St. Barnabas Elementary School
January 14th
Principal's Corner
Happy Friday!
Just a few reminders..
- School is closed on Monday, January 17th in observance of Martin Luther King Junior Day!
- Map Testing will continue next week for all of our K-8 students. A tentative schedule has been distributed to all students and has also been linked to this newsletter.
- Students that missed midterms last week due to quarantine will begin their makeups on Tuesday. Please see the attached schedule for makeups. It is imperative that students are prepared for their appropriate makeup on each scheduled day.
- Catholic Schools Week will begin on January 31st! Please see the attachment below for an important letter and schedule of events.
- As the 2nd quarter is rapidly coming to an end, please be sure that tuition and end of quarter balances are paid and up to date. Report cards will not be distributed if there are outstanding balances. Correspondence to affected families has already been sent by Ms. Castro - Cruz via backpack.
- PK parents should scroll down to access the weekly newsletter for their child's class along with flyers for an Upcoming Caregiver Workshop which will be given in both Spanish and English. The dates for the English workshop is January 18th and Spanish on January 19th. A parent/child activity calendar for January has been posted as well along with a flyer for the FamilyFun event being run on January 25th.
As the COVID vaccine has now become readily available for children ages 5 to 11, we would ask that you use the following link to record your child's vaccination record. While you are not obligated to share your child's vaccination status, this information will help us move forward with potential larger gatherings, contact tracing and even lunch in the cafeteria. Thank you for your continued efforts to keep our community and school safe.
https://forms.gle/jUQmfRDHVvmRRC3c7As the weather becomes colder, students are invited to dress in their gym uniform/spirit wear on non-gym days. A link to the spirit/ uniform shop can be found here: https://www.liebmansuniforms.com/ecommerce/sbs/st.-barnabas-spirit-store.html
Should you need to reach me for anything, please email me at n.cruz@stbarnabasschool.org or call (718) 324-1088.
Calendar Items
Upcoming Dates...
28th - Quarter 2 Ends!
31st - Catholic Schools Week Begins!
Up, Up and Away!
Up, Up and Away!
Supporting the Bronx Fire Relief Fund
Absence Policy
If your child is going to be absent, please contact the teacher and the main office directly. All PK absences should be reported to our UPK admin, Mrs. Rivera, at t.rivera@stbarnabasschool.org. A complete list of all teachers and their email addresses, should you need them, can be found on the school website.
Reporting a Positive COVID Case
Should your child test positive for COVID or have to be quarantined due to exposure within the home, teachers will make work available via Google Classroom.
Contact Information:
Ms. Natalia Castro-Cruz: n.cruz@stbarnabasschool.org
Ms. Lauren Iorio: l.iorio@stbarnabasschool.org
COVID Weekly Health Screening
Each week you will be required to complete the Weekly Health Self-Screening Google Form on behalf of your child(ren) before entering the school building Monday mornings.
Surveys should be completed Sunday evening or Monday mornings by 7am.
Please click the photo above to access the newsletters for the week of January 10th.
Follow Us On Social Media
St. Barnabas Elementary School
Through an enriched curriculum, complete with after-school offerings, St. Barnabas provides the tools and teaches the skills necessary for future success. In the way of Jesus, our children are taught the discipline, charity and grace of our Lord.
Email: n.cruz@stbarnabasschool.org
Website: https://stbarnabasschool.org/
Location: 413 East 241st Street, Bronx, NY 10470, USA
Phone: (718) 324-1088
Twitter: @barnabasbronx