view the race poster.)
Thank you to all of the École Charlie Killam School community for participating and/or supporting our Terry Fox Run. We are so proud to be a part of this Canadian tradition in the fight against cancer. Way to go everyone!
Orange Shirt Day was a huge success at ÉCKS! A huge population of the students wrote their orange shirts to commemorate all Residential School Survivors. Students participated in activities throughout the week learning about the importance of learning our history, and discussing ways that they can make a difference. Some of the activities included reading and discussing articles about the importance of the day, and writing on small orange shirts how every student should feel when at school, which were posted in the hallways of ÉCKS.
La Journée du Chandail Orange a été un énorme succès à ÉCKS ! Une grande partie des élèves ont porté leurs chandails orange pour commémorer tous les survivants des écoles résidentielles. Les élèves ont participé à des activités pendant la semaine pour apprendre l'importance de connaître notre histoire et discuter des moyens par lesquels ils peuvent faire une différence. Certaines activités comprenaient la lecture et la discussion d'articles sur l'importance de la journée, ainsi que l'écriture sur de petits chandails oranges de la manière dont chaque élève devrait se sentir à l'école, qui ont été affichés dans les couloirs d'ÉCKS.
Our RISE room celebrated Thanksgiving
together on Friday, October 6.
They enjoyed turkey, salad and of course pumpkin pie!
All students are required to have their picture taken for their student identification cards. If students were away or if original photos are not satisfactory please be sure to attend on the afternoon of Friday, October 27.
Students receive an ordering code from the photographers. Parents can use the order code on the paper to log on to Smart Photography's website to preview the photos and place an order if they choose.
October 20 - Grade 6 Social at lunch break
October 24 - Grade 7 & 8 Intramural Soccer Tournament Begins
October 30 - Pumpkin Decorating
October 31 - Costume Contest during assembly
Students are welcome to dress up for Halloween during the lunch hour on Tuesday, October 31.
Our school’s Scholastic Book Fair is coming back!
From November 3 - 9, discover new and bestselling titles coming right to our school.
Every purchase supports our school and helps to keep kids reading!
The Book Fair will be open November 3 - 9 for your student during regular library time.
We will also be open for families and friends during the Volleyball home tournament
on November 3rd and 4th.
The Parent-Teacher interviews on November 9 will be another chance for parents and students
to do Christmas shopping!
Everyone is welcome!
October is Canadian Library Month and this year the Camrose Public Library is pairing it with their annual Library Card Sign-up Month. Every October, libraries and library partners across Canada raise awareness of the valuable role libraries play in Canadians' lives, and they are celebrating with:
- Free library cards for all, regardless of where you live!
- Golden Ticket Contest from Parkland Regional Library System for your chance to win 4 World Waterpark tickets, $100 in gas, $150 in dining gift cards, and $200 in Edmonton accommodations!
- Chances to win more fabulous prizes from CPL!
Below is a copy of their letter to parents and the student library card form. Parents can fill them out and have their student return them to the school by October 20. CPL will create cards and deliver them to your student at school.
Battle River School Division Board of Trustees is inviting division families to participate in our BRSD attendance boundary review discussions to gather meaningful feedback. Sessions will be held from 6:30pm - 8pm on the following dates:
October 12 - École Camrose Composite High School
October 16 - New Norway School
October 17 - Ryley School
October 18 - Daysland School
Everyone is welcome! Please click on the Media Release below for more details.
École Charlie Killam School has two Family School Liaison Workers, Dayna Bartman & Crystal Rapson. They provide free general counselling in the school setting. Students learn best when their mental health is supported. The FSLW's work with students and families to manage challenging events they might be facing, focusing on mental wellness for each student's individual needs. They can also provide ideas for support, bridging the way to resources outside of the school community.
Students over 14 are able to consent to seeing an FSLW on their own, and are asked to fill out a simple form that can be found in the school office. Parents and community service providers can also refer a student for FSLW service. Please note, anyone aged 13 or younger requires parental consent to see a Family School Liaison Worker.
If you have any questions about this service, please call the school at 780-672-7785 and ask to speak to one of the Family School Liaison Workers.
Private Remembrance Day Ceremony
Friday, November 10
We invite students that belong to community groups such as Cadets, Scouts or Guides to wear their uniform.
École Charlie Killam School clothing is available on-line!
You can shop anytime from anywhere. Items usually ship within a week and are sent once payment is processed. No minimum quantity to order.
Friendly reminder to please call the office if your student will be absent or you will be picking them up early at (780) 672-7785. Students must check-in at the office if they are late and must check-out at the office if they are leaving early for the day.
If you have any questions that haven’t been answered here, please be in touch with us. We will do our best to continue to provide updates throughout the year and will keep you informed around school related activities. Please continue to check our website at www.ckillam.brsd.ab.ca and the Battle River School Website at www.brsd.ab.ca.
École Charlie Killam School
4809 - 46 Street
Camrose, AB T4V 1G8
Phone: 780-672-7785
"Achieving Success Together! Réussir ensemble!"