Chester Elementary School
February 17, 2022. Connect. Thrive
CES Happenings
We had a great STEM Thriving Thursday this week! Our students built lego balloon cars, experimented with electric circuits, explored with magnetic tiles and brain blox as well enjoyed watercolors and drawing.
We are excited to offer our families a chance to find out what Thriving Thursdays are all about by offering an evening version of it on Thursday, February 24th from 6-7:30. We look forward to seeing you there!
Our Read a Thon will also kick off on March 1st! We have tons of great events planned for our students during the Read a Thon. More information will be coming out on how to sign up your child and collect sponsors.
Also as we mentioned last week, our renovation will begin on March 4th. Our bus loading zone will be moved to the front of the school. Be aware that this will impact drive through pick up and drop off. You may want to start planning on parking and walking to the front of school to pick up your child. We are so excited for our facelift!
Please keep in mind that pick up will be impacted by our renovation because the bus will need to load in the front of the school. When picking up your child, it might be helpful to park near the school and walk up to the sidewalk to meet your child.
We appreciate your patience!
Mrs. Fischer and Ms. Crowther
learning about American History
5th Grade Elks Presentation
Enjoying learning about state quarters
Upcoming Dates
2/18-No School, Lincoln's Birthday Observed
2/21-No School, President's Day
3/1-3/11 CES Read a Thon!
3/18-School in Session (since we used a Snow Day on 12/14/21)
5/27-School in Session (since we used a Snow Day on 12/15/21)
Check out These Events!
Little League Registration is Open!
CES Writing Contest!
Car Show!
Ms. Angie loves working with the students of CES, she says that "they are just amazing!" She also loves her role because she enjoys helping others. Working with students to resolve
conflicts, improve communication skills, bring resources to families, is incredibly rewarding.
In her free time, Ms. Angie loves spending time with her family, including her husky and two cats. She loves being outdoors, eating sushi when she gets a chance, and dreams of travelling outside of the United States to experience the history, culture, and wildlife of other countries.
CES Site Council is looking for members
Are you interested in getting involved at CES? Well, we have an opportunity for you! Our School Site Council has openings and we would love to have you join. The School Site Council is a stakeholder group for determining the focus of the school's academic instructional program and all related categorical resources. We meet every 6-8 weeks to review the happenings at CES, review reports, and discuss ways to improve our school. If you are interested, please contact Colly Fischer at or at (530) 258-3194 ext. 1200.
February Book of the Month
Each month, we have carefully selected one children's book that showcases the character trait that we are focusing on at CES.
Students in grades kindergarten through sixth each hear these beautiful, inspiring, and thought provoking stories in class with their teachers.
Check out our February Book of the Month focused on having Perseverance and Grit!
Appendix B Changes-January 2022
Based on the latest guidance documents from the CDPH, and in consultation with Plumas County Public Health, we have updated Appendix B in regards to our COVID protocols. We have followed the convention of strikethrough for deleted content, and Red lettering to denote newly added content.
The most significant changes involve quarantine and isolation periods under various conditions, and can be found in Sections 7.2, 7.7a, 7.7b, and 7.9. These sections can be used when determining isolation (positive test) and quarantine (close contact) periods.
Antigen testing plays a large role in shortening both isolation and quarantine under this new guidance.
The source documents include the updated 1-12-22 CDPH Guidance for K-12 schools, the CDPH Guidance on Isolation and Quarantine for the general public, which is adopted by reference under some circumstances in the K-12 guidance document, and the Group Tracing Approach to Students Exposed to COVID-19 in a K-12 Setting document, which describes in-school quarantine under certain conditions.
It is the hope that the implementation of these new strategies will reduce the number of students excluded.
Volunteers on Campus
Volunteers on campus
CES values our volunteers who help us so much. This year, in addition to the paperwork that volunteers complete we will be requiring
proof of vaccination
Or a weekly Covid test
and be fingerprinted (this can be done at the District Office in Quincy)
You are considered a volunteer if you come in consistently to assist at school in your child’s class. Field Trip drivers or parents that help for one event are not considered volunteers in this circumstance.
Testing will occur on campus once a week starting in early October but one can get a test result from anywhere convenient. The “quick test” AKA antigen will be the test provided at the school. At this time, over the counter tests will not be accepted.
Chester Elementary School
Location: 158 Aspen Street, Chester, CA, USA
Phone: 5302583194