Wiggin Street Parent Update
March 11, 2022
Better Together
The background and some of the content for this update was created by our Principal of the Day on Wednesday, 5th grade student Austin Higgins. He did an amazing job on the announcements and then spent the day doing what principals do, problem solving! We started by going to classrooms to make observation notes. He even had the opportunity to recognize some of our students by presenting them with Lexia Core 5 Certificates and Brag Tags for their positive behaviors. He took his job very seriously and was dressed professionally as you can see by the pictures. Near the end of his day, we were notified of water coming up from the floor in Mr. Evan's gym office. That area originally was the boy's locker room when the building was a primary, middle, and high school. Mr. Higgins and I went down to investigate, and Ed, our custodian, was on the job with a Shop-vac and had already contacted the MVCSD Maintenance Dept. Little did we know at that time what a big project this would turn out to be in the end.
The clay pipe that is being replaced is the original pipe for the building built in 1904. As you can see in the video, the digging has been quite extensive and at last visit was being continued on Brooklyn Street. Our hope is that we can be back in school on Monday, but water will need to be back on before then. We may also have to be creative with recess and hopefully pick up and drop off can be as normal. Any necessary information will be shared with you prior to reopening.
Today, we were able to pass out Chromebooks to those needed, and we were pleasantly surprised when Christy (parent), Abby (senior and alumni of Wiggin Street), and Levi (kindergartener) Taylor arrived with Dunkin Donuts for the Chromebook Distribution Team. This is another example of how students, teachers, parents, and the community are Better Together!
Have a great weekend and know that you are all appreciated for your support every day!
Christy Grandstaff
Just for Fun- Historical Maps of Gambier
Principal for the day, Austin Higgins
Looking over Observation Notes
Morning Announcements
Working on the Parent Update
Lexia Certificates
Principal Grandstaff and Principal Higgins
Creativity Brag Tag
Cooperation Brag Tag
Mrs. Kramp's students received Brag Tags from Mr. Higgins
Kids Heart Challenge
Picture Orders
Homework Club
Homework Club is canceled for next week.
Fifth Grade Camp
Fifth grade students will be taking a day trip to Heartland in May. Schools are partnering with their shared specials school.
May 2nd Twin Oak & Columbia
May 9th Dan Emmett & East
May 16th Pleasant St & Wiggin St
Buses will leave at 9 am to be there by 10am. We will leave Heartland around 5pm. Heartland will provide lunch in their cafeteria and a snack will be provided a little later so kids are not hungry on the way home.
More details will be coming.
Friends of Wiggin Street
Save the date! Friday, April 22nd the Spring Fun Festival is BACK!!!
We will be needing donations of cookies, brownies, and Rice Crispy Treats for desserts in the cafeteria:)
Thank you to the Mount Vernon YMCA for making a fun donation for the basket raffle. More info. to come!
Next FOW meeting is Thursday, April 7th @ 5:00 pm. This is a change from the originally scheduled April meeting due to the K-2 Spring Mini-Musical being performed April 5th.
Thrive Kids
Thrive Kids Weekly Update
March 17
March 24
If your child is interested in joining the fun they can pick up a permission slip be attending any Thursday class or by emailing hannahkelling@gmail.com!
Have a great week and do hard things!
Coach Hannah
Idle-free Zone
Upcoming Important Dates
7-18 Kenyon Spring Break
13 Daylight Savings Time
16 Gr. 3 Dental Screening
16 Spring Picture Money Due
17 End of 3rd 9 weeks
18 Teacher In-Service Day (No School)
21 District Spring ELA Testing Opens
22 Battle of the Books @ HS theater
22-23 4th Grade ELA State Testing
23-24 5th Grade ELA State Testing
25 Report Cards go home 3rd 9 wks
25 EXTRA Popcorn Day:)
26-31 MVCSD Spring Break
1-3 Spring Break continued
4 School Resumes
5 Spring Mini Musicals beginning @6:30 in the WS gym
5-6 3rd Grade ELA State Testing
7 PTO Meeting, 5:00
8 Popcorn Friday
11 District Spring Math & Sci Testing Opens
13 Gifted Seminar @ Ohio Historical Center
14 District Spring ELA Testing Closes
15 No School
19-20 3rd Gr. Math State Testing
20-21 5th Grade Sc. State Testing
22 Spring Fun Festival 5-8:30
26-27 4th and 5th Gr. Math State Testing
29 Arbor Day
2 District Spring Math & Sci Testing Closes
2 NWEA MAP Window opens
2-6 Teacher Appreciation Week
3 PTO Meeting, 5:00
6 Popcorn Friday
6 Kenyon Dance Collab. Performance
9 Kindergarten Screening
12 5th Grade vs. Staff Hockey Game
13 5th Grade Cases for Smiles
13 End of the Year Picnic
16 5th Grade to Heartland Camp for the day with Pleasant Street
18 Field Day
19 Field Day Rain Date
20 NWEA MAP Window closes
22 High School Graduation
24 Talent Show
26 End of 4th 9 weeks/Last Day of School
26 KDG Graduation 9:15 am
26 5th Grade Graduation 10:30 am
26 Final Report Cards go home
27 Teacher Work Day
30 Memorial Day
Principal- Wiggin Street Elementary
Email: cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us
Website: mvcsd.us
Location: 207 Wiggin St, Gambier, OH, USA
Phone: (740) 427-4262
Twitter: @LCGrandstaff