What's up Wednesday
Winter Break Is Coming!
There is no school for students from Wednesday, December 20 through Monday January 1. We will welcome students back in the building on Tuesday, January 2nd. We hope every one of our students has a relaxing and enjoyable break!
Butter Braid/Cookie Dough Pick-Up Tomorrow!
Thursday, December 14th
3:30pm to 7:00pm
If you placed a Butter Braid and/or Cookie Dough order, please be sure to pick up your order TOMORROW!
**All items must remain frozen, so plan your pickup & transport accordingly.**
We are sorry, but we cannot store Butter Braids in the school kitchen.
School Directory
The school directory for this year is complete! There is a button for it at the bottom of What's Up Wednesday every week.
We are no longer accepting additions to the directory for the 2023-2024 school year.
Lost And Found Items
Any items left on December 20 will be donated.
Below are some photos of our lost and found. If you see any items that belong to your family, please remind your student to claim them.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
- December 14 - Butter Braid and Cookie Dough Pick-Up (3:30-7:00pm)
- December 20 -January 1 - Winter Break - No School
Attendance Email: CIAttendance@district279.org
Email: cedarisland@district279.org
Phone: 763.425.5855
Website: https://ci.district279.org/
Location: 6777 Hemlock Lane North, Maple Grove, MN, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CedarIslandElem