District Weekly Updates
February 24, 2020
Gold Tie Ceremony
What does “The Gold Tie” represent?
What does “The Gold Tie” represent? In AUL, the Gold Tie represents pride, success and achievement. It is also a symbol of the hard work seniors have put in the last four years and it is an end of the high school journey, that begins with a new one. Our students here at AUL put in hard work in order to receive their ties. These students wear their tie to show what they have accomplished. In order to acquire the tie, students must be accepted to a college or committed to a military branch.
AUL Boys Basketball to play in the Charter School Championship - Monday, February 24, 2020
Academy for Urban Leadership Charter to play in the Charter School Championship game, Monday, February 24, 2020 at the Prudential Center - Newark, NJ.
AUL Charter Boys Basketball Upcoming Schedule
March 2 1st Round of States
March 4 2nd Round of States
March 6 Semi-Finals
March 9 Section Championship
Now accepting 2020-2021 applications
Let's Get Stepping
Congratulations Mr. Thomas Dowling
Week 5 Winner for the Walking Faceoff Challenge
Please join us in Week 6!
Using an activity tracker, register your steps daily on the attached link https://www.aulcs.org/Page/1554#calendar2556/20200117/month
- Click on the date on the calendar and register to log in your steps daily by 11 pm
HR will communicate the winner based on the highest weekly steps. (see attached flyer & photo of winner)
Did you know?
· The average American walks 3,000 to 4,000 steps a day or roughly 1.5 to 2 miles.
· Walking for regular activity can help reduce your risk of these common health problems
o Heart disease
o Obesity
o Diabetes
o High blood pressure
o Depression.
How to include more steps in your day
· Take the dog for a walk. If you don’t have a dog, volunteer to walk dogs at an animal shelter. Or combine your activity with social time by joining a friend to walk his or her dog.
· Try music. A bouncy tune or something with a strong beat can make activity more enjoyable and help motivate you to walk farther or faster.
· Include the family. Instead of an afternoon movie, go for a walk or a hike together.
· Go in person. Instead of sending a work email, walk to your colleague’s desk.
· Walk while waiting. Take a walk instead of sitting when you’re early for an appointment or waiting for a flight.
· Schedule workday walks. Put reminders in your calendar for short walking breaks to ramp up your energy through the day. Have a one-on-one meeting? Plan to walk and talk.
· Park farther away. Choose parking spots farther away from the entrance. If you take a bus, get off a stop early and walk the rest of the way.
· Take the stairs. Even going down the stairs counts as steps and burns calories.
How far will you go today? Your goal will depend on your starting point. But nearly everyone can reap the benefits of walking more, step by step.
High School
Support Class of 2020
To place an order for the senior shirt this week, please email pvlastaras@aulcs.org. Below is the sample picture of the Class of 2020 shirt. The cost is $15.
Barclay Street Campus
Wall Art
GoGuardian Digital Learning Teachers of the Week
Here are the top users for the week of February 17-21, 2020
What is digital learning?
Digital learning is any type of learning that is accompanied by technology or by instructional practice that makes effective use of technology.
Douglas Frost
David Sweatte
Amy Carrino
Dean Page
Yudelka Collado
Bernadette Gioia
Urban Leaders 21st Century Community Learning Center
Activities include:
- Monthly Field Trips to Colleges & Universities, Liberty State Park, Thomas Edison Museum and New York City Historic District Tour.
- Music
- Cooking
- Gaming
- Fashion Design
- American Sign Language
- Art and Dance
Dinner and Snacks included daily
Calendar of Events
Open House 3-5 pm
Thursday, Feb 27, 2020, 03:00 PM
612 Amboy Avenue, Perth Amboy, NJ, USA
National School Social Worker Week
Monday, Mar 2, 2020, 07:00 AM
612 Amboy Avenue, Perth Amboy, NJ, USA
National Read Across America Day!
Monday, Mar 2, 2020, 03:00 PM
Hispanic College Fair field trip, sponsored by guidance department
Wednesday, Mar 4, 2020, 08:00 AM
NHS Blood Drive
Friday, Mar 6, 2020, 08:00 AM
612 Amboy Avenue, Perth Amboy, NJ, USA
Mid semester progress reports due
Friday, Mar 6, 2020, 04:00 PM
About US
When the school first opened in 2010, it did not have the books, tables, or classrooms necessary for students to be in an adequate learning environment. Even the principal, at the time, had to serve as a lunch aide. Since then, AUL has developed to help students receive the education they deserve. AUL has expanded by opening two new campuses, expecting to provide the opportunity for students to continue to succeed, with graduation and college admission, as two of its goals.
AUL offers an advanced academic track and AP courses.
AUL Mission: To employ an educational design and experience that merges the highest standards of academic excellence while fostering convictions and commitment to social and economic justice.
Email: admin@aulcs.org
Website: www.aulcs.org
Location: 612 Amboy Avenue, Perth Amboy, NJ, USA
Phone: (848)203-3742
Facebook: facebook.com/aulcs
Twitter: @aulcharter