Greenbrook Elementary School
Principal's Newsletter: February 16, 2024
From The Principal: Jodi Mahoney
No School on Monday, 2/19.
Want to know what's going on with the PTO? See notes from our recent meeting here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14xzSbAyg2zdfMRdhmabKRPT9MPZZRCsAftG-PKIgUio/edit?usp=sharing.
Coming this spring is our BOOSTERTHON. Stay tuned for more information.
Registration starts 2/21
Boosterthon Kick off event 3/6
Earned PJ day (with 50% registration), 3/8
Boosterthon Dance Event 3/15
Due to the February 13th inclement weather day, please click on the following link to view the revised calendar for this school year (2023-2024). Schools will now be in session on Monday, April 1st as this day was allocated on the original calendar as Day #3 make-up day.
23-24 Calendar BOE Revised 2.14.24.pdf
Please remember that any additional snow days, if necessary, will be taken from Spring Break.
Jodi Mahoney
Nurse Notes from Nurse Bethany
We are in the midst of what is known as “sick season” and we are seeing an uptick of illness at Greenbrook and in the community. As per local pediatricians, there are 11 strains of viral illness currently spreading. This includes flu, RSV, croup, COVID and the stomach virus to name a few.
To keep students and staff healthy, it is important you do not send sick children to school. Any child with a fever (>100.4) in the last 24 hours or any episodes of vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours must remain home. If COVID positive, students are required to isolate and be excluded as per CDC guidelines. If your child is positive, report their absence on Genesis and use this calculator to find their return date: COVID Exclusion Calculator.
If you are called to pick up a sick child from school we need you or your emergency contact to be able to pick them up within 30 minutes. Please make sure updated phone numbers and emergency contacts are in Genesis.
Children can return to school once they are feeling better, fever free for greater than 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications and vomiting/diarrhea free for greater than 24 hours.
As we navigate through this time of year I will be visiting classrooms reminding students and staff about the importance of practicing good hand hygiene and infection prevention strategies both in school and at home. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.
Estamos en medio de lo que se conoce como “temporada de enfermedad” y estamos viendo un aumento de enfermedades en Greenbrook y en la comunidad. Según los pediatras locales, actualmente se están propagando 11 cepas de enfermedades virales. Esto incluye la gripe, el VRS, el crup, el COVID y el virus del estómago, por nombrar algunos.
Para mantener sanos a los estudiantes y al personal, es importante no enviar a niños enfermos a la escuela. Cualquier niño con fiebre (>100.4) en las últimas 24 horas o cualquier episodio de vómitos o diarrea en las últimas 24 horas debe permanecer en casa. Si COVID es positivo, los estudiantes deben aislarse y ser excluidos según las pautas de los CDC. Si su hijo es positivo, informe su ausencia en Génesis y use esta calculadora para encontrar su fecha de regreso: Calculadora de exclusión de COVID.
Si lo llaman para recoger a un niño enfermo de la escuela, necesitamos que usted o su contacto de emergencia puedan recogerlo dentro de los 30 minutos. Asegúrese de que los números de teléfono actualizados y los contactos de emergencia estén en Génesis.
Los niños pueden regresar a la escuela una vez que se sientan mejor, sin fiebre durante más de 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre y sin vómitos ni diarrea durante más de 24 horas.
A medida que avanzamos en esta época del año, visitaré las aulas para recordarles a los estudiantes y al personal la importancia de practicar una buena higiene de manos y estrategias de prevención de infecciones tanto en la escuela como en el hogar. Le agradecemos de antemano su cooperación y apoyo.
Upcoming Events
GB Science Fair
Wednesday, Feb 21, 2024, 06:30 PM
Science Fair
You’re invited to attend The Science Fair on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 from 6:30pm-7:30pm! We have over 80 students registered and excited to share their projects with the Greenbrook Community. Please consider attending with your family to see all of the great projects students have developed. See the flyer for more information.
Suggested $5 - $10 CASH donation per family. All profits go to the PTO.
GB Bedtime Story Hour
Wednesday, Mar 20, 2024, 06:30 PM
Read Across America Week
Read Across America Week (Feb. 26 - March 1)
Read Across America Week is almost here! During the week of February 26.
Mrs. Consenza has set up some spirit days for fun.
Here are our spirit days! (A flyer will be sent home next week)
Monday, 2/26 - Dress colorfully today!
Tuesday, 2/27 - Wear something with a positive message on it today!
Wednesday, 2/28 - Wear something with a name on it (sports team, place you've visited, etc.) today!
Thursday, 2/29 - Bring in a book to share with a friend today! (This could be good for buddy classes, or even book swaps between friends.)
Friday, 3./1 - Wear pajamas today!
Greenbrook Families with Businesses: PLEASE PARTNER with US!
Do you have a business that Greenbrook can promote or a business that would like to partner with our PTO to give back to our community? If so, please complete this form: https://forms.gle/z6VQndJKrcRRkW4d7
What do PTO funds/Boosterthon go towards?
Already paid for this year:
Classroom Funds - Teacher reimbursements; 5th grade research project supplies
Arts & Assembly - Prismatic Magic Show Laser assembly; Deposit for Sky Dome Planetarium
School Agendas
School gifts - motivational decals, repainting playground markings on blacktop, kindergarten lanyards, ponchos for teachers, glow bracelets for assembly, clothing racks, hats/gloves, Science Fair certificates of achievement
Trunk or Treat - DJ/bubble machine/punch balloons
- Coming soon:
- Author Visit
- Field Day Shirts
- Contributions to 5th Grade End of Year Trip, Fifth Grade T-shirts
Fundraising for: New Sound System in Gym ($21,000) - 2 year goal
Greenbrook PE's website - CHECK it OUT!
Check out Greenbrook’s new PE page where you can access class information, sign up for the Bucket of Fun, see monthly updates, and catch students in action! Accessible through the Greenbook Elementary webpage and at this link: https://sites.google.com/sbschools.org/greenbrookpe/home
Yearbook Pictures Wanted!
Attention Greenbrook Families! The Yearbook Club is asking for your photos from any Greenbrook events (like Gator Gathering and Trunk or Treat). Please email your photos to submit+1649615@edophotos.com. Thank you!
MY SCHOOL BUCKS is the payment method for all things school related (FIELD TRIPS, TECHNOLOGY, LUNCH ACCOUNTS).
We are getting ready to send students on FIELD TRIPS. Permission slips and Payment is done via MY SCHOOL BUCKS.
Please create an account if you haven't already. https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain?requestAction=home
OPT in to TEXT messages from SCHOOL MESSENGER
Breakfast and Lunch MENUS
If you need a device:
Complete this form: https://forms.gle/82GY1nfPSf334gMS6
If you have a device but...
If your Chromebook is damaged or not working properly at any time during the school year, please complete this form.
If you have lost the charger, you’ll need to purchase a replacement through MySchoolBucks.
Lost and Found
Please write your child's name in sweatshirts and jackets and on all water bottles.
Encourage your child to check the LOST and FOUND weekly.
Thank you in advance.
Staying Connected to GB
Here are some ways to stay connected to our school:
1) District web page: www.sbschools.org and school webpage www.sbschools.org/gb (this will have a link to our school supplies, school hours, phone information, calendar and more!)
2) You are reading Principal's Newsletter via S'more. This contains valuable information to help you prepare your child for this school year and plan for upcoming important events. This newsletter is sent every 2 weeks or so via School Messenger.
3) Follow us at facebook.com/sbsdgb
4) Follow us on Twitter @sbsdgb
5) Also, often your child’s teacher will have a website, weebly or twitter page that they use to communicate and share with you.
PTO E-mail Blasts
Stay up to date on PTO and school news. To receive the PTO e-mail blasts, send an e-mail to: pto.gb@sbparents.org. Thank you.
Earn $ for our PTO when you shop....
Sign up for BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION (download the app).
It's easy! Just scan your grocery receipts after shopping!
Contact Greenbrook Elementary School
Instagram: Greenbrook Elementary School
Email: jodi.mahoney@sbschools.org
Website: https://gb.sbschools.org/
Location: 23 Roberts Street, Kendall Park, NJ, USA
Phone: 732-297-2480
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SBSDGB/
Twitter: @SBSDGB