Student & Family Update
April 29, 2022

September 15th 2023
Good afternoon everyone,
It was great to speak with students and care givers at the Middle School Open House this past Tuesday. Teachers did a fantastic job of presenting course overviews and answering questions about courses and expectations.
Please read on to see what else we have going on at MTRS!
Library updates: Link
Chrome books
We are still waiting for some students and families in grades 8-12 to return paperwork and payment protection payment before issuing a chrome book for the year. Please contact Connie in the main office if you have any questions. As a reminder, students will not be issued a device without paperwork and payment.
Capstone Projects
Grade 12 have already started on their Capstone projects and we are excited to let you know that families, care providers and community members will shortly be invited to participate in formative and summative presentations. The formative presentations are confirmed for November 2nd and 3rd, and the final presentations tentatively confirmed for January 18th and 19th. Please see below for more information!
MS & HS Music, Band & Chorus
We wanted to let families know that Mr. Freitag resigned from his teaching position in the district. We thank him for his work with the music and chorus program. We have advertised for a replacement Chorus and Band teacher and will update you when this position is filled. In the meantime, we will do our best to provide music and chorus lessons for students with these classes on their schedule.
Colrain Families
This information should have been communicated to you already.
See link. https://colrain-ma.gov/n/24659/Detour-Announcement
The road will be closed on Monday Sept 18th for the foreseeable future. As a result, we need to change the bus stop for a few students.
The new bus stop will be the Mill (Barnhardt Manufacturing) closer to the Church side. The rerouting of the bus(s) will cause it to be late getting to Mohawk Trail in the morning and late at Colrain Central in the PM.
Bus Stop changes for Route #12
Pick up time at the Mill will be 7:24 am. This bus will arrive at Mohawk Trail at 7:45.
Elementary -
Pick up time at the Mill will be 8:16 am and will get to Colrain at the time it is now.
Bus 13 and 12 will be getting to Mohawk 20 minutes later than the normal time (7:45-7:50)
Bus 13 and 12 will run 20 minutes late getting to Colrain in the PM
Parent Workshop
As a reminder, the Parent Rights and Responsibilities workshop will be held Tuesday, October 3rd.
Tuesday, October 3
Annual Parent Rights and Responsibility Training (special education)
In person at Mohawk Trail Regional, through Google Meet, or by phone
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/mby-cuxg-pkm
Or dial: (US) +1 276-695-5147 PIN: 369 643 542#
Have a great weekend
Important Dates & Information
Upcoming dates
School photographs: Oct 11th (Retakes, Nov 28th)
PSAT October 19th
Family Resource Fair - October 25th
Capstone Formative Presentations: November 2nd and 3rd
May 31st (Friday) -6-8pm: High School Graduation. Indoors at MTRS (This is a correction to the published date of June 1st)
District Calendar for 2023/24: Link
Quarter 1 45 days
First Day: Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Last Day: Thursday, November 2, 2023
Q1 progress report grades close on: Friday, September 29, 2023
Q1 progress report grading window: Wednesday, September 27 - Wednesday, October
4, at 11:59 pm
Q1 progress reports will be distributed on: Thursday, October 5, 2023
Q1 grading window: Tuesday October 31 - Wednesday November 8 at 11:59 pm Q1 report cards will be distributed on: Thursday, November 9, 2023
Late Bus Information
Late Bus picks up at Mohawk Trail at 5:30 pm
Scheduled dates for the late bus
Fall - Sept. 5th and runs to November 3rd.
Winter - Starts on November 27th and runs to Feb 16th
Spring - Starts on March 18th and runs to May 31st.
Roads traveled
Route 2 west (Mohawk Trail)
Stops at Wells Prevision ( Crn of Rt2/8A) in Charlemont
Continues down Route 2 west taking a right onto Zoar Rd
Stops at the Rowe Town Hall
Turns right onto Pond RD (Rowe)
Turns right onto Cyrus Stage Rd (Rowe
Turns right onto Number nine RD ( Heath)
Turns right onto Route 8A (Heath)
Turns left onto Branch Hill Rd (Heath)
Route Ends on Branch Hill Rd
Cell phone use and online habits and behavior
Do you know which apps your student is using?
We are seeing an uptick in cell phone incidents involving social media between students, that start outside of school hours between students and then impact the learning of students when everyone returns to school the next day. Care providers and parents, thank you in advance for speaking with your students about online interactions. Last year we worked with the DA's office to run a parent/ care provider workshop on online safety and what adults should know about what their children are doing online.
Social Media By the Numbers!
What social media platforms are middle school students using at MTRS? Here is the result of an informal poll!
Instagram 18%
TikTok 31%
SnapChat 35%
X (Twitter) 7%
Facebook 14%
BeReal. 3%
Pinterest 10%
Gaming Sites 33%
(Minecraft, Roblox, Fortnite, etc)
See attachments for information about social media and some other apps that are available. Many issues that present at school start on social media before the students even walk in the door. Conversations with your student about who can see what they are posting and how words are mistaken regularly will help them in the long run.
Welcome to MTRS...
Paula Brault
Thank you for the kind “welcome back” to MTRS! I graduated from here in 1984 and have really enjoyed coming “home”. In between I have been a math teacher, a school counselor, and an assistant principal. This year is my 26th opening of school! I am also a doctoral student at Plymouth State University and hope to finish this coming May.
In my spare time, I love to bake, read, do puzzles, and spend time with my family. My husband and I live in Northfield. My parents still live in Shelburne and I have a grown daughter and son-in-law who live in eastern Massachusetts.
Dean Brault's Student Culture Corner
After a slow start of partial weeks, we are right in the thick of school now!
Good News:
We had an awesome open house on Tuesday! Thank you to the middle school parents and students who attended.
Our sports teams are in full gear and performing quite well - Go Mohawk Trail!
The fall play is in the organizing stages. Make sure to be on the lookout for ongoing information.
Some Reminders:
Please be very careful in the parking lot and driveway for the school. We have had some reports of “speedsters” which creates an unsafe environment.
Daily attendance is taken the first block of the day, not during the advisory period. This is a change from last year as the schedule has moved advisory to the second block of the day.
Keep track of the schedule. We have some Wednesday half days coming up, starting on September 20th.
A day versus B day. They are announced every morning if there is any confusion. That said, if there is a snow day, a day off (ie Labor Day), the next day is the one we missed. For example: Monday is an A day, Tuesday is a B day and so on. If Tuesday was a snow day, then Wednesday becomes a B day and we continue on. We don’t ever “skip” a day.
Reminder to students: when the bell rings, you should be in your seat ready to learn… not running up the hall hoping the teacher doesn’t close the door on you!
Paula Brault, Dean of Student Culture
The District Perspective
This past Wednesday, I joined Sanderson Academy in Ashfield for the second half of their All School Meeting. When I arrived, they were discussing “cooperation,” with second graders citing “working together” and “talking things through” as examples. The school’s mantra, “together everyone achieves more,” was recited in a playful way and helped to build on the theme. Lastly, recognizing that bees embody cooperation at its finest, students were led in taking ancient breaths - the bee breath - in which one breathes in and hums out, making the sound heard from a bee hive.
Two weeks into the school year, this is a beautiful reflection.
Cooperation has such power. It moves us toward our goals, brings us closer together, and is a catalyst for success. Since late August, we have seen a shift as a result of our students and staff working together. The elevating ease of spreading our wings, finding our way, speaking up, navigating work and play, and coming together is a result of these first days of cooperation and resulting growth.
Open house season is in full swing. Here’s a quick look at those that have already happened:
Staff and students representing Mohawk Trail athletics, guidance, MTEA, National Honor Society, Key Club, and travel abroad (to Egypt in 2025!), plus the school committee and Mary Lyon Foundation were on hand to welcome and share information with middle school families and other attendees.
Middle school students led their guests from class to class, simulating how they move through a typical school day. Winding their way into classrooms, attendees learned a few words in a foreign language, asked questions about math, met English Language Arts (ELA) teachers, peeked into the triple-header volleyball matches, visited the "Authentic Selves" photo exhibit in the library (up until September 21), and said hello to new friends and old.
Dinner, music, and animals on a gorgeous evening? Yep, that’s what Hawlemont offered up this week to families and other guests as they celebrated their open house.
Principal Amber Tulloch, and others, served dinner while community members played the piano and youngest attendees danced. Individuals staffed tables from 4H, the Mary Lyon Foundation, and more, offering information and resources.
Its HAY curriculum - Hawlemont, Agriculture, and YOU - is something of which to be proud. Attendees could see examples of the agriculture-based modules everywhere. Outdoor activities included playground play, tye-dying, barn visits with Wilma (the pig), two goats, one sheep, and an empty pen with fresh shavings in which they are expecting to add a young bull any day!
Special thanks to the Mary Lyon Foundation for providing funding for dinner!
If your open house hasn’t yet happened, please plan to attend:
Tuesday, September 19, 6 - 7 pm: Sanderson Elementary
Wednesday, September 20, 6 - 7 pm: Colrain Central
Wednesday, September 27, 6 - 7 pm: Buckland Shelburne Elementary Open House
Stepping back in time, last Friday, Buckland Shelburne Elementary celebrated receiving a $5,000 gift to their library from the 6.25 Foundation, founded by Mr. and Mrs. Koo. Their mission is to honor fallen soldiers who fought in the Korean War. One such local individual was Corporal Walter Harold Billiel who grew up in Shelburne Falls. About 40 members of Corporal Billiel’s family attended the tribute event. We offer thanks to the Koos and the Foundation for this thoughtful and generous support.
Other Dates of Note:
Saturday, September 16
Superintendent Sheryl Stanton will perform folk music with her band 133 Skeele at Colrain’s Fix-It Day at Colrain’s Griswold Memorial Library
Helping answer questions
Sharing experiences
Exploring the building
Teaching and Learning
Capstone at MTRS
Every year, seniors at MTRS complete a Capstone Project as part of their culminating high school experience. If you’ve come to watch Capstone presentations in years past, you know that our students accomplish amazing things and are so proud to share their work. This fall, students are tackling an exciting array of topics; everything from firefighting to homelessness to candlemaking to tick-borne illness, as well as popular project topics like athletics, music, and art. Check out the Capstone Website for more information!
Modeled on a thesis dissertation, students will be convening a panel of 4-6 people who will meet twice a semester - once about halfway through and once at the end of the project - to watch their presentation, ask questions, give them feedback, and share responsibility for assessing their work. Later on, there will be an event where Capstone students can share and celebrate their work in a more informal setting.
What does this mean for you? Family and community members are an integral part of each student’s panel! You may be approached by an MTRS senior about being on their panel, and we’d also like to collect a list of volunteers who are interested in participating, but don’t have a specific student in mind. If you signed up last year, no need to fill the form out again. Please click here for more information and to sign up. Feel free to share this form with your networks as well; students benefit from a wide pool of people with diverse backgrounds and experiences to pull from. You can also email Capstone Coordinator Rachel Hoogstraten at rhoogstraten@mtrsd.org with any questions. Thank you!
MS and HS Band and Chorus Teacher
Special Education Teacher
Come and join the Dungeons and Dragons (D & D) club!
Parent Scott Macmillan and teacher Travis Minnick run an after-school Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) club every Thursday in room 182, now in its second year. In D&D, players take on the role of brave adventurers exploring a fantasy world of danger and excitement - and it's all done with some pencils and dice, no computers or phones needed. Everyone is welcome - the club is free, there are snacks, and no experience is required! Please email scottmacmillan@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Senior Class Fundraiser
The senior pie fundraiser began amid sweltering heat, and crushing humidity on Thursday September 7th, and closed with the most intense heat lightning display in recent memory. Brave, though few, customers endured to show themselves in those conditions, so it was a slow evening for pie sales. Friday night brought a torrential downpour that caused us to close up the booth and take shelter, as friends and customers ran in to take shelter as well. The fairground became a puddle reaching over our ankles, and as we finally dashed toward the gates, the announcement came over the loudspeakers that the fair was closing early for the night. On Saturday, our friends at Hager's farm who were providing our pies suffered a devastating fire at their farm, including the loss of their barn, their pie maker, and their milking room, and very sadly their pigs as well. Amazingly, the folks at Hager's managed this situation while running their store, two booths at the fair, and talking to us about pie quantities, proving themselves to be utterly unflappable. Lucky for us, they had already built up a moderate quantity of extra pies, which was all we needed in this anomalous year. Also on Saturday, an ambitious student offered to be pied in the face for a fee of $30. A similarly ambitious customer obliged him, resulting in a unique scene outside of the pie booth. Weekend weather alternatingly graced us with sun, drizzle, and downpour, bringing small waves of sympathetic customers. Rumor had it that many booths did not break even this year, due to the multiple weather events. The seniors were lucky to sell 34 pies, and a similar number of root beer floats, grossing $2,123 and netting about $900. Though this is roughly one third of the profit of recent years, we are grateful to have more than covered our expenses, to have borne our lot with dignity, and to have lived with notable gusto through the 2023 MTRS Senior Pie Sale at the Franklin County Fair.
Student Services
Seniors, don't forget to check the College Visits. New events are added each week!
Use this link to schedule an appointment with HS Guidance Counselor, Ms. Cairney: https://acairney.youcanbook.me/. Unfortunately this booking tool only allows 15 minutes, if you sign up for college I'll make it 30 minutes on my end and send you an updated invite.
Bus Schedules and Questions
Please make sure that you check the Bus routes on district site. Care providers can call Dawn at the bus company on 413-489-3195 at ext 3304 or call the school and ask to speak to Robin Pease.
Performing Arts
Auditions- Sept 20th
Auditions for the fall play ( non musical) will be held on Wednesday 9/20 (an early release day!) in the auditorium. If you are unable to make the meeting on the 13th please contact Miss Eva for information on auditions. If necessary 9/22 will be added for auditions as well.
For those who need to plan- rehearsals will typically be held on Wednesdays & Fridays this year for both the fall play and the spring musical. If you have regular conflicts on these days of the week contact Miss Eva prior to auditions.
Looking forward to a great 23/24 season!! Miss Eva
Europe Trip - Potluck and Slideshow! Sept 27th, 5-6pm
In June of 2023, MTRHS students who traveled to Italy, France, Monaco, and Spain will have a slideshow and potluck dinner on Wednesday, September 27 from 5-6:30 in the school cafeteria to reminisce and celebrate the trip. All family members and travelers are invited to attend. Thank you. Mrs. Camarda and Chaperones
Community Events
Music Association Fundraiser!
The Music Association will once again be holding our baked potato fundraiser at the Ashfield Fall Festival, and we need volunteers! Would it be possible to include our flyer and a little blurb in your newsletter?
Blurb: The Mohawk Trail Music Association will be back at the Ashfield Fall Festival Oct. 7–8, and needs your help staffing their wildly popular baked potato booth! MTMA is a non-profit organization that supports the MTRS music program and its students, and this is their most important fundraiser of the year. Please sign up for a shift or two here, or send an email. If you'd like to learn more about the MTMA or join their mailing list, contact them at mohawktrailmusic@gmail.com.
The Lions Peace Poster Contest
Open to students aged 11-13
The Lions Peace Poster contest is open to students ages 11-13 (at the submission deadline).Visually impaired students can also participate by completing an essay. All clubs in district 33Y are encouraged to sponsor a contest for their community!
See lionsclubs.org for more details.
Important Dates and Information
October 1 – Deadline to purchase kit from LCI
November 10 – Deadline to register for district contest
Contact brittain@bcn.net to register. Posters must be received prior to (or at) the
November 17 Advisory Meeting to be eligible for judging.
(each club shall send 1 finalist to the district)
November Advisory Meeting – Posters will be judged at district advisory
meeting* (winner will be submitted to council chair for multiple district judging).
Questions/Submit Poster Entries to...
Chris Brittain
325 Fairview St. Lee, MA 01238 brittain@bcn.net 413-441-5107
Health Survey and Resource Fair - October 25th, 3-6pm at MTRS
Dear Community Members,
We need your help to shape future health priorities for West County.
Please use the QR Code on the following page or the link below to take the Community Health Survey. To improve the health of everyone in West County, our voices need to be heard.
Anyone aged fourteen and older can take the survey. It will only take 15 minutes to complete and is confidential.
Taking the survey is voluntary and easy! Click on this link: www.mass.gov/healthsurvey, or use the attached QR code.
Once you have completed the survey, use the QR code below to sign up for a $5.00 gift card to Mo’s Fudge Factor. This is the Mary Lyon Foundation’s way of saying thank you for ensuring that the voices and needs of our nine towns are heard loud and clear.
If you have questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at kbaker@marylyonfoundation.org or call us at (413) 625-2555
How can you get involved at MTRS?
We want to hear your voice!
Local Education Council (LEC)
This meets virtually every second Wednesday of the month between 3:45 and 4:30pm. More information can be found here. The next meeting will take place on October 11th.
The virtual joining information is as follows:
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(US)+1 813-435-9650
PIN: 741 012 215#
Principal Drop-ins
As was the case last year, I will hold regular virtual office hours. You don’t need an appointment to come and talk with me and share your thoughts on what goes on at MTRS. I will try to be available for the whole 60 minutes but can't always guarantee it at our busy school. The next drop in will take place on October 13th.
Second Friday of each month: 8:00 to 9:00 a.m.
Meeting ID: meet.google.com/jtz-yhet-ipo
Phone Number: (US)+1 (813) 773-5581
PIN: 636 883 303
Athletics News
Welcome back sports fans!!! Now that the oppressive heat has finally relented, we can return to a sense of “athletic normalcy” at Mohawk Trail! This past week featured highlights from countless Warrior athletes, so let’s dive right in!
Our boy’s and girl’s Cross Country teams were both victorious on Tuesday with victories over Palmer High School. On the boy’s side, Senior Vincent Gauthier led the way for the Warriors as Coach Joe Chadwick’s crew took 7 of the top 8 spots! Our girls were just as dominant, as Sophomore Anya Read was the first of five consecutive Warriors to finish the race! A clean sweep for both teams! Both squads are back in action this Saturday as they will travel to East Longmeadow for the Ted Dutkiewicz Invitational.
Our Volleyball team went 2-1 in their matches this week, taking home a road victory against a tough Franklin County Tech team, dropping a heartbreaking match at home to Turners Falls in a battle for the top spot in the Northern League, and cruising through a scrappy Athol High School team 3-0 in another league tilt. Our spikers are now 3-1 on the young season and look to keep it rolling next Tuesday when they travel to Mahar Regional.
We will be hosting our first night game of the new school year tonight at 7:00 as our Middle School Soccer team will host Hopkins Academy on Pollard Field. Admission is free, and the Kiwanis concession stand will be open selling hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, and all of your favorite fall beverages. Hope to see you there!
Do not forget to get your Fall Mohawk Trail Athletic Swag before it is too late! Shops close on September 18th!!!
GOLF https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/Cj9KNCWUYK
FOOTBALL https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/aLQYRxDKRJ
VOLLEYBALL https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/SeGyP5kBnf
CROSS COUNTRY https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/NSyPrPdZMF
FIELD HOCKEY https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/Bzqdp9eqdS
MOHAWK TRAIL https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/HEWb1ph33n
Special Education Updates
Mohawk Trail SEPAC Member and Parent
Do you have a question about your child, their services, or resources specific to your needs? If you or someone you know would like to be added to the private list and receive emails and event notifications, please send an email to: MOHAWKSEPAC@gmail.com Please indicate your email, title (such as parent of a student with IEP/504), District, Interested Party or other)
Disclosure: SEPAC maintains the list of contacts and keeps the information private. This email is maintained by a parent and volunteer. Our goal is to respond in a timely manner. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Parent Rights and Responsibilities workshop will be held Tuesday, October 3rd In person at Mohawk Trail Regional and Virtually - Annual Parent Rights and Responsibility Training Google Meet joining info Video call link: https://meet.google.com/mby-cuxg-pkm Or dial: (US) +1 276-695-5147 PIN: 369 643 542# You will be receiving a letter in the mail with the Annual Rights and Responsibility Special Education Contact Information Person Role Contact Information Leann Loomis Director of Pupil Personnel Services 413-625-0192 x1025 Melissa Plesnar Assistant to Director of Pupil Personnel Services 413-625-0192 x1015 Erin Beaudet 7-12 Liaison 413-625-9811 x1314 Carolyn Goodnow 1-6 Liaison Mohawk Trail District 413-625-2521 Kate Dwyer 1-6 Liaison Hawlemont District 413-339-8316 Amy Socquet Early Childhood Coordinator and Liaison 413-625-6194
Chris Buckland
Email: cbuckland@mtrsd.org
Website: www.mtrs.mohawktrailschools.org
Phone: 413-625-9811
Facebook: facebook.com/mohawktrailregional
MTRSD Director of Communications